WHAT IS READING FLUENCY? AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kuramboeva K.Sh., Botirova N.M., Kurbanboeva A.U.

fluency is important because it builds a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. It allows students time to focus on what the text is saying. They are able to make connections between what they are reading and their own background knowledge. Therefore, they are able to concentrate on comprehension.

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Текст научной работы на тему «WHAT IS READING FLUENCY? AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?»

Молодое поколение, не имеет четкой жизненной позиции, поэтому легко поддается внешнему влиянию, формированию зависимого поведения, в том числе через средства массовой информации, а также глобальной сети интернет.

Существуют три формы аддиктивного поведения личности:

1. Химические аддикции (наркомания, токсикомания, алкоголизм);

2. Биохимические (анорексия, булимия);

3. Нехимические (азартные игры, компьютер и т.д.).

В целях профилактики аддиктивных форм поведения необходимо организовать комплексную, систематическую работу по формированию у молодого поколения установки на здоровый образ жизни, отказа от вредных привычек. В рамках межведомственного взаимодействия проводить круглые столы, семинары, профилактические беседы с участием специалистов субъектов профилактики инспекторов ОДН, КДН, наркологического диспансера, поликлиники, представителей духовенства. Необходимо организовать досуг, занятость несовершеннолетних и молодежи в различных кружках, секциях. Вовлечение молодежи в ежедневные занятия физической культурой, организация спортивных мероприятий и соревнований. Во время занятий спортом развиваются личностные качества, как дисциплинированность, целеустремленность, ответственность, волевые качества и стрессоустойчивость, которые помогают бороться с различными формами зависимого поведения.

Спорт оказывает на формирование личности колоссальное влияние и заполняет внутренний мир человека так, что в нем не остается места на вредные привычки, на саморазрушительные мысли и мотивы. Как говорится, в здоровом теле, здоровый дух, поэтому приобщая молодежь к занятиям спорта, формируются, как физические, так и духовно-нравственные ценности.

Список литературы

1. Королева Р.С. Исследование и профилактика наиболее типичных зависимостей

подростков // Физиологические, психофизиологические проблемы здоровья и

здорового образа жизни, 2020. С. 108-111.

WHAT IS READING FLUENCY? AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Kuramboeva K.Sh.J, Botirova N.M.2, Kurbanboeva A.U.3

1Kuramboeva Kamola Shakir kizi - Student; 2Botirova Nozima Mansurbek kizi - Student; 3Kurbanboeva Anbarjon Utkir kizi - Student, FACULTY OF FOREIGN PHILOLOGY, URGENCH STATE UNIVERSITY, KHOREZM, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: fluency is important because it builds a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. It allows students time to focus on what the text is saying. They are able to make connections between what they are reading and their own background knowledge. Therefore, they are able to concentrate on comprehension.

Keywords: punctuation, fluent, attention, proper, phrase, chunks, knowledge, recognition, connection, passage.

Reading fluency is the ability to read accurately, smoothly and with expression. Fluent readers recognize words automatically, without struggling over decoding issues. When

reading silently, in addition to recognizing words automatically, fluent readers group words rapidly to help gain meaning from their reading, which then translates into their understanding of the text. When reading aloud, fluent readers sound natural, as if they're speaking. Non-fluent readers read slowly and sound choppy. Fluency is important because it builds a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. It allows students time to focus on what the text is saying. They are able to make connections between what they are reading and their own background knowledge. Therefore, they are able to concentrate on comprehension. On the other hand, non-fluent readers have to spend more time decoding, leaving less time for comprehending the text. Due to mistakes made when reading, they will often have to read the same passage over several times to attain comprehension. In addition, non-fluent readers often do no read with expression.

Even when students recognize words automatically, they are not fluent if they don't read with expression. To read with expression a student should be able to divide a word into chunks, using proper phrasing. Not paying attention to punctuation often changes the meaning of the text. For example:

The children, without their toys, feel sad.


The children without their, toys feel sad.

