ВИДЫ СИСТЕМ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ И ИХ ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ В ГОСТИНИЧНОМ КОМПЛЕКСЕ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
безопасность / гостиничный комплекс / индустрия гостеприимства / система безопасности / security / security equipment / hotel / hospitality industry

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Макарова А.И., Ручкин В.А.

Помимо оказания отелем основных услуг в виде проживания и питания, немаловажным является обеспечение комфортного и безопасного нахождения на территории гостиничного комплекса гостей и персонала. Любая гостиница заинтересована в создании надёжного и безопасного имиджа, тем самым повышая свою востребованность и престижность в глазах уже имеющихся или потенциальных гостей. Цель данной работы является изучение основных видов систем безопасности и их функционирования в гостиничном комплексе. Статья исследует вопросы определения понятия безопасности, системы безопасности, их виды и функционал. Актуальность выбранной темы не вызывает сомнения, так как в связи с постоянным обострением криминогенной обстановки вопросы безопасности при размещении являются одними из приоритетных. В современном мире существует огромное количество рисков для жизни и здоровья гостей отеля, поэтому служба безопасности имеет особое значение в процессе любого проживания. Необходимость обеспечения безопасности является одной из основных потребностью человека, посему руководство отеля должно внимательно следить за состоянием систем безопасности и оказывать своевременную ликвидацию возможных угроз, потому внедрение грамотного комплекса системы безопасности гостиницы — один из тех случаев, когда система контроля доступа, охранно-пожарная сигнализация и система видео-наблюдения служат не только для охраны помещений, но и для контроля за гостями, посетителями и персоналом в целом.

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Макарова А.И.

Канд. филол. наук, доцент Высшей школы общего гуманитарного образования ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса» г. Москва, Российская Федерация alexia90@rambler. ru Ручкин В.А.

Студент Высшей школы туризма и гостеприимства

ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса»

г. Москва, Российская Федерация


Аннотация. Помимо оказания отелем основных услуг в виде проживания и питания, немаловажным является обеспечение комфортного и безопасного нахождения на территории гостиничного комплекса гостей и персонала. Любая гостиница заинтересована в создании надёжного и безопасного имиджа, тем самым повышая свою востребованность и престижность в глазах уже имеющихся или потенциальных гостей. Цель данной работы является изучение основных видов систем безопасности и их функционирования в гостиничном комплексе. Статья исследует вопросы определения понятия безопасности, системы безопасности, их виды и функционал. Актуальность выбранной темы не вызывает сомнения, так как в связи с постоянным обострением криминогенной обстановки вопросы безопасности при размещении являются одними из приоритетных. В современном мире существует огромное количество рисков для жизни и здоровья гостей отеля, поэтому служба безопасности имеет особое значение в процессе любого проживания. Необходимость обеспечения безопасности является одной из основных потребностью человека, посему руководство отеля должно внимательно следить за состоянием систем безопасности и оказывать своевременную ликвидацию возможных угроз, потому внедрение грамотного комплекса системы безопасности гостиницы — один из тех случаев, когда система контроля доступа, охранно-пожарная сигнализация и система видео-наблюдения служат не только для охраны помещений, но и для контроля за гостями, посетителями и персоналом в целом.

Ключевые слова: безопасность, гостиничный комплекс, индустрия гостеприимства, система безопасности, security, security equipment, hotel, hospitality industry

Today it is impossible to imagine a modern hotel without technical security equipment, which is an essential condition for successful and reliable operation. Among all the indicators of the level and quality of service the provision of security guarantees seems to be leading for many. In addition, the feeling of security while staying at the hotel can attract new guests as well as cause them to show loyalty to the service provided [8].

Any system of security measures in the hospitality industry should provide:

1. protection of clients, their privacy and property;

2. protection of hotel property;

3. maintaining public order;

4. protection of the hotel from terrorist threats;

5. immediate and effective response of personnel in the event of an accident;

6. provision of additional services to ensure increased security of VIP clients;

7. monitoring the safety of personnel;

8. prevention and elimination of negative consequences of the manifestation of danger risks [1].

An important part of the system is the compilation of a documentation system, which is written documents confirming the implementation of the HACCP (Hazard Analysisand Critical Control Points) plan at the enterprise, as well as making it possible to track the origin of any ingredient, technological operation or final product [6].

