Научная статья на тему 'What should a future physics teacher know about the history of the atom and its development?'

What should a future physics teacher know about the history of the atom and its development? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Makhmudov Anvar Abdulla Ogli, Khudayberganov Abdulla Makhmudovich

This article provides three basic concepts of quantum physics. From these concepts the concept of "atom" stands out. The future physics teacher should know the history of the emergence of this concept and its development. Therefore, here is considered the history of the emergence of this concept. This article also describes the meaning of the current physics in the concept of “atom” and what the ancients understood by this term. It describes what role the great ancient Greek scientist Democritus played in introducing and explaining the concept of "atom". And also the words of the great physicist Isaac Newton about the concept of "atom" are given.

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В данной статье приводится три основные понятия квантовой физики. Из этих понятий выделяется понятие «атом». Будущий учитель физики должен знать историю возникновения этого понятия и его развития. Поэтому здесь рассматривается история возникновения этого понятия. А также в этой статье излагается, какой смысл вкладывает в понятие «атом» нынешняя физика и что понимали под этим термином древние. Здесь описывается какую роль играл великий древнегреческий ученый Демокрит, при введении и объяснении понятия «атом». А также приводится слова великого ученого физики Исаака Ньютона о понятии «атом».

Текст научной работы на тему «What should a future physics teacher know about the history of the atom and its development?»

9. Выготский Л.С. Собрание сочинений: [Текст] в 6 т. Т.3. / Л.С. Выготский Проблемы развития психики / Под ред. А.М. Матюшкина. М. Педагогика, 1983.

10. Основные результаты международного исследования РКА-2015, 2017 год: Национальный отчет / С. Ирсалиев, А. Култуманова, Е. Сабыр^лы, М. Амангазы Астана: АО «Информационно-аналитический центр», 2017. 241 стр.

11. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: www.osoko.edu.ru/common/upload/osoko/pisa/PISA_2 015_results_short_reportpd/ (дата обращения: 07.11.2018).

12. Концепции развития образования в Кыргызской Республике до 2020 года. Бишкек, 2012. 70 с.

13. Закон КР «Об образовании» с изменениями от 8 июня 2017 года N 100. Бишкек, 2017.

14. Государственный образовательный стандарт среднего общего образования Кыргызской Республики / Утвержден постановлением Правительства Кыргызской Республики от 21 июля 2014 года № 403.

15. Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 23 августа 2012 года № 1080 «Об утверждении государственных общеобязательных стандартов образования соответствующих уровней образования». Астана, 2012.

16. Государственный общеобязательный стандарт основного среднего образования / Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 23 августа 2012 года № 1080 / в соответствии с постановлением Правительства РК от 25.04.2015 № 327 (вводится в действие с 01.09.2016).

17. Программа курсов повышения квалификации педагогических работников Республики Казахстан. Третий (базовый) уровень. Третье издание. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: www.cpm.kz. Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы, 2012. 118 с./ (дата обращения: 07.11.2018).

18. Национальный доклад о состоянии и развитии системы образования Республики Казахстан», 2016 год. С. Ирсалиев, А. Култуманова, Э. Тулеков, Т. Булдыбаев, Г. Кусиденова, Б. Искаков, Л. Забара, Л. Барон, Е. Коротких. Астана: АО «Информационно-аналитический центр», 2017. 482 с.

19. Професиональный стандарт «Педагог» / Приложение к приказу Председателя Правления Национальной палаты предпринимателей Республики Казахстан «Атамекен» № 133 от 8 июня 2017 года.

20. Активные методы преподавания и обучения. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: www.cpm.kz, 2012. / (дата обращения: 07.11.2018).

21. Илюшин Л.С. Использование «Конструктор задач» в разработке современного урока // Школьные технологии, 2013. № 1.

WHAT SHOULD A FUTURE PHYSICS TEACHER KNOW ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE ATOM AND ITS DEVELOPMENT? Makhmudov A.A.1, Khudayberganov A.M.2 Em ail: Makhmudov651 @scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article provides three basic concepts of quantum physics. From these concepts the concept of "atom" stands out. The future physics teacher should know the history of the emergence of this concept and its development. Therefore, here is considered the history of the emergence of this concept. This article also describes the meaning of the current physics in the concept of "atom" and what the ancients understood by this term. It describes what role the great ancient Greek scientist Democritus played in introducing and explaining the concept of "atom". And also the words of the great physicist Isaac Newton about the concept of "atom" are given.

