VISUALIZATION METHOD IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Jurayeva Gulchekhra Abduvohidovna

This article discusses the system of visualization tools, as well as visualization methods in teaching a foreign language. The structural components of the system are knowledge visualization tools and information visualization tools. Special attention is paid to such tools as mental maps, multimedia presentations and infographics.

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Jurayeva Gulchekhra Abduvohidovna, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

E-mail: science_7777@mail.ru

Abstract. This article discusses the system of visualization tools, as well as visualization methods in teaching a foreign language. The structural components of the system are knowledge visualization tools and information visualization tools. Special attention is paid to such tools as mental maps, multimedia presentations and infographics.

Key words: structural components, language elements, information visualization tools, cognitive activity.

Visualization is recognized as the most important direction for improving didactic tools. The spread of visualization processes is a consequence not only of globalization, the increase in the intensity of contacts in various fields of activity, but also the need for rapid mutual understanding and interaction between people in the conditions of an avalanche of information growth. The use of visual aids in foreign language education is only becoming widespread. In modern conditions, we are increasingly talking not just about visual aids, but about visualization tools, which are based on various ways of processing and arranging information, allowing us to present it in a compact and easy-to-perceive and use form.

Visualization in the language teaching methodology allows you to create conditions for the sensory perception of information. It increases the effectiveness of learning, helps to learn language elements more meaningfully, and also do it with great interest. At the moment, the importance of visualization is seen in the fact that it develops the cognitive activity of students, awakening their interest in language classes, as well as expanding the volume of assailable material. In addition, visualization helps to reduce fatigue, develop creative imagination, mobilize willpower and facilitate the entire learning process in in general [1, p. 115-124].




Let's consider the main types of visualization used by a teacher in his professional activity:

1) Multimedia presentation (using software tools) is a program that contains text materials, photographs, drawings, slide shows, sound design, video clips and animation. Its main difference from other ways of presenting information is a special saturation of content and interactivity. A multimedia presentation can be prepared using computer programs such as: PowerPoint, Prezi, and Keynote.

2) Diagrams and diagrams (cluster diagram, fishbone, Venn diagram, pyramid). This form promotes the development of critical thinking, increases the percentage of successful assimilation of the material, and also contributes to the development of photographic memory. To create data diagrams and diagrams, it is recommended to use: Excel, Infogram, Sigma. Js, Aristochart and others.

3) Infographics is a visual presentation of diverse, often very dense statistical information. Infographics make it possible to acquire students the skills of organizing their own information space, to find effective ways to search and transform information to solve the set educational tasks and independent cognitive activity [2, p. 13]. One of the types of infographics is the so-called mental map (mind map). A mental map is a technique for visualizing thinking. The popularizer of this technique was the American lecturer Tony Buzen, who dealt with the intensification of thinking. There are certain rules for creating mental maps developed by Tony Buzen, which are described in detail in his book "How to Mind Map", namely:

The main idea is located in the center

- drawings and pictures can be used to represent the central idea

- only colored pencils, markers, etc. are used to create maps

- the main branches are connected to the central idea, and the branches of the second, third, etc. order are connected to the main branches. The branches should be curved, not straight (like the branches of a tree). Only one keyword is written above each branch line.

- for better memorization and assimilation, it is advisable to use drawings, pictures, associations about each word [4, p. 58].

The main way to create mental maps is to define a central image, a number of subtopics are arranged clockwise from the right, associatively associated with the main concept. It is welcome to use three-dimensional images, saturating them with images or sound files. Mental maps can be created in specially designed programs: SpiderScribe, Xmind, Mindomo, Wisemapping, iMindMap and others.

Visualization meets the principles and requirements of personality-oriented learning, activates the thinking of students, corresponds to the age characteristics of students, and is also suitable for independent work and work with students with


disabilities (in particular students with dyslexia). It helps not only to involve students in the educational process, but also to use modern ICT tools, which play a special role in foreign language education at the present stage of its development.

The study of the literature devoted to modern methods of increasing motivation in a foreign language lesson at school through the visualization of information allowed us to identify such methods as:

1) multimedia presentation;

2) interactive quiz;

3) infographics;

4) mental map.

In the methodology, such methods of ordering educational material are called active learning, defined by A.A. Verbitskiy as a transition from algorithmized methods of organizing the didactic process to research, developing and contributing to creative and motivating learning.

For example, the use of multimedia presentations, that is, slides containing brief and structured information on a specific topic, is one of the main requirements for the use of modern technologies in the classroom. Multimedia presentations are their more innovative version, as they additionally include the use of dynamics, sound, and images, combining a number of aspects that allow you to most effectively hold the listener's attention. Multimedia presentations are characterized by greater visibility of the material provided. They are the material creatively adapted by the teacher for a certain age of students.

To date, multimedia presentations are one of the most effective and frequently used ways of providing educational material, since almost every teacher has the skills to create and integrate them into the educational process.

Multimedia presentation can be used in teaching all aspects of the language, i.e. phonetics, vocabulary and grammar, as well as at different stages of learning, for example, when introducing new material or controlling its assimilation. This type of material provision is able to activate all types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading and writing). The use of multimedia presentations does not disrupt the structure and course of the lesson, while preserving all the necessary elements of the educational process.

From a scientific point of view, visualization can be defined as visibility. The author defines visibility as a prepared illustration of language material in the form of images and diagrams in order to help the student in his understanding, assimilation, use. The problems of the methodology of visualization and educational information were dealt with by the classics of world and domestic didactics Ya.A. Komenskiy, J. Dewey, K.D. Ushinskiy, I.Ya. Lerner, M.I. Makhmutov. The issues of designing a


visual information model are considered in pedagogical works of S.V. Aranova, A.A. Vejbitskiy, M.K., Mamardashvilia and visual research theorist J. Mitchell.

In the practice of teaching a foreign language, a combination of different types of visibility is used. It depends on the goals set, based on which, to talk about the following functions of visibility:

1) presentation of language material (in coherent speech or in isolated form);

2) clarification of the knowledge of the linguistic phenomenon;

3) creating conditions for the natural use of language as a means for the communicative use of language material in oral and written speech.

There are a large number of training tools for implementation visualizations in teaching English. A list of such tools should be presented in the foreign languages room where classes are held. A teacher who wants to capture something firmly in the youthful memory should take care that as many sense organs as possible - ear, eye, voice, sense of muscular movements and even, if possible, sense of smell and taste, take part in the act of memorization [3, p. 163].


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