Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. Vol. 9 (27), No 2, 2020, pp. 119-137
DOI: 10.15393/
UDC 517.546, 517.547
V. SüMAN Kumar, R. Bharayi Sharma
Abstract. The aim of this article is to estimate an upper bound of |#3(1)|, the Zalcman coefficient functional for n = 3 and n = 4, and also to investigate the fifth, sixth, seventh coefficients of starlike and convex functions associated with shell-like curves. Similar type of outcomes are estimated for the functions f-1 and .
Key words: Analytic function, Function with positive real part, Starlike function, Subordination, Zalcman conjecture, Shell-like curve, Hankel determinant
2010 Mathematical Subject Classification: Primary 30C45; Secondary 30C50, 30C80
1. Introduction. Denote by A the class of all normalized holomor-phic functions f of the form
f(z) = z + ^anzn Wz eU
n> 2
in the unit disc U = [z E C : | z |< 1}. Let S be a subclass of A consisting of univalent functions in U. A function f E S is a starlike function iff
ne{zj\z)H(z)) > 0; Vz eU.
A function f E S is a convex function iff
Ke(l + (zf"(z)/f (z))) > 0; Vz eU.
© Petrozavodsk State University, 2020
Let V be the family of holomorphic functions p in U with the conditions {p (z)} > 0 and p (0) = 1 represented in the form
p (z) = 1 + C\Z + C2Z2 + C3Z3 + ... (2)
For f E S, Lawrence Zalcman conjectured that —
I < (n — 1)2.
This conjecture was proved by Krushkal [10] for n = 3, 4, 5, 6. It was also considered by Ma [11] and Ravichandran [14]. Equality holds for the Koebe function and its rotations. A holomorphic function F is subordinate to another holomorphic function h, denoted by F — h, iff there exists a Schwarz function w in U with the conditions w (0) = 0, and Iw(z)I — 1 < 0, such that F (z) = h (w (z)). The Hadamard product of two holomorphic
functions f (z) = z + anzn and g(z) = z + gnzn in A, is defined as
n=2 n=2
(f*g)(z) = z + an9nZn.
In the year 1966, Pommerenke [12] has denoted the Hankel determinant by Hq (n) and defined it as
Hq (n)
0>n Q"n+1 0"n+2 ...... Q"n+q-1
&n+1 &n+2 &n+3 ...... &n+q
an+q-1 an+q an+q+1 ...... an+2q-2
Here n, q E N, (an) is a sequence of real or complex numbers. For different values of n and q, one obtains different Hankel determinants and also some particular cases of Fekete-Szego coefficient functional. Many authors [1], [4], [6], [15], [16], [18] have studied the Fekete-Szego coefficient functional for different subclasses of univalent, multivalent, and holomorphic functions. For n = q = 2, the relation (3) reduces to IH2(2)I= |a2a4 — a2|. This is known as the second-order Hankel determinant. Several authors [7], [8], [18] have studied this determinant for different subclasses of holomorphic functions. For n = 1 and q = 3, from the determinant Hq (n) after applying the triangle inequality, one gets an upper bound for the third order Hankel determinant, given by
IH3 (1) I< MIa2«4 — a3I + MIa4 — «2^31 +1«5II«3 — ^I
This is known as the third Hankel determinant for a1 = 1. Babalola [3], Srivastava [17], Vamshee Krishna and Ram Reddy [18] have studied the third order Hankel determinant H3 (1) for different subfamilies of analytic functions.
Raina and Sokol [4], [13] have used the function q(z) as the superordi-nating function. The function q (z) = Vl + z2+z is analytic and univalent on C \ [i, -i}, which maps the unit disc onto a shell shaped region on the right half plane. It is symmetric with respect to the real axis from 0.4 to 2.41. It is a function with positive real part with q (0) = q' (0) = 1.
Figure 2: Shell shaped region
Using q(z ), they have defined S * (q) as shown below and studied the initial coefficients, Fekete-Szego coefficient functional, Hankel determinant of order two for the function f in S * (q).
