Медицинские технологии список научных статей
Spherical Robots: An Up-to-Date Overview of Designs and Features
This paper describes the existing designs of spherical robots and reviews studies devoted to investigating their dynamics and to developing algorithms for controlling them. An analysis is also made of the key features and the historical aspects of the development of their designs, in particular,...
2022 / Yu. L. KaravaevScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
On the Problem of Position and Orientation Errors of a Large-Sized Cable-Driven Parallel Robot
This paper deals with the application of force sensors to estimate position errors of the center of mass of the mobile platform of a cable-driven parallel robot. Conditions of deformations of cables and towers of the robot are included in the numerical model and external disturbance is included...
2022 / E.A. Marchuk, Ya.V. Kalinin, A.V. Sidorova, A.V. MaloletovScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Stiffness Modeling of a Double Pantograph Transmission System: Comparison of VJM and MSA Approaches
This paper deals with the stiffness modeling of the double pantograph transmission system. The main focus is on the comparison analysis of different stiffness modeling approaches: virtual joint modeling (VJM) and matrix structural analysis (MSA). The aim of this work is to investigate the...
2022 / W. K. Shaker, A. KlimchikScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Comparative Analysis of the Dynamics of a Spherical Robot with a Balanced Internal Platform Taking into Account Different Models of Contact
The subject of this paper is a spherical robot with an internal platform with four classictype omniwheels. The motion of the spherical robot on a horizontal surface is considered and its kinematics is described. The aim of the research is to study the dynamics of the spherical robot with different...
2022 / G.R. Saypulaev, B. I. Adamov, A. I. KobrinScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Bioinspired and Energy-Efficient Convex Model Predictive Control for a Quadruped Robot
Animal running has been studied for a long time, but until now robots cannot repeat the same movements with energy efficiency close to animals. There are many controllers for controlling the movement of four-legged robots. One of the most popular is the convex MPC. This paper presents a...
2022 / A. D. Shamraev, S.A. KolyubinScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
EMG-Based Grasping Force Estimation for Robot Skill Transfer Learning
In this study, we discuss a new machine learning architecture, the multilayer preceptronrandom forest regressors pipeline (MLP-RF model), which stacks two ML regressors of different kinds to estimate the generated gripping forces from recorded surface electromyographic activity signals (EMG) during ...
2022 / W. Ali, S. KolyubinScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Reducing Rotor Vibrations in Active Conical Fluid Film Bearings with Controllable Gap
Despite the fact that the hydrodynamic lubrication is a self-controlled process, the rotor dynamics and energy efficiency in fluid film bearing are often the subject to be improved. We have designed control systems with adaptive PI and DQN-agent based controllers to minimize the rotor oscillations...
2022 / Yu.N. Kazakov, A.V. Kornaev, D.V. Shutin, E.P. Kornaeva, L.A. SavinScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
On the Stability of the System of Thomson’s Vortex n-Gon and a Moving Circular Cylinder
The stability problem of a moving circular cylinder of radius R and a system of n identical point vortices uniformly distributed on a circle of radius R0, with n > 2, is considered. The center of the vortex polygon coincides with the center of the cylinder. The circulation around the cylinder is...
2022 / L. G. Kurakin, I. V. OstrovskayaScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Excitation of a Group of Two Hindmarsh – Rose Neurons with a Neuron-Generated Signal
We study a model of three Hindmarsh –Rose neurons with directional electrical connections. We consider two fully-connected neurons that form a slave group which receives the signal from the master neuron via a directional coupling. We control the excitability of the neurons by setting the constant...
2023 / I.R. Garashchuk, D. I. SinelshchikovScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Analysis and Simulation of BER Performance of Chaotic Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Systems
In this article, a method for increasing the noise immunity of an underwater wireless optical communication system by applying chaotic oscillations is considered. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use modulation methods based on dynamical chaos at the physical level of the communication...
2023 / I.V. Semernik, O.V. Bender, A.A. Tarasenko, Ch.V. SamonovaScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Nonlinear Control of Tether Retrieval in an Elliptical Orbit
Tether retrieval is an important stage in many projects using space tether systems. It is known that uniform retrieval is an unstable process that leads to the winding of the tether on a satellite at the final stage of retraction. This is a serious obstacle to the practical application of space...
