Научная статья на тему 'Возможность использования топинамбура для энергетических целей в условиях Польши'

Возможность использования топинамбура для энергетических целей в условиях Польши Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Пискайер Томас

Энергетическая польза Иерусалимского артишока и методы получения энергии из этого растения проанализированы на основе литературных источников и собственных исследований автора. Использование стеблей и луковиц для произ-водства биогаза потенциально более эффективный вариант для получения энергии из Иерусалимского артишока. Коли-чество энергии, полученной в результате этого процесса, может превысить более 1,700 GJ*ha-1 Ca. 270 GJ* ha-1 могут быть получены при использовании для производства энергии, например, в процессе сгорания. Наименьшее количество производства энергии получается, когда используют луковицы для производства биоэтанола. Возможное количество выхода энергии составляет 70 GJ*ha1.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Возможность использования топинамбура для энергетических целей в условиях Польши»

сти посевов озимых зерновых на 10%, яровых - на 15-23% и пропашных - на 30-40% (табл. 4).

Гербициды необходимо применять с учетом видового состава и степени засоренности посевов и почвы. Выбор технологии внесения должен учитывать оптимальные нормы расхода, сроки и способы внесения, сочетание их с другими пестицидами и удобрениями при внекорневой подкормке.

При выборе гербицидов предпочтение нужно отдать комплексным препаратам с широким спектром действия, а также малорасходным с технологией ультра малообъемного опрыскивания или полосного применения. Систему защиты растений необходимо строить на использовании разнотипных пестицидов в севообороте, что повышает её эффективность на 25-40%.

Технические средства обеспечения ресурсосберегающих технологий в земледелии.

Машинно-тракторный парк должен представлять собой не набор отдельных машин и орудий, а систему машиннотехнических комплексов, состоящих из шлейфа технологически взаимосвязанных почвообрабатывающих, посевных, посадочных и по уходу за растениями машин. Тяговый класс и тип энергоносителя при этом следует увязывать с конкретными почвенно-климатическими условиями региона и размерами полей, что снижает отрицательное воздействие ходовых систем агрегатов на плодородие почвы.

Сельскохозяйственная техника занимает особое место для широкого внедрения систем точного земледелия, т.к. служит основой повышения конкурентной способности российской

сельскохозяйственной продукции, экономической эффективности и экологичности земледелия. Комплект сельскохозяйственной техники и оборудования для системы точного земледелия включает:

- прибор параллельного вождения, позволяющий работать круглосуточно и в любых погодных условиях при картировании, обработке почвы, посева, уборке урожая, внесении удобрений и обработке посевов пестицидами;

- полевой компьютер, работающий с данным GPS, позволяющий записывать данные о полях (карты, площадь, урожайность), производить отбор почвенных образцов;

- автоматический пробоотборник для исследования изменчивости характеристик почвы в пределах конкретного поля и составления электронных картограмм участков;

- информационно-управленческую систему, включающую совокупность методов, алгоритмов и программ, обеспечивающих сбор, накопление, хранение, обработку данных и формирование программ реализации агротехнологий;

- систему для дифференцированного внесения азотных удобрений в режиме «on-line", с помощью которой происходит определение хлорофилла в листьях растений; полученные данные передаются в полевой компьютер, который и устанавливает дозу удобрений, необходимую

для конкретного участка поля;

- систему дифференцированного внесения фосфорно-калийных удобрений в режиме «off-line» по предварительно подготовленной карте-заданию, в которой содержатся пространственно привязанные с помощью GpS дозы удобрений для определенного элементарного, отличающегося по плодородию участка;

- систему дифференцированного внесения гербицидов с автоматическим регулированием ширины захвата опрыскивателя на основе определения проективного покрытия посевов инфракрасными датчиками;

- систему автоматического учета урожайности зерновых по элементарным участкам и составление карты урожайности.

Применение комплекса технических орудий и оборудования для точного земледелия позволит сельскохозяйственное производство сделать устойчивым, получение урожая полевых культур - стабильным и менее зависимым от природно-климатических условий.

