Научная статья на тему 'Ways of realization of the "Yarovaya Law" requirements in telecommunications'

Ways of realization of the "Yarovaya Law" requirements in telecommunications Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Yarovaya Law / telecommunications / store data / Federal Laws No. 374 / legacy intercept / ЗАКОН ЯРОВОЙ / ТЕЛЕКОММУНИКАЦИИ / ХРАНЕНИЕ ДАННЫХ / ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ЗАКОН №374-ФЗ / СОРМ

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Углов Иван Валерьевич

In July 2016, two Federal Laws (FZ) were adopted for anti-terrorist purposes (No. 374-FZ and No. 375-FZ), which in public discussions were called "Yarovaya Law" – by the name of one of the initiators of the review process and subsequent approval of the Federal Law. Federal Law No. 374-FZ, among other things, puts forward stringent requirements for telecom operators regarding the storage of information, both official and user, transmitted over a the network, within 6 months from the date of transmission. According to telecom operators and independent sources, the implementation of the requirements set forth in Federal Law No. 374-FZ will require enormous investments and formidable costs. The article analyzes the main requirements of the law for telecom operators and ways to implement them. The author analyzes the impact of the implementation of this law on the development of the industry, including a significant increase in tariffs for services, the downfall of small and medium-sized operators, and the formation of monopolies.

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В июле 2016 года были приняты два Федеральных закона (ФЗ) антитеррористической направленности (№ 374-ФЗ и № 375-ФЗ), которые в публичных обсуждениях получили название "закон Яровой" по фамилии одного из инициаторов процесса рассмотрения и последующего утверждения данных ФЗ. Федеральный закон № 374-ФЗ, в числе прочего, выдвигает жесткие требований к операторам связи в части хранения информации, как служебной, так и пользовательской, транслируемой по сети в течении 6 месяцев с момента передачи. По оценкам операторов связи и независимых источников, реализация требований, изложенных в Федеральном законе № 374-ФЗ, потребует колоссальных инвестиций и трудозатрат. Проведен анализ основных требований закона к операторам связи и пути их реализации. Приведен анализ возможного влияния реализации данного закона на развитие отрасли, среди которых многократное увеличение тарифов на услуги, исчезновение мелких и средних операторов, формирование монополи.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ways of realization of the "Yarovaya Law" requirements in telecommunications»


Ivan V. Uglov,

Public Join Stock Company "Mobile TeleSystems, Moscow, Russia, [email protected]

Keywords: Yarovaya Law, telecommunications, store data, Federal Laws No. 374, legacy intercept.

In July 2016, two Federal Laws (FZ) were adopted for anti-terrorist purposes (No. 374-FZ and No. 375-FZ), which in public discussions were called "Yarovaya Law" -by the name of one of the initiators of the review process and subsequent approval of the Federal Law. Federal Law No. 374-FZ, among other things, puts forward stringent requirements for telecom operators regarding the storage of information, both official and user, transmitted over a the network, within 6 months from the date of transmission.

According to telecom operators and independent sources, the implementation of the requirements set forth in Federal Law No. 374-FZ will require enormous investments and formidable costs.

The article analyzes the main requirements of the law for telecom operators and ways to implement them. The author analyzes the impact of the implementation of this law on the development of the industry, including a significant increase in tariffs for services, the downfall of small and medium-sized operators, and the formation of monopolies.

Information about authors:

Ivan V. Uglov, Ph. D, expert of Public Join Stock Company "Mobile TeleSystems", Moscow, Russia

Для цитирования:

Углов И.В. Пути реализации "закона Яровой" в телекоммуникационной отрасли // T-Comm: Телекоммуникации и транспорт. 2017. Том 11. №7. С. 62-64.

For citation:

Uglov I.V. (2017). Ways of realization of the "Yarovaya law" requirements in telecommunications. T-Comm, vol. 11, no.7, рр. 62-64.


in April 2016, the Slate Duma of the Russian Federation passed bills that toughen persecution for terroristic and extremist activities. Already in June 2016, after adjustments to the clauses relating to telecom operators, these bills were adopted by the State Duma and on July 7 a package of laws was signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin [1]. As a result of the improvements, documents were sent to the Federation Council, the storage time for the data transmitted via the networks of the telecom operators was limited from three years to six months.

The amendments, which give the government the authority to make telecom operators to keep records of telephone conversations, snis and Internet traffic of users for a period of 6 months, will come into force on July 1, 2018. At the same time, as it follows from the amendments, this information will have to be stored exclusively in the territory of Russia.

This laws approved requirements that give the government the opportunity to demand [2, 3J:

1. Store calls, messages and other information transmitted by subscribers over the network of the telecommunications operator for a period determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (but no more than 6 months) in accordance with Article 64 of the Federal Law "On Communications";

2. Information on the facts of receiving, transmitting, delivering and processing messages and calls must be stored at 3 years.

