Научная статья на тему 'Table of content'

Table of content Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Table of content»


Issed 6 times a year. 17th year of Publication 1 [95] Table of contents

January-February 2010




M.K. Gorshkov, F.E Sheregi

Value orientations, moral settings and civil activity of youth



Social responsibility of business V.V. Staroverov

Raider attack - unfriendly seizure of enterprises




Results of Public Opinion Polls: January-February 2010



A.L. Andreev 122

Russia's place in the world: Europe or Eurasia?

N.N. Sedova 135

Mass anxiety and personal fear of Russian

V.V. Grishin 156

Rational and irrational aspects of social trust

E.A. Borisenko 172

Parental discipline strategies in single-parent families


V.A. Popov 183

On the notion of complexity in modern sociology: new trends and approaches


A.L. Andreev 201

Review of “Youth of Russia: sociological portrait” by M.K. Gorshkov and F.E Sheregi


M.A.Tarusin 206

On the danger of sociology



M.K. Gorshkov, F.E Sheregi Value orientations, moral settings and civil activity of youth

GORSHKOV Mikhail Konstantinovich - Corresponding Member of RAN, Director of the Institute of Sociology RAN. E-mail: M_Gorshkov@isras.ru

SHEREGI Franz Edmundovich - Ph.D. in Philosophy, Director of the Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing. E-mail: f-sheregi@inbox.ru

Based on nationwide representative polling, the article highlights the orientations of young Russians to get quality education, good job, their attitudes toward immoral and unethical conduct, ideals of young men and women, what they think the life success is, and their participation in youth organizations.

Key words: young people, value orientations, education, life success, moral norms, ideal, youth organizations


1. Abramova M.A. Otnoshenie molodeji k svoemu materialnomu polojeniyu i dengam // Gumanitarnie nauki v Sibiri. - 2009. - No. 3. -P.67-72.

2. Avramova E.M. Napravleniya vertikalnoi mobilnosti molodikh spetsialistov // Ovscheztvennie nauki I sovremennost. - 2009. - No. 6. - P.108-116.

3. Agadzhanyan N.A. Kachestvo I obraz jizni studencheskoi molodeji / N.A. Agadzhanyan, I.V. Radysh // Ekologiya cheloveka. - 2009. - No. 5. - P.3-8.


4. Balla O. Molodost: zavershennii proekt // Znanie - sila. - 2007. - No. 1. - P.46-52.

5. Bukin V. Zhiznennie strategii molodezhi rossiiskoi provintsii // Vlast. - 2009. -No. 1. - P.51-55.

6. Vinogradova E.V. Molodezh, ee mesto v sovremennom mire // Vesnik Rossiiskogo filosofskogo obschestva. - 2007. - No. 2. - P.103-109.

7. Vorona M.A. Motivi studencheskoi zanyatosti // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. -2008. - No. 8. - P.106-115.

8. Karpukhin O.I. Molodezh Rossii: osobennosti sotsiolizatsii i samoopredeleniya // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. - 2000. - No. 3. - P.124-128.

9. Kuchmaeva O. Tsennost sem'I i modeli povedeniya molodikh lyudei // Uchenii Sovet. - 2008. - No. 9. - P.60-62.

10. Ledeneva L.I. Nauchnie I migratsionnie plani molodeji / L.Ledeneva, E.Nekipelova // Alma mater = Vestnik vis'shei shkoli. - 2003. - No. 7. - P.16-22.

11. Muzdybaev K. Zhiznennie strategii sovremennoi molodezhi: mezhpokolencheskii analiz // Zhurnal sotciologii i sotsialnoi antropologii. - 2004. - Vol.VII, No. 1. - P.175-189.


Social responsibility of business

VEREVKIN Leonid Prokovievich - Ph.D. in Philosophy, Head of department at the Centre for Social Forecasting and Marketing.

The author analyses 188 reports about social activity of large and middle enterprises as well as the data from the author's studies. The article examines transparency, openness and charity activity of business.

Key words: business, social responsibility, charity, transparency, openness


1. Belova V.L. O sotsialnoi otvetstvennosti biznesa / Belova V.L., Garzia A.L. // Sots.-gum. Znaniya. - 2004. - No. 6. - P.196-211.

2. Bratyuschenko S.V. Korporatinaya sotsialnaya otvetstvennost biznesa kak instituta

gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva i effektivnoi regionalnoi politiki / S.V. Bratyuschenko, V.E. Seliverstov // Region: ekonomika i sotsiologiya. - 2007. - No. 4. - P.188-206.

3. Vittenberg V.Ya. Sotsialnya otvetstvennost biznesa: shirokii vzglyad // Rossiya i

sovr. Mir. - 2007. - No. 3. - P.124-141.

4. Sotsialno-otvetstvennoe povedenie- orientir rossiiskogo biznesa // Obschestvo i

ekonomika. - 2008. - No. 10-11. - P.209-237.

