Научная статья на тему 'Table of content'

Table of content Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Table of content»


Issed 6 times a year.

17th year of Publication 2 [96]

Table of contents



E.P. Tavokin

State Officials (part 1: Self-Assessment of Efficiency and Business and Moral Values)

F.E. Sheregi

Ethnic and Religious Tolerance of Young People L.A. Belyaeva

Russia and Europe: Population Structure and Social Inequality (part 1)

V.V. Buev

Shadow Activity of Small Enterprises


Results of Public Opinion Polls: March-April 2010


I.V. Staroverova

Legal Culture of Young People at the Stage of Social Start

O.L. Verevkin

Value of Education in Public Consciousness S.V. Konik

The Image of Israel and the Image of Russia:











Look Inside and Outside

E.N. Kokhanova, M.M. Mchedlova Religiosity of Russians and Europeans A.M. Nuksunova


Leisure Behavior of Russians E.I. Zhuk

Reproductive Settings of Young Female Residents of Moscow



V.V. Fedorov

Russian Choice. Introduction to the Theory of Electoral Behavior of Russians



M.A. Tarusin


The Spring in Gorodets town

E.P. Tavokin

State Officials (part 1: Self-Assessment of Efficiency and Business and Moral Values)

TAVOKIN Evgeniy Petrovich — Doctor of Social Science, Professor at Civil Service and Personnel Policy Chair, Russian Academy for Public Administrative under the President of the Russian Federation. E-mail: tavokin@mail.ru

The author examines the problem of the civil service staffing. The study is based on comparative analysis of the expert survey conducted by the author at the Russian Ministry of Justice and lower Federal Bailiff Service of Russia. Particular attention was paid to the problems, formation mechanism and analysis of staffing of the above-mentioned bodies.

Key words:: staff quality, civil service, staff policy, state officials


1. Brezhneva A.P., Dankova E.V. Organizatsiya lichnogo truda gosudarstvennogo sluzhaschego: Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. - M.: RAGS, 2007. - 103 p.

2. Grazhdanskaya sluzhba: nravstvennie osnovi, professionalnaya etika: Uchebnoe posobie / pod obsch.red. V.M. Sokolova I A.I. Turchinova. - M.: Izd-vo RAGS; Statut, 2006. - 333 p.

3. Magomedov K.O. Sotsiologiya gosudarstvennoi sluzhbi. - M.: VVIA im. Prof. N.E. Zhukovskogo, 2007. - 244 p.

4. Panova M.N. Yazikovaya lichnost gosudarstvennogo sluzhaschego: opyt

lingvometodicheskogo issledovaniya: Monografiya. - M.: Izd-vo RUDN, 2004. - 323 p.

5. Rasskazova I.N. Kadroviy marketing: Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. - M.: RAGS,

2007. - 74 p.

F.E. Sheregi

Ethnic and Religious Tolerance of Young People

SHEREGI Franz Edmundovich - Ph.D. in Philosophy, Director of the Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing. E-mail: f-sheregi@inbox.ru

Based on nationwide representative surveys, the article highlights the formation of national and civic consciousness of young people in Russia. The author explains the growth of national sentiment among young Russians.

Key words: separatism, xenophobia, ethnocentrism, ethnic isolation Bibliography:

1. Mchedlov M.P. Religioznost molodikh rossiyan / Rossiiskaya molodezh: problemi i

resheniya. - M.: Tsentr sotsialnogo prognozirovaniya, 2005. - P. 48-60.

2. Kirillova E.K. Vinuzhdennya migratsiya: optimism molodikh i pessimism vzroslikh // Rossiiskaya molodezh: problemi i resheniya. - M.: Tsentr sotsialnogo prognozirovaniya, 2005. -P. 362-369.

3. "Shkola-2020. Kakoi my ee vidim": doklad rabochei gruppi soveta pri prezidente RF po nauke, tekhnologiyam i obrazovaniyu: doklad, tezisy doklada // Ofitsialnie dokumenty v obrazovani: Byulleten normativnikh pravovikh aktov. - 2008. - No. 32. - P. 38.

4. Mchedlov M.P. O religioznosti rossiiskoi molodezhi // Sotsiologiheskie issledovaniya. -1998. - No. 6. - P. 107-111

5. Mchedlov M.P. Religioznaya identichnost. O novykh problemah v mezhtsivilizatsionnih kontaktah // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. - 2006. - No. 10. - P. 33-40.