Таким образом, широкое внедрение ресурсосберегающих технологий возделывания полевых культур должно базироваться на совершенствовании всех звеньев адаптивно-ландшафтных систем земледелия в направлении минимализации, экологизации и био-логизации.


The main directions of resource-saving in the agriculture promoting restriction of presentation of negative processes and rational use of natural resources are given. Systems of power economic resource-saving receptions and technologies, and also the nontraditional sources, capable to accumulate and transform solar energy are shown.

Keywords: agriculture, resource-saving technologies, natural resources, reproduction of soil fertility.


Томас Пискайер - агро-инженерный факультет Козцалинского Технологического Университета, Республика Польша

E-mail: piskier@poczda.onet.pl

Энергетическая польза Иерусалимского артишока и методы получения энергии из этого растения проанализированы на основе литературных источников и собственных исследований автора. Использование стеблей и луковиц для производства биогаза потенциально более эффективный вариант для получения энергии из Иерусалимского артишока. Количество энергии, полученной в результате этого процесса, может превысить более 1,700 GJ*ha-1 Ca. 270 GJ* ha-1 могут быть получены при использовании для производства энергии, например, в процессе сгорания. Наименьшее количество производства энергии получается, когда используют луковицы для производства биоэтанола. Возможное количество выхода энергии составляет 70 GJ*ha-1.

Ключевые слова: энергетический потенциал, использование стеблей и луковиц, топинамбур.


The use of biomass for energy purposes has already been well established [Harrison

2001]. At present, increasingly more attention is paid to the detailed selection and the methods of the use of the individual plants [Faber et al., 2007]. The research carried out is not limited merely to the use of straw or by-products from agricultural production for energy purposes. It also concerns the development concerning the selection of

the new species of plants which are useful for the application in power industry [Faber et al., 2007; Denisiuk, Piechocki 2005]. However, the use of biomass causes many problems and should be very thoroughly analyzed. For example, combustion involves the release of dusts, gases and ashes to the environment [Wojcicki 2007]. Nevertheless, it has many positive features: for example, a reduction of environmental pollution and the emission of harmful gases (in compari-

son with the traditional power industry), an improvement of the energy balance for a given country, a decrease of the imports of traditional energy carriers, an increase of the profitability of agriculture, etc. [Zmuda 2005]. Taking into account the crops of energy plants, one should pay attention to the fact that only large-area plantations will have an economic significance [Wojcicki 2007]. Their impact on the environment and the usefulness for the crop in given climatic

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of obtaining of energy from Jerusalem artichoke

and soil conditions should be analyzed in a detail. Apart from willow and poplar, silver grasses, Pennsylvanian mallow, Jerusalem artichoke, orchard grass, rye and rape are mentioned as those plants which possess a large energy potential [Denisiuk, Piechocki 2005]. Owing to such a great biodiversity, there is a certain stabilization of the production of biomass and ecological hazards are eliminated connected with large-area monocultures. When assessing the usefulness of the individual plants, it is worth to consider their special adaptive predispositions to the changing climatic conditions.

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tubero-sus) is a promising species. This species is characterized by a great adaptability. It is a plant which perfectly adapts to the climate warming; the modeled climate changes imply that it could be grown on 80% of the earth surface [Tuck et al., 2005]. It needs to be taken into consideration that Jerusalem artichoke is a plant with a large intensity of photosynthesis (being larger than that of other plants, C3 type) and has a very good coefficient of the use of water (40% better that willow) [Koscik et al., 2003; Chotuj et al., 2008; Kays, Nottingham 2008]. The fact that it is the subject of a lot of research at home and abroad with respect to its use in power industry, is not surprising [Czyz, Dawidowski 2003; Scholz, Ellerbrock 2002; Baolei et al., 2008; Hailong et al., 2008; Curt 2006; Nakamura et al., 1996; Chabbret et al., 1985]. Jerusalem artichoke can be a versatile plant because it fulfills a number of criteria which are assumed in relation to those species of plants which are intended for the production of energy. It is a perennial species and according to different authors, satisfactory yields can be obtained from a plantation for a period of 4 to 10 years [Koscik et al., 2003; Scholz, Ellerbrock 2002].

