Pic. 4. Comparative data of nonverbal intellect of the first-form schoolchildren before and after the experimental work (%)
Therefore, according to the results we can say that the indices in CG are lower than in EG. Having remained almost at the same basal level they were little from indices of the experiment. At the same time the significant growth of indices toward the increase of the average and high levels and the decrease of the low level in all the parameters was registered.
The same thing was registered by the method of independent characteristics: parents and teachers of the schoolchildren noticed that the children became quieter and more attentive at the lessons and doing homework at home. Moreover, the final examination of the schoolchild in EG showed the higher level of knowledge than in CG.
The results of the experimental work registered the development of the intellectual sphere of the first-form schoolchildren of the experimental group and confirmed enough effectiveness of the chosen conditions for solving the problem of the research.
1. Joddeficitnye zabolevanija u shkol'nikov Permskogo kraja. Metodicheskie rekomendacii. - I.P. Korjukina, L.V. Sofronova, R.N. Trefilov i dr. - Perm', 2006.
2. Maslova, O.I., Balkanskaja, S.V. Kognitivnye funkcii shkol'nikov v kriticheskie periody zhiznedejatel'nosti. Materialy XVIII s#ezda Fiziologicheskogo obshhestva im. I.P.Pavlova. - Kazan', 2001.
3. Ratanova, T.A., Shljahta, N.F. Psihodiagnosticheskie metody izuchenija lichnosti. - M., 1998.
4. Formuljar diagnostiki, lechenija i profilaktiki joddeficitnyh zabolevanij u detej / L.V. Sofronova, I.P. Korjukina i dr. - Moskva-Perm', 2002.
Коротаева А.Э.1, Поспелова С.В.2
В статье рассмотрено - влияние техногенного загрязнения окружающей среды на стафилококковое бактерионосительство и на микроэлементный состав биосубстратов 5-6-летних детей, проживающих в городе Чусовом и поселке Сылва.
Ключевые слова: бактерионосительство, загрязнение окружающей среды, магний, никель.
Korotaeva A.E.1, Pospelova S.V.2
The article considers the influence of environmental technogenic pollution on bacteria carrying and microelement composition of 5-6 year old children’s biosubstratum living in city Chusovoi and village Sylva.
Keywords: bacteria carrying, pollution of the environment, Manganese, Nickel.
Nowadays anthropogenic pollution of the environment is a real global problem of the modern world. Thus, according to the World Health Organization the state of the environment can make up to 20 percent among the factors which determine the public health. [1].
Air, water and soil pollution of environment, contamination of foodstuff and other objects result in increasing of toxic agents' entrance into the human body. The specific factor of potential toxic elements' influence on human health is the increasing of their content in such biosubstratum as blood and urine. Therefore, it is very important to analyze microelement composition of human biological substratum.
It is established that industrial waste may cause arterial hypertension, ischemia, diseases of cerebral vessels and nervous system disoder. At the same time the influence of technological footprint on staphylococcal bacteria carrying is left beyond researchers' attention, while it is well known that it may be a risk of pyoinflammatory diseases. The problem of staphylococcal bacteria carrying also keep being acute. [4].
The most dangerous for a human being are heavy metals because of their toxic level and wide industrial application. First of all, this problem is extremely relevant in the regions of the Russian Federation which producing manganese and nickel. There is no doubt that the Perm Krai is one of such territories.
Environmental situation in the Perm krai can hardly be called favourable. The main ecological problems of the Perm krai are the following:
1. Air pollution caused by the vehicle missions and other pollutants
2. Water pollution triggered by industrial waste and the high level of local hydrochemical status of iron and manganese compounds
3. Increase of consumption and consumer waste
4. Risks of biological and landscape diversity decrease
5. Insufficient level of environmental culture of the Perm krai population [2].
Two settlements of Perm krai were chosen for the research. The first one is a polluted area -Chusovoy city, the second one is a relatively non-polluted area - Sylva village. These two settlements were chosen according to “Environmental Report of the Perm Kray in 2011 year”. Thus maximum contamination of manganese was registered in children's biological medias of Chusovoy city. [3]. Sylva village did not show such results.
The aim of the work is comparing the incidence of staphylococcal bacteria carrying (in the nasal cavity and fauces) and blood microelemental composition (manganese and nickel) of children living in Chusovoy city and Sylva village.
The basic method of the research work analyzing the literature on the topic. The investigation of staphylococcal bacteria carrying was carried out by bacteriological method.
Microbiological sampling from the nasal cavity and fauces was collected by a sterile cotton pellet, bacterial inoculation for flora was made on blood agar and egg-yolk high salt agar. Staphy-test 16 (company “Lachema”, the Czech republic) helped us to identify bacterial culture. Data processing was made by the computer programs “Microbe-2” and “Microbe-automat”. Adequacy of the difference in the two groups was made by the program STATISTICA (according to the confidence interval for the difference in relative frequency). [5].
In March, 2012 the investigation of children’s biosubstratum (blood and urine) in Chusovoy city and Sylva village for manganese and nickel was carried out in the laboratories in the department of chemico-analytical methods of research work FBUN “Federal Research Center of Controlling Human Health Risks”.