Keywords: quantum physics, quantum, quantum object, quantum phenomenon, atom, Democritus, Aristotle, Lucretius Kara, Newton.


АТОМА И ЕГО РАЗВИТИЯ? Махмудов А.А.1, Худайберганов А.М.2

'Махмудов Анвар Абдулла огли - ассистент, кафедра физики,

Ташкентский институт инженеров железнодорожного транспорта;

2Худайберганов Абдулла Махмудович - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, кафедра математики и естественных наук, Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный институт, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье приводится три основные понятия квантовой физики. Из этих понятий выделяется понятие «атом». Будущий учитель физики должен знать историю возникновения этого понятия и его развития. Поэтому здесь рассматривается история возникновения этого понятия. А также в этой статье излагается, какой смысл вкладывает в понятие «атом» нынешняя физика и что понимали под этим термином древние. Здесь описывается какую роль играл великий древнегреческий ученый Демокрит, при введении и объяснении понятия «атом». А также приводится слова великого ученого физики Исаака Ньютона о понятии «атом».

Ключевые слова: квантовая физика, квант, квантовый объект, квантовое явление, атом, Демокрит, Аристотель, Лукреций Кар, Ньютон.

UDC 539

It is known that any physics at least elementary, even general, consists of classical and quantum physics. If we consider quantum physics from this, then it is the science of the structure and properties of quantum objects and phenomena. In this definition, everything is correct, and yet its uselessness is obvious until they have explained what the combination of the words "quantum object" and "quantum phenomenon" means. The word quantum is absent in all dictionaries of the XIX century, it appeared in dictionaries in the early twentieth century. Prior to this, the word "quantum" was widely known, which means "how much", "amount", "share", "part", "portion". If you put it next to the words "object" and "phenomenon," you get the phrase "quantitative phenomenon" or "portioning object" -in general, something is absurd if all this is understood literally and literally [1, p. 15].

Everyone who has studied foreign languages will easily understand the reason for such an absurdity: the phrase "quantum phenomenon" and "quantum object", as well as "quantum physics", are idiomatic phrases that can not be translated verbatim. To understand their true meaning, you must first get acquainted with the customs and culture of the country in which they originated.

Quantum physics is a vast country with a rich and deep culture. If we know about it only that it "... solved the age-old mystery of the mysterious country of the microworld" and also turned all our worldview, we know about it about the same as tourists about an unfamiliar country whose culture is not known about it, but the language does not understand: their memory is to save only bright spots of advertisements in an unfamiliar language.

The language of quantum physics is peculiar, but, in essence, does not differ from any foreign language. Like any language, it can not be assimilated by a single effort of will-a system is needed. To begin with, you just need to remember a few running words and try to build simple phrases from them, not really caring about the severity of grammatical constructions. Only later will come that ease and confidence in the mastery of the new language, which bring with it the satisfaction and joy of pure knowledge [1, p. 16].

To get used to the language and logic of quantum physics, it is necessary to learn a few preliminary concepts, at first glance, unrelated to each other. These include the following three concepts of quantum physics: atom, wave and quantum. From this it follows that the concept of "atom" is one of the important concepts of quantum physics. Therefore, the future teacher of physics, regardless of the educational institution in Uzbekistan, he will teach physics, he must pay great attention to the study of the concept of "atom", his initial history of development.

Proceeding from the foregoing it follows that the future teacher of physics should have a definite plan for studying the concept of "atom" and its history of development. At the beginning of this plan is the history of the emergence of this concept. In this part of the plan, the teacher must learn, master and know the following data. Here the teacher should answer such questions: 1. What is the meaning of the

current physics in the notion of "atom"? 2. How did the concept "atom" come about, what did the ancients understand by this term? 3. How did this concept develop later?

These questions can be answered as follows. The creator of the idea of the atom can be considered Democritus, although history also mentions his teacher Leucippus and-less confident-ancient Indian philosopher Canada. We know little about the life and personality of Democritus. It is known that he was born in the Ionian colony of Abder on the Thracian coast of the Mediterranean Sea; except Leucippus, he studied with the Chaldeans and Persian magicians, traveled a lot and knew a lot; lived about a hundred years and in 370 BC was buried at the public expense by the citizens of his native city, which he deeply esteemed. Numerous generations of artists depicted Democritus tall, with a short beard, wearing a white tunic and sandals on bare feet [1, p. 17].

