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enterprise / concept / service / activity / analysis / market / product / strategy

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sh. Musayeva, D. Usmanova

In this article, the essence and modern forms of the marketing concept in the production enterprise are researched, the current state of the furniture production industry and the activity of the marketing service are analyzed, the marketing activity is analyzed, its special aspects are revealed, and proposals are made for the formation of marketing services. 'considered

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1Musayeva Shoira Azimovna, 2Usmanova Dilfuza Ilhomovna

1Professor of Samarkand Institute of Economic and Service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan 2Associate Professor of Samarkand Economics and Service Institute https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10030155

Abstract. In this article, the essence and modern forms of the marketing concept in the production enterprise are researched, the current state of the furniture production industry and the activity of the marketing service are analyzed, the marketing activity is analyzed, its special aspects are revealed, andproposals are made for the formation of marketing services. 'considered.

Keywords: enterprise, concept, service, activity, analysis, market, product, strategy.

Introduction. Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2022 - 2026 Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for years of rapid development of the national economy and ensuring high growth rates in the third priority direction "...creating conditions for the organization of business activities and the formation of permanent sources of income, increasing the share of the private sector in the gross domestic product to 80% and the share of exports to 60%. Improving the activity of existing structures for supporting entrepreneurship, reducing unemployment and poverty in the regionsn1such priority tasks are also one of the guarantees for the development of small business and private entrepreneurship.

Along with saturating the market of our country with goods, private entrepreneurship makes a great contribution to creating new jobs, obtaining additional income, and increasing the welfare of the people. As the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev said, "If the people are rich, the state will be rich and strong."2.

A number of decrees and decisions of the President of our country are devoted to the development and comprehensive support of entrepreneurship. Among them, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5718 dated May 14, 2019 "On measures to fundamentally improve the system of support and protection of entrepreneurial activity" can be included. The important aspect of this Decree is thatIt has been emphasized that there are a number of negative factors preventing the wider and active involvement of the population in business activities, primarily related to the lack of a practical and transparent system of communication between state bodies and entrepreneurs, and the need to eliminate this situation The secret mechanism is defined.

Research methodology. Systematic approach, abstract-logical thinking, grouping, comparison, factor analysis, selective observation methods were used in the research process.

Analysis and results It is to determine the ways of scientifically and methodologically justifying the introduction of the concept of marketing service development in furniture production enterprises.

1Decree No. PF-60 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 "On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026".

2Sh. Mirziyoev. Critical analysis, strict discipline and personal responsibility should be the daily rule of activity of every leader. - Tashkent.: "Uzbekistan". - 2017. - 102 p.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined and fulfilled in the scientific article:

Researching the essence and modern forms of the marketing concept;

Researching the content of marketing services, the theory of their organization, their place and features in the economy;

Analysis of the current state of the furniture manufacturing industry and the activity of the marketing service;

Analyzing the marketing activity of "HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL" limited liability company, revealing its special aspects;

To offer new approaches of marketing service in the field of furniture production;

Development of proposals for the formation of regional marketing services in the furniture industry based on the experience of our country and foreign companies.

At the same time, it should be mentioned that the methodological work on the practical application of theoretical developments and their application in enterprises is insufficient. In order to implement the theoretical recommendations regarding marketing relations in furniture production industrial enterprises, it is necessary to draw from the experience and specifics of each field, conduct appropriate scientific research and develop recommendations and systems for the implementation of the theory. Development of this sector in the development strategy of New Uzbekistan Goal 22, i.e., with the goal of increasing the production volume of industrial products by 1.4 times, continuing the industrial policy aimed at ensuring the stability of the national economy and increasing the share of industry in the gross domestic product, is reflected as follows: Increase the volume of production of "Mebel" products by 2.8 times.3

"HAVAS COMFORT FURNITURE"if we look at the history of the limited liability company, it, like many business entities, started its activity from a small carpentry shop. From 1996 to today, it has grown into a large furniture manufacturing enterprise. In 2003, it was transformed into a limited liability company under this name, and in 2006, the production of various furniture for the population, enterprises, organizations and institutions was started.

Table 1

Production indicators of HA VAS COMFORT MEBEL LLC in 2019-2022

No Indicator name Amount by years

2019 2020 2021 2022

1 Production volume, million soms 8745.7 9443.6 10402.1 11688.5

2 Annual growth rates of production, % 100 107.98 110.15 111.4

3 Change compared to 2018, % 100 107.98 118.93 132.5

According to the data, "HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL" LLC is constantly increasing production volumes. 2022 11 billion by the year. Products worth 588 million soums were produced, which is 1.3 times more than in 2019. We can clearly observe the change of production volumes in the following diagrams.

Information on the range of products manufactured at HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL LLC is presented in the table below (Table 2).

