ВЛИЯНИЕ ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЯ АТМОСФЕРНОГО ВОЗДУХА НА ЗДОРОВЬЕ ЧЕЛОВЕКА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
загрязнение атмосферного воздуха / твердых частиц / газов / Аральского моря / заболеваний кардиореспираторной системы.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Аманиязов Арыслан Оралбаевич, Пирлепесова Миясар Куатбаевна, Кдырбаева Наргиза Бахтияровна, Нысанова Симбат Нуркеновна, Матчанов Азат Таубалдиевич

В последующее время с каждым днем увеличивается загрязнение атмосферного воздуха Южного Приаралья различными пыльно-солевыми химическими соединениями. Это влияет на дыхательную систему людей, живущих в этом регионе, вызывая различные респираторные заболевания, а также другие расстройства. Респираторные заболевания занимают ведущее место в общей структуре заболеваемости населения Республики Каракалпакстан, при этом число заболевших ежегодно увеличивается. Одним из основных факторов развития заболеваний дыхательной системы является загрязнение атмосферного воздуха. Целью исследования было рассмотреть влияние негативных факторов окружающей среды на здоровье человека и детей.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам , автор научной работы — Аманиязов Арыслан Оралбаевич, Пирлепесова Миясар Куатбаевна, Кдырбаева Наргиза Бахтияровна, Нысанова Симбат Нуркеновна, Матчанов Азат Таубалдиевич

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Аманиязов Арыслан Оралбаевич Пирлепесова Миясар Куатбаевна Кдырбаева Наргиза Бахтияровна Нысанова Симбат Нуркеновна Матчанов Азат Таубалдиевич Абдиева Турсинай Жаксимбаевна Каракалпакский государственный университет

В последующее время с каждым днем увеличивается загрязнение атмосферного воздуха Южного Приаралья различными пыльно-солевыми химическими соединениями. Это влияет на дыхательную систему людей, живущих в этом регионе, вызывая различные респираторные заболевания, а также другие расстройства. Респираторные заболевания занимают ведущее место в общей структуре заболеваемости населения Республики Каракалпакстан, при этом число заболевших ежегодно увеличивается. Одним из основных факторов развития заболеваний дыхательной системы является загрязнение атмосферного воздуха. Целью исследования было рассмотреть влияние негативных факторов окружающей среды на здоровье человека и детей.

Ключевые слова: загрязнение атмосферного воздуха, твердых частиц, газов, Аральского моря, заболеваний кардиореспираторной системы.


In the following time, pollution of atmospheric air of Southern Aral Sea region by various dust-salt chemical compounds increases day by day. This affects the respiratory system of people living in this region, causing various respiratory diseases as well as other disorders. Respiratory diseases occupy the leading place in the general structure of morbidity of the population of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, with the number of people falling ill increasing annually. One of the main factors in the development of respiratory system diseases is atmospheric air pollution. The aim of the study was to consider the impact of negative environmental factors on human and children's health.

Keywords: atmospheric air pollution, particulate matter, gases, Aral Sea, cardiorespiratory system diseases



Keyingi vaqtlarda Janubiy Orolbo'yi mintaqasidagi atmosfera havosining har hil chang-tuzlar kimyoviy birikmalar bilan ifloslanishi kundan kunga ortib bormoqda. Bu esa ushbu mintaqada yashovchi odamlarning nafas olish tizimiga ta'sir etib, har hil nafas olish yo'llari kasalliklari bilan bir qatorda boshqa buzilishlarni ham keltirib chiqarmoqda. Nafas olish kasalliklari Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasi aholisining umumiy kasallanish tarkibida yetakchi o'rinni egallaydi, shu bilan birga har yili kasallanganlar soni ko'payadi. Nafas olish tizimi kasalliklari rivojlanishining asosiy omillaridan biri atmosfera havosining ifloslanishi hisoblanadi. Tadqiqotning maqsadi atrof-muhit salbiy omillarining inson va bolalar salomatligiga ta'sirini ko'rib chiqish edi.

Kalit so'zlar: atmosfera havosining ifloslanishi, qattiq zarrachalar, gazlar, Orol dengizi, kardiorespirator tizimi kasalliklari

Atmospheric air pollution is one of the negative consequences and poses a risk of infection with a number of environmental diseases. Air pollution is understood as its qualitative state, which directly depends on the volume of anthropogenic emission of solid particles (dust), chemical and toxic components by objects of anthropogenic and anthropogenic pollution (vehicles, energy enterprises, etc.). Studies have revealed a statistically reliable dependence of the increase in the incidence of lung and other respiratory diseases on the level of atmospheric air pollution, which reduces the body's resistance [19, 26].

