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Science and innovation
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educational system / education and training / technical development / technological revolution / career guidance / PISA / STEAM / TIMMS / test services / educational games.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — M. Mamadalieva, M. Qahhorova, G. Hazratqulova, F. Esanqulova

This article is about the International Assessment Program and its role in the world experience, as well as its experience in improving the effectiveness of Education

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1Mamadalieva Marhabo Xolmamatovna, 2Qahhorova Mahbuba Jo'rayevna, 3Hazratqulova Gavhar Xuramovna, 4Esanqulova Feruza Eshbayevna

1New pedagogues of Surkhandarya region there is a large national center for teaching methods


2,3,4Teachers of secondary school No. 25 in Muzrabot district https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10397035

Abstract. This article is about the International Assessment Program and its role in the world experience, as well as its experience in improving the effectiveness of Education.

Keywords: educational system, education and training, technical development, technological revolution, career guidance, PISA, STEAM, TIMMS, test services, educational games.

As we all know, Uzbekistan is moving to a multi-level education system that meets world standards. Are educational technologies in line with world standards, are advanced practices entering educational technologies? - question is very important for all of us.

By studying the implementation of educational and educational work in the highly developed countries of the world, implemented in schools, we, our independent republic, in reorganizing national education systems, outdated in education, organization of school work, we will get rid of the forms and methods of activity that are losing their relevance faster, and we will have additional rich resources in updating it appropriately. After all, the needs and interests of the state and society should be reflected in modern education.

Educating members of society who can successfully operate in the conditions of scientific and technical development, new technological revolution, directing the young generation to the profession, and introducing the multi-variant third stage of secondary education, education- it is appropriate to study world experiences such as using the most advanced pedagogical tools in education, opening a wide path to initiative and creativity in education, and creating the most optimal systems.

Currently, developed countries have fully implemented the inclusion of integrated courses in the curriculum. Reforms implemented in schools have created problems of educational work classification. In economically developed foreign countries, educational stratification has become the most urgent issue. Classified training of students in foreign countries is mainly carried out after the primary education course.

In developed countries, attention to gifted children is increasing. In the following periods, there are many children who have advanced several times in their abilities compared to their peers. They start school very early and achieve great success in mastering educational courses. Such a school of talents appeared in the West in the 60s. The educational programs of such schools are structured in such a way as to ensure the full realization of children's abilities and opportunities.

The above-mentioned goals are:

to strengthen humanitarian and universal orientations of schools.

to find the most effective ways of forming the learner's personality.

use of educational games in new forms of education - council of learners, school councils.

specialization of school curricula, strengthening and improvement of interrelationship of subjects.

bringing the school closer to labor and human activity, and reorganizing work on career guidance.

establishment of differentiated education, development of special educational institutions (both for talents and mentally and physically weak learners).

new, i.e., increasing the importance of educational technical means in education, establishing computer education in the corps of pedagogues.

A comprehensive experiment in the implementation of pedagogical ideas consists in the implementation of research.

The application of such exemplary aspects of foreign education in the educational systems of our country accelerates the process of educational reform in our republic. The current level of development of human society is reflected in the fundamental changes implemented in all spheres of social life of our independent republic.

Large-scale reforms are being carried out in our country in order to support and encourage the creative ideas of young people. In particular, in order to develop research and innovation activities of young people, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 997 of December 8, 2018 "On measures to organize international research in the field of education quality assessment in the public education system" was adopted. In order to ensure the implementation of this decision, the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Public Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance will organize international studies on international evaluation programs.

Now the Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study (PIRLS) is being introduced to assess the level of reading and understanding of the text of primary 4th graders.

Also, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) study is used to assess the mastery level of 4th and 8th grade students in mathematics and natural sciences.

The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) research is used to assess the level of literacy of 15-year-old students in reading, mathematics and natural sciences.

The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is intended to be introduced to study the teaching and learning environment and working conditions of pedagogues in general secondary educational institutions.

