Научная статья на тему 'Varieties of propositional and dictum motivation analytical terms of scientifictechnical terminology'

Varieties of propositional and dictum motivation analytical terms of scientifictechnical terminology Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Garashchenko Liliya Borysivna

The article focuses on cognitive-onomasiological analysis of analytical terms of scientific-technical terminology. The motivational features of terminological construction predicate-thematic and hyperonym varieties are defined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Varieties of propositional and dictum motivation analytical terms of scientifictechnical terminology»

Section 12. Philology

Section 12. Philology Секция 12. Филология

Garashchenko Liliya Borysivna Kharkiv National Pedagogical University after G. S. Skovoroda, Ph. D. student, Ukrainian language and literature department E-mail: liliya.garashenko @ mail.ru

Varieties of propositional and dictum motivation analytical terms of scientific- technical terminology

Abstract: The article focuses on cognitive-onomasiological analysis of analytical terms of scientific-technical terminology. The motivational features of terminological construction predicate-thematic and hyperonym varieties are defined.

Keywords: cognitive-onomasiological analysis, analytical terms, propositional and dictum motivation, predicate-thematic form, hyperonyms.

The study of motivation phenomenon in cognitive-onomasiological aspect allows to set constant connection of the language signs means with the ways ofhuman environmental internalization, reality of the world combining mental and psyhonetycal considering the collective unconscious.

Traditionally the motivation was analyzed on the line of derivation and linguistic semantics and regarded as the process of forming semantic and formal connection between the derived and compound word. In the context of the cognitive paradigm, motivation is treated as a pass-through model for the getting of the sign lin-guopsyhomental operation onomasiological representation of the structure of certain psyhocognitive reports of consciousness [4, 158]. There is no only approach to the identifying varieties of motivation in linguistic literature. Pretty original models of motivation that reflect semantic derivational aspect of nominative process are offered by O. I. Blinova, V. G. Hak, V. O. Gorpynych, T. R. Kyyak, I. S. Uluhanov and others. In modern cognitive onomasiology O. O. Selivanova has developed a new classification of motivational relations based on a single parameter: the fragment of knowledge structures designated which are elected as motivator’s original name [4, 162-179].

According to O. O. Selivanova’s conception, depending on the conceptual status of motivators which are selected from the structure of mental-psyhonetycal corpus to form onomasiological structures analytical

terms of scientific and technical terminology, there is a distinguish of three kinds of motivation: propositional-dictum, associative-metaphorical and mixed. According to the cognitive onomasiological analysis of studied material in the process of analytical terms the most common type is of propositional-dictum type of motivation.

The aim of the proposed article is to study the scientific and technical analytical terms related to propositional-dictum motivation, examining the connection of the onomasiological structures, semantics and conceptual basis for their creation.

Propositional-dictum motivation is based on the clarifying in the process of internal motivational programming base and the choice of motivators from the relatively true sphere, consistent information presented in the mental- psyhonetycal complex system of propositions that include nuclear and verbalized part of the concept [4, 162-163]. The structure of proposition defines a predicate that indicates on the character of the situation (denotes action, process, condition or quality of the object) and the appropriate places for items — participants of a situation (arguments) and determines its number and semantic functions [1, 122].

Depending on the motivator’s status as part of propositional-dictum motivation in science and technology terminological construction presented in two varieties: the predicate-thematic and hyperonymical. In the massif of analytical terms the most common kind of motivation are predicate-thematic and propositional-dictum.


Секция 12. Филология

Predicate-thematic kind is presented by motivators choice of predicate-propositional structures propositional core of mental-psyhonetycal complex. In ono-masiological structure scientific and technical terms the motivator name may denote different types of predicates and terms of subject, object, locative, temporative, in-strumentive, mediative, fabrikative and so on. In dictum except the correlative arguments of predicate, there is also distinguish of qualitative and quantative. In this propositional structure these levels are connected with each other and with predicates and arguments.

Motivators are predicates, including:

1) a specific physical action: blowing the collector, turbine drilling, rivet bonding, twisting the wire, automatic control. Motivator predicate’s of physical action in onomasiological structure of scientific and technical analysis is able to correlate with the motivators of object (eyeletting of pipes), destinative motivators (clamping), motivators of instrumentive (formatting), motivators of locative (surface hardening), motivators of mediative (potting) motivators way of the action (mechanized unloading). In onomasiological structure analytical terms are presented as components of quality (hard bonding);

