Научная статья на тему 'ZONING OF EAST PUNJAB'

ZONING OF EAST PUNJAB Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Punjab state / zoning / homogeneous zoning / nodal zoning

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Glukhareva V.

The article is devoted to the problem of zoning the territory of East Punjab, which is part of the Republic of India. The concept and essence of zoning, its classification, as well as specific criteria of the zoning process in relation to the state of Punjab are considered. Based on the materials of the study, conclusions are drawn about the optimal types of zoning in the territory of Punjab.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ZONING OF EAST PUNJAB»



Glukhareva V.

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia,



The article is devoted to the problem of zoning the territory of East Punjab, which is part of the Republic of India. The concept and essence of zoning, its classification, as well as specific criteria of the zoning process in relation to the state of Punjab are considered. Based on the materials of the study, conclusions are drawn about the optimal types of zoning in the territory of Punjab.

Keywords: Punjab state, zoning, homogeneous zoning, nodal zoning.


The historical and geographical area of Punjab occupies a territory between the middle flow of the Indian River and the Northern Himalayas and is one of the most ancient centers not only Indian civilization, but also civilizations on the planet Earth as a whole. At the turn of the late Middle Ages and early New Time, Punjab became an integral part of the Empire of the Great Mughal, and in 1765, as a result of the most powerful national liberation movement, gained independence as an independent state of Sikhs [1]. The two Anglo-Sikh wars 1845-1846 and 1848-1849 led to submission of the Punjab of the East India Company and transform into the British colony [2, 99-100]. In 1947, under the division of the British Colony of India into two independent countries - India and Pakistan - Punjab was also divided into two parts by religious sign: Western, Muslim Punjab, departed to Pakistan, and East, Sikh-Hindu, remained as part of the newly formed Republic India.

State Punjab is located in the North-West of the Republic of India and covers the territory of a total area of 50362 km2, which in terms of adopted in India a system of measures is 19445 square miles. The very name of the state comes from Persian "Penj" (Pyanj) - "Five" and "ab" - "Water, River", that is, literally translates as a five-lane. It occupies the northern part of the Indo-Ganga Plain. In the West, Punjab borders with a foreign state, and with the province of Pakistan, which has a similar name and in addition to 1947, the united historical territory of Punjab, which was at that time the British colony [3].

Materials and methods.

In this study, we used the method of zoning the territory. Under the zoning in modern science it means dividing any territory to sites, internal microregions, for homogeneous signs. It should be borne in mind that several parallel zoning procedures that do not intersect with each other can be carried out on the same territory. As an example, a division of economic regions, the zones of a confessional influence (distribution of one or another religion), administrative-territorial parts (provinces, distributs, states), areas of primary minerals, etc.

Zoning is carried out with specific purposes, assumed to solve the problem of effective management of the region in one or another sphere of life of society: an

economic, political, social, spiritual, legal. It is also possible to allocate the area on the set of signs. Two main types of zoning differ: homogeneous and nodal, and homogeneous zoning, in turn, is divided into two subspecies, single-zoned and multi-receiving.

Uniform zoning is aimed at the search for the same signs of districts. Identical objects can be synchronized using two opposite ways: association or, on the contrary, division, for which theoretical methods of cognition are applied - respectively inductive and deductive.

The combination of ionized objects similar to one or more features provides the ability to allocate synthetic areas. This type of zoning is applicable in the study of geographical manifolds are quite small in its area of territories. Such a zoning begins with a sample of criteria by which the allocation, distinction and comparison of the districts will be selected. A larger process is the allocation of analytical districts, which is carried out in extensive territories, when the existence of a region in certain boundaries is perceived as an axiomatic judgment. Here, the scientific task of the researcher is to choose optimal signs that are most fully characterizing the distinction of the region and its further division.

Considering the nodal zoning to which the synonymic term "functional" is also applied, it should be emphasized that it implies the allocation of areas in terms of the intensity of internal socio-economic ties. This type of zoning is aimed at identifying the sphere of influence of cities, an industrial base, which includes various types of enterprises, as well as transport hubs. The principle of zoning is the allocation of a nodal area having a nucleus, within which all the necessary indicators are most pronounced. Around the kernel is distinguished near and far peripherals. Accordingly, the intensity of the base indicator falls as it moves from the nucleus to the borders of the distance periphery. The boundaries themselves are delineated by radially by points where the minimum values of the elected indicators are recorded. This means that the very formal boundaries during the occurring of functional areas does not have much importance.

Research results and discussion.

The only official zoning of the territory of Punjab, reflected in political maps, is the division into 22 districts on the administrative and territorial indicator. At the same time, the zoning was carried out in such a way

that none of the districts had a significant advantage over other areas and the number of population, that is, the principle of uniformity of the distribution of the territory is observed. The difference between the population in the population in amplitude from 500,000 to 3,000,000 people for India is insignificant, taking into account the total population of the Federation, which is more than a billion citizens.

