Научная статья на тему 'Why became a war? (based on Anna Seghers’s stories "mine" and "grave")'

Why became a war? (based on Anna Seghers’s stories "mine" and "grave") Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Rakhmatova Honzodabegim Utkir Qizi, Bobojanova Dilafruz Murodovna

The article analyzes the subject of war; literally interpretation of Anna Seghers`s stories "Mine" and "Grave", tragic life, fate and death of war people. Disasters, sorrows of the war to all of humanity were expressed in Anna Seghers` works. Most characters of writer`s works are almost war victims, those who have lost loved ones, regardless of different ethnic. The Second World War is recognized as the most terrible, the most destructive battle which has most casualties in the history. In particular, the special literature indicates that sixty five-sixty seven million people were killed in the war. Sixty one countries of the world were enlisted in the Second World War, after the war, living standards of the population deteriorated in these countries [1,153]. Perhaps the war ended after six years, but its calamities to the human race are still continuing. In Anna Seghers` works, precisely this thing war, its fatal complication of humanity were literally interpretated.

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В статье анализируется литературная интерпретация рассказов немецкой писательницы Анны Зегерс «Мина» и «Могила», посвящённых Второй мировой войне. В её произведениях олицетворяется трагическая судьба, жизнь, мучение и смерть простых людей в годы войны. Герои рассказов, независимо от того, к какой нации они относятся, все пострадавшие, лишённые своих родных и близких из-за начавшейся войны. Вторая мировая война стала самой жестокой и страшной войной в истории всего человечества. Потому что, как утверждают учёные, в ней погибло более шестидесяти семи миллионов человек, а это составляет восемьдесят процентов населения Земного шара. Во второй мировой войне участвовала шестьдесят одна страна мира, после окончания войны во всех этих государствах наблюдалась экономическая отсталость, ухудшилась жизнь народа. Из-за этого немецкая писательница Анна Зегерс посвятила многие свои произведения этой теме.

Текст научной работы на тему «Why became a war? (based on Anna Seghers’s stories "mine" and "grave")»

WHY BECAME A WAR? (BASED ON ANNA SEGHERS'S STORIES "MINE" AND "GRAVE") Rakhmatova H.U.1, Bobojanova D.M.2 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Rakhmatova537@scientifictext.ru

1Rakhmatova Honzodabegim Utkir qizi - Pupil, SAYILJOY ACADEMIC LYCEUM;


Absract: the article analyzes the subject of war; literally interpretation of Anna Seghers's stories "Mine" and "Grave", tragic life, fate and death of war people. Disasters, sorrows of the war to all of humanity were expressed in Anna Seghers' works. Most characters of writer's works are almost war victims, those who have lost loved ones, regardless of different ethnic. The Second World War is recognized as the most terrible, the most destructive battle which has most casualties in the history. In particular, the special literature indicates that sixty five-sixty seven million people were killed in the war. Sixty one countries of the world were enlisted in the Second World War, after the war, living standards of the population deteriorated in these countries [1,153]. Perhaps the war ended after six years, but its calamities to the human race are still continuing. In Anna Seghers' works, precisely this thing - war, its fatal complication of humanity were literally interpretated. Keywords: war, mine, grave, Anna Seghers, Anton Shuls, death, creative works, soldiers, unfortune fate, captive, sacrifice, fascist.

