ВКЛАД ЛЕНИНА В РАЗВИТИЕ МАРКСИСТСКОЙ ИДЕОЛОГИИ. К 150-ЛЕТИЮ СО ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ ЛЕНИНА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ленин / марксизм / идеология / классовый подход / Lenin / Marxism / ideology / class approach

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Цзидун Чжу

Ленин, в соответствии с революционной теорией и революционной практикой, обогатил, развил и усовершенствовал идеологическую теорию марксизма, сделав ее впервые по-настоящему мировой. Он был первым, кто усилил её идеологический потенциал, первым, кто объединил марксистское учение и его идеологию в одно органическое целое, обозначив тем самым новый этап в развитии марксизма. Он четко предлагал и всегда настаивал на партийном принципе марксистской идеологии и на классовом подходе, уделял особое внимание изучению построения социалистической идеологической системы, сделал социалистическую идеологию стержнем государственной власти. Ленинская идеология для потомков это важное теоретическое оружие и ценное духовное богатство, которое мы сегодня используем для создания новой эры социалистической идеологии.

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Lenin, in accordance with revolutionary theory and practice, enriched, developed and improved the ideological theory of Marxism, making it for the first time truly worldwide. He was the first to strengthen its ideological potential, the first to combine Marxist teaching and its ideology into one organic whole, thus marking a new stage in the development of Marxism. He clearly proposed and always insisted on the party principle of Marxist ideology and on the class approach, paid special attention to the study of the construction of the socialist ideological system and made socialist ideology the core of government. Lenin’s ideology for posterity is an important theoretical weapon and valuable spiritual wealth which we use today to create a new era of socialist ideology.


УДК 329(470+571) DOI: 10.24411/1817-9568-2020-10406

вклад ленина

в развитие марксистской идеологии.

к 150-летию со дня рождения ленина

Цзидун Чжу,

Китайская академия общественных наук,

заместитель директора и генеральный секретарь национального центра культурной безопасности и идеологического строительства Китайской академии общественных наук, доктор права, исследователь, Пекин, Китай,

ORCID: 0000-0001-6770-588X, E-mail: zhujidong@vip.163.com

Статья поступила в редакцию 28.08.2020, принята к публикации 05.10.2020

Для цитирования: Цзидун Чж. Вклад Ленина в развитие марксистской идеологии. К 150-летию со дня рождения Ленина // Научный журнал «Дискурс-Пи». 2020. № 4 (41). С. 86-97. doi: 10.24411/1817-9568-2020-10406


Ленин, в соответствии с революционной теорией и революционной практикой, обогатил, развил и усовершенствовал идеологическую теорию марксизма, сделав ее впервые по-настоящему мировой. Он был первым, кто усилил её идеологический потенциал, первым, кто объединил марксистское учение и его идеологию в одно органическое целое, обозначив тем самым новый этап в развитии марксизма. Он четко предлагал и всегда настаивал на партийном принципе марксистской идеологии и на классовом подходе, уделял особое внимание изучению построения социалистической идеологической системы, сделал социалистическую идеологию стержнем государственной власти. Ленинская идеология для потомков - это важное теоретическое оружие и ценное духовное богатство, которое мы сегодня используем для создания новой эры социалистической идеологии.

Ключевые слова:

Ленин, марксизм, идеология, классовый подход.

© Цзидун Чж., 2020

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UDC 329(470+571) DOI: 10.24411/1817-9568-2020-10406

lenin's contribution

to the development of marxist ideology. to the 150th anniversary of lenin's birth

Zhu Jidong,

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,

Executive deputy director and Secretary-general of the Research Center for National Cultural Security and Ideological Construction of CASS, Director of the Research Office of Mao Zedong Thought of the Academy of Marxism of CASS, PhD, Professor, Beijing, China,

ORCID: 0000-0001-6770-588X, E-mail: zhujidong@vip.163.com

Article received on August 28, 2020, accepted on October 5, 2020

To cite this article: Jidong, Zh. (2020). Vklad Lenina v razvitie marksistskoj ideologii. K 150-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Lenina [Lenin's Contribution to the Development of Marxist Ideology. To the 150th Anniversary of Lenin's Birth]. Scientific journal ".Discourse-P", 4(41), 86-97. doi: 10.24411/1817-9568-2020-10406


