WAYS TO ELIMINATE EXISTING PROBLEMS IN GROWING AND PROCESSING OF MEDICINAL PLANTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
medicinal plants / pharmaceuticals / industry / economics / export / economic efficiency.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Khujakulova N.R.

Currently, the cultivation of medicinal plants is carried out by farms, forestry and other forms of ownership of farms. Since the technology of growing them to this day needs to be improved and as a result of this there are some problems that need to be solved in a timely manner and at the proper level. In this regard, the provision of the pharmaceutical industry with high-quality, inexpensive, environmentally friendly and large quantities of medicinal plant raw materials is one of the main tasks, which is what this article is about.

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Khujakulova N.R., PhD acting associate professor Chair "Innovative economics "



Abstract. Currently, the cultivation of medicinal plants is carried out by farms, forestry and other forms of ownership of farms. Since the technology of growing them to this day needs to be improved and as a result of this there are some problems that need to be solved in a timely manner and at the proper level. In this regard, the provision of the pharmaceutical industry with high-quality, inexpensive, environmentally friendly and large quantities of medicinal plant raw materials is one of the main tasks, which is what this article is about.

Key words: medicinal plants, pharmaceuticals, industry, economics, export, economic efficiency.

1. Introduction. Humanity has been using plants as a healing agent since ancient times. Information about medicinal plants was transmitted from generation to generation, from tribe to tribe, only orally. After the establishment of trade and other relations between the countries, the types of medicinal plant products increased in these countries at the expense of medicinal plants imported from other countries. After the appearance of writing, information about medicinal plants began to spread in writing. Since ancient times, people have known the healing and energizing properties of various herbs and used this knowledge to treat various ailments. Among them, you can find medicinal compositions prepared from various herbs that have not lost their value and are used in practice.

Traditional medicine in the health system already plays an important role in a number of countries of the world, especially in Asian countries. Today, more than 1,000 of the 12,000 types of medicinal plants are used in the countries of the world, and 112 of the 1,200 types of medicinal plants are used in the pharmaceutical industry in our country. Uzbekistan has a unique historical place and prestige among the countries of the world in the use of medicinal plants. Our grandfather Abu Ali ibn Sina proved the effectiveness of using medicinal plants in medicine. His unique works are recognized by world scientists and are still used today.

2. Literature analysis. Currently, science and technology is developing rapidly. At the same time, progress is being made in various areas. If we look at history, we can see that even among the primitive people, there were clever doctors of their time, that is, among them, those who had more life experience in the field of disease gave guidance to others. Later, with the passage of time, the

medicinal properties of plants were determined, and the methods of treatment with medicinal herbs were improved. Currently, especially since the need for medicinal products made from natural plants is increasing day by day, attention is being paid to the development of the pharmaceutical industry.

Due to the growing need for medicinal plant products, the amount of preparation of their raw materials is also increasing. This, in turn, can lead to a decrease in the number of medicinal plants in their growing area, and as a result, the production of their raw materials can be sharply limited or completely stopped. Taking this into account, the cultivation of medicinal plants in the conditions of irrigated typical gray soils, as well as the study of the effect of fertilizers on their raw materials and quality are considered important issues of the present time.

3. Analyzes and main results.

Ours our country medicine rich in plants. Local to the flora belonging to 4.3 thousand more than 750 types of plants are medicinal 112 types of them are scientific in medicine use for to the list obtained, of which 70 types are in the pharmaceutical industry active using is coming. 48 million USD in 2019 in value again processed medicine from plants received products are exported. This attitude with Uzbekistan Republic President on April 10, 2020 acceptance done " Wild without grower medicine plants protection do, cultural without Cultivation, re work and is available of resources reasonable use remedy events about " gi decision very is relevant. In this Resolution medicine plants Cultivation and again to work more development of the export potential of the industry increase as well as this in the field education, science and work release processes combine necessity set placed _ From May 1, 2020 medicine plants cultivation, storage, primary or deep again work for clusters create as well as medicine plants Cultivation according to regions specialization works set given _ Our country leader Sh.M. Mirziyoev by offer cluster system _ his own present globalization during and market economy requirements based on, each one from opportunity complete and efficient using the world to the market competitive products delivery to give Agrarian in the sector, including cotton from cultivation to complex processing working, ready product as light industry products, food food industry products (cotton oil and from him prepared products) and animal husbandry for production of feed ( various feeds, premixes). release opportunities sharp increase, agrarian in the field new system cluster system that it was created confession reach needed [1-2].

As a result of our research, the issues of further development of cultivation and processing of medicinal plants in agriculture were studied, and scientific conclusions and proposals were developed for the wide development of the introduction of innovative technologies in the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants in agriculture in the future. In the process of research, methods such as abstract thinking, logical approach, and comparative analysis were widely used.