The basic documentation should include:

— protocols: detection of critical control points and selection of monitoring methods (hazard analysis tables, determination of values for critical control points according to the decision tree (scheme));

— monitoring procedures and control for each critical control point to ensure control in production;

— definition of corrective actions: preparation of regulations for personnel, in case of exceeding the limit values for each critical control point. Development of instructions and definition of corrective actions to restore the limits of critical control points [7].

Since the specifics of the hotel complex consists of a large flow of people and all kinds of material resources, this requires not only the greatest concentration and attention on the part of the staff, but also a number of measures to combat a variety of threats, the main of which are:

-a fire that also occurs due to the fault of guests who show a dismissive or unfair attitude;

-careless attitude on the part of the staff;

-malfunction of existing electrical equipment;

-stealing of personal belongings of guests and hotel property by staff;

-etc [3].

Frequently appeared nowadays concept of security requires disclosure of its essence. Security is a state of protection of vital interests of both an individual and the whole society and the state from internal and external threats, or the ability of an object or phenomenon to persist with destructive processes affecting it.

There are standard security systems solving some problems, which are mentioned in the spider diagram on the fugure 1 (drawing 1).

Drawing 1 - Functions of standard security systems If we talk about security in relation to the hotel business, then protection from criminal encroachments is of no small importance here, as much as preventive actions, that is, prevention of fire, emergency situations, unforeseen and unauthorized intrusion into the private and business life of guests and other factors adversely affecting the stay of guests.

Another key element appearing in the framework of the raised issue is the concept of a security system, which allows us to talk about its various types in the accommodation facility.

A security system is understood as a set of interrelated, interdependent and ordered elements, consisting of legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, methodological and other means and measures to maintain security.

The security system is aimed at achieving various goals but the fundamental one is to create comfortable and reliable conditions for employees and guests. To achieve an effective and operational result, it is necessary to approach the resolution of this problem systematically, having previously analyzed the operation of the facility, identifying the most vulnerable areas, predicting threats and developing measures aimed at preventing them. Unlike industrial and other military facilities, hotels, acting as objects of implementation of complex security systems, have the following features:

-the interest of the hotel is aimed at creating an image of an "open house", where the provision of services is accompanied by the creation of comfort for guests, therefore there are

certain requirements for the appearance of security devices, which, on the one hand, should not frighten visitors, but, on the other, should convince them of the existence of a well-coordinated security system;

-hotels are mostly located within the city limits, surrounded by heavy traffic of vehicles and pedestrians crossing;

-in addition, the access system to the hotel territory should not interfere with the movement of guests, and, accordingly, should be simple and understandable .

It is worth noting the fact that a lot of responsibility and initiative fall on the shoulders of the hotel management, who needs to implement appropriate comprehensive measures to implement a modern security system in their enterprise, as well as provide proper control over their compliance.

To talk about the full operation of the hotel, its security system should focus not so much on the result, the final consequences, as on prevention. The achievement of this result is ensured by the coordinated work of all personnel, technical equipment, the rapid and effective ability to respond to a threat.

Recently in the modern hospitality market there is a plentiful range of various technical means of security, which causes certain difficulties in choosing the required equipment that can prevent threats that can cause this or that harm to the guest and, consequently, lead to possible financial losses for the owner of the hotel complex [2].

The integration of security systems into a single complex object with the provision of all necessary information about the status of each of the systems is the most important means of managing the flow of information for the security service, management staff or owners of the hotel. Such an organization of security systems makes it possible to check the quality of services provided by the service personnel, the methods of their interaction with guests and take all necessary measures to improve the service. As a rule, such a security system of the entire hotel complex consists of systems:

-access control and management;

-video control;

-fire safety;

-security alarm system;

-information protection.

As for the first of the above-mentioned systems, the relative position of the system and the necessary quantitative composition are determined by the size of the hotel complex, the number of rooms and the assignments performed. The function of the access control and management

system is to control and manage access of people, means of transport and other objects to the territory.

The role of access control and management is reduced to:

-coordination of the access process is similar to pre-distributed permissions;

-recording the fact of entry/exit with the date and time;

-management of access to buildings on the territory of the hotel complex;

-automation of monotonous, routine processes [3].

