Физика список научных статей
Применение закрученного течения пара в коротких линейных тепловых трубах. Часть 1
Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований коэффициента теплопередачи КТТ коротких тепловых труб (ТТ) с выполненным в виде сопла Лаваля паровым каналом и с частично закрученным течением пара внутри канала. Частичная закрутка струйного парового потока создается с помощью наклонных...
2024 / Серяков Аркадий Владимирович, Конькин Александр Владимирович, Алексеев Андрей ПетровичВАКAGRIS -
Применение закрученного течения пара в коротких линейных тепловых трубах. Часть 2
Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований коэффициента теплопередачи КТТ коротких тепловых труб (ТТ) с выполненным в виде сопла Лаваля паровым каналом и с частично закрученным течением пара внутри канала. Частичная закрутка струйного парового потока создается с помощью наклонных...
2024 / Серяков Аркадий Владимирович, Конькин Александр Владимирович, Алексеев Андрей ПетровичВАКAGRIS -
Применение фазовых измерений в навигационной аппаратуре потребителя стало основным способом повышения точности навигационных определений. Используемые методы разрешения неоднозначности фазовых измерений требуют дополнительной информации и обладают рядом известных недостатков. Выявлены ограничения...
2024 / Владимир Станиславович Бахолдин, Дмитрий Александрович ЛеконцевВАК -
Рассмотрено влияние давления на результаты измерения объемных долей газовых компонентов методом спектроскопии комбинационного рассеяния. Выявлен нелинейный характер влияния давления на световой поток в спектральном диапазоне от 1380 до 1399 смˉ¹ для изотополога диоксида углерода 12СО2 и в...
2024 / Евгений Эдуардович Попов, Владимир Владимирович ВиткинВАК -
Исследовано распространение волны Лява по цилиндрическим поверхностям слоистых сред (параллельно слоям) с однородными граничными условиями. В рамках исследования получено и решено относительно волнового числа дисперсионное уравнение. По полученным решениям построены графические зависимости скорости ...
2024 / Антон Владимирович Вагин, Алена Сергеевна ВоротынцеваВАК -
On spin flip for electron scattering by several delta-potentials for 1D Hamiltonian with spin-orbit interaction
One-dimensional Rashba and Dresselhaus Hamiltonians with spin-orbit interaction are studied. It is assumed that there are point-like potentials on the line. The scattering problem is solved and the possibility of spin-flip is discussed.
2023 / Irina V. Blinovaa, Evgeny N. Grishanovb, Anton I. Popovc, Igor Y. Popovd, Maria O. SmolkinaВАКESCI -
Fast forward evolution in heat equation: Tunable heat transport in adiabatic regime
We consider the problem of fast forward evolution of the processes described in terms of the heat equation. The matter is considered on an adiabatically expanding time-dependent box. Attention is paid to acceleration of heat transfer processes. So called shortcuts to adiabaticity, implying fast...
2023 / Jasur Matrasulova, Jambul R. Yusupovb, Abdulla A. SaidovВАКESCI -
The Space Charge Model. A new analytical approximation solution of Poisson– Boltzmann equation: the extended homogeneous approximation
The validity of different analytical approximations solution is studied using the classical Poisson– Boltzmann (PB) equation based on a mean-field description of ions as ideal point charges in combination with the assumption of fully overlapped electrical double layers in the membrane pores. The...
2023 / Jalal Dweika, Hassan Farhatb, Joumana YounisВАКESCI -
Нефарадеевское магнитоэлектричество в контексте мезомеханики
Представлены физические основы магнитоэлектрического преобразования, использующего пьезоэлектрический эффект. Весь класс материалов, способных к такому преобразованию, носит название «мультиферроики». Важную для современных технологий группу мультиферроиков составляют композиционные среды, в...
2024 / Столбов Олег Валерьевич, Райхер Юрий Львович -
Transport properties of GaAs Co-doped H-passivated low-buckled and high-buckled zigzag silicene nanoribbon two probe devices
In this study, we have investigated the transport properties of low bucked (LB) and high buckled (HB) silicene based two probe devices such as I–V characteristics, conductance, transmission spectrum and projected device density of states. Firstly, we have opened a bandgap in both LB and HB zigzag...
