Научная статья на тему 'Защита информации и информационное право'

Защита информации и информационное право Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Гришанова Елена Михайловна, Антипов Алексей Александрович

Статья посвящена проблемам правового регулирования, обеспечения и защиты интересов личности, общества и государства в информационной сфере. Данная тема характеризуются значительной актуальностью. Информационное право это молодая отрасль права, возникшая в условиях информатизации общества, нуждающееся в доработке и усовершенствовании, согласовании различных законов и актов между собой. Современный этап развития общества характеризуется возрастающей ролью информационной сферы, представляющей собой совокупность информации, информационной инфраструктуры, субъектов, осуществляющих сбор, формирование, распространение и использование информации, а также системы регулирования возникающих при этом общественных отношений. Информационная сфера, являясь системообразующим фактором жизни общества, активно влияет на состояние политической, экономической, оборонной и других составляющих безопасности Российской Федерации. Наряду с преимуществами, которые предоставляет интеграция высоких технологий в различные сферы деятельности нашей страны, возникают и нарастают угрозы национальной безопасности. Серьезную опасность представляют собой стремление ряда стран к доминированию в мировом информационном пространстве, вытеснению России с внешнего и внутреннего информационного рынка; разработка рядом государств концепции информационных войн; нарушение нормального функционирования информационных и телекоммуникационных систем, а также сохранности информационных ресурсов, получение несанкционированного доступа к ним. Появляется новый термин "информационно-психологическое оружие" это специальное оружие, которое основано на применении разрушающего информационно-психологического, а также информационно-управляющего воздействия на психику человека для его принуждения или уничтожения. Информационная война, которая в настоящее время уже идет, это новое понятие в области мировой науки, включающая различные аспекты политической, экономической и социально-культурной деятельности. В современной России это особенно заметно на примере средств массовой информации. Объектом информационного воздействия современного вооружения является общественное сознание человека, его дух, воля, идейные установки и представления, при этом используются методы, ведущие к подавлению норм нравственности. В условиях формирующегося глобального информационного пространства информация стала действенным инструментом власти.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Защита информации и информационное право»


Grishanova Elena Mikhaylovna,

candidate of economic Sciences, Moscow technical University of communications and Informatics, head of the Department of Political economy and political science, Moscow, Russia, gem-mtuci@mail.ru

Antipov Alexey Aleksandrovich,

candidate of legal Sciences, Moscow technical University of communications and Informatics, professor of department of Political economy and political science, Moscow, Russia, antipoff77@yandex.ru

Keywords: information law, information security, information-psychological weapons, information security, information environment, national security.

The article is devoted to problems of legal regulation, ensuring and protection of the interests of individuals, society and the state in the information sphere. This theme is characterized by considerable relevance. Information law is a young branch of law that occurred in the conditions of informatization of society in need of revision and improvement, harmonization of various laws and acts with each other. The current stage of development of society characterized by the increasing role of information sphere, which is a collection of information, information infrastructure, entities engaged in the collection, creation, dissemination and use of information and control systems arising in this public relations. The information sphere, as a backbone factor of the life of society, has an active influence on the state of political, economic, defense and other components of the security of the Russian Federation.

Along with the benefits, which provides integration of high technologies in various spheres of activity of our country, there are growing threats to national security. Serious danger are the desire of some countries to dominate the world information space and oust Russia from the external and internal information market; the development by a number of states the concept of information warfare; disruption of the normal functioning of information and telecommunication systems, as well as the preservation of information resources and gaining unauthorized access to them. A new term "information-psychological weapons" has appeared - a special weapon, which is based on the use of destructive informational and psychological, as well as informational-controlling influence on the human mind for its enforcement, or destruction.

Information warfare, which is currently already in progress - is a new concept in the world of science, including various aspects of political, economic and socio-cultural activities. In modern Russia this is particularly evident in the media. The object of information impact of modern weapons is a public consciousness of the person, his spirit, the will, the ideological attitudes and beliefs. And the methods used lead to the suppression of norms of morality. In the context of the emerging global information space of information has become an effective instrument of power.

Для цитирования:

Гришанова Е.М., Антипов А.А. Защита информации и информационное право // T-Comm: Телекоммуникации и транспорт. - 2016. -Том 10. - №5. - С. 64-66.

For citation:

Grishanova Е.М., Antipov А.А. Data protection and information law. T-Comm. 2016. Vol. 10. No.5, рр. 64-66. (in Russian)

T-Comm Tom 10. #5-2016

Information is the most important component of life in modern society. In official documents of the UNESCO information is defined as the universal substance which permeates all spheres of human activity, serving as a conductor of knowledge and skills, communication understanding and cooperation tool, and a tool for approval of patterns of thinking and behavior. It is also hard to imagine modem Russian society without the widespread use of information and communication technologies, which is one of the factors of socio-economic development of our country. Information support of public administration plays an important role in ensuring its effectiveness. Information on the activities of public authorities is one of the pillars of the functioning of the political structure of the state. From this information depends on the quality of interaction between the slate and civil society.