Definition 1. f G A is a function of the class S * (q) iff
zf' (z) r--
-4TV W1 + z2 + z. f (z)
Definition 2. f,g G A are two functions of the class S* (q) iff
* ( (f * g)'(z) ) ._
——VTT^2 + Z. (f * g) (z)
Definition 3. f G A is a function of the class C (q) iff
(l + ^VÏ+72 + z. (5)
^ J (z) '
Subordination results of this kind for various subclasses of analytic functions were obtained by several mathematicians, e.g., [2], [5], [17]. Recently, Srivastava revived the study of Hankel determinants, his pioneering work on the subject was followed by a huge flood of papers dealing with coefficient inequalities, Hankel determinants of order two and three of univalent and holomorphic functions. Different superordinating functions and their geometrical interpretations have motivated further research of the subject of geometric function theory. Functions like 4>(z) = Y+f, l+Bz, + z, ez, sin z, the Fibonacci sequence are some among them to quote. Our work was motivated by Babalola [3], Sharma [15], Vamshee Krishna [18], Ravichandran et al. [14], Srivastava et al. [16], [17] in general, and Sokol [4], [13] in particular, In this paper, we evaluate the bounds on a5, a6, a7, and H3(1) for f e S* (q). For f e S* (q), we estimate the bounds for Zalcman's functional for n = 3, 4. Also, we define the class C (q) and make a similar study associated with shell-like curves for a function f e C (q).
2. Preliminaries.
Lemma 1. [12] If p eV is of the form p(z) = 1 + cYz + c2z2 + ..., then Kl< 2 V n e N.
Lemma 2. [9] For a Schwarz function w(z) = cYz + c2z2 + ..., and for any ^ e C we have
|c2 — ^c2| < max{1, |^|} .
3. Coefficient estimates for f e S* (q).
Theorem 1. If f e S* (q) is of the form f (z) = z + aYz + a2z2 + ..., then
N < 13/24, |a6| < 29/30, |a71 < 309/288. Proof. As f e S*(q), by using subordination we get
= w(z) + y/1+ W2 (z).
J (z)
zf (z) — f (z) w (z) = f (zW1+ W2 (z). (6)
Here w is the Schwarz function with the conditions w (0) = 0 and lw (z)l < 1 for |z| < 1, which can be represented as
w (z) = ^ cnzn, Vn e N with |cra| < 1. (7)
n> l
From relations (6) and (7) we have
2 2 4
VT+^M = 1 + f + (ClC^Z3 + (C1C3 + I2 - |)z4+
i CiC^W /Co 3 c2 C0 C1C3 Ci \
+ C1C4 + C2C3 - J + + C1C5 + C2C4 - —p - -2- + 16 J ;
2 2
f (z)^1 + w2 (z) = z + «2Z2 + + ^z3 + ^CiC2 + ^ + a^)z4+
2 4 2
/ c2 ci «3С1 \ 5 (
+ C1C3 + — - "8" + a,2CiC2 + -y + a,5)z + C1C4 + C2C3-
3 2 4 2
C1C2 a2C2 , 0>2C1 a4C1 \ 6
2 + + a2C1C3--— + (Ï3C1C2 + "y + «6 J Z +
2Q223 6 3 2 2 4
3 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 5 1 3 2 3 1
+ J — — - — - + - — - + - + - —--i_
V 2 4 2 16 2 2 2 8