L.A. Belyaeva

Russia and Europe: Population Structure and Social Inequality (part 1)

BELYAEVA Lyudmila Aleksandrovna — Doctor of Sociology, Institute of Philosophy RAS. E-mail: bela@iph.ras.ru

Based on the analysis of the social structure and living standards of Russian society, the publication states that in terms of employment structure the Russian society is close to the conditional “European average”, but fails to keep up with European level of well-being. Nevertheless, promoting higher education and significant cultural layer can lead our country to a higher living standard.

Key words: social inequality, social structure, living standards Bibliography:

1. Belyaeva L.A. V poiskah srednego klassa // Sothiologicheskie issledovaniya. - 1998, -No. 7. - P. 72-77.

2. Bourdieu P. Social Space and the Genesis of Classes // Sotsiologiya politiki. - M.: - 1993.

- P. 53-98.

3. Golenkova Z.T. Transformatsiya i sotsialnoe neravenstvo // Sotsialno-ekonomicheskie problemi transformatsii rossiiskogo obschestva. - Tyumen, 1998. - P. 64.

4. Rutkevich M.N. Vosproizvodstvo naseleniya i sotsialno-demograficheskaya situatsiya v Rossii // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. - M.: - 2005. - No. 7. - P. 22-30.

5. Zaslavskaya T.I. Gromova R.G. K voprosu o “srednem klasse” rossiiskogo obschestva // Mir Rossii. - 1998. - No. 4. - P. 3-22.

V.V. Buev Shadow Activity of Small Enterprises

BUEV Vladimir Viktorovich — Vice-President of the National Institute for System Studies of Entrepreneurship. E-mail: buyev@mit8.ru

The article is devoted to the problems of small business. The author considers shadow activity of small enterprises as means of survival, and replacement of administrative pressure and financial burden. According to Vladimir V. Buev, the reduction of state inspection of businesses by the supervisory bodies initiated in 2009 had a positive impact and gave impulse to small business to come out of shadow.

Key words: business, small enterprises, shadow activity, small business Bibliography:

1. Analoui F. Strategicheskiy menedjment malikh i srednikh predpriyatii. - M.: YuNITI, 2005.

- 398 p.

2. Luneev V.V. Korruptsiya v Rossii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. - 2007. - No. 11. - P. 20-27.

3. Maloe predprinimatelstvo v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: proshloe, nastoyaschee i buduschee / pod obsch. red. E.G. Yasina, A,Yu. Chepurenko, V.V. Bueva, O.M. Shestoperova. - M.: Novoe izdatelstvo, 2004 . - P. 142.

4. Mazol S.I. Ekonomika malogo biznesa. - Minsk: Knizhnii Dom, 2004. - 271 p.

I.V. Staroverova Legal Culture of Young People at the Stage of Social Start

STAROVEROVA Irina Vladimirovna — lecturer of Sociology and Political Science, Russian University of Land Management. E-mail: staroverov@list.ru

The article is focused on methodological questions of analysis and practical sociological and legal issues of the legal culture of young people in the process of socialization, i.e. at the starting point life. The state of the legal culture of youth depends on factors and conditions of its environment; the legal culture has the strongest dependence on social, socio-cultural and sociopolitical factors which influence legal consciousness and legal thinking of young people. The publication is based upon empirical data; the object of the study is first-year and second-year students and their peers who do not study.

Key words: legal consciousness, legal thinking, legal behavior of 18-21-year-old young people, social factors of youth deviation and delinquency, socialization phenomenon, methodology of interdisciplinary study of legal culture, youth subculture, subcultural niche


1. Chuprov V.I. Molodezh v obchestvennom vosproizvodstve // Sotsic. - 1998. - No. 3. - P. 93-106.

2. Dobrinina V.I., Kukhtevich T.N. Formirovanie intellektualnoi eliti v vis'shei shkole. - M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1996. - 94 p.

3. Leskova I.V. Sotsiokulturnaya identichnost i pravovoe vospitanie lichnosi // Gosudarstvo i pravo. - 2007. - No. 4. - P.91-98.

4. Omelchenko E. Molodezhnie kultury i subkultury. - M.: Izd-vo Sotsiologii RAN, 2000. - P. 165-167.

5. Vishnevskiy Yu.R., Kovaleva A.I., Lukov V.A., Ruchkin B.A., Shapko B.T. Praktikum po sotsiologii molodezhi. - M.: Sotsium, 2000. - 296 p.

6. Volkov Yu.G.., Dobrenkov V.I., Kadariya F.D., Savchenko I.P., Shapovalov V.A. Sotsiologoya molodezhi. - Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2001. - 576 p.