The legend says that one day Democritus was sitting on a rock by the sea, holding an apple in his hand and thinking: "If I cut this apple now, I'll have half an apple; if I then cut this half again into two parts, a quarter of the apple will remain; but if I continue to continue this division, will I always have 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and then the other part of the apple in my hand? Or at some point another division leads to the fact that the remainder will no longer have the properties of an apple? "Subsequently it turned out that the doubt of Democritus contained a fraction of the truth. At mature reflection the philosopher came to a conclusion, the limit of such division exists and named this last, already indivisible, particle, atom. The word "atom" from Greek is translated as "uncut". Hence the definition of an atom. The smallest part of any substance that does not retain all the chemical properties of a given substance is called an atom. All his thoughts Democritus laid out in the book "Small diacosmosis". In this book he wrote: "The beginning of the universe is atoms and emptiness, yet the rest exists only in opinion. Worlds are innumerable, and they have a beginning and an end in time. And something does not arise from non-being, is not allowed into non-being. And atoms are innumerable in size and in number, they are worn in the universe, whirling in a whirlwind, and thus everything is born: fire, water, air, earth. The fact is that the latter are compounds of some atoms. Atoms do not yield to any influence and are unchangeable in consequence of hardness" [7, p. 7-9].

When Democritus died, Aristotle, the teacher of Alexander the Great, was 14 years old. He was lean, short, tall, refined, and respect for him often passed all reasonable boundaries. There were grounds for this: he knew all the knowledge of that era. Aristotle taught the opposite: the process of dividing an apple can be continued indefinitely, at least in principle. For the sake of justice, we must admit that the idea of an infinite divisibility of matter for an unsophisticated mind looks more natural than the idea of the existence of a fundamental limit to the divisibility of matter. The doctrine of Aristotle became dominant. Democritus was forgotten for many centuries, and his works were destroyed with care, worthy of a better application. Therefore, the teachings of Democritus survived only in fragments and testimonies of contemporaries, and Europe learned about it from the poem of the ancient Roman poet Titus Lucretius Kara (99-55 BC) "On the nature of things".

To overcome the infallibility of Democritus, it took two thousand years. In the XVII century there was a so-called science of physics, which soon completely supplanted the ancient natural philosophy. Unlike natural philosophy, the emerging science relied not on pure speculation, but on experience and mathematics. The surrounding nature was not only observed, but studied, that is, it put conscious experiments to test hypotheses and record the results of this check in the form of numbers. The idea of Aristotle could not stand such a test, and the hypothesis of Democritus strengthened and gave rise to the atomic theory.

After twenty centuries of oblivion, the idea of atoms was revived by the French philosopher and educator Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655): in 1647 his book appeared with an account of the ideas of atomism. At that time, this was associated with a certain risk: the traditions of the Middle Ages pursued not only the hypothesis, but also the rigorous facts of science, if they contradicted the generally accepted dogmas. In Paris, for example, in 1626, the doctrine of atoms was banned under pain of death. Nevertheless, all the leading scientists of the time accepted the atomic hypothesis. Even Newton with his famous motto "Hypothesis non fingo" believed in it and laid it out in his own way at the end of the third volume of "Optics".

However, until the hypothesis about atoms was confirmed by experience, it remained, despite all its attractiveness, only a hypothesis. The correctness of Democritus for the first time could clearly be seen Scottish botanist Robert Brown (1773-1858). In 1827, the elderly director of the botanical department of the British Museum, R. Brown, drew attention to the fact that the smallest pollen of plants arbitrarily moves in the water under the influence of an unknown force. He immediately published an article, the title of which is very characteristic for that unhurried era: "A short report on the microscopic observations made in June, July and August 1827 on particles contained in plant pollen and the existence of active molecules in inorganic and organic bodies".