The main requirements of the «Yarovaya Law» (in part of Federal Law No, 374-FZ) with respect to control of telecom operators

Of the two laws included in the "Yarovaya Law," only the requirements set forth No. 374-FZ are related to the providers' activity. The main point affecting the activities of telecom operators is clause №64 of the Federal Law No, 126-FZ "On Communications" is revised by the Federal Law No. 374-FZ. In accordance with this clause, communication operators must:

- store text messages, voice information, images, sounds, video, other messages of users of communication services - up to 6 months from the end of their reception, transfer, delivery and (or) processing. The procedure, terms and volume of storage of information specified in this subparagraph shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

- to provide the authorized state bodies carrying out operational search activity or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation with the specified information, information about users of communication services and about the communication services rendered to them, and other information necessaiy for the performance of tasks assigned to these bodies, in cases established by federal laws,

To specify the requirements to telecom operators in clause 64 of the Federal Law No. 126-FZ "On Communications" as revised by Federal Law No. 374-FZ, the Ministry of Communications has prepared a draft resolution "On the order, timing and amount of storage of text messages, voice information, images, sounds, video and other communications by communication service users " (hereinafter referred to as the Draft Rules). [4].

The in-depth analysis of the Federal Law No. 374-FZ and the Draft Rules shows:

I. Absence of clearly defined criteria with reference to information transfer technologies, the description of such requirements will allow to determine the types of equipment for re-

cording information, unification of requirements for all regions of the Russian Federation;

2. The presence in clause 4 of the requirements for operators of local, zonal, long-distance and international telephone communication, obliging to store voice information, text and other types of messages within 6 months, from which it follows that these opera-tars must store all voice information and all kinds of messages.

3. Clause 5 describes the requirements for operators providing communication services other than those specified in clause 4:

• from 01,06.18 the amount of stored data is defined as 1 petabyte for each Gbit/s of capacity (throughput) of the communication node put into operation

• from 01.06.18 2 petabytes for every Gbit/s. ft is worth noting the absence of well-defined services with a list of licenses 10 which this requirement applies.

Base that, it can be concluded that the requirement can be applied to all organizations that provide communication services, without exception.

As noted in the report on the assessment of the regulatory impact of the draft act prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation [5] ( hereinafter referred to as the Conclusion), there are some of services where information storage is not advisable. Also, it was noted that the current requirements for the volumes of stored data should not be calculated on the basis of the throughput of the nodes, since this leads to an unjustified increase in the costs of implementing the requirements.

Issues related to implementation of requirements in the current version of the Federal Law No. 374-FZ and the Draft Rules

Now the regulatory framework, which describes the requirements of Federal Law No. 374-FZ, contains many contradictions and blurred concepts that do not allow us to clearly define the requirements for stored information, its type, information search systems and analysis. In the ease that the requirements are not detailed and Federal Law No. 374-FZ w ill be interpreted in the current, maximally broad sense, it will be cause huge operator's cost. Based on Conclusion we can note [5]:

1. According to PJSC "Megafon" estimates, the volume of data storage will be 2.6 Ebytes in 2018, 6.6 Ebytes in 2019 (That based on the capacity of the operator's network at 2600 Gb/s and its planned expansion to 3300 Gb/s).The cost of implementing such a data center for PJSC "Megaton" will amount to more than 938 billion rubles, which exceeds the annual revenue of the company for three years.

2. According to the data of PJSC "MTS", construction costs of the data ccnter will amount to 574.4 billion rubles, or 62% of the company's revenue (based on income reports for 2015 and 2016).

3. According to the estimations of PJSC "MGTS", the construction costs of the data center w ill amount to 144 billion rubles, which is 3.5 times higher than the company's annual revenue.

4. According to the estimates of PRESTIGE-INTERNET LLC (provider of Enforta), the construction costs of the data center will amount to 795 million rubles, which will exceed the total costs of this operator for the development of the network over the past 10 years.

These forecasts do not take into account OPEX costs for maintaining the infrastructure created, replacing equipment, creating filtering systems and searching for information.

In clear, that a financial load on telecom operators can negatively affect the cost of communication services and business development in the industry as a whole [6].

The analysis of the conclusions noted in the Conclusion

On March 23, 2017, the Ministry of Economic Development concluded its Opinion on the Impact of the Draft Regulation on the Industry [5]. It contains a long list of comments on the draft act. The absence of specification of requirements to information storage, their inconsistency and redundancy was noted. The possible occurrence of unreasonable expenses on the part of operators was underlined. The Draft Rules are recommended to adjust and detail the requirements.

Global experience

Foreign experience in implementation of such projects also shows the exeessiveness of the currently approved requirements under the 'Yarovaya Law'. For example, in die European Union from 2006 to 2014 a directive was in force which required storing metadata (i.e. only data about the fact of the information transmission, rather than all transmitted data) within six months. This dircetivc was abolished in 2014. In the Great Britain, such requirements were approved by the parliament in 2014, but challenged in the court of the European Union and never came into effect. In Germany, after long discussions, in 2016 a law prescribing that metadata is stored within 10 weeks was passed. Therefore, the Russian Federation is the only country on the Eurasian continent which has a law that obliges communications service providers to store not only metadata, but also all transmitted information during a six-month period.