Lenin, in accordance with revolutionary theory and practice, enriched, developed and improved the ideological theory of Marxism, making it for the first time truly worldwide. He was the first to strengthen its ideological potential, the first to combine Marxist teaching and its ideology into one organic whole, thus marking a new stage in the development of Marxism. He clearly proposed and always insisted on the party principle of Marxist ideology and on the class approach, paid special attention to the study of the construction of the socialist ideological system and made socialist ideology the core of government. Lenin's ideology for posterity is an important theoretical weapon and valuable spiritual wealth which we use today to create a new era of socialist ideology.


Lenin, Marxism, ideology, class approach.


As a great proletarian revolutionist, ideologist, theorist, statesman, and great leader of the Soviet Revolution and standard bearer of Soviet ideology, Vladimir Lenin

was firmly opposed to the absolutization, dogmatization, vulgarization of Marxism and other wrong tendencies and practices. He inherited and scientifically developed the ideas and undertakings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, advocated the development of Marxism in accordance with the development of the times and the reality of the country, and insisted on the integration of the basic principles of Marxism with the reality. Based on the development of revolutionary theory and revolutionary practice, he further enriched, developed and perfected Marxist ideological theory. He developed Marxism in an all-round and scientific way in the new era, and made it the guiding ideology of the governing party for the first time. Vladimir Lenin (2009b) pointed out many times, "We do not regard Marx's theory as something completed and inviolable" (p. 96). "It is essential to grasp the incontestable truth that a Marxist must take cognizance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday" (p. 169). Believing in Marxism but not in its dogmas, Vladimir Lenin created the world's first socialist country, made the Communist Party the ruling party for the first time, and advanced and developed the socialist ideology for the first time. He created the first truly world-wide Communist international organization, which made the Marxist ideological theory truly global for the first time. Moreover, Vladimir Lenin was the first to put forward the idea of strengthening the capacity building of ideology, and was the first to put forward the idea of strengthening the system building of ideology and paying attention to the security of ideology, thus laid down and established the guiding ideology and main theory of the Soviet ideology. Vladimir Lenin had always paid great attention to consolidating, strengthening and enhancing the influence and appeal of socialist ideology. The dominant position of Marxism in the Soviet ideological field had never wavered in his era. Most of his views and thoughts are still of great significance in guiding and enlightening the ideological work in this new situation. It is an important theoretical weapon and precious spiritual wealth for us to strengthen the ideological capacity-building.

Lenin for the first time made Marxism and ideology into one organic


With the further development and expansion of Marxism, the world at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century gradually entered a new stage characterized by imperialism and proletarian revolution. Not only had the labor movement flourished in many countries, but more than twenty countries had established truly independent proletarian parties that belong to the working class. As the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie became more and more intense, the development of Marxist ideological theory ushered in a new period, which was also the time when Lenin's ideological thought came into being.

Lenin's ideological thoughts further developed the Marxist ideological theory. These ideological ideas are mainly embodied in the following articles: "What the "Friends of the People" Are and How They Fight Against the Social-Democrats"(A Reply to Articles in Russkoye Bogatstvo Opposing the Marxists), written in the spring and summer of 1894); "What Is To Be Done?"(1902), "Party Organization and Party Literature" (1905); "Marxism and Revisionism" (1908); "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism " (1908); "The Historical Destiny of the Doctrine of Karl Marx" (1913); "Childhood illness of "leftism" in communism" (1920),