The only document defining the concept of "information security", ts approved by the President in 2000 the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation. Information Security of the Russian Federation according to this document -is the state of protection of its national interests in the information sphere, determined by a combination of balanced interests of the individual, society and state. Information security implies and signifies a state where social conditions have been created to ensure the free development of the individual, the family, the state, which make it possible to objectively evaluate the historical process, the true situation in the world, country, region, develop and make own decisions on the basis of a modern, reliable information, human knowledge, which constitutes and creates the true spirituality of every nation.

Imperfect legal framework is one of the major constraints to the intensification of the development of modern information technologies and ensuring Russia's national interests in the global information space. Thus, at present an important issue of national information security is the need for the preparation and adoption of new regulations, as well as clarification of the existing conceptual and doctrinal documents that can adequately reflect the national interests of Russia, including interests in the field of information, and contribute to achieving the objectives of information security.

When it comes to the legal framework it is neccssary to say that a set of rules that determine the behavior of the subjects of the information sector (individuals and legal entities, state authorities and local self-government) is determined by the information law. If information law regulates social relations in the information sphere, information law science examines information norms and attitudes that arise in their application, studies the effectiveness of information regulations, codified, arranges, structures them.

Computer law, communication management, information legislation, and most importantly - the development of the realities in the field of information, informatization and protection of information - this is the case for the allocation of the sector of information law in the Russian legal system.

It should be noted that in the practice of law, and in the rulemaking, as well as in theory, often there is a substitution of concepts "subject" and "object" regulation that violates the accuracy of understanding of what is at stake in the circumstances. Referring to the archive for a particular document, the person realizes his constitutional right to information. The subject of his interest — a particular document.

The legislation establishes the right of citizens to information and the respective responsibilities of the archive to provide citizen with document in which they are interested, and also governs the relationship of these parties, interrelated by circumstances and legal entities. These relationships take the form of provision of information services from the archive and compliance with certain actions by the citizen, which should properly arrange a request. So, particularly stand out;

a) the object relations (the document or a copy thereof);

b) relations of related parties about a specified subject, regulated by norms of legislation and regulations;

c) the substantive scope of law (the regulatory mechanism of relations between parties on the subject of their interest, taking into account the position of the state legally pronounced set of rights and responsibilities of all inter-related parties).

The subject of information law is not only the information itself, but also the processes associated with its provision (creation, removal), processing, storage, transmission, distribution, etc. The combination of these actions related to information, is called information science. And the creation of conditions for introduction of new technologies in the information is called informatization. Thus, information, informatization, communication of information on the different types of networks and relations arising in this connection, together constitute the subject area of information law.

Specific institutes of information law are such as "freedom", "secret", "access", "legal information regime, information resource," formed on the basis of general legal institute "legal regime", "right to information", "information security": "open", "restricted", "bulk", "official", and other types of information. Cross-sectoral institutions in this sphere include property and intellectual property institutions, since their roots lie in the system of civil law, but they are provided also by public law, as well as are applied in the system of relations regulated information legislation.

The most developed institutes of information law theoretically and normatively are; Institute for the right to information, media, institute of legal regime of information resources, the institute of state secrets. The issue of the legal institution requires more thorough investigation than has been done until now. And in the field of information activities and information relations, this issue requires special attention, because the accuracy of the definition of the institute significantly affects not only the rule-making process, but also the content of the research and practice of the law enforcement.

The main directions of protection of the information sphere are divided into three components:

1. Protection of interests of the individual, society and state from the effects of harmful, dangerous and poor-quality information;

2. Protection of the information, information resources and information systems from unauthorized exposure of unauthorized persons;

3. Protection of information rights and freedoms.

Characteristics of offenses of protected information regime

includes a set of features, which: I ) help to clarity the prevalence and structure of offenses in which they are distributed depending on the kind of secrets (state, official and commercial). 2) define


the scope of the professional activities of the performers of secret (confidential) documents and papers in which offenses of protected information regime display. 3) reflect the personal characteristics of persons guilty of committing crimes in the sphere of protected information regime, to facilitate the understanding of threats to information security and other offenses of protected information regime and the implementation of preventive activity.

The first group of features serves as an information base for assessing the relevance of combating offenses of protected information regime to determine the main directions of this activity, to achieve the most optimal results in the use of forces and means of preventive action.

The second group of features shows the environment, a kind of "living space", within the framework of and in the presence of which the offenses of protected information regime may exist, but under certain conditions may ensure its own "reproduction." A study of these features is important for the implementation of practical actions to neutralize and eradicate offenses, including offenses detrimental to the safety of the state, official, commercial and other secrets.