Today, the tasks of developing the scientific basis of growing medicinal plants, technologies for deep processing of plant materials, as well as studying biodiversity together with the nature protection committee and strengthening the protection of endangered wild medicinal plants, as well as their restoration through the construction of natural plantations, are urgent issues.. Cultivation, protection and rational use of medicinal plants require the cooperation of many specialists, including botanists, pharmacologists, chemists, biochemists, technologists, resource scientists and others. According to experts, in order to protect the flora, it is necessary to know it in all aspects - structural, functional, taxonomic and evolutionary. All this is reflected in the training of qualified personnel in the field of modern medicine and folk medicine, as well as in the deep processing of local plants, in creating the scientific basis for obtaining medicines necessary for the health of our people, and in the transfer of the obtained scientific experiences to pharmaceutical free economic zones, of course. And these regulate the possibilities of science, business, folk medicine, and pharmaceutical production related to the protection and use of valuable medicinal plants of our country.

Medicinal plants grown in irrigated fields are very different from medicinal plants growing wild, which means that the cultivated medicinal plant product does not contain any admixture of foreign plants. Medicinal plants grown on the basis of agrotechnical rules are fruitful and rich in biologically active substances. In general, providing the needs of pharmaceutical industry enterprises with the raw materials of medicinal plants, and growing them in order to create a raw material base of medicinal plants, as well as expanding their cultivated areas and developing the cultivation of medicinal plants in our republic, are the main tasks of our agricultural sciences.

Today, 148 enterprises of our country produce more than 2,000 medicinal products, which makes up more than 55% of the market share. These drugs belong to 35 pharmacological groups and are used in 28 areas of medicine. 6300 types of 8500 drugs are imported. Out of 350 medicinal plants used in international medical practice, 71 species are grown in industrial plantations in the republic [4].

The need for natural medicines made from plant raw materials, which are harmless to the human body and increase the human immunity, is increasing day by day, especially in the current period, when viral-infectious diseases are on the rise all over the world. This situation requires a wider use of medicinal plants. In addition, the cultivation of medicinal plants is considered a good source of income. The financial difference between selling cultivated medicinal plants as raw material and processing it and delivering it to the consumer in the form of a finished product can be seen in the example of chamomile[3].

Today, one kilogram of dried chamomile flowers can be sold to processors for 25,000-35,000 soums. However, in pharmacies, chamomile is packed in small 2-gram packets, and the selling price in a cardboard box containing ten grains is 5-6 thousand soums. The price of 1 kilogram of chamomile packed in such

packages is 250-300 thousand soums. It can be seen that the difference between the price of a product sold in raw form and a processed, direct-to-consumer product is tenfold. Experiments showed that 11 mln. 50 million soums were spent. soum income is earned. The net profit is 39 mln. is soum. 45 mln. 63 million soums were spent. soum income is earned. The net profit is 18 mln. will consist of soums. Processing of Kovrak juice in the form of a semi-finished product, as well as processed licorice root extract in the form of a semi-finished product, 180 mln. can be exported up to USD. As it can be seen, medicinal plants are very useful economically as well.

The rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in developed countries, including the Republic of Uzbekistan, causes a sharp increase in the demand for medicinal plant raw materials. Inadequate stock of naturally growing medicinal plants shows that the demand of pharmaceutical industry enterprises for medicinal plant raw materials can be met only by cultivation of these plants.

4. Conclusions and suggestions.

Thus, the effective cultivation of medicinal plants affects the formation of the market of medicinal plant raw materials, protects the interests of local producers and improves the provision of medicines to the population and healthcare institutions, and at the same time, the organization of the production of medicinal plant raw materials in the market economy is the state's responsibility. It is necessary to regulate and not only rational use of natural resources, but also to create specialized organizations for the cultivation of medicinal plants, protection and compliance with the production of ecologically clean medicinal plant raw materials.

Innovative ideas on the basis of protection of medicinal plants in nature, creation of favorable agribusiness environment for further development of cultivation and processing by plantation method, strengthening of the export potential of the sector are of great importance.

It is clear from this that the need for medicines made from plant raw materials is increasing day by day. This situation requires a wider use of medicinal plants. In this case, it is appropriate to implement the following recommendations:

> formation of comprehensive development programs for the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants and participation in coordinating their implementation, conducting a unified scientific-technical, technological, investment and export policy in this field;

> establishing special plantations in favorable areas for the growth of medicinal plants, including through the introduction of intensive cultivation technologies, and gradually increasing the volume of their cultivation while judiciously using natural growing areas;

> supervisory bodies of business entities, local governments at all levels within the scope of establishing plantations, deep processing of medicinal plants on an industrial basis, and production of export - oriented products with high added value. effective organization of cooperation with authorities;

> coordinating the implementation of investment programs and projects in the field of cultivation and processing of medicinal plants.


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