For introduction in the Russian Federation of the data collection and analysis system, the general requirements for which are

described in the Federal Law No. 374-FZ, currently there are no detailed rules and regulations, as well as resources for construction of such systems. The requirements set forth in the current versions of the Federal Law No. 374-FZ and the draft Rules are excessive, and presently cannon be implemented by the communications service providers alone without financial support from the government. The implementation of requirements in the current redaction Draft Rules of the "Yarovaya Law" can lead to a serious increase in tariffs for services, the disappearance of all small and medium-sized telecom operators. To implement the project, it is necessary to thoroughly study the requirements to the stored information and exclude the data which is not valuable for arrangement of counter-terrorism activities (for instance, TV streaming data, encoded data for which there is no possibility to negotiate acquisition of decoding keys).


1. Putin signed the 'Yarovaya Law' // Interfax - 07,07.2016 // [Electronic resource], URL: http://www.interfax.ru/russia/517359.

2. By ] July 201R ihe shell' life proposed to gradually increase lo six months // The newspaper "Kommersant", №10, page 3 - 01.20.2017 [Electronic resource], URL: http://kommer.sanl.ru/doc/319Ci38K.

3. federal Law of July 6, 2016 № 374-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Resistance Terrorism "and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation to establish additional measures to counter terrorism and ensure public safety".

4. On the order, timing and amount of storage operators to text messaging, voice, data, images, sounds, video, and other users of communication serv ices messages [Electronic resource]. URL: Imp ^regulation .gov. ru/projecis#npa=60566.

5. Conclusion of the Ministry of Economic Development "On the assessment of the regulatory impact on the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the order, timing and amount of storage of text messages, voice information, images, sounds, video and other communications by communication service users by telccoms operators" |Electronic resource|. URL: http://regtiliiiion.yov. ru/p/60566.

6. Russian telecommunications companies arc kicking off the new antiterrorism law // The newspaper «tnoPressa» - 12.06.2016 ¡Electronic resource], Ulil : http://www.inopressa.ru/ariicle/12jul2016/ft/telekom.html.


Углов Иван Валерьевич, к.т.н., эксперт ПАО "МТС", Москва, Россия, [email protected]


В июле 2016 года были приняты два Федеральных закона (ФЗ) антитеррористической направленности (№ 374-Ф3 и № 375-Ф3), которые в публичных обсуждениях получили название "закон Яровой" - по фамилии одного из инициаторов процесса рассмотрения и последующего утверждения данных ФЗ. Федеральный закон № 374-Ф3, в числе прочего, выдвигает жесткие требований к операторам связи в части хранения информации, как служебной, так и пользовательской, транслируемой по сети в течении 6 месяцев с момента передачи. По оценкам операторов связи и независимых источников, реализация требований, изложенных в Федеральном законе № 374-Ф3, потребует колоссальных инвестиций и трудозатрат. Проведен анализ основных требований закона к операторам связи и пути их реализации. Приведен анализ возможного влияния реализации данного закона на развитие отрасли, среди которых многократное увеличение тарифов на услуги, исчезновение мелких и средних операторов, формирование монополи.

Ключевые слова: закон Яровой, телекоммуникации, хранение данных, Федеральный Закон №374-ФЗ, СОРМ. Литература

1. Путин подписал "закон Яровой" // Интерфакс - 7.07.2016, [Электронный ресурс] // 1ЖЬ: http://www.interfax.ru/russia/5i7359

2. К 1 июля 2018 года срок хранения предложено постепенно увеличить до шести месяцев // Газета "Коммерсантъ", №10, стр. 3. 20.01.2017, [Электронный ресурс] // 1ЖЬ: http://kommersant.ru/doc/3i96388.

3. Федеральный закон от 6 июля 2016 г. № 374-ФЗ "О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон "О противодействии терроризму" и отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации в части установления дополнительных мер противодействия терроризму и обеспечения общественной безопасности".

4. О порядке, сроках и объеме хранения операторами связи текстовых сообщений, голосовой информации, изображений, звуков, видео- и иных сообщений пользователей услугами связи. [Электронный ресурс] // 1ЖЬ: http://regulation.gov.rU/p/60566.

5. Заключение Миэкономразвития "Об оценке регулирующего воздействия на проект постановления Правительства Российской Федерации "О порядке, сроках и объеме хранения операторами связи текстовых сообщений, голосовой информации, изображений, звуков, видео- и иных сообщений пользователей услугами связи". [Электронный ресурс] // 1ЖЬ: http://regulation.gov.ru/pZ60566.

6. Российские телекоммуникационные компании отбиваются от нового антитеррористического закона // Газета "InoPressa" 12.06.2016. [Электронный ресурс] // 1ЖЬ: http://www.inopressa.ru/article/i2jul20i6/ft/telekom.html.

Информация об авторе: Иван Валерьевич Углов, к.т.н., эксперт ПАО "МТС", Россия, Москва, Россия

T-Comm Том 1 1. #7-20 1 7


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