"On Proletarian Culture" (1920); "Purging the Party" (1921); "Conditions for Admitting New Members to the Party. Letters to V.M. Molotov" (1922); "On the Significance of Militant Materialism" (1922); "Philosophical Notebooks" (1895-1916). By exposing and criticizing the ideology of the Bourgeoisie, Lenin pointed out that ideology is the ideological system by which the ruling class maintains its rule in the social stratification. The bourgeois ideology, including the religious ideology, is false, unscientific and negative. "It is unconditionally true that to every scientific ideology (as distinct, for instance, from religious ideology), there corresponds an objective truth, absolute nature" (2009a, p. 42). This scientific ideological system refers to the scientific ideology, that is, the Marxist ideology. For the first time, Lenin gave a positive and definite meaning to the ideology that had once been the bridge between negation and affirmation, making Marxism and ideology an organic whole for the first time, and creatively put forward the theory of "Marxist Ideology", making it a powerful ideological weapon of the proletarian revolution. "Marxism has won its historic significance as the ideology of the revolutionary proletariat because, far from rejecting the most valuable achievements of the bourgeois epoch, it has, on the contrary, assimilated and refashioned everything of value in the more than two thousand years of the development of human thought and culture" (2009b, p. 296). Marxist ideology had developed and grown in constant debates and struggled with bourgeois ideology and in the absorption of the achievements of past human civilization. He stressed that modern scientific consciousness was based on and could only be produced on the basis of profound scientific knowledge. He further put forward the brilliant conclusion that "without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement" (2009c, p. 70). "The role of vanguard fighter can be fulfilled only by a party that is guided by the most advanced theory" (2009c, p. 71). It revealed that the theory of revolution was a powerful ideological weapon for the working class and its political parties to understand and transform the world. It inspired the working class to begin and realize its great historical mission, and to see the right way forward in a changing world, in order to formulate the right line, policies, guidelines and strategies to achieve the set goals. Only nations with theoretical thinking will stand in the forefront of the times and the highest peak of science. All nations that have played great roles in promoting the progress of human history took advanced theories and thoughts as the guide of action. Lenin further pointed out that "socialism, as a doctrine, has its roots in modern economic relationships just as the class struggle of the proletariat has, and, like the latter, emerges from the struggle against the capitalist-created poverty and misery of the masses. But socialism and the class struggle arise side by side... each arises under different conditions" (2009c, p. 84). He stressed the extreme importance of ideology and pointed out the relationship among socialist ideology, proletarian class struggle and modern economy, so that we had a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the socialist ideology. Marxist ideology was moving rapidly from the proposition of concept to the enrichment of theory and the test of practice.

In Lenin's view, a new socialist ideology was not and could not have arisen spontaneously. It must be based on the real victory over the old bourgeois ideology, and become a powerful ideological weapon of the working class through the proletarian party's "indoctrination". "All worship of the spontaneity of the working class movement, all belittling of the role of 'the conscious element', of the role of Social-

Democracy, means, quite independently of whether he who belittles that role desires it or not, a strengthening of the influence of bourgeois ideology upon the workers" (2009c, p. 83). "For the spontaneous working-class movement is trade-unionism, is Nur-Gewerkschaftlerei, and trade unionism means the ideological enslavement of the workers by the bourgeoisie" (2009c, p. 85). Lenin pointed out that spontaneous labor movement were highly susceptible to the influence, encroachment, and even control of the bourgeois ideological system. He also revealed why. "For the simple reason that bourgeois ideology is far older in origin than socialist ideology, that it is more fully developed, and that it has at its disposal immeasurably more means of dissemination" (2009c, p. 87). In order to truly move the labor movement from spontaneity to self-consciousness, and to truly make the proletarian revolution win, he further pointed out the socialist intellectuals armed with Marxism should develop and create, on the basis of the Marxist ideological theory of the past, a socialist ideological theory that could represent the fundamental interests of the proletariat, embody the historical mission of the proletariat, inspire the revolutionary will of the proletariat, and guide the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat. This theory would be "indoctrinated" to the working class and the masses of the working people, by the proletarian party, the elite group of professional revolutionaries, making it a powerful ideological weapon guiding the proletarian revolution. This is the famous "indoctrination" theory. He argued against the labor movement's tendency to be spontaneous. He advocated the active ideological and political education of the workers, and the cultivation and enhancement of the socialist ideological consciousness of the working class. Therefore, it can arouse the class consciousness of the working class and promote its development, and turn it into a great historical power to guide and promote the works' revolution.