+ C1C5 + C2C4 + CI2C1C4 + CI2C2C3 + Й4С1С2 + a,3C1C3 + a^jz1 + ... (8)
Z f'(z) - w(z)f(z) = Z + (2й2 - C1)Z2 + (3CI3 - (I2C1 - C2)z3 +
+ (4 С14 - CI3C1 - CI2C2 - C3)z4 + (5 a5 - CI4C1 - Ч3С2 - a2C3 - C4)z5+
+ (60,6 - CI5C1 - CI4C2 - CI3C3 - CI2C4 - C5)z6 +
+ (7ai - a,6C1 - CL5C2 - CI4C3 - CI3C4 - 0205 - C6)z1 + ... (9)
From (8) and (9), upon equating the coefficients of the same powers of z,
d2 = C1, (10)
«3 = T(c2 + 3 c1) , (11)
«4 = 3(4c3 + 2C1C2 + , (12)
1 7 17 2 2 4 2
a5 = 4 V3C1C3 + YC1C2 + 3C1 + C2 + °4) , (13)
d6 = 60 (27C1C4 + 20C2C3 + 19c3c2 + 20C1C2 + 30c^ + 3c5 + 12c^j , (14)
ai = 7^ Î400c3 + 1056C1C5 + 840C2C4 + 780c1c2 + 700c1c3+ 2880
+49c\ + III6CÏC4 + 1720c 1C2C3 + 332c1c2 + 240c2 + 480c^. (15)
Raina and Sokol [13] estimated the bounds of the second, third, and fourth coefficients as |a2|< 1, |a3|< 3/4 and |a4|< 1/2. To estimate the bounds of the fifth, sixth, and seventh coefficients, we establish some properties of cn involved in (7). The function p (z) is given by
1 + w (z) 2
1 — w (z)
1+ PiZ + P2Z + ... = p (z). (16)
The Caratheodory function is defined by the property V,e{p(z)} > 0 in U, whose coefficients satisfy the condition
\Pk | < 2 Vk G N. (17)
Equating the coefficients of the same powers of z in relation (16), we get
Pi = 2ci, (18)
P2 = 2 (CÏ + C2) , (19)
P3 = 2(cÏ + 2cic2 + C3 ), (20)
P4 = 2(c\ + 3CÏC2 + 2ci c3 + c2 + C4), (21)
p5 = 2(c5 + 3cic2 + 3cfc3 + 4c3c2 + 2C2C3 + 2cic4 + c5), (22)
p6 = 2(c\ + 5c4c2 + 4cÏc2 + 4c3c3 + c3, + c3 + 3ciC2C3 + 3cic4 + 2C2C4 + 2cic5 + c6)
p7 = 2(c[ + 3cic2 + 6c5c2 + 6cÏc2 + 4cic3 + 5cic3 + 9cic2c3 + 3c2c3+
+ 4c~l C4 + 3ciC2C4 + 2C3C4 + 3c\c5 + 2c2C5 + 2cic6 + C7). (24)
Apply the condition in (17) to relations (18) to (24) and get
M < 1, (25)
I ci + C2 |< 1, (26)
I c3 + 2ci C2 + C3 |< 1, (27)
| ci + 3c2c2 + 2cic3 + c2 + C4 |< 1, (28)
| ci + 3cic2 + 3cfc3 + 4cÏC2 + 2C2C3 + 2cic4 + c51 < 1, (29)
| c6 + 5 c1c2 + 4c2c2 + 4 cfc3 + c2 + c2 + 3 C1C2C3 + 3 c^+
+2 c2 C4 + 2 C1C5 + ce|< 1
| c[ + 3 cic2 + 6 c1c2 + 6 c?c2 + 4cic2 + 5 c4c3 + 9 C2C2C3 + 3 c2c3 +
+ 4 c1c4 + 3 C1C2C4 + 2 C3C4 + 3 c1c5 + 2 C2C5 + 2 C1C6 + Ct|< 1.
From the relation (13), we have
— {14 C1C3 + 6 c2 + 4 ci + 17 C?C2 + 6 C4} ,
24 (4 + 3c1c2 + 2C1C3 + C2 + C4) -
2 3
- ^ (+ C2)2 + ^C2 (c? + C2) - ^
C4 24.
By applying the triangle inequality to relation (32), we get
|«5 |< 24 |c4 + 3c1c2 + 2C1C3 + C2 + C4 | + — | (c! + C2) | +
+ ^21^2 (c1 + C2) | + 1241. (33)
We know that coefficients of the function w(z) satisfy |c^ < 1. By applying relations (26) and (28) to relation (33), we get
7 3 2 1 13 |a5|~ 24 + 24 + 24 + 24 = 24.