In order to achieve the most effective result within the framework of the security system, many are in favor of using a video control system. Equipping hotel complexes with this system helps to strengthen control over the events taking place in the hotel, allows you to more accurately assess the risks and the degree of their danger, as well as promptly respond to unforeseen circumstances. Moreover, visual regulation of the situation helps to establish the identity of the lawbreakers, to record the time and place of the offense or the fact of nonfulfillment of work duties by the hotel staff. Modern high-tech video surveillance systems solve all the tasks assigned to them, namely:

-continuous monitoring of the hotel complex;

-accounting of statistics of access to the territory of the hotel complex; -maintaining a video archive;

-fixing the number of vehicles crossing the border of the hotel complex [4]. In addition to this, many experts are prone to agree that from the point of view of ensuring the security of the hotel, video cameras should be installed in such vulnerable areas of the hotel. They can be the follows: the entrance area to the hotel, the adjacent parking area, evacuation stairs, front desk, specialized compartments for storing personal belongings and keys guests, halls and crowded places: restaurants, shops, corridors and staircases.

The next important system is the fire safety system, which also has its own purpose and a number of features. For the full functioning of the security system, the hotel must be equipped with at least a fire alarm system and fire extinguishing equipment designed for a sufficiently long time and capable of instantly detecting the place of ignition. A fire extinguishing system is installed throughout the building and premises, designed to monitor and respond automatically, with a voice or sound detector, and the layout of the building must meet certain requirements that allow people to be evacuated in a timely manner, even from the tallest buildings. In addition, the fire safety system, in the event of a fire, must ensure:

-instant detection of the source of ignition with subsequent indication of the location; -notification of security personnel about a fire for the subsequent evacuation of people from the building;

-preventing the spread of fire and smoke.

In order to detect the fact of a fire, hotels are equipped with various types of fire sensors: -smoke sensors, mostly common and in-demand sensors used in areas with increased flammability, requiring extreme concentration, and if possible, installed in many rooms of the building;

-thermal and auxiliary sensors that do not require equipment throughout the hotel; -manual sensors are an important component in the fire safety system of buildings, most often installed nearby with emergency fire exits, in smoking areas, etc.

If we are talking about the security alarm system, it should be noted that one of its main purposes is automated protection of premises and alleged approaches to objects, designed to provide effective and rapid detection of the fact of unauthorized entry with the possibility of instant broadcasting of a certain place and further informing security personnel.

At the moment, there are all different types of sensors that are constantly being improved, but consider the most popular types:

-sensors that signal the opening or destruction of doors, windows; -sensors that respond to penetration into premises;

-sensors that protect items of special importance used to protect particularly valuable objects: safes, display cases with valuables, etc [4].

The final one is the system for protecting guests' information, since hotels work with their personal data by entering certain information into a cloud management system in which data is stored and distributed digitally through a computer, software, printer, etc. All these systems may be vulnerable, as well as be attacked by hackers, that's why the following information is subject to protection:

-about VIP clients;

-about the fact of arrival and departure, time of stay, daily routine, visitors and telephone subscribers of the client;

-information discussed or processed with the use of technical means during meetings in specially designated premises; -commercial secret; -etc.

The integrated approach assumes an optimal combination of organizational, technical and physical measures of prevention and timely response to any dangerous situation. The right choice of technical means and security systems, their proper design, installation and maintenance

are of key importance. All the standard measures of information security are presented in the diagram of the figure 2 (drawing 2).

modern and

licensed software on computers

Drawing 2 - The standard measures of information security

We have analyzed all the elaborated and systematized information on the subject of the research and it was found that security is a state of protection of vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats.

If we consider security in relation to the hotel industry, then it is important to talk not only about protection from criminal offences but also the creation of preventive measures to ensure the protection of fires, emergencies, and other emergencies.

The key element raised in the framework of the article was a security system designed to implement such conditions under which guests and employees can feel calm and confident. Such a security system should be integrated into a single complex object with the provision of all necessary information, consisting of: access control and management, video control, fire safety, security alarm system and information protection [3].

To sum up the above, we should note that in modern conditions of a constant increase in crime and the complication of the criminogenic situation, the issues of ensuring the security of an object are becoming a key focus, especially in the realities of the hotel industry.

Therefore, the company needs to follow a clearly defined goal, which consists in a comprehensive impact on potential and real threats that determine the introduction of an integrated security system to prevent danger to the lives of guests and staff.


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