3 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 No. PF-60 "On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026"

Table 2

Assortment of products of "HA VAS COMFORT MEBEL" LLC in 2019-2022, million soms.

N o Type of furniture Annual production, million soms Annual growth, %

2019 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022

1 Kitchen furniture 1542.7 4089.4 2159.5 3387.3 265.1 52.8 156.6

2 Soft furniture 4693.8 3694.5 5570.3 4893.9 78.7 150.8 87.8

3 Office furniture 18.4 12.3 232.0 486.2 66.9 1888.9 209.6

4 Bedroom furniture 797.6 391.1 183.1 404.4 49.0 46.8 220.9

5 Wooden table and chairs 417.2 11.3 151.8 155.5 2.7 1339.8 102.3

6 Magazine tables 593.0 272.1 536.7 752.7 45.9 197.3 140.2

7 Mattress 683.0 975.8 1568.6 1608.3 142.9 160.7 102.5

Total 8745.7 9443.6 10402.1 11688.5 107.98 110.15 111.4

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, according to the main positions of the assortment"HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL" LLC is observing production growth. We can only see a decrease in the production of bed furniture and mattresses. In this case, the actions of competitors in the Samarkand furniture market for bed furniture can be cited as a reason. It should also be noted that as a result of the specialization of furniture production, active service of other partner enterprises with mattress production is also provided. In 2019, we can see the high growth rates of the production of kitchen furniture and wooden tables and chairs in the activities of HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL LLC.

At the same time, it will be necessary to analyze the change in the composition of the assortment in order to draw conclusions about individual assortment positions. We will study the share of the types of products in the total production.

Table 3

The composition of the product range of HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL LLC in 2019-2022,%

No Type of furniture 2019 2020 2021 2022

1 Kitchen furniture 17.64 43.29 20.76 28.98

2 Soft furniture 53.67 39.11 53.55 41.87

3 Office furniture 0.21 0.13 2.23 4.16

4 Others 9,12 4.14 1.76 3.46

5 Wooden table and chairs 4.77 0.12 1.46 1.33

6 Magazine tables 6.78 2.88 5.16 6.44

7 Mattress 7.81 10.33 15.08 13.76

Total 100 100 100 100

From the data in the table and pictures, we can see that in 2019, the main part of the assortment was made up of three types of products - soft furniture (24.24%), office furniture (32.32%) and bed furniture (28.28%) . The smallest place was occupied by kitchen furniture

(0.61%). In 2021, we will see big changes in the composition of the assortment. Office furniture (29.63%) and soft furniture (24.69%) are in the leading positions. The share of bedroom furniture decreased sharply and made 12.35%. The contribution of kitchen furniture production increased from 0.61% to 9.88%. Similarly, the production of wooden tables and chairs increased from 8.08% to 19.75%. The share of magazine tables and mattresses, which occupy a small place in the assortment of manufactured products, has further decreased and by 2022 will be 2.47% and 1.23%, respectively.

It can be concluded that in the past three years there have been major changes in the furniture market andHAVAS COMFORT MEBEL LLC's position in the market is also changing. This, in turn, requires the development of the enterprise's marketing activities. "HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL" LLC's marketing activities are similar to all furniture manufacturing enterprises in the region. In this case, market research, product policy organization, pricing and sales promotion schemes depend on the enterprise's own initiative and capabilities. We can see this from the data of the table below.

Table 4

Analysis of sales network in HA VAS COMFORT MEBEL LLC in 2022

t/r The name of the points of sale of goods Sales volume, pcs Sales volume, million soums

1 Store Navabad dier 2339 3101.0

2 Shop Karshi dealer 324 679.3

3 Magazin Bukhara dealer 46 103.0

4 Store Tashkent dier 128 377.1

5 Magazin Fergana dealer 11 94.8

6 OOO "Khavas Comfort Furniture" 108 76.1

7 Sam-Carpo Design dealer 2328 3260.3

8 F-2 orders 5836 1688.7

9 F-3 orders 129 29.9

10 Individuals 201 640.8

11 Legal entities 2740 1644.7

Total 14190 11695.8

Table 5

The composition of the sales volume of HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL LLC in 2022

t/r The name of the points of sale of goods Sales volume, pcs Sales volume, million soums

1 Sale of furniture products through dealers 5284 7691.6

2 Spare parts for furniture 5965 1718.7

3 Individuals 201 640.8

4 Legal entities 2740 1644.7

Total 14190 11695.8

According to the research resultsra, marketing of furniture productssome mil in implementing giniliy had to study our features. That is, the application of marketingConvenience and efficiency significantly develop the type of marketthe product being solds, competition in the market miqIt was found that it depends on age. Friapply the marketing conceptit is important that there are no universal, standard, unified recommendations in marketing, everything in practical marketing depends on external and internal factors, demandsignificantly differs depending on consumer characteristics.