The third group of criteria is based on the indissoluble relationship between the act and the performer. The group allows to solve problems of struggle against offenses in the sphere of information with limited access and to study particular demonstrations of these disorders, caused by features of the

personality of those who commit this type of offense, and take them into account in prevention activities. The fourth group of features reflects the social phenomena and processes, causing offense in the sphere of circulation of information with limited access, shows the unity of objective and subjective elements in the characterization of the offenses of protected information regime and urges the need to take into account such data in legislative and preventive activities. Essential for the disclosure of the characteristic of the offenses of protected information regime is to identify possible channels of information leakage.

The national security of the Russian Federation is essentially dependent on the ensuring information security, and in the course of technical progress this dependence will grow.


1. Bachilo I.L. Information law. Moscow, 2016. 437 p.

2. Gorochv OA. information law. Moscow, 2016. 375 p.

3. Yarochkin VA. Information security. Moscow, 2004. 544 p.

4. Zagorodnikov S.N. Organizational and legal support of information security / In formats ionnye tekhnologji, No 2, 2006. Pp. 23-26.

5. Maksimovich C.V. Modern information technology of information storage and organization of access to it / Sekretnoe delo. No 1,2005. Pp. 30-36.

6. Khramtsovskaya N.A. Information security and sccurc document management / Deloproizvodstvo I dokumentooborot na predpriyatii. No 4, 2005. Pp. 6-18.


Гришанова Елена Михайловна,

к.э.н., МТУСИ, заведующий кафедрой Политической экономии и политологии, Москва, Россия, gem-mtuci@mail.ru

Антипов Алексей Александрович, к.ю.н., МТУСИ, доцент кафедры Политической экономии и политологии, Москва, Россия, antipoff77@yandex.ru

Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблемам правового регулирования, обеспечения и защиты интересов личности, общества и государства в информационной сфере. Данная тема характеризуются значительной актуальностью. Информационное право это молодая отрасль права, возникшая в условиях информатизации общества, нуждающееся в доработке и усовершенствовании, согласовании различных законов и актов между собой. Современный этап развития общества характеризуется возрастающей ролью информационной сферы, представляющей собой совокупность информации, информационной инфраструктуры, субъектов, осуществляющих сбор, формирование, распространение и использование информации, а также системы регулирования возникающих при этом общественных отношений. Информационная сфера, являясь системообразующим фактором жизни общества, активно влияет на состояние политической, экономической, оборонной и других составляющих безопасности Российской Федерации. Наряду с преимуществами, которые предоставляет интеграция высоких технологий в различные сферы деятельности нашей страны, возникают и нарастают угрозы национальной безопасности. Серьезную опасность представляют собой стремление ряда стран к доминированию в мировом информационном пространстве, вытеснению России с внешнего и внутреннего информационного рынка; разработка рядом государств концепции информационных войн; нарушение нормального функционирования информационных и телекоммуникационных систем, а также сохранности информационных ресурсов, получение несанкционированного доступа к ним. Появляется новый термин "информационно-психологическое оружие" - это специальное оружие, которое основано на применении разрушающего информационно-психологического, а также информационно-управляющего воздействия на психику человека для его принуждения или уничтожения. Информационная война, которая в настоящее время уже идет, - это новое понятие в области мировой науки, включающая различные аспекты политической, экономической и социально-культурной деятельности. В современной России это особенно заметно на примере средств массовой информации. Объектом информационного воздействия современного вооружения является общественное сознание человека, его дух, воля, идейные установки и представления, при этом используются методы, ведущие к подавлению норм нравственности. В условиях формирующегося глобального информационного пространства информация стала действенным инструментом власти.

Ключевые слова: информационное право, защита информации, информационно-психологическое оружие, информационная безопасность, информационная сфера, национальная безопасность.


1. Бачило И.Л. Информационное право: учебник. М.: Издательство Юрайт, 2016. 437 с.

2. Городов О.А. Информационное право: учебник для бакалавров. М.: Издательство Проспект, 2016. 375 с.

3. Ярочкин В.И. Информационная безопасность: Учебник для студентов вузов. М.: Академический Проект; Гаудеамус, 2004. 544 с.

4. Загородников С.Н. Организационное и правовое обеспечение информационной безопасности // Информационные технологии, № 2, 2006. С. 23-26.

5. Максимович Г.Ю. Современные информационные технологии хранения информации и организация доступа к ней // Секретарское дело, № 1, 2005. С. 30-36.

6. Храмцовская Н.А. Информационная безопасность и защищенный документооборот // Делопроизводство и документооборот на предприятии, № 4, 2005. С. 6-18.

T-Comm Том 10. #5-2016

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