Keywords: completeness, roots, tradition, specific, art, tuition, systematic
The article dwells on the influence of historically established traditions in reference to the folk art of Tajikistan upon the general artistic education of schoolchildren.
It is undecorated that the process of knowledge and skills formation beset with artistic traditions may carries out in all kinds of activities systematically.
The author comes to the conclusion that the theory should be closely studied in mutually connection with the students' practical work. Special attention is paid to canvass the studentsл tuition who studies on the ground of national-artistic traditions of Tajik folk art, upon the whole.
Theoretical expansion should be maintained by the examples out of life practice and based on the observation of folk towards the surrounding reality.
Proceeding from the obtained result of the experiment, the author of the article gives the common characteristics that conducting classes in connection with an introduction to the artistic traditions promote aesthetic perfection, but the study of artistic traditions is of huge importance to identify a number of the peculiarities of folk art.
Маълумот дар бораи муаллиф:
Цодирова Мунаввара Во^идовна, номзади илмуои педагоги, дотсенти кафедраи нацшакашй ва геометрияи тасвири ва усули таълими Донишгоуи давлатии Хуцанд ба номи академик Б.Гафуров (Цумуурии Тоцикистон, ш.Хуцанд), E-mail: [email protected]
Сведения об авторе:
Кадырова Мунаввара Вахидовна, кандидат педагогических наук доцент кафедры черчения, начертательной геометрии и методики преподавания Худжандского государственного университета имени академика Б.Гафурова (Республика Таджикистан, г. Худжанд), E-mail: qadirova@mail. ru
Information about the author:
Kadirova Munavvara Vakhidovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Assistant Professor of the department of drawing, descriptive geometry and teaching methodology under Khujand State University named after academician B.Gafurov (Tajikistan Republic, Khujand), E-mail [email protected]
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