Lenin also proposed that the intellectuals of the proletarian revolution should and could make themselves revolutionary ideologists and play an important role in leading the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat. "This requires that one becomes the ideologist not of the direct producer who stands apart from the struggle, but of the one who stands in the midst of heated struggle, who has already become totally 'differentiated from life' of bourgeois society" (1984a, p. 318). This required them not only to "merge them indissolubly with the interests of those who participate in the economic struggle" (1984a, p. 353), moreover, they should be good at inheriting, learning and developing the scientific and theoretical achievements created by the bourgeois intellectuals in the fields of history, philosophy and economy. They were called "ideologist" because "the 'ideologist' is worthy of the name only when he precedes the spontaneous movement, points out the road, and is able ahead of all others to solve all the theoretical, political, tactical, and organizational questions which the "material elements" of the movement spontaneously encounter" (1984c, p. 326). Under the propaganda of these "ideologists", more and more people realized that the socialism and the socialist ideology were more in line with the interests of the proletariat. It was the class interests that united the proletariat in their struggle against the capitalists and made it easier for them to understand and accept socialism and socialist ideology.

We now face globalization, marketization, networking and other challenges. In the face of erroneous trends of thought that demonize socialist ideology and erroneous statements that deliberately separate or even oppose Marxism and ideology, we must further adhere to and strengthen the construction of socialist ideology, train

more Marxist theorists and ideologists, and lead the masses to carry out a resolute struggle against the erroneous western ideological trend.

Lenin clearly put forward and always adhered

to the ideological principles of the party spirit and its class nature

Party spirit is the inherent nature of a political party, which is the most essential characteristic of the proletarian party and the highest and most concentrated expression and sublimation of class spirit. "Parties are the result and the political expression of highly developed class antagonisms" (1987, p. 273), "behind the epistemological scholasticism of empirio-criticism one must not fail to see the struggle of parties in philosophy, a struggle which in the last analysis reflects the tendencies and ideology of the antagonistic classes in modern society" (2009a, p. 130). The system he talked about was ideology, which leaded us to further recognize the principle of party spirit in philosophy as an ideology and the relationship among party spirit, class antagonism and class struggle. He believed that ideology had a clear-cut principle of party spirit. The materialism itself contains party spirit, which requires that any evaluation of things and their changes must be made directly, openly and clearly on the side of certain social groups. Both the bourgeoisie and the proletariat have their own ideology, which represents the interests of different classes, and the two ideologies are fundamentally opposed to each other, since the birth of the proletarian ideology. The party spirit is a distinctive feature of the socialist ideology which is different from the bourgeois ideology, and the theory of ideological party spirit is a great contribution of Lenin to the theory of Marxist ideology. On the basis of analyzing and criticizing the capitalist ideology, the socialist ideology has gradually developed into a scientific, advanced, legal and influential ideology. The socialist ideology should and dare to take the initiative to recognize its own class nature. The socialist ideology, as the superstructure, is used to guide and determine the ways and means of the proletariat to lead the revolution. Its political function is firstly embodied in the proletarian class consciousness and the principle of party spirit. The party spirit, revolutionary spirit and fighting power of the superstructure are the most prominent functions of ideology, and are also one of the most distinctive features and theoretical cornerstones of Lenin's ideological thought. In order to defeat the bourgeoisie, the proletariat must oppose the bourgeois propaganda of "non-party spirit" and have the courage to wage a resolute struggle against all bourgeois ideological systems. They must dare to attack and destroy the bourgeois ideology in order to wipe out the capitalist system.

Lenin also clearly pointed out and emphasized the class nature of ideology, and pointed out that the class nature was the essential feature of ideology. The class nature and party spirit should be of the same importance. Ideology occupied an increasingly important position in the Marxist theory. He believed that the workers' struggle would be the real class struggle only when all the advanced figures of the entire working class in the country realized that they belonged to a unified working class, when workers began to struggle not with individual factory owners but with the entire capitalist class and the government that upheld it and when the worker realized that he was a member of the whole working class and his daily struggle against the individual factory owners and officials was fighting against the whole bourgeoisie and the whole government. The ideology was rooted in social existence and economic