Using relation (14), we can estimate the bound on the sixth coefficient. 1
«6 = — 6 60
3 15 + 2 1 4 + 3 21 3 + 4 13 2 + 3 1 22 + 2 2 3 + 5 +
+ 7C1(cj + 3c1c2 + 2C1C3 + c2 + C4) - 7c2(c1 + 2C1C2 + C3) + + 14C3(c1 + C2) + 4c1c2 + 14C1C4 + 9C5I. (35)
Using the triangle inequality to relation (35), we get
|«6| < 3IC5 + 2C1C4 + 3c1c3 + 4c3C2 + 3C1C2 + 2C2C3 + C5I + 60
+ 7|ci||c4 + 3CÏC2 + 2CiC3 + c2 + C4|+7|Ci|2 jcf + 2CiC2 + C3I +
+ 14|c3||c2 + C2j+4jCijjC2j2+14jcijjC4j+9jC5j
We know that coefficients of the function w(z) satisfy |cra| < 1. By applying relations (26) to (29) to relation (36), it is reduced to
, , 29 M < 30.
Using relation (15), we can estimate the bound on the seventh coefficient
200(cÏ + 5c4c2 + 4cÏc2 + 4c3c3 + c2 + c2 + 3CÏC2C3 + 3c2c4+
+ 2C2C4 + 2ci C5 + c6 ) + 50ci (c5 + 3cic2 + 3c2 C3 + 4cÏc2 + 2C2C3+ + 2CÏC4 + C5) + 40C2(4 + 3c2C2 + 2CÏC3 + c2 + C4) — 200c2(cÏ + 3cÏc2+ + 2CÏC3 + c2 + c4 ) + 200C3(4 + 2ciC2 + C3) — 50cÏ (ci + 2cic2 + £3) + + 400c4(cj + C2) + 540ciC2C3 — 90c2 c2(ci + a) + 50ci(cÏ + C2) —
— 168cic2 + 216CÏC4 + 280C6 + 606cic5
By applying the triangle inequality to relation (37) and using relations (26) to (30), we get
, , 309
j«7j < 309.
4. The coefficient functional for f G S * (q) Theorem 2. If f G S * (q) is of the form f (z ) = z + aiz + a2z2 + ■ ■ then
j«2«3 — «4j < 1.
Proof. If f e S* (q) then, from Theorem 1, upon using the values of 0,2, a3, 04 from Equations (10), (11), and (12), obtain
Ci Ci / 2 \ 1 / 3 \
a,2a3 — aA = 3 + -3 (c^ + C2) — 3 (Ci + 2cic2 + c3) .
By applying the triangle inequality, ja2«3 — ^j <
f (d + =2)
3 (ci + 2CiC2 + C3)
From relations (25), (26), and (27), obtain
|«2«3 -ai|< 3 + 3 + 3 = L
5. The third Hankel Determinant for f E S * (q). Theorem 3. If f E S * (q) is of the form f(z) = z + a1z + a2z2 + ■ ■ then
l H (1) |< 265.
| 3V n< 192
Proof. Due to Raina and Sokol [13], |a21< 1, |a3|< 3/4, |a41< 1/2, |a2a4 — a2|< 39/48 and |a3 — a2|< 1/2. Substituting these bounds, relations (34) and (38) in the relation (4), we get
• , , i 3/3^ 1 , N 13 /1\ |H (1)|< 4 (<48/ + 2 24 (2) '
I * ^
6. Fekete-Szego inequality for different functions.
Theorem 4. Let f-1 (z) = z + dn,zn be the inverse function of f.
For any ^ E C and f E S* (q) of the form f(z) = z+a1 z+a2z2+..., we get
| d3 — ^ d21 < 1 max <j 1,
Proof. By the definition of the inverse function, we have
/(/-1 (*)) = r1 ( /(*)) = z. (40)
Let f-1 (z) = z + ^2d,
(z) = z + > anz
From relations (1) and (40), it can be reduced to
/-1(z + a2z2 + a3Z3 + ...) = z. (41)
From (40) and (41) one obtains
z + Z2(^ci2 + d^j + z3(a,3 + 2a2<l2 + d^ +----= z
Comparing the coefficients of z2 and z3 on both sides, one can see that
«2 + d2 = 0, (42)
a,3 + 2a,2d2 + d3 = 0.
Now, from (12) and (42) we get
d2 = — Ci.