An untypical feature which singles out Jerusalem artichoke from among energy plants is the fact of the possession of bulbs which constitute the reproductive material and at the same time they can constitute a substrate for the production of bioethanol or biogas [Kowalczyk-Jusko 2004; Gunnar-son et al., 1985; Kus et al., 208]. However, it is the epigeal part which provides the main mass, whose yield can amount to even as

much as 75 t ha-1 of fresh matter depending of the soil conditions, the agricultural

science and the variety [Kowalczyk-Jusko 2004; Goral 1996].

Apart from the analysis of the quantity of the energy potential of a given species, the methods of its use should also be considered. There are many potential possibilities, with the following being most frequently mentioned:

- a direct combustion in the form of solid parts,

- production of pyrolysis gas,

- production of biogas,

- production of methanol

- combined production of heat energy and electric energy [Kruzewski and Pawtowska 2003].


The literature data published in Poland and abroad, as well as the results of the author's own research concerning an initial assessment of the energy potential of Jerusalem artichoke, which were carried out in the years of 2005-2007, were used as the basic source of information. The information contained in the literature, which concerns the use of the stalks and the bulbs for energy purposes, was analyzed with respect to the possibilities of a combined use of both parts of the crop. Obtaining of energy from the biomass of Jerusalem artichoke is possible as a result of subjecting it to combustion, alcohol fermentation or using it for biogas production. The data supplied by individual authors concerns most often one of the methods of biomass processing for energy purposes. This paper makes use of the quantity of the yield of the stalks and the bulbs which is given in the literature, and their energy value, which is achieved with different methods of energy obtaining. The calorific value of the stalks was accepted to be on the level of 13-16,7 MJ»kg-l of dry matter. The calorific value of biogas was accepted on the level of 23 MJ^m-3. The calorific value of bioethanol was accepted on the level of 27 MJ^dm-3. A schematic diagram, which summarizes the current methods of obtaining of energy from Jerusalem artichoke was proposed based on the results obtained. The possible

energy output with various methods of its obtaining was defined, as well.


The results of the research conducted concerning the use of Jerusalem artichoke for energy purposes are characterized by a large divergence. The yield of the epigeal part, which is provided in the literature [Kowalczyk-Jusko 2004], fluctuates in the range from 31-75 t ha-1 of fresh matter to 54 - 75 t‘ha-1 of fresh matter in Goral's research [Goral 1996]. The quantity of yields given per fresh mass is contained in the range from 4.3 fha-1 [Scholz, Ellerbrock

2002] through 7 fha-1 [Gunnarson et al., 1985] to 10 - 16 fha-1 [Gunnarson et al., 1985; Grzybek 2003]. The yield of the bulbs is most often defined to be on the level of 12 - 36 t ha-1 of fresh matter [Kowalczyk-Jusko 2004; Goral 1996], while it is given as above. In the recalculations into dry matter, it is in the range from 4 to 15 fha-1 [Kus et al., 2008; Chotuj et al., 2008]. The determination of the calorific value of production constitutes a separate issue. It is accepted that the calorific value of stalks from Jerusalem artichoke is from 13 MJ^kg-1 [Grzybek

2003] to 16.7 MJ^kg-1 [Kowalczyk-Jusko

2006] per dry matter of the yield. Jerusalem artichoke can also be used in the production of biogas, and the values obtained are on the average 480 - 590 m3T-1 of the fresh matter of stalks [Kowalczyk-Jusko 2006], although this quantity can achieve the value of even 680 m3T-1 using silage from stalks forthe production [Gunnarson et al., 1985]. Similar values can be obtained with the use of bulbs for the production of biogas. Also, the use of bulbs for the production of alcohol appears to be appropriate. Ca. 2,600 dm3 of bioethanol can be obtained from 1 ha. The calorific value of biogas is 23 MJ^m-3 [Kruzewski, Pawtowska 2003]. In order to sum up the research results available in the literature on the subject and taking into consideration the author's own research, a schematic diagram for the analysis of the energy potential of Jerusalem artichoke can be proposed (Fig. 1).