Fortunately, reading fluency can be taught. It is important for adults to read aloud to children, modeling what good readers do. Show children how you pause for punctuation and change your voice to make text more meaningful. Children should be read to by their teachers, by their parents, and by their relatives. The more models of fluent reading children hear the better.

Next, it is important for children to practice, engaging them in repeated reading. Text should be easy to read and relatively short. There are several ways children can practice fluent reading;

Child/adult reading - The adult models, then the student practices.

Choral reading - reading in unison.

Assisted reading - reading along with a recorded text.

Partner reading - reading along with another child

Reader's Theatre - playing characters, as in a play.

Assessing progress is easy and most children think it's fun. Children love when you take out a stop watch and time them. Pick a passage on the proper reading level, time for 1 minute and graph the results. After several practices on the same text, time again. The children see immediate progress and become motivated to become more fluent readers.

Understanding a written text requires some higher cognitive abilities that not all children have. Some children have these abilities, since they understand oral texts; however, they have difficulties with written texts, probably due to problems in reading fluency. The aim of this study was to determine which aspects of reading fluency are related to reading comprehension. Four expositive texts, two written and two read by the evaluator, were presented to a sample of 103 primary school children (third and sixth grade). Each text was followed by four comprehension questions. From this sample we selected two groups of participants in each grade, 10 with good results in comprehension of oral and written texts, and 10 with good results in oral and poor in written comprehension. These 40 subjects were asked to read aloud a new text while they were recorded. Using Praat software some prosodic parameters were measured, such as pausing and reading rate (number and duration of the pauses and utterances), pitch and intensity changes and duration in declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative sentences and also errors and duration in words by frequency and stress. Children with less reading comprehension made more inappropriate pauses and also intersentential pauses before comma than the other group and made more mistakes in content words; significant differences were also found in the final declination of pitch in declarative sentences and in the F0 range in interrogative ones. These results confirm that

reading comprehension problems in children are related to a lack in the development of a good reading fluency.


5. Ottenheimer Harriet. (2009). The Anthropology of Speaking: an Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology. Belmont, CA: Wadswoth. P. 122. ISBN 9781111828752.

6. Condon John (1985). Good Neighbors: Communicating with the Mexicans. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press.

USING COLLOCATIONS IN TEACHING ENGLISH Otakhonova S.U.1, Allakulieva K.B.2, Yomitboeva S.U.3

1Otakhonova Sohiba Umidjon kizi- Master Student;



Abstract: сollocations are pairs of words that occur regularly together, with a high degree ofprobability. They don't have to be used next to one another; they just have to occur in the same environment.

Keywords: crucial, collocate, blond, internet, connected, cover, occur, example.

We say that blond collocates with hair and words connected with hair (tresses, curls). Beige can collocate with lots of nouns (car, jacket, wallpaper, floor-covering, etc.) where blond does not (we don't say a blond car or a blond jacket). On the other hand, we don't say beige hair. We say that decisions, roles, factors can be crucial, but we do not normally say a crucial man/woman. Collocations reveal restrictions on which words can go together and which words do not.

But why are collocations so important in language learning? For one thing, research has shown that knowledge of collocations is a good indication of general ESL proficiency. Other research suggests that natural use of collocation is a distinguishing feature when native-speaker texts are compared with texts written by expert users or near-native speakers. So, we can say that acquiring collocations is an integral part of acquiring proficiency in the target language.

Another important point is that, if we had to create every word, one single word after another, every time we speak or write, we could never achieve fluency. Fluency depends on being able to produce combinations of words automatically. Collocations, phrasal verbs, idioms and everyday chunks such as bitterly cold, set off, get rid of and at the moment, are used as ready-made pieces of language. They are not assembled every time we use them; they have 'addresses' in our minds that we can access quickly when we need them.

Every language has thousands of collocations. But how do we know which ones are the most commonly used and most useful for learners? To find the most common collocations, we need good, up-to-date corpora of spoken and written language and to know more about learners' use of collocations, we need corpora of learners' language.

Corpora show us that English has a set of verbs that are extremely common, such as do, make, get, have, go, etc. and it is precisely these verbs that often cause learners problems

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