The content of manganese and nickel was registered by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer 3110 in the flaming mode “Acetylene-air”.
Two groups of 6 and 5-year-old children living in the relatively non-polluted area -Sylva village (15 children - group I) and the area near the integrated iron-and-steel works -Chusovoy city (10 children -group II) were examined.
7 children of group I (46,7%) were proved to have bacteria carrying of Staphylococcus genus in the nasal cavity. In group II this aspect was found in 90% - 10 children (more authentically: р<0,05)
Degrees I and II of bacterization in the first group formed 85,7%, degree III of Bacterization - 14,3%. The second group was much different -degrees III and IV prevailed - 60%, 4 children (40%) had degree IV of bacterization.
Bacteria carrying of Staphylococcus in fauces of group I was discovered in 73,3% of cases (11 children). 72,7% had degree I of Bacterization, 17,3% - II and III. Degree II of bacterization prevailed in group II (the children living in a relatively polluted area). It was 90%.
The analysis of specific characteristic in the nasal cavity of the children from the relatively non-polluted area showed us that 26,7% of children had S. Epidermidis; S. aureus was found in 13,3% of cases (2 children).
Two children were also proved to have had S.aureus in fauces, at the same time only in 1 case bacterial culture in nasal cavity and bacterial culture in fauces were identical.
Bacteria carrying of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus in nasal cavity of children living near the integrated iron-and-steel works was on a higher level(30%) than in group I. It was also found out that Staphylococcus aureus bacteria carrying in fauces of group I more frequently discovered - 12 children (60%) (р<0,05). Strain of Staphylococcus was similar in the nasal cavity and fauces of the fifth part of the examined children (20%).
Comparative assessment of the mean group content of contaminants in blood (groups I and II) is shown in table №1
Table - 1
Metal Group I Group II
Manganese (blood) 0,013 0,022
Nickel (blood) 0,169 0,207
The mean group results in group II (Chusovoy city) exceed by 1.7 times (Manganese) and by 1.2 times (Nickel) the same results in group I (Sylva village).
As a result children living in the polluted area had Bacteria carrying of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus both in the nasal cavity and the fauces was found more frequently, and bacterization was on a much higher level than in the non-polluted area.
Analysis of findings showed that the content of chemical agents such as heavy metals (Manganese, Nickel) found in blood of the children living near the integrated iron-and-steel works exceed this content of chemical agents of children living in the relatively non-polluted area.
1. Revich B.A., Avaliani S.L., Tihonova G.I. «Jekologicheskaja jepidemiologija»: Uchebnik dlja vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij / Pod red. Revicha B.A. M.: Izd. centr «Akademija», 2004.
2. Ministerstvo prirodnyh resursov Permskogo kraja «Doklad o sostojanii i ob ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy Permskogo kraja v 2010 g.», g. Perm', 2011 g.
3. Ministerstvo prirodnyh resursov Permskogo kraja «Doklad o sostojanii i ob ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy Permskogo kraja v 2011 g.», g. Perm', 2012 g.
4. Pospelova S.V., Gorovic Je.S., Afanas'evskaja E.V. Nekotorye harakteristiki shtammov stafilokokkov, izolirovannyh pri obsledovanii na stafilokokkovoe bakterionositel'stvo//Problemy i perspektivy sovremennoj nauki. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Vyp.2. - Tomsk, 2008.
5. Rebrova O.Ju. Statisticheskij analiz medicinskih dannyh. M., 2006.
Лунченков ИЮ.1, Синиченкова К.Ю.2, Каншина ИИ3, Карманов М.И4
1 Студент, Первый Московский Государственный Медицинский Университет им. И.М. Сеченова 2Студент, Первый Московский Государственный Медицинский Университет им. И.М. Сеченова 3 Кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, Первый Московский Государственный Медицинский Университет им. И.М. Сеченова ^Кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, Первый Московский Государственный Медицинский Университет им. И.М. Сеченова ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ ПУТЕЙ ПЕРЕДАЧИ ВИЧ-ИНФЕКЦИИ
Эпидемия ВИЧ распространяется очень быстро во всем мире. Эпидемия ВИЧ - инфекции в России, повторяя в своем развитии общемировые тенденции, в то же время имеет ряд особенностей, касающихся процессов феминизации ВИЧ -инфицированных. В связи с этим наиболее важным является специфическая работа с группами повышенного риска заражения. Целью исследования послужило выявление наиболее частых путей заражения ВИЧ - инфекций. Нами был проведен опрос пациентов с ВИЧ-инфекцией, находящихся на амбулаторном лечении. В результате проведенного исследования установлено, что парентеральный путь заражения остается ведущим как для женщин, так и для мужчин, что в целом укладывается в общую эпидемиологическую картину по Российской Федерации.
Ключевые слова: ВИЧ инфекция, эпидемиология, парентеральный путь заражения.
Lunchenkov N.Y.1, Sinichenkova K.Y.2, Kanshina N.N.3, Karmanov M.I.4
1 Undergraduate student, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 2Undergraduate student, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, 3PhD, associate professor, I. M. Sechenov First
Moscow State Medical University
4PhD, associate professor, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MODES OF TRANSMISSION OF HIV INFECTION