From (12), (13) and (43) we get
4 = — % + M
Now consider
d3 — ^ d2 = - < C2 — ci
1 2
{" — <5
d3 — ^d2 = - {c2 — v2 c2} , where v2 =
5 — 4/i
4 '
Applying Lemma 2 to relation (44), one gets estimate (39). This estimate is sharp, the equality is attained on the following functions
d3 — ^ d2
1 2 ,
5 — 4/i
if p(z) if p(z)
1 + z2
1 — z2;
1 + z
Theorem 5. For a function f e S* (q) of the form f(z) = z + a2z + + a2z2 + ..., for any ^ e C, and for G (z) = jjf) = 1 + d2z + d2z2 + ..., we get
| d2 — ^ d21 < 1 max 11, Proof. As f eS * (q) and
1 — 4n
G ( )
( )
1 + Y, dnzn.
Simplifying, one obtains that
—(j) = 1 — a2Z + (a2 — a^jz2 + ... (47)
From (46) and (47), upon equating the coefficients of the same powers of z, we have
d1 = — a2, (48)
2 = a2
From (10) and (48), we get d1 = — c1.
From (10), (11) and (49), we get d2 = — . Assuming that ^ is a complex parameter, take
d2 = a2 — a3. (49)
d2 — » d1 = 1 |c2 — <1 | .
d2 — ^ d\ = 1 {c2 — V2 c!} , where V2 = —(50)
Applying Lemma 2 to relation (50), one gets (45), with equalities
1 + z2
№ — » d2| = ^ 2
1 — 4»
I 8
if P(Z)- 1 — ^2'
•f ( ) 1+ *
lf p(Z) = --.
Theorem 6. If f E S * (q) is of the form f(z) = z + a1z + a2z2 + ... then
2 | ^ 1 J\ 2»g3 — 392 \
a3 — »a2\ < ~2g3 maXi1, 2a 22 /
2fig3,~ 3 gt 2 9 2
Proof. Let f E S* (q); then there exists a Schwarz function w such that
4(f * g)' (z)) _
v ' = w (z) + ^1 + w2(z). (52)
( f * 9) (z)
The left-hand side of (52) has the expansion
z((f *g)'(*)) ( 2
——-—-— = 1 + a2Q2Z + 2 (1393 — +
(f * 9) (z) V J
+ (3 0,494 — 3 0,20,39293 + a^g^z3 + ... (53)
Substituting the expansion w(z) = c2z + c2z2 + ... into the right-hand side of (52), one obtains
ci C2 3ci
2 2 3 4 3
2 1 / 2^ 2^3 — 39l \\
a3 — ^ =2^1C2 — CA 922 )j ,
2 1 r 2 \ i 2^3— 3 g\
03 — ^02 = — [C2 — V3 Ci\ , where V3 =-2-.
2 3 22
Applying Lemma 2 to relation (54), one gets (51). The equality arises for
if p(z) = +
2 3 1 — 2
if ( )
1 a3 — №2 1 ^ o 02 1 ,
2jig3 — 3g| . „ , , 1 + z
4 22 3 □
7. Zalcman coefficient functional for f e S* (q). Theorem 7. If f e S* (q) is of the form f(z) = z + a2z + a2z2 + ...
, 2 | 53
1 «2 — «5 1 < ^.
Proof. If f e S* (q) then, from Theorem 1, upon using the values of a3, a5 from equations (11) and (13) one obtains that
2 _ 1 f 1 3 A 1 f7 1 17 2 1 2 4 1 2
^ — «5 = 7 ( C2 + - Ci) — J ^ C1C3 + 17 clc2 + 3 c2 + ^ + C^
4 V 2 2 7 4 V 3 23 6 22 3
3 ( 2 , a2 7 8 ^Cl + C2) — 24
3 2 7
a3 — 05 = - (c2 + C2) — — (c4 + 3c2C2 + 2C1C3 + c2 + q) +
+ 4 (=2 (cl + C2)) — ^ (C2 (c'2 + C2)) +16 —
By applying the triangle inequality, we have
a\ — a5 <
- c
+ C2)'
— (cl + 3cjc2 + 2C1C3 + cj + C4)
1 (c? (c? + c2)) + -1 (c2 (c? + c2))
4 V 1 v 1 ■ ^ 12
From relations (7), (25), (26), and (28) we get
4 16
+ +
C4 24
7 1
I % - as I - 8 + 24 + 4 + 12 + 16 + 24 = 48 •
Thus the result is proved for the case n = 3 of the Zalcman conjecture for feS* (q). □
Theorem 8. If f e S* (q) is of the form f(z) = z + a\z + a2z2 + •.., then
1 2 I 127
I a2 - •
Proof. If f e S* (q) then, from Theorem 1, upon using the values of a3, a5 from equations (12) and (15) one obtains that
az =9(4c? + 2cic2 + 2 — 2880 (4Q0c? + 1056C1C5 + 840C2C4+
+ 780clcj + 700clc 3 + 49 cf + 1116c1c4 + 1720cic2c3 + 332c1cj+
+ 240c? + 480c6).
