XXI CENTURY: METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Xalmirzaeva S.S.

This article discusses current environmental problems. The causes and consequences of environmental problems were analyzed.

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В данной статье рассматриваются современные проблемы экологии. Причины и последствия экологических проблем были проанализированы


UDC 500-12

Xalmirzaeva S.S.

Andijan State Medical Institute Uzbekistan, Andijan tity XXI CENTURY: METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN


Abstract: This article discusses current environmental problems. The causes and consequences of environmental problems were analyzed.

Keywords: methodology, ecology, biosphere, landscape, water, atmosphere

Халмирзаева С. С.

Андижанский государственный медицинский институт



Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются современные проблемы экологии. Причины и последствия экологических проблем были проанализированы

Ключевые слова: методология, экология, биосфера, ландшафт, вода, атмосфера

One of the characteristic features of the modern world is the aggravation of global problems, which by their nature go beyond the interests of various classes and social systems, and the solution of which depends crucially on the future, moreover, the very existence of mankind.

The problem of preventing the negative impacts of man's material and productive activities on the natural environment, which has become one of the most pressing problems of our time, is a new unprecedented in the history of human society. Since the seventies of this century, confidence in the «limitless human ingenuity» has begun to give way to a serious concern about the state of the environment, which is increasingly being changed by the ingenuity of this ingenuity.

Progressive deterioration of the environment becomes a real fact, the neglect of which is fraught with very dangerous consequences. Therefore, the issue of nature protection and careful attitude to the use of its resources has never become more serious, consistent and large-scale, as in our time. Interest in the problems of ecology is deeply motivated by the whole course of the modern scientific and technological revolution, which has invested in the person's hands the powerful means of transforming the surrounding world. The growing ecological danger has revealed the inconsistency and complexity of such a phenomenon as scientific and technological progress.

The problem of the relationship between man and nature in its entirety has always been a matter of profound philosophical interest. To her, one way or another, the greatest thinkers of the past applied, trying to determine the place and role of man in the universe. In this connection, the question arises: how does the

ecological problem correlate, which has become one of the most urgent and requiring urgent natural-science, technical-economic and socio-political solutions, with the ever-philosophical problem of the relationship between man and nature?

The philosophical field of analysis extends from a person taken in its entirety to nature in its three basic meanings: the universe, correlated with the human society of the part of the universe and the inner basis of man. Ecological field already. Basis for ecology is the concept of environment, derived from the conceptual apparatus of the ecology of animals and plants. The environment can be defined as part of the nature in which there is a person whose focus it is, directly encountering it in its activities.

Between the philosophical and specific ecological levels, as well as between the concepts of "nature" and "natural environment," there is no impassable abyss. The totality of the taken into account characteristics of the natural environment increases as the person receives more and more information about the influence of nature on his existence and turns more and more of nature into his habitat.

The dependence of man on nature, on the natural habitat, existed at all stages of human history. It, however, did not remain constant, but changed in a dialectically contradictory manner.

On the one hand, as the productive forces of society develop, as the relationship between man and the natural habitat is increasingly mediated by the «second nature» he creates, man has increased his protection from the negative impacts of nature and natural disasters, which not only allowed more stable comfortable conditions of existence, but also to develop all new territories for living and for productive work.

Today, this dependence is often found in a very dramatic way, because the scale of application of many types of resources necessary for economic activities, and simply for the existence of mankind, leads to the depletion of the available reserves of these resources on the planet. In the orbit of human activity, a steadily expanding spectrum of processes, phenomena and substances of nature is involved, which are also used with increasing intensity, so that human society is drawn into ever closer and diverse connections with the world of the surrounding nature.

The interaction of man and nature, society and his environment as a result of the rapid growth of industrial production throughout the world, and production, which relies on existing multi-waste technologies, has reached extreme, critical forms and sizes. The question of the threat to the very existence of mankind as a result of the exhaustion of natural resources and the contamination of the environment of his habitat, which is dangerous to human life, arouses the full growth. It is these contradictions in the relationship between society and nature that determine the essence of the ecological problem.

Two opposite concepts are gaining traction: the conquest of nature and subordination to it. In the first variant, people pledge to further strengthen the struggle with nature and overlook the fact that a person struggles with the nature that gave birth to it, that is, with the natural basis of its existence and,

consequently, such a struggle must be conducted very carefully. The opposite option (only the subordination of man to nature) is also fraught with dangers primarily because it requires the refusal of the creative, transformative activity of people in relation to nature.

Nature acts as a prerequisite and condition for the development of society. Society is a detached part of nature, man is the pinnacle of evolution. «It is the inevitable manifestation of a great natural process that naturally lasts for at least two billion years.»

Being a part of nature, man gradually, in the process of labor and communication, was formed as a social being. Man in the course of practical activity gradually conquered his the will of the animal and plant world, put himself at the service of the «organic force of nature», proceeded to production. From this time it can be said that man finally broke the unwritten «contract» with nature and only through the millennium he learned in some way to foresee the remote consequences of his active interference in nature. He realized that his actions violated the balance in nature. One of the first philosophers who raised the question of humanity's payment for progress in the productive forces, was F. Engels, who wrote that it was not worth it too «too enticed by our victories over nature. For each such victory, she avenges us. Each of these victories, however, has, first of all, the consequences for which we expected, but in the second and third turn quite different, unforeseen consequences, which very often destroy the importance of the former.» In fact, after the victory over the animal and vegetable world, only one enemy remained in man - he himself.

Today it became clear to us that these unforeseen consequences extend not only to nature, but also to many spheres of human life. How can we make transformations in the means of production reduce their negative impact on the natural sphere so that the flowering of science and technology does not depreciate the emotional moral sphere?

The «undocking» of different axes of social progress leads to a truly crisis situation. In other words, humanity faced the challenge of learning how to combine changes in the scientific, technical, social and spiritual spheres, so that natural harmony does not collapse between them.

Realizing its responsibility to nature, society has gradually developed a whole system of religious prohibitions and state laws that regulate the relationship of man with the environment. It is known that many primitive tribes punished violators of such prohibitions with a slow death. The same fate awaited those who killed animals more than it was necessary for food. It is necessary to pay tribute to the peoples of the ancient states of Asia, who were the first to develop decrees on the protection of flora and fauna. It is considered, for example, that the Mongols bent their socks off their boots in order not to damage the grass cover of the steppes.

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can note two trends in the development of the relationship between man and nature:

1. Beginning with the distant past, the measure of man's domination over nature is constantly expanding, the composition of substances and energies involved in the sphere of productive labor is increasing at an accelerating rate, and the modern scientific and technological revolution opens the prospect of absolute human power over natural processes on a planetary scale.

2. The disharmony in the relationship between man and nature is steadily growing. Each qualitatively new stage in the mastery of the forces of nature is «progress» in the destruction of the natural basis of human existence. The consequence of these trends was the emergence of ecology - the doctrine of the interrelationship of organisms with the environment.


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UDC 374

Hojibayeva I. Valijonov Sh. Kamalov A.

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Хожибаева И. Валижонов Ш. Камолов А.


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