2) predicates of process which characterize the dynamic situation, connected with conditions changes or other subject’s characteristics: autoclave fuse, industrial coal gasification, spontaneous crystallization, film distillation. Predicate process motivator in the onomasiological structure of terms is integrated with motivators of object (peat coagulation), temporative motivators (instant destruction), motivators locative (underground gasification), causative motivators (destruction from landslide), the components of quality level (elastic loading), the components of quantities which characterize the computing (repeated distillation), motivators way of the action (vibration cultivation), components that represent physical phenomena (isothermal loading), the components with the meaning of the action (spontaneous coagulation, intermittent crystallization);

3) predicates-motivators which reflect the functional properties of objects: anchor stay, arm of knife, slider, and jetliner. In analytical terms of scientific and technical terminology predicates-motivators which reflect the functional properties of objects are combined with destinative motivators (adjustable riser), with components that indicate on certain characteristics (slider press) components, indicating the structural features (anchor stay), components which indicate on the principle, ways of the action (rotating latch);

4) mediative as an auxiliary material or indirect means of action: soil bituminous, diffusion metallization, rubber powdering, wood preservation, electrochemical cobalt plating. Onomasiological structures of analytical terms reflect the correlation of mediative motivators and object motivator (concrete structures iron, chlorination), a component which shows the affiliation to a certain object (carded padding), a component of quality (wet enamelling), a component which is an indicator of the structure (porous chromium plating);

5) locative — the component means the place of action: auto assembly shop, welded joint, hand anvil, salt mines, the condition of the wheels, drift pothole. Locative motivator structure in onomasiological structure of scientific and technical analytical terms is capable to combine with destinative motivator (mucking stope), temporative motivator (fast construction), locative motivators (aboveground construction), and motivators of object (joint rail). Onomasiological structures of analytical terms reflect the correlation of the locative motivator and quality component (large-block construction), a component, which is an indicator of the type and similarity (plicatepothole). Onomasiological structure ofscientific and technical analysis of nominations in which locative motivator is combined with destinative motivator may expand by introducing object-motivator (heatwith burn the dust);

6) instrumentive — means and tools which help to do: forging weave, mounted stacker, oxygen cutter, scale ruler, coal plow, keyway broach. In onomasiological structures of analytical terms instrumentive motivator can integrate with destinative motivator (measuring ruler, lubricant distributor), locative motivator (garden mower), fabricative motivator (acetylene cutter). Onomasiologi-cal structures of analytical terms also reflect the correlation instrumentive motivators and the component which expresses an affiliation of certain objects (alidade rule), component which is an indicator of the type and similarity of objects (hammer-headed soldering iron), a component with the character meaning of the action (self-propelled mower);

7) transhesive — result of causation transformation: multiply start cutting, sloping cut, stone block coasting, and mineralization of pollutants. Transhesive motivator in onomasiological structure can be combined with locative motivators (left thread, pipe thread), object motivator (mineralization of water), a component with the means of the type and similarity (acme thread).

In predicate-thematic type of motivation the motivator of the subject is a significant, in the case is the


Section 12. Philology

figure-not being and is represented by the names of machines, equipments and devices: automatic breaker, lever-actuated igniter, hydraulic pusher, vibrating rectifie, radiation detector. This motivator in onomasiological structure of analytical terms of scientific and technical terminology is integrated into object motivators (dusting machine, fuel distributor), locative motivators (final clip), destinative motivators (grounding clip), quantitative motivator (two-pass assembler), components which indicate on certain constructional means (clip retainer), components, indicating the structural features (blade-paddle mixer), components, which are indicators of the type and similarity of objects (dished), components of value meth-od/principle of (percussion igniter), the components with the means of character of the way of action (jet agitator).

In the scientific and technical analytical terms object motivator denotes a substance which is created, changed or deleted: concrete wall, proof print, cropping, antiseismic structure, chill casting, and tractor trailer. Object motivator in onomasiological structure of scientific and technical terms can be combined with fabricative motivators (gypsous, brass castings), destinative motivators (ventilation bridge, spray structure), mediative motivators (rustic wall), motivators of an action of the predicate pointing to the object (shore protection structures), components, indicating the structural features (pile bridge).

Hyperonymical kind of propositional-dictum motivation is based on the motivators choice from the compound of hyperonyms (gender terms), which are mainly serve as main components of the motivational basis of analytical terms, which have more generic meaning and define the notion of belonging to a certain categorical hierarchy. In hyperonymical organization essential is that each upper class consists of fewer units with larger quantity of meanings.