The composition of polluted air is complex. The greatest damage is caused by particulate matter (particulate matter - PM) found in the air, which is capable of adsorbing other types of pollutants. The toxicity of pollution depends on a number of factors such as size, shape, structure, reactivity, solubility, and stability. The most common way to describe PM is based on their volume. A distinction is made between coarse particles of 2.5 |im>10 |im (PM10), fine particles of 0.1>2.5 |im (PM2,5) and ultradisperse particles of >0.1 |im (PMo,i). When PM10 is inhaled, it enters the trachea, bronchi, some of it is excreted, some of it remains in the bronchi. Prolonged contact with PM10 provokes the development of chronic bronchopulmonary pathology, which can be pulmonary and cardiac. Avoiding bronchopulmonary defense mechanisms, PM2,5 (surfactants, alveolar macrophages, leukocytes, mast cells, etc.) reaches the pulmonary alveoli, penetrates into the blood through the alveolar epithelium and can reach various organs (Fig. 1). Smaller particles with a larger surface area compared to larger particles can absorb and retain more toxic substances. The most dangerous for humans are ultradisperse particles (PM0.1), which penetrate into the body at a high level [3]. Their action is associated with long-term damage to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Figure 1. Impact of atmospheric air pollution on human health

(Source of photo: https://www.eaglenews.ph/impact-of-air-pollution-on-human-



Carbon monoxide

The air in our atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%) and a number of other gases. It is these trace gases that are now being released into the atmosphere as pollutants as a result of human activities. In Table 1, we will look at the various chemical compounds that contribute to atmospheric pollution, their specific sources and effects.

Table 1. Some substances polluting the atmospheric air

A gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuel, mainly in road transportation. It affects human health by reducing the oxygen content in the blood. It contributes to the formation of ozone and PM. It also reacts with other atmospheric gases to form ozone [14, 22].

A gas produced when fossil fuels are burned in the process of generating electricity. It is also emitted by natural processes. The rise in atmospheric CO2 levels and anthropogenic global warming are linked to anthropogenic emissions [14]. They are mainly produced by fuel combustion in road transportation. Nitrogen oxide is an important contributor to global warming. Although nitrogen dioxide is involved in underground ozone formation reactions, it is also a component of smoke. Harmful to the respiratory system. Affects the liver, spleen and blood [14, 26].

CO2 Carbon dioxide

NO2 Nitrogen oxides

The main source of sulphur dioxide is the burning of fossil fuels for electricity generation. It contributes to smoke formation, reacts with water to form acid rain and can cause wheezing and breathing difficulties in asthmatics. Causes cardiovascular disorders [14, 19, 21, 26].

SO2 Sulfur dioxide

Mainly from agriculture (organic or mineral fertilizers). Regulated by other pollutants with formation of PM. Danger of eutrophication of ecosystems [22].

NH3 Ammonia

Secondary pollutant formed from other pollutants (NOx) by exposure to sunlight. Very phytotoxic. High health effects (irritation of eyes and respiratory mucous membranes, asthma attacks). The ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet radiation. It is formed from other pollutants by sunlight. Ozone-one of the main components of smoke, which can also have health effects. It causes cardiovascular disorders [14, 21, 26].



Persistent organic pollutants are volatile chemicals that are released POPs into the atmosphere as a result of atmospheric use, often for

Persistent organic pollutants agricultural or industrial purposes. They persist in the environment

and can affect the health of wildlife and affect humans [18].


Particulate Matter

Heavy metals

Particles are made up of many different components. Some are emitted directly into the atmosphere, others are formed by reactions in the atmosphere. They cause fogging and, if inhaled, can cause lung problems (causing inflammation and itching in the airways, asthma, decreased lung function, lung cancer). Causes cardiovascular abnormalities. Affects the central nervous system. Affects the reproductive system [21, 23, 26]. Heavy metals enter the atmosphere from a variety of sources, including fossil fuel combustion and motor vehicle emissions. Some of them, such as mercury and lead, have toxic effects on human health [21].

Nitrogen oxide is another air pollutant that is primarily responsible for significant impairment of the human respiratory system. Its health effects can be both short-term (e.g., altered lung function in susceptible populations) and long-term (e.g., increased susceptibility to

respiratory infections). Epidemiologic studies have shown that children with bronchial asthma may have worsening bronchitis symptoms due to long-term exposure to NO2 [17].