2023 / Asma N. Naqash, Khurshed A. Shah, Javid Ahmad Sheikh, Brijesh Kumbhani, Syed Muzaffar Ali AndrabiВАКESCI -
Structural, electrical, optical and phase investigation of perovskite barium zirconate (BaZrO3) nanoparticles prepared through auto-combustion technique
The BaZrO3 ceramics were prepared via sol-gel auto-combustion technique with three Fuel to Oxidant (F/O) ratios (ϕ = 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5) and annealed at 1200 ºC for 2 hours. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld refinement data confirmed the cubic perovskite phase with the Pm3̅m (221) space group....
2023 / J. Abimalar, V. Anslin FerbyВАКESCI -
On the spectrum of the two-particle Schrödinger operator with point potential: one dimensional case
In the paper, a one-dimensional two-particle quantum system interacted by two identical point interactions is considered. The corresponding Schrödinger operator (energy operator) hε depending on ε is constructed as a self-adjoint extension of the symmetric Laplace operator. The main results of the...
2023 / Utkir Nematovich KuljanovВАКESCI -
Verification of continuum-based model of carbon materials
The continuous medium approximation to the description of a carbon material previously used to model the properties of spherical carbon shells of nanometer diameter. This approach is based on the transition from lattice operators to field operators. The present study verifies the given model...
2023 / Kirill B. TsiberkinВАКESCI -
Magnetic nanoparticles in solid matrices: formation and fixation of structures, induced by magnetic field
In this article, the structures formed by the action of the magnetic field to magnetite nanoparticles, embedded into transparent matrices from ferrofluids, were analyzed. As the matrices polyvinyl alcohol and epoxy resin were used, however, the results obtained may be applicable to other media, for ...
2023 / Ivan V. Pleshakov, Arseniy A. Alekseev, Efim E. Bibik, Valentin I. Dudkin, Tatiana Yu. Kudryashova, Elina K. Karseeva, Tatiana A. Kostitsyna, Ekaterina A. MedvedevaВАКESCI -
Synthesis of lanthanum manganite powders via combustion reactions: some aspects of the influence of magnetic field and charge generation in precursors on the formation of properties
The mutual influence of the process of electric charge generation in nitrate organic precursors and a constant external magnetic field on the magnetic properties formation was considered for lanthanum strontium manganite La0.7Sr0.3MnO3±y powders obtained via combustion reactions. The investigated...
2023 / Alexander A. Ostroushko, Iliya D. Gagarin, Egor V. Kudyukov, Tatiana Yu. Zhulanova, Anastasya E. Permyakova, Olga V. RusskikhВАКESCI -
Hidden polarization in open quantum systems
In this work, we explore the master equation governing open quantum systems dynamics in an alternative form, which preserves the normal-ordered representation of the averaged normal-ordered operators. We derive a linear system of differential equations for the fourth-order moments of corresponding...
2023 / Alexander D. Vatutin, George P. Miroshnichenko, Alexander I. TrifanovВАКESCI -
Molecular dynamics simulation of the rearrangement of polyampholyte conformations on the surface of a charged oblate metal nanospheroid in a microwave electric field
Using molecular dynamics, the rearrangement of the conformational structure of polyampholytes on the surface of a gold oblate nanospheroid in an alternating electric field was studied depending on the value of its total charge. On the surface of the nanospheroid, at its high total charge and at...
2023 / Nikita Yu. KruchininВАКESCI -
Molecular dynamics study of nanofluids viscosity with carbon tubes
The purpose of this paper is molecular dynamics simulation of viscosity of benzene-based nanofluids with carbon nanotubes, and carbon or copper nanoparticles. The nanotubes diameter and lengths were 1.1 nm and 1.1, 3.5, 7.2, 14.6 nm, respectively. The size of spherical nanoparticle was 1.39, 2.5,...
2024 / Valery Ya. Rudyak, Sergey L. Krasnolutskii, Evgeniy V. LezhnevВАКESCI -
Features of surface Bessel plasmon-polaritons in optical anisotropic hyperbolic metamaterials
The features of generation and properties of surface Bessel Plasmon-polaritons (SBPPs) in optical anisotropic hyperbolic metamaterials formed by a periodic lattice of metal nanowires made of gold and silver embedded into pores of aluminum oxide is studied. We investigate the influence of the...
2024 / Nguyen Van Vinh, Nguyen Pham Quynh AnhВАКESCI -
Extremely short optical pulses in a thin polymer film with carbon nanotubes
In this work, we study the dynamics of electromagnetic radiation in a thin polymer film containing carbon nanotubes. Maxwell’s equations are supplemented with a term that takes into account the presence of polymers in the medium. The dependence of the spatial-energy characteristics of the optical...
2024 / Sergey V. Belibikhin, Natalia N. KonobeevaВАКESCI