Научная статья на тему 'Which is the most useful physical activity for old people?'

Which is the most useful physical activity for old people? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Zefi Gjulio

A sedentary life combined with the non suitable way of eating increases obesity in old people. It is widely spoken about the health benefits that the elders who take up sport have along with the necessity of living an active life as long as possible. So we should think which are the most useful and effective exercises to keep the body of an old person fit. Dealing with functional training means practising some exercises and movements equal to moving activities of everyday life. This may result in good health benefits for our body enabling us to have a good physical body and improve the quality life.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Which is the most useful physical activity for old people?»

Section 5. Medicine

Zefi Gjulio, doct., in Physical Education, the Faculty of Educational Sciences University of Shkodra E-mail: gjuliozefi@yahoo.it


Abstract: A sedentary life combined with the non suitable way of eating increases obesity in old people. It is widely spoken about the health benefits that the elders who take up sport have along with the necessity of living an active life as long as possible. So we should think which are the most useful and effective exercises to keep the body of an old person fit. Dealing with functional training means practising some exercises and movements equal to moving activities of everyday life. This may result in good health benefits for our body enabling us to have a good physical body and improve the quality life.

Keywords: functional gymnastics, the physical aerobic activity, muscular strengthening, equilibrium and flexibility, quality life.

Introduction We often hear the term "functional gymnastics"

We hear everyday people talking about the im- or "functional physical activity" which is recom-provement of the life conditions, lifespan or healthy mended to those who are part of the third age. Firstly aging. The lack of physical activity leads to lots of we must explain some characteristics of doing the chronic diseases which are visible in adults and old "functional gymnastics". Dealing with a "functional people such as cardiac problems, stroke, diabetes physical activity" means doing lots of movements mellitus, pulmonary illnesses, Alzheimer illness, hy- and exercises, this may result in good health benpertension and cancer. A sedentary life combined efits for our body and in a good physical appearance. with the non suitable way of eating increases obesity There are several "functional gymnastics" and every in old people. Exercising regularly is related to obe- year other new methods and exercises are suggested. sity as well as the reduction of disabled people and The fact that they are always in progress makes it dif-it also affects the improvement of the life quality in ficult for us to choose which the most suitable area old people. for our requests is.

It is often spoken about the health benefits that There are lots of meanings attached to the term

those who take up sport have along with the necessity "functional physical activity" from the rehabilitation

of living an active life as long as possible. A question to the muscular empowerment, from the corrective

arises: Which is the most useful and effective physical one to that which lets you a little bit apart from the

activity to keep the body of an old person fit? real sports activities.

Besides this, there is also the physical activity based on specific exercises for special parts of the body. Nevertheless, gymnastics for old people, whatever it is, should be thought and programmed in advance in order to favour the "muscular-skeletal flexibility", motor skills and general postural position for people who due to their advanced age are slower in motion. So, it is important to put more emphasis on the moves done in their proper way. It is a good thing to constantly practise in every phase of life sticking to appropriate rhythms and the physical requirements. Physical activity extends our lives, it also keeps our mind alive, it encourages the functioning of the organs and the human body apparatus and it is even a very good antidepressant [2, 12-23].

In 2008, the Health Department in the USA, in the annual gazette, has highlighted and recommended the fact that in order to have good health benefits an old person should do at least 150 min aerobic activity with a moderated intensity or 75 min aerobic activity with an optimal intensity, or a combination of these versions per week. Old people should also be committed to increase the activity which includes all groups of the muscles at least twice a week.

The physical activity for old people should favor some main aspects such as breathing, relaxation and muscular extension, a better posture and a better command of their body. The goal an elder must reach is that he/she must be more secure in moving till he/she finally succeeds in being less frightened to walk without being checked.

The physical activity for the third age must predict a lot of stretching exercises which engage the upper and lower limbs, the spinal cord and even the belly. These exercises must be done in accordance with the breathing acts which is very important for a good psycho-physical equilibrium [3, 34-43].

In the gymnastics activity for old people (the functional training), free body exercises as well as exercises with specific equipment may be included. Nowadays, there are numerous studies which have proved that the physical activity is a good equipment

to slow down and make the aging process be less problematic. Some of them emphasize that a moderated training performed in a relatively long period of time may take some years to represent pathology related with the aging process.

It is not true that the older a person becomes, the less the need to move is. He/she must keep moving following some basic and good instructions. So, for this reason, it is very important to be suggested a "training" plan. Only by doing this, the physical activity can give its benefits and can also serve as a means of social exchange among old people.

The rational and constant physical exercise affects, as previously mentioned, in the breathing apparatus increasing the function of the respiratory muscles as well as the moving process among the vertebrae of the ribs (the chest cough), enabling the growth and safety of the elasticity of the lungs [4, 8-16].

The effect is visible in the muscular-skeletal system removing the negative effects of the muscular hypertrophies, osteoporosis and arthritis. The functional training has also a great impact on the peripheral and central nervous system increasing the focus and the critical ability. It also improves the functioning of the immune system; it opposes the birth of cardiovascular pathologies, of hypertension, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

We must never forget that the elder won't be trained to take part in competitions and at the same time he/she mustn't be considered as a desperate and irresponsible case. For this reason, there are certain helpful and necessary specific trainings in suitable schedules and with nice music in the background without having around any of the "inappropriate" characters for the age and the physical level of the elders. Old people also make up an important human "deposit" for the instructor ofphysical education, too. Listening to the stories and the experiences they have faced, carrying years of commitment on their shoulders, they can also gain something valuable. In this way, they will not only feel more helpful, but also better psychologically.