5. Yarovoi A. Vozmozhnosti vlasti v razvitii sotsialmoi otvetstvennosti rossiiskogo biznesa // Vlast. - 2009. - No. 10. - P.15-19.

V.V. Staroverov Raider attack - unfriendly seizure of enterprises

STAROVEROV Vladimir Vladimirovich - Ph.D. in Sociological Science, Doctoral Candidate at the Institute of Social and Political Research RAS. E-mail: staroverov@list.ru

The article is focused on methods and techniques of sociological and political analysis of raider attack as well as its actual problems caused by the criminal environment of Russian business, its corrupted sources and attitudes of the business community towards business environment. The article is based on the empirical data collected by the author and his personal experience as an entrepreneur since 1991.

Key words: entrepreneurship, large middle and small business, corporate mergers and acquisitions, raider attack as hostile takeover, raider techniques, corruption, protection against raider attacks

1. Aleshin V.A. Bezopasnost predprinimatelskoi deyatelnosti v regione / V.A. Aleshin, L. D'yakonova // Sotsialno-politicheskiy zhurnal. - 1998. - No 2. - P.179-186.

2. Voronov Yu.P. Est li v Rossii sobstvenniki? // ECO. - 2003. - No. 2. - P.2-14.

3. Galitskiy E.B., Levin M.I. Korruptsionnie vzaimodeistviya biznesa i vlasti (opyt empiricheskogo analiza) // Voprosi ekonomiki. - 2007. - No. 1. - P.19-32.

4. Degtyarev A.N., Malikov R.I., Arapov V.D. Rossiiskiy biznes v usloviyah “ekonomiki otkata” // Obschestvo i ekonomika. - 2009. - No. 3. - P.53-62.

5. Pappe Ya.Sh. Rossiiskii krupnii biznes kak ekonomicheskii fenomen: spetsificheskie cherty, modeli ego organizatsii // Problemi prognozirovaniya. - 2002. - No. 2. - P.83-97.

6. Ponomarev P.G. Problemi zaschiti predprinimatelstva v Rossii // Sotsialno-politicheskiy jurnal. - 1995. - No. 4. - P.17-23.

7. Faenson M.I., Pimanova A.A. «Rejderstvo (nedruzhestvennyj zahvat predprijatij): praktika sovremennoj Rossii. - M., Alfa-Press, 2007. - 120 p.


Results of Public Opinion Polls: January-February 2010


A.L. Andreev Russia's Place in the World: Europe or Eurasia

ANDREEV Andrey Leonidovich — Doctor of Philosophy, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Sociology RAS. E-mail: sympathy_06@mail.ru

The article describes how Russians view Russia's place in the world and particularly in Europe. The publication is based on polling data and considers the dynamics of the attitudes of Russians toward Europe since mid-1990-s. The image of Europe in Russian consciousness depends on value settings and archetypes rooted in Russian mentality as well as pragmatic estimations of the relations between Russia and the leading countries of Europe. Thus, the motivation of the European countries in questions related to the cooperation with Russia seems to be selfish for the majority of Russians (they think Europeans are interested in Russian nature resources only). The author reports the increasing interest of Russians in the East and analyses the consequent process of erosion of European identity. The author also puts attention to the level of participation of different groups of people in the fields of culture and information in Europe.

Key words: Russia, Europe, Eurasia, place of Russia in the world, European Union, West, East, NATO, national mentality, Russian identity, westernism, eurasianism, culture and

information space


1. Alekseev V.V. Sudba Rossii v XX veke // Istoricheskaya nauka na poroge XXI veka / otv. red. A.P. Derevyanko. - Novosibirsk: Institut archeologii i etnografii SO RAN, 2001. - P.4-20.

2. Argutinskiy-Dolgorukiy A.I. Put' Rossii: itogi tysyacheletiya, , XXI vek. - M.: Novoe tysyacheletie, 1997. - 71 p.

3. Arsent'ev M. Rossiya na poroge XXI veka // Obozrevatel. - 2000. - No. 4(123). -


4. Bokan Yu.A. Rossiiskaya ideinaya doktrina na XXI vek (Proekt "Grazhdanskaya derzhava"). - M.: Izdatelskii Dom "Graal", 2001. - 36 p.

5. Ivashev L. Rossiya i mir v novom tysyacheletii: Geopoliticheskie problemi. - M.: Paleya-Mishin, 2000. - 333 p.

6. Moiseev E.G. Rossiya v sovremennom mire: Mezhdunarodno-prevovie I

vneshnepoliticheskie aspekti: Kn.1. - M.: Kniga I Biznes, 2002. - 376 p.

7. Rossiya kak tsivilizatsiya: sibirskii rakurs / otv. red. Kosyuk V.G.; Rossiiskaya akademiya nauk, Sibirskoe otdelenie, Institut filosofii i pava. - Novosibirsk: Sib. nauch. Izd-vo, 2008. - 261 p.