2023 / A. S. Ledkov, R. S. PikalovScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Adaptive Compensation for Unknown External Disturbances for an Inverted Pendulum Based on the Internal Model Principle
In this paper, an adaptive compensator for unknown external disturbances for an inverted pendulum based on the internal model principle is designed. The inverted pendulum is a typical system that has many applications in social life, such as missile launchers, pendubots, human walking and segways,...
2023 / H. D. Long, N.A. DudarenkoScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Cable-Driven Parallel Robot: Distribution of Tension Forces, the Problem of Game Theory
This paper highlights the role of game theory in specific control tasks of cable-driven parallel robots. One of the challenges in the modeling of cable systems is the structural nonlinearity of cables, rather long cables can only be pulled but not pushed. Therefore, the vector of forces in...
2023 / E. A. Marchuk, A. Al Badr, Ya. V. Kalinin, A.V. MaloletovScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Extremals in the Markov –Dubins Problem with Control on a Triangle
We formulate a time-optimal problem for a differential drive robot with bounded positive velocities of the driving wheels. This problem is equivalent to a generalization of the classical Markov –Dubins problem with an extended domain of control. We classify all extremal controls via the Pontryagin...
2024 / A. A. ArdentovScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Control of a Spherical Robot with a Nonholonomic Omniwheel Hinge Inside
This study investigates the rolling along the horizontal plane of two coupled rigid bodies: a spherical shell and a dynamically asymmetric rigid body which rotates around the geometric center of the shell. The inner body is in contact with the shell by means of omniwheels. A complete system of...
2024 / Evgeniya A. MikishaninaScopusВАКRSCIMathSciNetzbMATH -
Данная работа посвящена исследованию методов и технологий автоматизации контроля качества на различных этапах производственного процесса. В условиях современной конкуренции и возрастающих требований к качеству продукции, автоматизация контроля качества стала ключевым элементом для достижения...
2024 / Хуснутдинов Р.Р., Борисова О.В. -
Актуальность и цели. В медицинской сфере ведется работа над разработкой специального устройства, предназначенного для приема и обработки данных с ультразвуковых датчиков. Это устройство имеет целью обнаружение заболеваний на ранней стадии. Материалы и методы. С помощью ультразвука измеряется...
2023 / Дмитрий Станиславович Потехин, Павел Вячеславович КомаровВАК -
Актуальность и цели. Рассматривается разработка системы амбулаторного персонального телемониторинга ЭКГ (АПТЭКГ). Показана связь повышения достоверности принимаемых решений в системах АПТЭКГ с контролем качества зарегистрированных электрокардиосигналов (ЭКС). Доказана целесообразность включения в...
2024 / Леонид Юрьевич Кривоногов, Михаил Сергеевич Геращенко, Сергей Иванович Геращенко, Александр Николаевич Митрошин, Станислав Федорович ЛёвинВАК -
Системно рассмотрена задача видеоаналитики гидробионтов в рыбоводных индустриальных комплексах. Предложена концептуальная модель задачи видеоаналитики, предложена соответствующая математическая формулировка задачи с поиском подмножества допустимых вариантов технологической карты, которая сводится к ...
2024 / Ронжин Андрей Леонидович, Ле Ван Нгиа, Шувалов НикитаRSCI -
Компрессионная оптическая когерентная эластография для оценки статуса лимфатических узлов при ранних стадиях рака молочной железы
Введение. Оценка состояния лимфатических узлов является важным фактором для определения стадии заболевания и выбора оптимальной тактики лечения при раке молочной железы. В настоящее время остается потребность в применении новых высокоразрешающих методов визуализации, позволяющих интраоперационно...
2023 / Воронцов Дмитрий Алексеевич, Криворотько Петр Владимирович, Гладкова Наталья Дорофеевна, Табагуа Тенгиз Тенгизович, Советский Александр Александрович, Бедерина Евгения Львовна, Сироткина Марина Александровна, Воронцов Алексей Юрьевич, Гамаюнов Сергей Викторович, Зайцев Владимир Юрьевич, Губарькова Екатерина ВладимировнаScopusВАКRSCI