In Uzbekistan, 5-6 years ago, the "gross" approach prevailed in the application of the marketing concept, at the same time, the differentiated approach is widely used. Manufactured furniture productif we analyze them according to the types of contents, 58 percent correspond to household furniture, 39 percent to organizational furniture, and 3 percent to other furniture. A bit about thatpleaseLtd. makes office furniture and special furniture for educational institutions, shops, hospitals, restaurants, stores, warehouses, hairdressing salons, etc.

Manufacturer of furniture productsThe regional analysis of the aging structure showed that the main part of the furniture produced in 2021 was sold to the city and region of Samarkand. The share of regions in sales was as follows: Tashkent cityto -377.1 million soums, to Fergana region -94.8 million soums, to the city of Karshi679.3 million soums, to the city of Bukhara -103.0 million soums..

As noted above, the stable ri of any networkproduce only those goods that are in demand-directly related to growth and sales. And this, in turn, marketing activities of network enterprises saDeer organization, furnitureregular studyit requires taking into account the wishes of consumers, and analyzing the factors of the purchase process in detail. Technological change, the increasing role of social media, demographic changes, and the increasing purchasing power of women are all influencing the marketing efforts of furniture manufacturers and retailers.sobare the main points to be taken into account. We are our countryhistory in studying consumer preferences for waist products, macustommoms and furniture productsbased on their characteristics, we found it appropriate to segment them.

The establishment and operation of "HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL" LLC is closely related to "GULABAD MEBEL" LLC. First of all, both the founders of the studied object and "GULOBAD MEBEL" LLC, as well as the location, show the interdependence of the world. The emergence of "HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL" LLC is related to the wide segmentation of the furniture market and the increasing competition in it. Practice shows that the production of a wide range of products does not always give creative results. The difference in technologies leads to a sharp increase in production costs.

The main reason for the specialization in furniture production is the importance of the brand's product policy in the furniture market. Buyers associate a certain type of furniture with a particular brand, so it is necessary to abandon universality in order to select and maintain a target segment.

If we look at the activities of "HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL" LLC, since its establishment until today, soft furniture, kitchen furniture and mattresses occupy the main part of the assortment. Analysis shows that new modern "Luxury" and "Exclusive" category furniture is almost not found in the company's assortment. Most of the kitchen furniture is occupied by "Tashkent" furniture collection.

Therefore, it can be concluded that these two furniture manufacturing enterprises are using certain differentiation strategies in terms of specialization.

Table 6

Features of the product range of "HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL" LLC and "GULOBAD



It is aimed at middle and low income customers It is aimed at middle and high income buyers

The assortment includes mainly kitchen and soft furniture A wide range of goods has been formed

Furniture is made on the basis of standard technology and has a low level of differentiation The furniture is made in a modern individual form, guaranteed to fulfill all types of samples in the catalog

Orders for the repair of any furniture are accepted Does not repair furniture (except during the warranty period)

The ability to produce components and order is available Components are not produced

Individual items of the furniture collection are also produced Only aggregates are made to order

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The trademark has not been formed. Produces products based on the "MONDELUX" trade mark

As can be seen from the above analysis, HAVAS COMFORT MEBEL LLC and GULOBAD MEBEL LLC specialize in different segments of the furniture market and try to cover the market together.

When buying furniture products, consumers have a wide rangeuses the information in, i.e.: analyzes various information, tries to find the optimal purchase option, chooses the product according to his lifestyle, taste and opportunity. Also, the consumer takes into account financial, technical, time loss and psychological risks when purchasing a durable product.

The buyer performs the purchase and use of home appliances only after clarifying his need, which consists of several interrelated steps to make the purchase decision. That is, the general needyto solve the problems inrecommended:

• what kind of furniture is his ehIt is clear that it will fully satisfy your needslays;

• the goods from the market, the firmbuys from a store or through the Internet;

• what are the advantages of the product, what warranty does the seller provide, how long

can this product be used?

How influential is the media for buying furniture?sells: the analysis shows thatbuy household appliances52.5 percent of the population read TV shows, 43.1 percent read advertisements in newspapers and magazinesOf those, 49.7 percent are company stores50.6% of visits tozi uses catalogs and brochures.

Furniture manufacturers need to improve the positioning process in order to achieve a competitive advantage and ensure a stable place for their products in the target market and in the minds of consumers, clearly different from the products of competitors. Enterprises in this field direct their considerable efforts in the implementation of marketing activities to the formation of

a marketing complex. As a result, there is a lag in the process of positioning, which plays an important role in the systematic and effective marketing activities of enterprises. When positioning the product, attention should be paid to developing the consciousness of customers and modernizing it.