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7. Zorkaya N.A. Molodezh: tipy adaptatsii, otsenka peremen, ustanovki na sotsialnoe dostizhenie // Monitoring obschestvennogo mneniya, - 2001. - No. 2 (52). - P.23-30

O.L. Verevkin Value of Education in Public Consciousness

VEREVKIN Oleg Leonidovich - researcher, Center of Sociological Research of the Ministry of Defense of the RF

The article provides the data of the nationwide surveys conducted by the Centre of Sociological Research of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The author analyses the respondents' answers to the question about the need for reforming the system of Russian education as well as their attitudes towards certain measures.

Key words: reforms, education, higher education problems, employment, paid education, corruption


1. Aleksandrova O. Motivy vybora obrazovatelnikh strategii na novom etape reformi vis'shei

shkoli // Vis'shee obrazovanie v Rossii. - 2008. - No. 9. - P. 72-79.

2. Belousova E.V. Marketingovoe upravlenie v sfere okazaniya obrazovatelnikh uslug // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz. - 2005. - No. 2. - P. 76-81.

3. Donetskii A.M. Sovremennie podhodi k professionalnoi orientatsii i obucheniyu naseleniya // Izvestiya akademii truda i zanyatosti. - 2004. - No. 1/2. - P. 120-122.

4. Galagan A.I. Sovremennoe sostoyanie mirovogo rynka obrazovatelnikh uslug i polozhenie na nem Rossii // Sotsialno-gumanitarnie znaniya. - 2004. - No. 3. - P. 61-75.

5. Gnevasheva V.A. Sotsialno-ekonomicheskaya znachimost obrazovaniya kak obschestvennogo blaga // Ekonomika obrazovaniya. - 2008. - No. 6. - P. 33-44.

6. Valiev Sh.Z. Rol obrazovaniya v obschestvennom vosproizvodstve // Ekonomika i upravlenie. - 2001. - No. 5. - P.65-68.

7. Voinova O.V. Mirovoi rynok obrazovaniya // Sotsiologiya obrazovaniya. - 2008. - No. 1. -P. 56-82.

S.V. Konik

The Image of Israel and the Image of Russia: Look Inside and Outside

KONIK Svetlana Viktorovna — postgraduate, Russian Humanitarian University

The empirical basis of the publication is 157 articles of the Russian press related to the problem of the “Russian street” in Israel and interviews with emigrants from Russia. The study revealed the contradictions between expectations dealing with the returning to historical homeland and reality.

Key words: repatriation, emigration, Jewry, expectations Bibliography:

1. Elenevskaya M.N., Fialkova L.L. Russkaya ulitsa v evreiskoi strane: Issledovanie folklorea emigrantov 1990-h v Israile / otv.red. V.A. Tishkov. 2005. - M.: Ch. 1. - P. 193

2. Feldman E. “Russkii Israil: mezhdu dvukh polyusov”. - M.: “Market DS”, 2003. - P. 411.

3. Fushbein M. Religioznie traditsii induizma // Religioznie traditsii mira / Per.s angl. Vol . I,

- M.: 1996. - P. 559

4. Masyukova I.V. Zakon o vozvraschenii: izrailskoe obschestvo. Sbornik statei. Pod redaktsiei A.D. Epshteina i A.V. Fedorchenko. - M.: Institut izucheniya Izrailya i Blizhnego Vostoka , 2000. - P. 117.

5. Rubinchik V.P. Russkoyazychnie immigranty v Izraile 90-h: illyuzii, deistvitelnost, protest // Diaspory. - 2002, - No. 2. - P. 208.

6. Zakharov A.V., Kozlova N.N. Rossiiskie reformi glazami “malenkogo cheloveka” // Rossiiskiy monitor. Arkhiv sovremennoi politiki. Vip.2-3. - M.: Tsentr “Indem", 1993. - P. 43.

E.N. Kokhanova, M.M. Mchedlova Religiosity of Russians and Europeans

KOFANOVA Elena Nikolaevna - Ph.D. in Sociology, senior researcher, Institute of Sociology RAS. E-mail: elena_kofanova@mail.ru

MCHEDLOVA Marina Mikhailovna — Ph.D. in Philosophy, Institute of Sociology RAS.

The authors compare religiousness of Russians and Europeans. Russia is in the middle of the religiousness ranking list of European countries but remarkably Muslims are dominant among all confessions. The study revealed that Russia remains to be secular; the confessional self-determination is an identification method related to a specific cultural tradition, rather than genuine expression of deep religiosity.

Key words: religiosity, believers, Muslims, Christians, cultural tradition


1. Belyaev D.O. Opyt empiricheskogo issledovaniya geterodoksalnoi religioznosti v sovremennoi Rossii // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. - 2009. - No. 11. - P.88-98.