ПОЧЕМУ ПРОИЗОШЛА ВОЙНА? (НА ПРИМЕРЕ РАССКАЗОВ АННЫ ЗЕГЕРС «МИНА» И «МОГИЛА») Рахматова Х.У.1, Бобожанова Д.М.2 (Республика Узбекистан)

1Рахматова Хонзодабегим Уткир кызы - учащаяся, Академический лицей «Сайилжой»;

2Бобожанова Дилафруз Муродовна - учительница, Школа-интернат «Умид», г. Джизак, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье анализируется литературная интерпретация рассказов немецкой писательницы Анны Зегерс «Мина» и «Могила», посвящённых Второй мировой войне. В её произведениях олицетворяется трагическая судьба, жизнь, мучение и смерть простых людей в годы войны. Герои рассказов, независимо от того, к какой нации они относятся, - все пострадавшие, лишённые своих родных и близких из-за начавшейся войны. Вторая мировая война стала самой жестокой и страшной войной в истории всего человечества. Потому что, как утверждают учёные, в ней погибло более шестидесяти семи миллионов человек, а это составляет восемьдесят процентов населения Земного шара. Во второй мировой войне участвовала шестьдесят одна страна мира, после окончания войны во всех этих государствах наблюдалась экономическая отсталость, ухудшилась жизнь народа. Из -за этого немецкая писательница Анна Зегерс посвятила многие свои произведения этой теме. Ключевые слова: война, мина, могила, рассказы Анна Зегерса, Антон Шульц, страдание народа, смерть, солдаты, художественная работы, взята в плен, фашисты, судьба.

Left an indelible mark in the history of world literature, her immortal works left essential place in the hearts of millions of fans, German writer Anna Seghers's real name is Netty Radvanyi. Anna Seghers was famous for depicting the moral experience of the Second World War. She was born in the German town Reiling, November 19, 1900. They are Jewish, and her father was a dealer in antiques and


paintings. This creative environment in the family had a strong influence on young Anna. Netty grew up charming in works of art and she was different from her peers with her thirst for knowledge, love for beauty. After graduating from high school, Netty Radvanyi went on to study at the University of Heidelberg in Cologne. In 1925 she tied a way of life with Hungarian writer and sociologist Laszlo Radvanyi. They shared a happy life, had two children and brought up.

During the raid on the German Nazis (National Socialist Workers' Party) Seghers was imprisoned on political charges for creative, humanistic ideas for life. His writings were banned by the censor. After that Anna Seghers was exiled to France as dangerous person for the society. Exactly these events changed Netty Radvanyi from "simple housewife" to the author, courageous author fighting against the Nazi ideology. She came back to Germany with her family in 1947 and lived in Berlin. 1958-1978 years he worked as chairman of the German Writers' Union. Anna Seghers created rewarding and productive work during her all creative work. During the whole creative and human activities, fighting for peace, the idea of human freedom, who praised liberty, happy and prosperous life of the people, the good singer Anna Seghers died in 1983 in Berlin.

Anna Seghers tried to convey terrible consequences of the war, it's a painful way to the reader through real-life examples in her works. In particular, in "Mine" story [2, 81] she described the ordinary German family suffered by the terrible loss because of the war. The hero of the story is German soldier Anton Shuls. He went to the battle field with all the guys on the first days of the war. He saw all the suffering experiences by the war. After the war, returning to the bosom of his family, Anton was happy seeing healthy relatives. However, this joy did not last long. While playing near the deep sand his children, touched minas which were buried by soldier during the war, and died tragically. Anton thought one way to survive in any situation in war, people must be obedient, even he told this his wife repeatedly. Perhaps, that is why Anton explained to his wife "being how hard, don't complain about life, government". In one side Anton was true. The worst of it is he worked for Hitler army from the first day by the end of the war, he fought for the sake of fascist Germany. Even he was hold captive. However the country which he focused her life on it, demanded the sacrifice of their children. His sacrifice on the battlefield was not enough for the new fascism. Anton went into battle for his country, his state, his beliefs, it shouldn't be otherwise. Because he had to fulfill his duty for his Motherland. Anton Shuls tried to be obedient in everywhere, in every case, tried not to protest anything, even it was the principle of his life. He thought that the cause of his surviving is this life style. And that is why he called his wife to his own way. But the war doesn't choose the person, time, the young man, the guilty or the innocent, the good or the bad. So it is war. It wants to die people, it keeps the juice of bias, there is the own truth of the war that it doesn't act any subjection, any rule of law, any moral standards. Otherwise what was the fault of the Shuls' young babies?! They were children, at the age of the game, but they were playing in the sand. The soldiers buried landmine killed their children. In this case Shuls' submissiveness and his woman obedient did not work out. War doesn't choose a man, doesn't divide into the white and the black. In our view, through the story "Mina" of Anna Seghers she meant, "Why became the war?" suddenly told by a mother who lost three children. This painful cry, is the indictment against the terrible fire of the war, which said on behalf of all the mothers of the world.

