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Saidova Makhsudakhon Abbasovna
Senior lecturer at the Department of Western Languages, Tashkent State University of Oriental studies, Uzbekistan.
In this article, the professional competence of teachers principles of assessment of the formation, specific features, methods, forms and criteria of the pedagogical process. The main difference between the controls in the assessment of professional competencies of learners and the controls in the traditional education system is that the assessment of professional competencies is not the presence of knowledge and skills, but the assessment of acquired knowledge and skills in practical situations.
Keywords: competence, professional competence, principle, pedagogical process, assesment, imitation, method, form, control, evaluation, test.
В статье рассматриваются принципы профессиональной компетентности учителя, принципы формирования оценки, особенности, методы, формы и критерии педагогического процесса. Основное различие между элементами управления при оценке профессиональных компетенций учащихся и элементами управления в традиционной системе образования состоит в том, что оценка профессиональных компетенций - это не наличие знаний и навыков, а оценка приобретенных знаний и навыков в практических ситуациях.
Ключевые слова: компетентность, профессиональная компетентность, принцип, педагогический процесс, оценивание, имитация, метод, форма, контроль, оценивание, тест.
Maqolada o'qituvchining kasbiy kompetensiyasi tamoyillari, baholashni shakllantirish tamoyillari, pedagogik jarayonning xususiyatlari, usullari, shakllari va mezonlari ko'rib chiqiladi. Talabalarning kasbiy kompetensiyalarini baholashda menejment elementlarining an'anaviy ta'lim tizimidagi boshqaruv elementlaridan asosiy farqi shundaki, kasbiy kompetensiyalarni baholash bilim va ko 'nikmalarning
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mavjudligi emas, balki o'zlashtirilgan bilim va ko'nikmalarni baholashdir. amaliy vaziyatlar.
Kalit so zlar: kompetentsiya, kasbiy kompetentsiya, tamoyil, pedagogikjarayon, baholash, taqlid, usul, shakl, nazorat, baholash, test.
The availability of competence is determined by the outcome of human labor. The level of competence of each specialist, the degree to which his work meets the requirements for the final result of this professional activity
depending on Competence is a completely new quality of professional training, the peculiarity of which is that the knowledge of a competent specialist is fast and dynamic, and they are constantly updated. It's not enough to understand the problem, you have to be able to solve it in different ways at the same time, competence requires the ability to choose optimal solutions, to justify decisions, to exclude wrong paths, that is, to think critically.
In particular, Musa Khorezmi, Ahmad al-Fargani, Abu Nasr Farobi, Abu Ali ibn Sino, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Zamakhshari, Burhaniddin Marginani, as well as in the scientific center in Khorezm called "Ma'mun Academy" (IX-XII centuries. ) increase in the level of knowledge of scientists in the work of active scientists has been scientifically studied as a factor in the development of society.
There is a problem with research, which is the professionalism of educators the problem of formation of competence from foreign scientists A.I. Sherbakova, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, F.N. Gonobolin, Y.K. Babansky, M. Makhmutov, K.D. Ushinsky, M.M. Lisina, V.A. Artemov, Uzbek scientists N.N. Azizkhodjaeva, J. Yuldashev, AR Khodjabaev, U.N. Nishonaliev, N.Saidakhmedov and others. All of the above are scientific research work is of great importance in terms of the problem being solved.
Objectives for the assessment of professional competencies and the purpose of developing criteria for the assessment of professional competencies are determined by the level of importance of the competencies considered necessary for a particular professional activity. Real to assess the situation and bring the competencies from the existing level to the required level.
Assessment of students' professional competencies is a key element of quality control and management of education and its purpose:
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* determine whether the existing level of professional competence meets the level specified in the standard requirements;
* to determine the competence of the teacher in accordance with the requirements of employers;
* to determine the ability of teachers to work independently.
There are principles for improving the quality of assessment of professional competencies. According to the methods of assessment of professional competencies, the assessment should be in accordance with the following principles of reliability and sufficiency: reliability - the assessment belongs directly to the object of assessment, ie the element of competence being assessed need; Sufficiency - Sufficient evidence should be used to demonstrate important aspects of the activity in which the assessed elements of competence are being demonstrated. Basic forms of assessment of professional competencies differs from the forms of assessment of general competencies. This is due to the specificity of the assessment of the elements of professional competence. As noted above, in order to develop the ability of educators to successfully solve professional problems, it is necessary to develop tasks similar to real professional problem situations. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Methods of assessing the professional competence of teachers are controls and tests. The main difference between the controls in the assessment of professional competencies of students and the controls in the traditional education system is not the presence of knowledge and skills in the assessment of professional competencies, but the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practical situations assessed by their abilities. Therefore, tests are used only in addition to pedagogical, methodological, technical and technological practical tasks. Controls can be performed as follows:
* verbally to determine oral communication skills;
* in the form of interviews with oral questions to assess learning outcomes;
* (audit - in the form of an audit to assess their competence by listening, listening to the student and interpreting the speech;
* in writing (or test) to assess their understanding of theoretical knowledge and their ability to apply it in practice.
Educators define their professional competencies themselves, which must be confirmed by other teachers. The self-description method is a written assessment of the level of professional competence of the evaluated educator. All information
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provided in the description will be reviewed and validated by the teachers involved in the lesson analysis.
The Portfolio method consists of a set of materials and data that demonstrate the development of teachers' professional competencies. The portfolio is a variety of documents confirming their educational achievements, Olympiads, competitions, participation and achievements in international and national conferences, published textbooks, manuals, research papers (patents, inventions, monographs, etc.). documents, certificates, diplomas and certificates, as well as completed assignment projects, cases, sketches, drawings, finished products, presentations, videos, etc.
The work done should be reviewed and evaluated by educators, a method that is particularly appropriate in assessing the professional competencies of educators.
Imitation tasks consist of tasks aimed at solving situations that are as close as possible to professional activity. The essence of this method is to create conditions for teachers to carry out their professional tasks independently, to control the formation of their professional competencies by introducing them to the professional environment, to demonstrate the existence of professional competencies in teachers.
High results can also be achieved by introducing assessment technology into the educational process. Assessment is one of the methods of complex assessment of pedagogical staff, which consists of complementary methods, the different personal qualities of employees of the educational institution, their psychological and professional characteristics, compliance with the requirements of the profession and position, assessment is also aimed at identifying potential opportunities for professionals.
The process of assessing the formation of competencies has its own characteristics:
* components of special professional competencies are identified for assessment;
* simulation tasks should be designed in such a way that the student is able to demonstrate all the elements of professional competence in the process of their implementation;
The main way to determine the level of formation of the element of competence is to assess the student's oral report on how to solve their professional functional task, ie how the student solved the task after solving it, what knowledge and skills explain the use, assessment is done individually, but the assessment criteria should be the same for all students who complete the same assignments.
In order to assess the formation of professional competence of teachers and ensure its quality, it is advisable to do the following:
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, VOLUME 1 | SPECIAL ISSUE 2
educational, natural and social sciences q ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
* focus the educational process on the development of unique individuality in the achievement of professional competence;
* ensuring the complementarity and consistency of educational, simulation and professional-practical activities of the future specialist;
* humane diagnosis and self-diagnosis of professional competence;
* creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions, such as the use of a system of subject-practical, semantic-technological and subject-result tasks as a means of forming the subject, object and subject components of professional competence.
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