relation. It is either a socialist ideological system or a bourgeois ideological system. There is no ideology between or beyond these two opposing ideologies. The mankind has never created any "third" ideology. Lenin's socialist system of thoughts is the socialist ideology. He put forward the concept of socialist ideology, deeply analyzed the uncovering class nature of ideology, and sorted out some wrong ideas in the society at that time. In Marxism and Revisionism, which was written in April, 1908, he noted: "No wonder, therefore, that the Marxian doctrine, which directly serves to enlighten and organize the advanced class in modern society, indicates the tasks facing this class and demonstrates the inevitable replacement (by virtue of economic development) of the present system by a new order - no wonder that this doctrine has had to fight for every step forward in the course of its life" (2009b, p. 148). He emphasized the class nature of ideology and the inevitability of the socialist system replacing the capitalist system. Why did Lenin put so much emphasis on the ideological class nature? Because he deeply and soberly recognized the complexity and cruelty of the Russian revolutionary practice at that time. He understood and considered the question from the point of view of how to keep the labor movement from being invaded, corroded and poisoned by bourgeois ideology. He studied and solved the problem from the height of how to protect the achievements of the proletarian revolution and how to truly establish a proletarian regime. Lenin believed that the proletariat must have a powerful ideological weapon and use it to justify its dictatorship to the people. Only by giving correct guidance to the people in ideology, theory and guiding ideology can they truly consolidate the new proletarian regime. He stressed that "to belittle the socialist ideology in any way, to turn aside from it in the slightest degree means to strengthen bourgeois ideology" (2009c, p. 85). He warned against the uncertainty and harm of relying solely on spontaneity, and pointed out that spontaneity was likely to result in the labor movement being influenced or even dominated by the bourgeois ideology. He analyzed the covert, long-term and complex of every struggle in the field of ideology at all times. He stressed that only by constantly strengthening the education of socialist ideology could the labor movement be guided along the right path. Although Lenin did not put forward the concept of ideological capacity building, he had initially put forward the idea of constantly strengthening the capacity building of socialist ideology. His idea inherited and developed the ideology concept of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and added new scientific elements and positive contents to the theory of Marxism ideology, which was a milestone in the development of Marxism.

Facing the challenge of the wrong ideological trend, such as de-ideologization, non-ideologization, ideological pluralism and so on, in the new era, we must adhere to and emphasize the distinct party spirit principle and the class nature of ideology, and adhere to the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology. We should dare and be able to demonstrate the great superiority of socialist ideology in the contest with capitalist ideology.

Lenin attached great importance to the exploration

of the ideological system and made important contributions

The ideological institution building was first proposed by Lenin. It is a new height in the development of Marxist ideological theory and a great theoretical innovation. The ideological system construction and the ideological capacity building

are closely related to each other and develop together, which has become the core of Marxist ideological theory. As a theoretical guide to the establishment of social institution, ideological identity is an important premise and foundation of the institution identity. The construction of ideology system is the important foundation and the center of the institution construction. "A basic condition for the necessary expansion of political agitation is the organization of comprehensive political exposure. In no way except by means of such exposures can the masses be trained in political consciousness and revolutionary activity" (1995, p. 354). By thoroughly exposing and criticizing the bourgeois ideology, we can cultivate the masses' political consciousness, revolutionary enthusiasm and initiative, and thus establish the socialist ideology. According to Lenin, one of the important and main tasks and goals of the construction of the ideological system was to unify the thoughts and actions of the workers, the peasants and other revolutionary masses with Marxist ideological theory, guiding and inspiring them to make unremitting efforts and contributions to the socialist revolution and construction. The proletarian party is the core and main force of the ideological system construction. The working class is the representative of the masses of the people. The proletarian party should unite, guide and inspire the masses by means of propaganda, education, agitation and criticism. In order to consolidate the state power and the socialist system, the socialist ideology should be clarified. The class consciousness should be greatly enhanced. The revolutionary confidence and determination should be strengthened, and all aspects of the organization should be strengthened.