a4 —
az = 144( C1 + 2cic2 +c? )2 + 144c2 — 144( c? + 2cic2 +c?)( c?)+
50 Ci( c5 + 3 cic2 + 3 c2c? + 4 c?C2 + 2 C2C3 + 2 C1C4 + 05) +
+ 200( ci + 5 c4c2 + 4 cic2 + 4 c?c? + c2 + c2 + 3 cic2c? + 3 c2ci+ + 2 C2C4 + 2 cic5 + c6) + 40 C2 ( ci + 3 cic2 + 2 cic? + c2 + C4 ) —
— 200ci( ci + 3 c2c2 + +2 cic? + c2 + C4) + 200c?( c? + 2 dC2 + c?) —
— 50 ci( ci + 2 cic2 + c?) + 400C4( c2 + C2 ) + 540dC2C? — 90 c^ ci+
+ C2) + 50 c4( C2 + C2) —168 cic2 + 216 cic4 + 280Co + 606dC5
By using the triangle inequality and relations (7) and (25) - (31) to relation (55), we get the required result. Thus, the result is proved for the case n = 4 of the Zalcman conjecture for f G S * (q). □
8. Coefficient estimates f G C (q).
Theorem 9. If f G C (q) is of the form f(z) = z + a2z + a2z2 + • • •, then
M < 1/2, M < 1/4, M < 7/24, H < 3/40.
Proof. If the function f G C (q), then from relation (5) we have
f (z) + z f (z) - f (z) w (z) = f'(zWl+w2 (z). (56)
From the relations (7) and (56) we have
f (z) + w2 (z) = 1 + 2d2Z + (3a3 + ^z2 + (4a4 + (^2 + cid) z3+ + ^5a5 + 2CI2C1C2 + c 1C3 + ^ + 7° - + (6 a6 + 2c\aA+
+ c 1C4 + 3 a3CiC2 + 2(Ï2C1C3 + a2cl + C2C3 - - + ... (57)
f (z) + z f" (z) - f (z) w (z) = 1 + (4ai - d)z + (9a3 - 2aiC 2 - d) z2+ + (16a4 - 3a3c 1 - 2a2c2 - c3)z3 + (25a5 - 4a4c 1 - 3a3c2 - 2a2c3 - c4)z4+ + (36a6 - 5 a5c 1 - 4a4c2 - 3a3c3 - 2a2c4 - c5)z5 + ... (58)
From (57) and (58), upon comparing the coefficients of the same powers of , we get
= f, (59)
= 1 ("2 + f )• (60)
^ — ^ ^ (61)
a2 -
a GÛ + ^ 6
5 c3 5 2 3 + - 24 - 12 5 (
4 a5 =30 + 17 C2C2
48 12
+ Ç1C3 + Ç2 + 12 20 20,
a5 = 120 ^C4 + 3c2c2 + 2°ic3 + c2 + c4) + (c2 + c2)2 - 2c4 + C4) . (62)
By applying the triangle inequality to relations (59)-(62), also using relations (26)-(28), we get the required result.
Here the coefficients a2 and a3 have the best bounds for the function fi(z), which is defined as
1 + (*№)/№)) = * + (! + 1, h(z) = z + £ bnz\
n> 2
then f[(z) + z f{(z) - zf[(z) = f[(z)VTT^.