According to the decision, a national center for the implementation of international studies on the assessment of the quality of education was established under the State Inspectorate of Education Quality Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The main tasks and directions of activity of the National Center were defined as follows:

• participation as a representative of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the organization and coordination of international research;

• conducting scientific research aimed at the development and implementation of innovative methods of developing the level of literacy in the education system, mathematics and natural sciences;

• establishment of international relations in the field of education quality assessment, development and implementation of international projects, participation in the organization and holding of international scientific conferences and symposiums;

• conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of education quality assessment;

• scientific and methodological support for research on the assessment of the quality of education;

• to ensure the successful participation of general secondary education institutions in international research;

• Comparing the results of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international assessment programs with the results of other countries comparison;

• conducting systematic monitoring of the introduction of international assessment programs into the educational process, popularizing the best experience in this field and participating in the development of recommendations and manuals for educational institutions based on it;

• preparation of teaching-methodical recommendations on improving the qualifications of pedagogues in reading, mathematics and natural sciences using innovative methods of teaching.

A general analysis of the knowledge and skills of learners determines the level of education quality in the country. For this purpose, internal and external monitoring is carried out in each educational institution during the academic year. According to its results, the sequence of the most exemplary schools, the potential of pedagogues and the mastery level of students will be determined. Since this process is an important criterion for determining the progress of education, the first steps were taken to implement international methods for assessing the knowledge of general secondary school students at the initiative of the Ministry of Public Education. That is, in order to bring students' knowledge to international requirements, to study their compatibility with it, PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), TIMSS.

It is planned to widely use assessment programs such as Mathematics and Science Study).

PISA is an international program that assesses the literacy and competence of 15-year-old students and is conducted by the International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development every 3 years. In it, the quality of knowledge of students in reading, mathematics and natural sciences is monitored and evaluated in a point system. This international program was developed in 1997 and was put into practice for the first time in 2000. With the help of the program, changes in the education system of different countries are identified, compared, and evaluated. The results of these studies are followed with great interest around the world. Therefore, its importance and scope is increasing year by year.

TIMSS is an international monitoring of the quality of mathematics and science teaching at school, organized by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). This study helps to compare the level and quality of knowledge acquired by students of 4th and 8th grades in mathematics and natural sciences in different countries and to identify differences in national education systems. in addition, the content of education in mathematics and natural sciences in schools, the educational process, the possibilities of the educational institution, the cooperation of pedagogues, and the factors related to the families of the students are studied. These data are the basis for showing the mastery of the specified subjects. The study is conducted every four years by many scientific research centers and organizations of the world, in particular, the US Educational Testing Services (ETS-Educational Testing Services), the Canadian Statistical Center (Statistics Canada), the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement It will be held with the participation of the Secretariat of the IEA. Also, advisory committees consisting of experts from different countries will be established.

STEAM is one of the most important innovative methods of the world education system today. At first glance, the acronym STEAM looks very complicated, but if we look at it separately, we can see that it is simple and clear, that is: S - science, T - technology, E - engineering, A - art, M - mathematics, or natural sciences, technology, engineering, creativity, mathematics. In simple words, they are the most demanded subjects in the modern world.

It is no secret that in order to achieve great achievements in many fields of science, integration of knowledge from different fields is required. But how can we prepare students for this, because it is very difficult to see the connection between school lessons. STEAM helps to solve exactly such problems.

This method allows to conduct education in a mixed way and to form the skills of applying the acquired theoretical knowledge in everyday life. STEAM is an innovative technology that enables project and research activities in and out of school. With the help of this method, subjects are taught not in separate branches, but in an integrated way, showing their common connection. In addition to showing the relevance of science to everyday life, technology can also show students' creativity. International assessment programs allow observation of the entire class, logical thinking, and the extent to which their age and psychological characteristics are developed.


The World Experience of International Assessment Programs has provided valuable insights and contributed to improving educational efficiency across countries. Through rigorous assessments and evaluations, these programs have highlighted areas of strengths and weaknesses, allowing policymakers and educators to make informed decisions and implement targeted interventions.

One significant conclusion drawn from these international assessment programs is the importance of a holistic approach to education. It is not solely about achieving high scores on standardized tests but also about fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, creativity, and social-emotional development. By recognizing the value of a well-rounded education, countries can create educational systems that prepare students for the challenges of the modern world.

Another crucial finding is the significance of investing in teacher professional development. High-performing education systems consistently prioritize ongoing training and support for teachers. By equipping educators with the necessary tools, knowledge, and pedagogical skills, they can deliver high-quality instruction and engage students effectively. Professional development programs can also bridge the gap between research and classroom practice, ensuring that teachers are equipped with evidence-based strategies.


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