Hierarchical constructions of scientific and technical terminology system based on the contrast higher to lower, concrete and abstract and provide the existence of several levels. There are different approaches to the selection and description oflevels of knowledge categorization. George Lakoff distinguishes three levels: 1) the highest level — the level ofcategorical concepts; 2) basic level — the level of ghostly concepts; 3) a lower level — the subordinate level of sensor concepts [6]. This approach makes it possible to represent all scientific concepts which are available terminology as a whole system, in which the separate element serves as part of some larger. The famous cognitive psychologist E. Rosh also distinguishes subcategorial level which determines the possibility of the final hyper-hypomonical relations [7]. According to the researcher’s

thought, at this level a person can save and transmit information in the most productive way.

The central element in this levels sequence there is a basic level, within the largest part of human’s knowledge is structured [2, 35]. Basic conceptual concepts determine of high level of synthesis and expanded definitions. Such fundamental concepts easily perceive on similar common features and distinct mental image reproduces the entire category in a whole. In this structure the basic names can contain both specific objective and abstract scientific meaning, which determines the latitude of its semantic potential.

Perception and reality categorization at the basic level is gestalt that is undifferentiated, as we perceive objects and operate their concepts without mind control dealing. Basic level has the following nominative units: automatic, analysis, valves, block machine, brakes, alternator, engine diagram, wire, emissions, diagrams, isolation valve, lamp, engine, pump, coil, bearing rotary mode switch system, tem-perature,pipe cutter etc... It should be noted that the basic terms can include both the actual terminology vocabulary (interdisciplinary and narrow specialization terms) and other lexical layers (general scientific and general technical units). Some researchers [5, 101; 3, 55] characterize the general scientific and technical vocabulary as nonterminological, motivating that this terminology does not name the specific realities and explains gender terms to describe processes and objects. However, such nominative units can significantly narrow and specify its semantics, denoting the fundamental concepts of certain fields of science and technics.

Considering the basic approaches formed in the modern science as for describing the hierarchical classification of knowledge we distinguish the following levels of knowledge presenting about science and technology concepts in onomasiological structure of analytical terms: the higher, the base, the lower and subcategorial. In the scientific and technical analytical terms motivator represents as hyperonyms of a basic level. The process of creating analytical terms can be represented as follows: machine (basic level) ^ caster (lower level) ^ molding (subcategorial level); pump vacuum pump ^ booster vacuum pump.

In the process analysis it was revealed that hyponyms can act as hyperonyms as for other terms-hyponyms, consistent subordination levels of detail. So, motivators can act as hyperonyms of subcategorial level which we divide into three types: the mechanism (basic level) ^ maltese mechanism (lower level) ^ maltese combined mechanism (subcategorial level and type) ^ maltese com-


Секция 12. Филология

bined mechanism with thin jet (subcategorial level II type) ^ maltese combined mechanism with thin jet on the pusher (subcategorial level III type).

Hyperonymical kind of propositional-dictum motivation of analytical terms is actualized in combining with the predicate-thematic variety. This is because of the nominator, calling this or that object, process or action aims to verbalize the most common amount of information. Hyperonyms are correlated with argument positions: 1) destinative: blocking mechanism, adjusting valves, sorting automat; 2) locative: roof crane, external switch, mine lamp; 3) mediative: enameled wire; 4) fabrikative: diamond tip, iron core, copper wire; 5)quantitative: multipump, three phase motor, two net lamp; 6) component which indicates on the action doing on an object: woodworking machine; 7) component which indicates on the action, which aims to object: cargo crane, flax machine;

8) component with a meaning of mode/operating prin-

ciple: vibration machine, hammer mechanism; 9) peculiarities of construction: hose spring, brush machine; 10) component, which indicates on the object belonging (device, details): the lug of soldering copper, transformer winding, transistor generator; 11) component of the character meaning: self-lubricating bearing, fast engine; 12) component, which is a measure of shape: double elliptic spring.

Thus, the study of predicate-thematic kind of motivation of scientific-technical terminology analytical terms demonstrates relevant regularity and the usage of object features that depends on the processes of categorization and conceptualization in mind, psychological and cultural stereotypes, as well as the specifics of the language system. Perspectives for future are defining the peculiarities of motivational components research appears to find out the actual features of motivation components of analytical terms in scientific and technical terminology with secondary metaphorical meaning.


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Dibrova Olga Vitaliivna, Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ph. D. student the department of Ukrainian language E-mail: chasnik-olga@mail.ru

Language image of mother as a dominant of Borys Oliynyk’s linguopoetics

Abstract: The article focuses on the analyzes of the language image of mother and the specific of its language dominant is defined. The symbolic meaning of image and the specific of its functioning peculiarities in the poetic texts of Borys Oliynyk is studied. Linguo-cognitive actualization mechanisms of verbal and poetic images which have archetypical semantics are analyzed. The attempt of linguistic interpretation of the language units to describe the image of the mother is made.

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