Through the study of revolutionary theory and the exploration of revolutionary practice, Lenin provided powerful arguments for ideology, system rationality and legitimacy, making ideology an important part and a core pillar of the state. Both the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, after seizing and establishing power, will actively construct their own ideological system and make it occupy a dominant position in order to maintain the state power and the institution they have established. The opposition of class interests inevitably leads to the opposition of ideology, and makes the struggle of ideological theory the key, the focus, the center and the soul of political and economic struggle. If the proletarian party can not win the ideological and theoretical struggle, it can not really win the socialist revolution. After the establishment of the world's first socialist state, Lenin actively devoted himself to the further development, promotion and improvement of the proletarian ideology in terms of theory and practice. The birth and development of socialist ideology had played an active role in unifying thought, guiding direction and leading development, and had provided ideological and theoretical basis for the people to identify with and support the socialist system. It made the socialist ideology become a powerful ideological weapon and theoretical guide to maintain, consolidate and develop the socialist system. Antonio Gramsci, the leader of the Italian Communist Party, put forward the question and idea of cultural leadership. Starting with the proletarian revolution and the socialist construction, he revealed that whoever really controlled the ideological leadership would be able to truly control the masses and the state. In fact, starting with Lenin, the construction of the ideological system had shown great influence and become the greatest magic weapon for the communists to win new victories. It had also become one of the outstanding advantages in the competition between the socialist system and the capitalist system.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed, ideological work is an extremely important part of the party's work. In order to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field and the common thought foundation of the Party and the people's united struggle, we need to attach great importance to the ideological work, further strengthen the construction of the ideological system, and make it become the greatest magic weapon that we gain new victory ceaselessly, as well as one of the outstanding advantages that the socialist system competes with the capitalist system.

Lenin actively promoted and made ideology the core of governance

Lenin not only expounded on the importance of "inculcating" socialist ideology into the masses of the people, but further pointed out that the theory should be combined with practice through the vivid and lively form, as well as combined with the vivid practice of the revolutionary struggle to promote socialist ideology. In The Attitude of the Workers' Party to Religion (May 1909), Lenin pointed out: "one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could" (2009c, p. 117). When propagating and inculcating Marxist ideological theory to the masses of the People, neither should we mechanically spread the abstract, empty, boring and boring theories, nor should we rigidly and dogmatically repeat "slogans" that are full of empty talk. It should be deeply understood and actively accepted by the people in the vivid political struggle with the concrete life practice. Lenin criticized the dogmatic and stereotyped approaches at that time, which also made Marxism and Russian reality truly integrated into the masses of the people. The Marxist ideological theory became a correct theoretical guide and a powerful ideological weapon for the proletarian revolution and a great talisman for the October Revolution's Victory.

In order to further promote and consolidate the socialist ideology, Lenin pioneered and used such inspiring concepts as "Marxism Faith", "Marxism (Communism) Conviction" and "Socialism Belief (Ideal)", which got the broad masses of the people accept and support. He wrote to B.N. Knipovich in June 1912: "It is possible to test, deepen and consolidate faith in Marxism through this work" (1990, p. 101). By the end of 1913, in the overview part of the letters of Marx and Engels, Lenin describes why Friedrich Engels was tired of his home environment and left home: "His father was a despot, a pious manufacturer, who was outraged at his son's continual running about to political meetings, and at his communist convictions" (2009b, p. 76).

During the long revolutionary struggle, Lenin became more and more aware of the importance of the working class's beliefs and ideals to the success of the revolution. He pointed out that the proletarian party must attach great importance to the education of the workers about the communist belief and the ideal and belief of communism. In the winter of 1899, Lenin wrote an article for Rabochaya Gazeta -Our Immediate Task. The Social Democratic Party was a combination of socialism and the labor movement: "the task of Social-Democracy is to bring definite socialist ideals to the spontaneous working-class movement, to connect this movement with socialist convictions that should attain the level of contemporary science, to connect

it with the regular political struggle for democracy as a means of achieving socialism - in a word, to fuse this spontaneous movement into one indestructible whole with the activity of the revolutionary party" (1984b, p. 167). Lenin emphasized the importance of socialist ideals and beliefs to revolutionary parties and their role in the realization of socialism, which inspired communists and the proletariat in many countries.