We can obtain energy, biomass and ash depending of the method of the use of Jerusalem artichoke yield (Fig. 1). Energy constitutes the main product but it is burdened with the generation of a by-product. In the diagram above, the notion of "biomass" is symbolic only; however, it simplifies the description. This material should be utilized, and as it contains considerable quantities of nutrient elements, it can be used as a fertilizer, e.g. forthe crops of energy plants. We should similarly act with ash. Ash is a volatile matter with a considerable content of nutrient elements including mainly potassium (47.7%) [Goral 1996]. Its form makes the direct use as a fertilizer difficult. However, this predisposes it to be applied as an additive for composting particularly with sludges, which are often used in the fertilization of energy plants and at the same time they have a low content of potassium. Table 1 serves to analyze the production of energy.

When analyzing the energy potential of Jerusalem artichoke, a decision is to be taken concerning the method of its use re-

Table 1. Information concerning the energy potential of Jerusalem artichoke depending of the method of obtaining of energy

Examined part of plant Yield quantity [fha-1] Method of the use of yield Production quantity Calorific value of production [GJ'ha-1]

Stalks 31-75 * biogas production 14880 - 51000 m3 342 - 1173

4 - 16 ** combustion 52 - 267 GJ 52 - 267

Bulbs 12-36* biogas production 5760 - 24480 m3 132 - 563

alcohol production ca. 2610 dm3 ca. 70

* - yield expressed in fresh master, ** - yield expressed in dry matter

membering that we will use a given part of the yield either for the production of biogas, alcohol or combustion. Summing up, it can be found that the highest production of energy can be obtained through the production of biogas from fresh or ensilaged stalks and at the same time using the bulbs for the production of biogas. The total production of energy, which can be obtained in this way, is from 474 to 1,736 GJ^ha-1. However, such a production is burdened with a great expenditure of energy required to carry out the technological process of biogas production. When opting for the combustion of stalks and the production of alcohol from bulbs, we can potentially obtain the production of energy in the range from 122 to 337 GJ^ha-1. Nevertheless, taking into consideration the specificity of the species, we can accept that the combustion of stalks and the production of biogas or alcohol from bulbs will be the most likely direction of the energy processing of the crop. This is the result of the fact that we obtain the largest yield of bulbs after shriveling up of stalks, which can undergo the process of biogas production or can be used for combustion in such circumstances. Such a model of the use of the crop allows one to achieve the production of energy on the level from 122 to 830 GJ^ha-1.

The literature data confirmed the author's own research performed in the years of 2005-2007 concerning the use of Jerusalem artichoke stalks for energy purposes in direct combustion. The production obtained fluctuated in the range from 65.7 to 115.1 GJ^ha-1.


In the light of the analysis carried out, it is to be established that:

1. Jerusalem artichoke is a plant with a great energy potential.

2. The output of energy depends on the method of its obtaining.

3. The highest potential production of energy can be obtained when the stalks and bulbs are intended for the production of biogas. The energy output obtained may amount to 1,736 GJ^ha-1.

4. The production of energy can be obtained on the level of 267 GJ^ha-1 when the stalks are used in direct combustion.


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Mr Tomasz Piskier - Agro-Engineering Department, Koszalin University of Technology


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The energy usefulness of Jerusalem artichoke and the methods of obtaining energy from this plant were analyzed based on the literature data and the author's own research. The use of the stalks and the bulbs for the production of biogas is potentially the most profitable variant for obtaining of energy from Jerusalem artichoke. The quantity of energy obtained as a result of this process may amount to over 1,700 GJha-1. Ca. 270 GJ' ha-1 can be obtained by using the stalks for the production of energy, for example during the process of combustion. The smallest quantity of the production of energy is obtained when the bulbs are used for the production of bioethanol. The possible quantity of the energy output is ca. 70 GJha-1.

Keywords: energy potential, use of the stalks and the bulbs, Jerusalem artichoke.

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