Globally, ambient air pollution is responsible for 800,000 premature deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and lung cancer each year. It is clearly established that acute and chronic respiratory diseases in children and adults, especially at high concentrations of particulate matter, are linked to ambient air pollution. The rate at which particles enter the lungs is mainly determined by particle size. Such particles entering the lungs during breathing include particles with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less, which are found, for example, in the exhaust gases of motor vehicles. The dynamics showing the functional conditions of the respiratory system of children reflects the impact of various anthropogenic factors on the body of a child living in the area. The study of patterns of impact of negative factors on the environment - makes it possible to assess the occurrence of changes in child health and correct this change in the early periods of body development.

The analysis of the relationship between environmental pollution indicators and environmental diseases allowed to note the connection of reliable correlations between them. However, it was shown that there is a direct correlation between the total values of aerogenic pollution and the level of morbidity of such indicator diseases as bronchial asthma, chronic upper respiratory tract diseases, anemia, congenital pathology and the sum of environmentally significant diseases. It turned out that atmospheric air pollution causes more than 60% of bronchial asthma, pneumonia, anemia and upper respiratory tract diseases and 37-50% of environmental diseases and congenital pathologies [4].

The loss of the Aral Sea is complex but well studied. In the 1960s, the volume of water entering the sea was drastically reduced. The city of Moin is a port city that processes fish that later stranded far from the coast. In some areas, the salinity of seawater exceeded more than 10 times. Agricultural land was salinized. Groundwater quality deteriorated due to wind-driven diffusion of salts from the seabed, which remained open, agricultural productivity was drastically reduced. Around the same time, chemical pesticides were introduced into agricultural practice for many years and the volume of their use reached a high stage. They reached the environment, to populated areas [2, 15, 24]. The Republic of Karakalpakstan is located in the south of the Aral Sea, and because the winds in the region blow from the northeast and northwest, people living in the area suffer from environmental disaster [13].

Recently, the pollution of atmospheric air in the Southern Aral Sea region by various dust and salt chemical compounds has been increasing day by day [15, 25]. This affects the respiratory system of people living here, causing various respiratory diseases, as well as other disorders. Including children, adolescents and young men [6, 11] disorders of physical development of girls [10, 11], athletes [5], unfavorable changes in the state of the cardiorespiratory system [7, 16] a number of scientific studies have been conducted.

In the studies, lung function and respiratory symptoms were tested in children 7-10 years old in 18 settlements of the Aral Sea region. Dust fall during 1 year was determined using dust collectors. It was found that in the areas close to Aral Sea region, the annual dust level is the highest. However, in remote areas, the annual dust level was the lowest [13]. Republic of Karakalpakstan it was found that junior schoolchildren have two necessary periods of development of the external respiratory system: in 6-7 years there is a significant decrease in bronchial asthma, which leads to an increase in the volume of inhalation and exhalation, and in 10-11 years - an intensive increase in lung volume [9].

The research concluded that there is a direct relationship between emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and respiratory diseases in the population of the Ryazan region. It is estimated that the greatest damage is caused by emissions of nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide. Nitrogen oxides due to the aggressive effect on mucous membranes cause respiratory

system disorders, contribute to the development of bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma. They are especially dangerous for children. Sulfur dioxide destroys vitamin Bi, and disulfide bridges in proteins irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract [8].

Studies have shown that in the Saratov region there is a direct relationship between the complex indicator of air pollution and the mortality rate from respiratory system diseases, as well as child mortality. It was also found that the overall mortality rate is closely related to the amount of nitrogen oxide in the air, mortality from cancer - to the amount of nitrogen oxide and phenol, mortality from diseases of the respiratory system - to the amount of formaldehyde, mortality of children under a year - to the amount of formaldehyde and phenol [12].

2603 schoolchildren of two ethnic groups aged 8-17 years in Almaty lived in two hygienic zones with different degrees of atmospheric air pollution (zones "clean" and "dirty"). Analysis of growth and development of Kazakh and Russian boys showed that they are negatively affected by air pollution, the levels and nature of which are different. The average length and body weight of both ethnic groups are significantly higher for boys in the "dirty" zone than for boys in the "clean" zone. At the same time, Kazakh boys in the dirty and clean zones have the same increase in chest circumference, indicating asthenization of children living in the dirty zone, with an increase in the height of children in the dirty zone. However, it was found that the total chest circumference growth of Russian boys was 5.03 cm higher than that of children living in the clean zone [1].

Conclusion. The study of not only atmospheric air pollution affecting the health of the population in the conditions of the southern Aral Sea region, but also other environmental factors, including the study and assessment of the impact of these unfavorable environmental factors on the functional state, physical and mental development of the cardiorespiratory system of children and adolescents, is one of the urgent problems of our time. At present, in order to solve this problem, it is necessary to organize preventive work to obtain timely and continuous information on the functional state of the population's organism.


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