In particular, In the story "Grave" [3, 95] was also reflected the terrible tragedy of war. The story begins with the events cutting pine trees of a farmer a few years ago in land distribution, and the attention of the reader is focused on the tombstones of the gorges. In next images it was said that whole family have been buried in the grave. In the stone following inscription was written "They died for Germany 1945". In fact, they are victims of untruth dogma like "Hitler and Goebbels' state - your country". The woman and also his children are victims of the same belief. The woman with her three children came to this village with refugees at the end of the war. She also had to understand the whole life was based on the shame and counterfeit. The government which she hoped and believed was destroyed, and she had nothing. That is why firstly she hang her children and himself on branch of tree on her way. After a month from this event her husband returned from the war. He called his family, and heart their sad fate. He also committed suicide in this place. The author called this place "contagion". All avoided himself from this place. But the

unfortunate children cannot out of the grave. The war is over. As the years passed. People continue to live in again. But the underlyings in this grave stone sacrificed their precious lives in vain.

Reading the stories of Anna Seghers, we can imagine the picture of the bloody battles of the war; seem hatred in our hearts, at the same time, feeling a sense of gratitude as well. After all, we are living in our ancestors dreamed so happy and beautiful days.

References / Список литературы

1. Usmonov К., Sadikov М. "The history of Uzbekistan" "The East" publisher sourse Tashkent, 2003.

2. "The gift of magi" Vakhob Ruzimatov's translation. Tashkent "The young guard" publisher sourse, 1989.

3. SholokhovMikhail. Selected works. Moscow. "Classic literature", 1984.

THE POSITION OF WOMEN OR THE "GENDER QUESTION" IN AFGHANISTAN. FROM HISTORY TO THE PRESENT Karimjanova G-А. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Karimjanova537@scientifictext.ru


Abstact: the article gives a brief history of the formation of women's rights in Afghanistan, as there are few countries in the world where women are greatly affected by their social and economic rights. Today, Afghanistan is one of the few countries where the life expectancy of women is less than that of men. The role of progressive rulers such as Emir Abdurahmankhan and Emir Amanullah, public figures like Mahmud Tarzi, Soraya Tarzi, as well as women's rights as Sima Samar is considered. The activities of public organizations, such as the Women's Protection Society ¿jlj^i ¿uUa. ("Anjuman-e Hemayat-e nesvan") and the Shuhada Organization (14"). Keywords: gender, religion, culture and education, "Anjuman-e Hemayat-e nesvan", "Shuhada", organization.


Каримжанова Гавхарихушноз Алишер кизи - магистрант, кафедра Ирано-афганской филологии, факультет восточной филологии, Ташкентский государственный институт востоковедения, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье приводится краткая история становления прав женщин в Афганистане, поскольку в мире мало стран, где женщины очень сильно ущемлены в своих социальных и экономических правах. Сегодня Афганистан - одна из немногих стран, где продолжительность жизни у женщин меньше, чем у мужчин. Рассмотрена роль прогрессивных правителей, таких как эмир Абдурахманхан и эмир Аманулла, общественных деятелей, как Махмуд Тарзи, Сорайя Тарзи, а также по правам женщин, как Симы Самар. Приведены примеры деятельности общественных организаций, таких как Общество защиты женщин (У^\(«Анджуман-е хемаят-е несван») и

Организация «Шухада»

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