At first his experience was perplexing. This perplexity was exacerbated by Brown himself, trying to explain the phenomenon discovered by some "living force", which is supposedly inherent in organic molecules. Naturally, such a straightforward explanation of the Brownian movement did not satisfy the scientists and they undertook new attempts to study its features. Among them, much did the Dutchman Carbonel (1880) and the Frenchman Guy (1888). They put out careful experiments and found out that Brownian the movement does not depend on external influences: the seasons and days, the addition of salts, the type of pollen and ".... is observed equally well at night in the village and in the afternoon near a crowded street where heavy carriages pass by". It does not even depend on the kind of particles, but only on their size, mass, and most importantly, it does not stop.

I must say that at first the strange movement did not pay attention to itself due attention. Most physicists did not know about him, and those who knew him considered it uninteresting, believing that this phenomenon was analogous to the movement of dust particles in a sunbeam. Only forty years later, for the first time, the idea emerged that the erratic movements of plant pollen, visible under a microscope, were occasional shocks of small invisible particles of liquid. Almost everyone believed in this, after the works of Gui and the hypothesis about atoms gained many followers.

Of course, even before Brown, many people were convinced that all bodies were built of atoms. For them, some properties were already apparent without further research. In fact, all bodies in nature, despite the huge differences between themselves, have masses and sizes. It follows that the atoms of these bodies must also have mass and size. It was these properties that he based his reasoning on. John Dalton (1766-1844), a teacher of mathematics and natural philosophy in the city of Manchester, a great scientist who determined the development of chemistry about a hundred years ahead. 1804, carefully analyzing all the data on chemical compounds known at that time, he formulated the concept of a chemical element, which consists of atoms of the same type.

At the same time, the question immediately arises: does the variety of substances mean the same variety of atoms as Democritus claimed? It turned out not. It soon became clear that there were not so many elements in nature: at that time about 40 were aware of them. All other substances are built from molecules — various combinations of these atoms. The atoms themselves of different elements also differ from each other and above all, by mass. The hydrogen atom is the lightest, the heavy oxygen atom is 16, and the iron is 56, and then others. It follows that a gram atom of any element contains the same number of atoms of these elements. This number is called the Avogadro number in honor of the Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856), who in 1811 came to the conclusion that a gram atom or gram molecule of any monatomic gas occupies the same volume of 22.4 liters.

The absolute value of the Avogadro NA = 6,02'1023 number was estimated only in 1865 thanks to the work of Joseph Loshmidt (1821-1895), a physics teacher at the University of Vienna. He found that the sizes of all atoms of any substance are about the same and have the order of 10-8 cm, that is, 0.00000001 cm, and the mass of a hydrogen atom is only g. We meet here for the first time with such small quantities and we simply do not have the necessary skills to comprehend them. The most we can do is say as thin as a web or as light as fluff. But the thickness of the web (10-3 cm) is a hundred thousand times larger than the atom itself, and the down pillow is something weighty and quite real. Therefore, it is better to leave attempts to present these numbers clearly from the very beginning. It is only important to understand that, despite its extreme smallness, these numbers are not arbitrary: it is precisely such small diameters and masses that must be attributed to atoms, that the properties of substances that consist of them turned out to be as we see them in nature. Based on the above, we can conclude that the future teacher of physics should know how the concept of "atom" arose, what the ancients understood by this term, and how this concept developed later. He should also know that according to the gas-kinetic theory, the atoms of any substance have dimensions of the order of 10"8 cm[6, p.32-34].

The next item on the plan of studying the atom, the future teacher of physics, is the prediction of the great scientist Newton about the atom. He should know the following prediction of a great scientist: "It seems likely to me that God created matter in the form of solid, massive, solid, impenetrable, moving particles of such size and shape, and with such other properties and proportions to space that best serve the purpose for which he created them, and that these simplest particles, being solid, are incomparably stronger than other bodies composed of them; even so strong, they never wear out and do not break into pieces: no ordinary forces are able to share what God created on the first day of creation ... ".

"It seems to me obvious that the se partic le s have not only the propertie s o f inertia along with the passive laws of motion, which naturally follow from these forces, but that they move according to certain effective principles like gravity and which cause excitation and adhesion of bodies. I consider these principles not as occult qualities, supposed to derive results based on specific forms of things,

but as general laws of nature, to which the very existence of these things is due; their authenticity is evident to us through phenomena, although their reasons have not yet been disc overed".

If the future physics teacher tells his future students or students the above initial history of the development of atomic physics, pupils or students develop skills on the concept of "atom" and have interests in studying the course of physics, especially atomic physics.

References / Список литературы

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