After the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin further emphasized the localization, popularization and modernization of ideological work, which should be closely integrated with the great practice of socialist construction and make due contributions to the socialist construction. He held that education was connected with politics in any era, and education must not be carried out without ideology. It was necessary to have a deep understanding of the ideological nature of socialist education, and to pay special attention to the political characteristics and political positions of the educational content. So, in November 1920, in his Speech Delivered At An All-Russia Conference Political Education Workers Of Gubernia and Uyezd Education Departments, he stressed that "for along the whole line of our educational work we have to abandon the old standpoint that education should be non-political; we cannot conduct educational work in isolation from politics" (2009d, p. 170). It emphasizes that we should attach importance to the ideological attribute of education and be good at connecting with politics to carry out educational work. We should expose and criticize the hypocritical claims and the fraudulence of bourgeois that education is "apolitical". Moreover, in his Speech Delivered At An All-Russia Conference Political Education Workers of Gubernia and Uyezd Education Departments, he further pointed out that "Propaganda of the old type describes and illustrates what communism is. This kind of propaganda is now useless, for we have to show in practice how socialism is to be built. All our propaganda must be based on the political experience of economic development. That is our principal task; whoever interprets it in the old sense will show himself to be a retrograde, one who is incapable of conducting propaganda work among the masses of the peasants and workers. Our main policy must now be to develop the state economically, so as to gather in more poods of grain and mine more poods of coal, to decide how best to utilize these poods of grain and coal and preclude starvation-that is our policy. All our agitation and propaganda must be focused on this aim" (2009d, p. 177). Lenin put forward the concepts of "political education" and "political education work", which had great influence on the development of the whole Marxist theory. In his view, in the great practice of socialist construction, the communism should not be a highly theoretical program written on paper or shouted at the mouth. Instead of being merely a political theory "instilled" into the people, it should reflect the powerful force and prominent role in guiding state-building, and guide and inspire more people to consciously become firm believers in communism and active builders of socialism. It should promote the development and perfection of the Marxist ideological theory as the core of governing, and push the socialist construction forward in a good and fast direction.

With the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core attaching great importance to the ideological work, Marxist ideological theory has once again been raised to a new height. After a period of being belittled, ignored or even ignored, ideological work has ushered in a new spring. As the whole Party attaches great importance to ideological work, Marxist ideological theory has once again be-

come the core of governance. In particular, the fourth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee for the first time put forward the fundamental system of upholding the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology. Socialist ideology has increasingly manifested its strong cohesion, appeal, leadership, and combat effectiveness.


Facing the impact and challenge of globalization, marketization and network, how can we do the ideological work well? Strengthening the ideological capacity-building has become the center of gravity and an important breakthrough of ideological work in the new era. Ideological ability is the actual level of distinguishing, leading and controlling the social ideological trend and the social mainstream consciousness through the new theoretical concepts, theoretical generalization and theoretical innovation. It is mainly embodied in the ideological discrimination, the theoretical innovation and the consensus cohesion. The body of ideological ability is the general leader, mainly the ruling party's leading member.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "China is a great country. It must not make subversive mistakes on fundamental issues. Once made, it can not be remedied". We must always keep a firm grip on the leadership, management and discourse of ideological work, and at no time should we fall by the wayside, so as to ensure the right way forward and avoid irreversible historical mistakes. Lenin insisted on Marxism and ideology as an organic whole, clearly put forward and always adhered to the ideological principles of party spirit and its class nature. He attached great importance to the exploration of ideological system building and made important contributions, as well as actively promoting and making ideology the core of governance. Lenin's ideology is not out of date. It is of great guiding significance to our ideological work today. Through analyzing of Lenin's ideological thinking historically and realistically, we know that being guided by a correct ideology and having a strong ideological capability are the fundamental issues that concern the continued progress of reform and opening-up along the right path and the survival of the socialist cause. Strengthening the construction of ideological ability is the most important part of ideological work. It can greatly consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology, and it is a banner flying high when the ideological work is ushered in a new spring. Promoting ideology as the core of governance and creating a better social and public opinion environment for economic construction can be the fundamental guarantee for economic construction to achieve the scientific and lasting development, which will be the inexhaustible source of power for realizing the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation.

The results of the study are summarized, conclusions, generalizations and recommendations arising from the work are drawn, the main directions of further research are determined.


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10. Lenin, V. (2009d). Collected works of Vladimir Lenin on socialism. Beijing: People's Publishing House.

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