After simplification, we get b2 = 1/2, b3 = 1/4. □
9. Coefficient functional for f E C (q).
Theorem 10. If f E C (q) is of the form f(z) = z + a\z + a2z2 + ..., then
\a2a3 - a4\< 29/48
Proof. If f E C (q), then, from Theorem 9 and upon using the values of a2, a3, a4 from equations (59), (60), and (61) one obtains
CL2d3 — 0,4
11 c3 7ci
— "24" ($ + + ^ (4 + 2 ClC2 + C3) .
By applying the triangle inequality, it is reduced to
10-2^3 — a4l <
11 3
(c2 + + 12 (c3 +2 Clc2 + ^
From relations (25), (26), and (27) we obtain that
. 11 7 1 29
^ — a4|< 48 + 24 + 12 = 48.
10. Fekete-Szego inequality for f E C (q). Theorem 11. If f E C (q) is of the form f(z) = z + aiz + a2z2 + ..
3(M -1)
| a3 — ^câ l< -ma^i 1 6 I
where ^ is a complex number and the best bound is obtained.
Proof. If f E C (q), then, from Theorem 9 and upon using the values of a2, a3, from equations (59) and (60) one obtains that
( C2 — UiC^j
where v\ = 1 ^J. By applying Lemma 2 to Equation (64), one obtains the result as in Equation (63). The sharpness is given below:
1 + z2
2 1/6, lf P(z) 1 «3 - V«2 H S - 1
1- z2'
f f ) 1 + z
if pfz) = --.
4 □
11. Second Order Hankel Determinant for f E C (q).
Theorem 12. If f E C (q) is of the form f(z) = z + a2z + a2z2 + ..., then
I«2«4 - «2|< 31/144.
Proof. If f E C (q), then from Theorem 9 and upon using the values of «2, «3, a4, from equations (59), (60) and (61) one obtains that
a2a4 — a3 =
d f 4 + 2 d d + c3) + -12 cfd + 9c id + 8 c22
96 288
By applying the triangle inequality to relation (65) and also using relations (25) to (27), we get the required result. □
12. An upper bound for \#3f1)\ for f E C fq).
Theorem 13. If f E C fq) is of the form ffz) = z + a\Z + a2z2 + ..., we have
1 3V n< 5760
Proof. Substituting the results of Theorems 9, 10, 11, and 12 in the relation (4), we get
lumi .1 / 19 \ 7 f 29\ 3 f 1 \ 1277
\H3 f1)\ < 4[m)+û\4E) + 400 \6) = 5760 ■
13. Zalcman coefficient functional for f E C fq).
Theorem 14. If f E C fq) is of the form ffz) = z + a\z + a2z2 + ■ ■ ■, then
2 7
I a2 - a5 I < ^.
Proof. If f E C (q), then, from Theorem 9 and upon using the values of a3, a5, from equations (60) and (62) one obtains that
1 '2l„\20f\rA\0„2„ln„„ ,2
a3 -a* = 72° (2°(c2 + c2 )2 - 3°(c4 + 3 c2c2 + 2ci C3 + c2 + 04) +
+ 2°c?(C? + C2) - 12C2(c2 + C2) - 6C4 + 11 c4 + 6c2) By applying the triangle inequality to relation (66), we have
\a3 - a*\ < 722° (2°\c? + c2\2+3°\c\ + 3cfe + 2C1C3 + c2 + C4\ +
+ 2°\Cl\2\c2 + C2\ + 12\C2\\C? + C2\+6\c4\ + 11\Cl\4+6\C2\^ .
From relations (7), (25), (26), and (28), we get
2 ,, 2° 2° 3° 6 11 12 6 7
I «2 «51 < 720 + 720 + 720 + 720 + 720 + 720 + 720 48'
Acknowledgement. The authors are very much thankful to the Editor and the esteemed referees for their careful reading and valuable suggestions, which improved the paper.
The work presented in this paper is partially supported by DST/FIST grant no: SR/FST/MSI-101/2014, dated:14-01-2016.
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Received September 07, 2019. In revised form, February 28, 2020. Accepted March 03, 2020. Published online March 27, 2020.
V. Suman Kumar
Department of Mathematics, TSMS, Chigurumamidi, Karimnagar,
Telangana-505481, India
E-mail: [email protected]
R. B. Sharma
Department of Mathematics, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana-506009, India E-mail: [email protected]