N.N. Sedova

Mass Anxiety and Personal Fear

SEDOVA Natalia Nikolaevna - Senior Researcher at the Institute of Sociology RAS. E-mail: nnsedova@inbox.ru

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The author continues his investigation of the mass anxiety and personal fears of Russians. The problem of mass anxiety is considered in the context of the world globalization and applied to the financial and economic crisis in Russia. The author examines the structure of fears of Russians, their sources and reasons behind them, popularity of certain fears across different social groups and social layers. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of fears and anxiety of citizens toward state officials, law enforcement bodies' officers and other state authority bodies' representatives. Besides, the article analyses strategies of survival and combating threats that Russians use.

Key words: globalization, crisis, instability, emotional well-being, mass anxiety, personal fear, threats, state officials, law enforcement bodies, state authority bodies, survival strategies, security


1. Bauman Z. Individualizirovannoe obschestvo / per. s angl. pod. red. Inozemtesva V.L.; Tsentr issledovaniya postindustrialnogo obschestva, jurn. "Svobod. misl". M.: Logos, 2002. -325 p.

2. Chego mi boimsya bolshe vsego. Reiting strakhov. http://psihology.net.ru/chego-my-boimsya-bolshe-vsego-rejting-straxov/

3. Ivanova V.A., Shubkin V.N. Massovaya trevojnost rossiyan kak prepyatstvie integratsii obschestva // Sotsis. - 2005. - No. 2 - P. 22-28.

4. Obschestvennoe mnenie - 2008. - M.: Levada-Tsentr, 2008. - 192 p.

5. Problemi, kotorie trevozhat rossiyan.


6. Rost tsen. http://www.bashkirova-partners.ru/news/realize/719/

V.V. Grishin

Rational and Irrational Aspects of Social Trust

GRISHIN Vladimir Valerievich — Ph.D. in Psychology, Director of VCIOM-Ural Branch

The author examines the process of formation of trust between people, and particularly trust in political leaders which people are voting for. There is a common view that Russians are emotional people and make their choice on emotional basis rather than rational. The author proves this is not right. When choosing political leaders Russians create certain logical constructions based upon common ideas and views about the desirable society state structure.

Key words: trust, political leadership, trust in politicians, state structure


1. Ashkanasy N.M. Emotions in organizations:a multi-level perspective // Multi-Level Issues in Organizational Behavior and Strategy Research in Multi-Level Issues, - 2003. Vol. 2. - P. 9-54.

2. Blom R. , Melin H. , Sarno I., Sarno A.A. Sotcialnii capital doveriya Ii menedjerialnie strategii. // Mir Rossii. - 2005. Vol. XIV. - No. 2. - P. 126-159.

3. Kozyreva P.M. Mezhlichnostnoe doverie v kontekste formirovaniya sotsialnogo kapitala // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. - 2009. - No. 1. - P. 43-54.

4. Nahapiet J., Ghoshal S. Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage // Academy of Management Review, - 1998. Vol. 23. - No 2. - P. 242-266.

5. Zabolotnaya G.M. Fenomen doveriya i ego sotsialnie funktsii // Vestnik RUDN. -2003. - No. 4-5. - P. 79-85.

E.A. Borisenko Parental Discipline Strategies in Single-Parent Families

BORISENKO Elena Alekseevna - student at the Faculty of Sociology, Russian State University. E-mail: solnce-za-nas@yandex.ru

The publication is based on the author's studies conducted in Moscow in 2008-2009 and considers discipline parental practices in single-parent families. “Parental style” and “parental practices” are among the key characteristics of family and parent-child relationship. The discipline strategies in single-parent families were supposed to be different from that of complete family by the lack of physical punishment. The findings show that deviation of the quantitative parameters of the family is differently related to the quality of parent-child relationship; the financial, social and psychological problems that a sole mother faces have impact on the internal relations within a family and on parental style. In a single-parent family the conception of parent-child relationship imply that the level of trust and proximity of a child to mother defines the child's character, behavior and discipline practices that mother applies to her child. The dominant parental style in a single-parent family is authoritative.

Key words: discipline practices - discipline strategies - parental practices - parental styles - single-parent family - socialization-punishment-incentive.


1. Fleik-Hobson K., Robinson B.E., Skin P. Mir vkhodyaschemu. Razvitie rebenka i ego otnoshenii s okruzhayuschimi. - M.: Tsentr obschechelovecheskih tsennostei, , 1992. - 510 p.

2. Fletcher A. C., Walls J. K., Cook E. C., Madison K. J., Bridges T. H. Parenting Style as a Moderator of Associations Between Maternal Disciplinary Strategies and Child Well-Being // Journal of Family Issues. - 2008. Vol. 29. — No 12. - P. 1724-1744.

3. Straus M. A. International Parenting study.


4. Zakharov A.I. “Nevrozy u detei i podrostkov / Anamnez, etiologiya i patogenez” . http://www.solarys-info.ru/articles/article.aspx?id=4887


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