Failure to properly organize the positioning process of furniture manufacturing enterprises can cause the following negative consequences:

- If the manufacturer does not determine the position of the goods in the market, in this case the consumer can perform this task himself and the company may not be able to have the position it expects, and may even lead to the formation of a negative image;

- Marking of a position that is close to the position of a competitor's, without clearly indicating its unique characteristics, different from competitors' goods - can serve to have the opposite effect, rather than to motivate the consumer to buy the product;

- Failure to provide a clear position of the product may interfere with the formation of the marketing complex and ensure its sequence, and may even cause conflicting strategies for the formation of each element of the marketing complex.

- Even if the position is clearly chosen, but if it is narrowly defined, such positioning can act as an obstacle to the expansion of the market of the existing goods of the enterprise and the introduction of new goods into the market. The main reason for this is the use of a common brand strategy in the industry.

Based on the above, furniture manufacturers should focus on two main areas when implementing the positioning process:

- Determining the compatibility or, in other words, the matching point of the product being positioned. That is, on the basis of research, it is intended to determine which category of goods the company's goods are equated with in the minds of consumers, or rather, which category they include. This, in turn, provides an opportunity to identify its direct competitors on the basis of revealing the specific characteristics of the product category.

- Determining the point of differentiation of the product being positioned. It consists in showing the competitive advantage of the product on the basis of identifying one or more specific features that are clearly different from the products of competitors.

- Furniture manufacturing enterprises should take into account the following specific features of the network before positioning in the highlighted areas:

- The complexity of the product production process and the high impact of technology. The production of modern furniture requires complex technologies, which ultimately leads to an increase in the market price of goods.

- The length of the period of launching the production of a new type and model of furniture. The average duration of the production of a new model of furniture for large furniture manufacturing enterprises is 7-15 months.

- High demand for product quality. Since furniture is a type of goods that require prior selection, consumers expect long-term service from the product. In order to maintain the quality of their products at a high level, industry manufacturers use high-quality fittings in their production, while maintaining its functional nature. Therefore, many companies use the words "quality", "solid" in positioning their products.

Warranty service. Usually, the cost of warranty service and post-warranty service is not high, but in some cases it can be 20-25% of the cost of the product. Also, after-sale furniture collection service can be equal to 10% of the cost of the product.

The consumer spends a lot of time on the product selection and purchase process. Marketing research shows that in the consumer goods market, a consumer can spend up to 4 weeks choosing and purchasing furniture.

The above problems and specifics of marketing activities in furniture production push forward the need to develop a strategic and tactical program for a separate marketing service for enterprises.


As a way to speed up the economy in the "Strategy of Actions on Five Priority Areas of Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021" developed at the request of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev..assimilation of new types of products and technologies in principle, ensuring the competitiveness of national goods in domestic and foreign markets on this basis; "Continuing the policy of promoting the localization of production and, first of all, replacing the import of consumer goods and components, expanding inter-sectoral industrial cooperation" have been defined. - 100 goals" strategy has been further strengthened.

These tasks require domestic enterprises to apply marketing principles in the conditions of modern market conditions, to develop international competitiveness. First of all, it is necessary to carefully study the forms and methods of marketing research, which are market tools. In this regard, we studied the theoretical and practical aspects of marketing services in health enterprises in the graduation work and came to the following main conclusions.

Marketing services are one of the main links of modern marketing activities and occupy one of the largest places in marketing theory. In marketing philosophy, organizational aspects of marketing services for enterprises are the basis for production decisions.

Marketing services are carried out in various forms and forms under the influence of the intended goals, market entities, type of goods, market conditions, and many other factors. At the same time, marketing services are united by the same principles.

"HAVAS COMFORT FURNITURELLC sit is located in the Samarkand district of the Samarkand region and is mainly adapted to the production of various types of furniture. The company produces furniture for the domestic market and today has an assortment of about 50 types. The company employs 52 people.

Marketing activities are mainly carried out by customer service professionals. The company's sales department sells products through dealers and stores.

"HAVAS COMFORT FURNITURE" LLC chooses two ways in its marketing activities: a) to determine the wishes of the customer and study to what extent they are fulfilled during the order fulfillment period. This method is mainly used for individual orders, that is, furniture that is selected according to rooms, and as a result, the mass catalog is also extended to furniture; b) Meeting the needs of potential consumers based on samples and catalogs available in the enterprise.

As a result of the conducted research, we developed the following proposals for the development of marketing research in the enterprise:

expanding the forms and scope of marketing services, i.e. applying functional, product and matrix structures, etc., widely used in market relations;

Implementation of the marketing outsourcing system in the marketing services system, i.e. implementation of marketing services with the help of external organizations; Organization and development of marketing service based on digitization technology; Extensive use of benchmarking information in marketing services, study of the results of others' experiments;

The effect of these offers is reflected not only in the volume of sales, but also in the reputation of the enterprise.


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