The identified procedure for allocating districts within the state according to the administrative and territorial indicator in its own appearance is an example of homogeneous single-zoning zoning. However, in the framework of administrative and territorial division, municipalities should also be taken into account, namely the largest city cities. According to the data obtained by the researcher of urbanization processes in India L.S. Parshina, in the state of Punjab, the share of the urban population is 33.9% [4, 114], which objectively allows you to allocate large cities like independent entities, but already with the use of nodal zoning. To allocate the largest cities and the agglomerations formed by them, we will use the official website of state statistics of the Republic of India [5].

Currently, several largest cities can be distinguished on the territory of Eastern Punjab, which focused the bulk of the city's city population. It should be especially noted that it is impossible to include the state capital, the city of Chandigarh, who is administratively not part of the state, and forms a separate allied territory. Consider the specified cities in more detail. After conducting a nodal zoning procedure, we revealed the six largest urban districts, which include: Ludhiana, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Patila, Bhatypt and Pathankot.

Ludhiana covers an area of 310 km2, is the largest economic (industrial) center of Punjab, the population is more than 3,488,000 people. The city prevails the male population (1000 to 825 relative to female). The core of the municipality is a city center, which is divided into an old and new city. Since the city is located in the former River Sutling River (Currently, the river bed has shifted 13 km from the city), the city blocks are sharply lowered relative to the sea level in the north and west. A specific feature of Ludhian zoning is a high concentration of industrial production.

Amritsar, founded in 1577 Guru Rum Das, also has a pronounced specific characteristic of zoning - this is the sacred city of Sikh religion, comparable, in essence, with Mecca for Muslims. The toponym is based on the name of the reservoir, in the center of which is located the famous Golden Temple of Sikhs. The population of the city is more than 1,84,000 people, and the male population also prevails over the feminine (55% to 45%, respectively). The sacred status of the city imposed a mark on the level of literacy of the population in it - about 78%, which is a very high indicator for India as a whole, and is in the meaning of the limit indicators in the region in particular.

The city of Jalandhar is characterized by a number of specific signs that should be considered when zoning. First, from 1947 to 1953 performed the metropolitan function, after which the state capital was transferred to Chandigarh; Secondly, the city is located exactly on the ancient large wheeled path, stretching from

East to West from Bangladesh to Kabul; Thirdly, unlike the two previous cities, the language picture and the ratio of religions are somewhat different: in Linguistic terms, English successfully competes with Punjabi, and in a confessional plan of 54.6% of the population professes Hinduism, and only 45.4% - Sikhism (With a total population of more than 874,000 people), which is not typical for the state that has become the focus of Sikh religious and cultural traditionalism.

The city of Patila also has a number of features, among which the location in the East East and the execution of metropolitan functions from 1948 to 1956 should be called. The population of the city is currently over 445,000 people, the share of men is also higher than the share of women (54% and 46%, respectively), extremely high and the level of literacy of the population is within 77%.

The city of Bhatypta with a population of over 286,000 is located in the south of Punjab and is one of the hottest points of state, where the summer air temperature reaches an average of up to 48 degrees Celsius. Despite the relatively small population, the city is the most important industrial center of the petrochemical industry, a key railway assembly, the center of concentration of agricultural land of citrus. In addition, the feature of the city is its status of the state educational center, since since 2009, the Central University of Punjab has been located in Bhatypt.

Finally, Pathankot is located in the north of the state, surrounded by mountain ranges (shivalik - to the east and south of the city, Himalayas - to the north) and two rivers, Ravi and Chakki. The location of the city determined the main directions of the economic activity of its inhabitants - the stone industry and wood trade. The population of the city is over 160,000 people, with the traditional predominance of the male population (55% and 45%, respectively), but the level of literacy of the population is 87%, that is, not only almost 90% of the city's men, but also 83% of women, What is an atypical picture for the republic as a whole. Different city and multilingualism: besides Punjabi, the inhabitants are freely spoken by Hindi, Urdu and a rarely Dogri language.


Thus, at the zoning of Indian Punjab, the most important indicators are the administrative and territorial division and identification of urban districts that provide economic, political and cultural influence on nearby territories. Other indicators of zoning can be economic areas (including zones to concentrate industry and various types of agriculture), places of accumulation of religious, cultural and historical monuments, climatic conditions (mountain areas, river pools, deserted and arid lands). More complex on the map is the allocation of religious signs, since Sikh and Hindus live in the state of compactly, with the inclusions of minor Muslims, Christians and Buddhists; It is also difficult to mapping language zoning, because in the same localities, along with carriers of the main language (Pujabi), Hindi and Urdu carriers live. In the demographic plan, approximately similar ratio of women and men, 45% by 55%, is considered, which is typical of all settlements of Eastern Punjab.


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5. Census of India: Office of the Registrar General & Census Comissioner. URL: http://www.cen-susindia.gov.in/.

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