The physical activity must be functional which means making the person execute any kind of movement retrieving it independently and automatically in his/her everyday life. This will stimulate old people to acquire a more effective body and movement scheme.

Sometimes the instructors ofphysical education intend to strengthen a muscular zone by randomly overcoming the physiological aspects which are associated with the aging of the muscle itself. Getting older, the decrease of the number of muscle fibers is more noticeable in those facts. So, the development of general coordinative skills, the respect for the person as a whole and the prevention of accidents are 3 main goals of a functional training (functional gymnastics) which must have the self-perception and stabilization of different parts of the body as basic elements. This is achieved through a progressive way and through equilibrium exercises such as medicine ball exercises, in order to improve the perceptual ability of particular areas as well as of the whole body.

As a conclusion, the functional training aims to create exercises which regard daily movements based on some key points required in the development of every muscular exercise such as: the equilibrium, the reaction (the reactivity), and the growth of the muscular strength. We should never forget the fact that old people don't have the same skills as the younger ones; therefore, care must be taken with the gestures and movements offered to them to accomplish.

The most suitable exercise which may be done by old people can be arranged in 3 groups:

1. The physical aerobic activity

It is advisable that different kinds of physical aerobic activities should be used during the week. This kind of activity must last at least 10 min long for each session and must be done with moderate intensity. Some studies have proved that the activity accomplished at least three times a week may reduce the risks of injury and excessive fatigue by producing health benefits for the elders.

2. Muscular strengthening

The development of muscular strength and the resistance is progressive and very important to help elders to prevent the bone and muscle soreness. At least two days a week, elders must deal with activities for the muscular strengthening by activating all crucial muscular groups. These kinds of exercises must contain from 8 to 12 repetitions per activity or must be carried out until the old person has difficulties in repeating the exercise without anybody's assistance.

3. Equilibrium and flexibility

The use of exercises which keeps or improves the equilibrium can reduce the risk of falls and injuries related to them. The older a person becomes, the more the chances of falling increase, and as a result, even their recovery is more difficult and lasts longer. Equilibrium exercises and the activity to strengthen the musculature must be done at least three times a week with a total of 90 min in addition to walking with moderate intensity for about an hour a week. Good examples of exercises to improve the equilibrium include walking backwards, on the heels, at the tip of the fingers etc. The more the equilibrium is improved, the more the difficulty of the executed exercises is increased.

As far as flexibility is concerned, stretching exercises can help to maintain it. Old people should be trained in order to keep and develop the flexibility at least twice a week for 10 min a day [5].

Some recommendations for the physical activity for old people

That a physical activity has as much effect on the organism, it must be developed regularly.

- In order to achieve significant health benefits with a minimum activity, it can be a 2 hours and 30 min aerobic activity with moderated intensity (as for example, walking with resistible rhythm) per week, as well as physical activity to strengthen the muscular at least two days a week.

Or, an hour and 15 min (75 min) aerobic activity with higher intensity (for example jogging, run-

ning) per week and physical activity to strengthen the muscular at least two days a week.

Or a combination ofan aerobic activity ofmoder-ated intensity with that of a higher intensity equivalent to the above recommendations as well as the physical activity to strengthen the body muscular in general.

- While to increase the level and keep for as long as possible all health benefits achieved through the functional training, we should do 5 hours (300 min) aerobic activity with moderated intensity per week as well as physical activity in order to strengthen the muscular at least twice a week.

Or, a 2 hour and 30 min (150 min) aerobic activity of a higher intensity per week as well as a physical activity to strengthen the muscular at least twice a week.

Or a combination of an aerobic activity of moderated intensity with that of a higher intensity equivalent to the above recommendations, as well as the physical activity to strengthen the body muscular twice a week.

In order to achieve his/her own goals and objectives, an old person needs a plan in which should be included all kinds of physical activities advised for his/her age. This plan should describe in details

how, when and where the physical activity will take place. People with chronic problems need a plan which integrates their caring and training. The plan of the physical activity should also foresee the gradual and progressive growth of the physical activity which will take place. There should also be a personal doctor who will advise the elders to participate continuously and adequately in the functional training during the week. The combination of the moderated intensity with the higher one during the practice of the physical training must be followed carefully by the physical education instructor, and even be individualized according to the function abilities of the individuals. Some activities which may improve different physical skills upon the elders can be: bike rides at distances with different rhythms, functional training sessions, dancing (different kinds), swimming, acquagym, tennis, the use of the vacuum cleaner, walking in nature, jogging, callisthenic exercises, transportation of food bags, palates, different types of work in the garden, some yoga exercises and tai chi, chores (washing glasses and floors) etc.


1. Bassem Elsawy M. D., e Kim E. Higgins D. O., Methodist Charlton Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 2010 Jan 1; 81 (1): 55-59.

2. Alberto Tomasi, Lara Lucchesi. Igiene prevenzione e sport, CIC Edizioni Internazionali, Roma, 2005; 12-23.

3. Minasso G., Piccolo C. e A., "Ginnastica per la terza eta", Roma Edizioni Mediterranee 1983; 43-43.

4. Fox Bowers Foss, "Le basi fisiologiche dell'educazione fisica e dello sport", Roma Il pensiero scientifico editore 1994; 8-16.

5. URL: http://www.health.gov/paguidelines/guidelines

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