2. Beznyuk D.K. Sostoyanie i spetsifika sovremennoi religioznoi situatsii v Belarusi: neliteraturnii tekst // SOTSIS. - 2006. - No. 2. - P.128-135.

3. Filatov S.B., Lunkin R.N. Statistika rossiiskoi religioznosti: magiya tsifr I neodnoznachnaya realnost // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya: SOTSIS. - M., 2005. - No. 6. - P. 35-45.

4. Mchedlova M.M. Rol religii v sovremennom obschestve // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. - 2009. - No. 12. - P. 77-84.

5. Naletova I.V. “Novie pravoslavnie v Rossii”: tip ili stereotip religioznosti // Sotsiologicheski issledovaniya. - 2004. - No. 5. - P. 130-136

6. Sinelina Yu.Yu. O tsiklakh izmeneniya religioznosti obrazovannoi chasti rossiiskogo obschestva (nachalo XVIII v. - 1917 g.) // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. - 2003. - No. 10. -P. 88-96.

A.M. Nuksunova Leisure Behavior of Russians

NUKSUNOVA Aisa Mikhailovna - Sociology analyst at VCIOM. E-mail: nell83@list.ru

The author examines the specifics of leisure practices of Russians. Russians tend to have strong stereotypes about leisure time dated back to the soviet times (reading books, communicating with friends, working at dacha et cet.), it should be noted that financial capabilities play significant role for Russians when choosing how to spend spare time. Low income is the reason why Russians choose the affordable types of summertime leisure: dacha, domestic sanatoriums, communicating with friends, hiking, Russia's Black Sea coast travel. Many Russians stay at home solving problems.

Key words: leisure, leisure practices, cultural stereotypes, rest Bibliography:

1. Akimova L.A. Sotsiologiya dosuga. - M.: MGUKI, 2003. - 123 p.

2. Butenko I.A. Kachesto svobodnogo vremeni u bogatih i bednih // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 1998, No. 7. - P. 82-90.

3. Khrenov N.A. Mifologiya dosuga. - M.: Gosudarstvennii respublikanskii tsentr russkogo folklora, 1998. - 448 p.

4. Orlov A.S. Sotsiologiya rekreatsii. - M.: Nauka, 1995. - 146 p.

5. Patrushev V.D. Svobodnoe vremya gorozhan v 1986 i 1995 godah // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 1997, No. 7. - P. 44-50.

6. Zharkov A.D., Chijikov V.M. Kulturno-dosugovaya deyatelnost. - M.: Izdatelstvo MGUK, 2000. - 48 p.

E.I. Zhuk

Reproductive Settings of Young Female Residents of Moscow

ZHUK Elena Ivanovna — third year student at the Faculty of Sociology, Russian State Humanitarian University

The publication is an abridged version of the work selected by the Jury within the framework of the annual competition of student works conducted by VCIOM. The author examines reproductive settings of young Moscow girls: willingness to have children, the desired

number of children, reproductive motivations. The author also reveals how education and financial well-being influence the number of children planned.

Key words: reproductive strategies, reproductive settings, demographic policy Bibliogaphy:

1. Antonov A.I., Medkov V.M., Archangelskiy V.N. Demograficheskie protsessi v Rossii XXI

veka / pod red. Prof. A.I. Antonova. - M.: Izdatelskiy Dom “Graal”, 2002. - P. 38—40.

2. Antonov A.I. Mikrosotsiologiya sem'i. - M.: Infra-M, 2005. - P. 275—289.

3. Bodrova V.V. Reproduktivnoe povedenie naseleniya Rossii v 1991—1996 gg. // Vestnik

Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 18. Sotsiologiya i politologiya, - 1997. - No. 4. - P. 132.

4. Borisov V.A. Zhelaemoe chislo detei v rossiiskih sem'yah po dannim mikroperepisi naseleniya Rossii 1994 goda // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 18. Sotsiologiya i politologiya. - 1997. - No. 2. - P. 32.

5. Dolbik-Vorobei T.A. reproduktivnie ustanovki studencheskoi molodezhi / Rossiiskaya molodezh: problem i resheniya. - M.: Tsentr sotsialnogo prognozirovaniya. 2005, - P. 414-423.

6. Sokolov A.V., Scherbakova I.O. Tsennostnie orientatsii postsovetskogo gumanitarnogo studenchestva // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. - 2003. - No. 1. - P. 115-123.

7. Sungatllina G.A. Tsennostnie orientatsii i motivatsionnaya sfera podrostkov sotsialno znachimoi deyatelnosti // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 18. Sotsiologiya i politologiya. - 2002. - No. 3. - P.158-163.

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