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Ключевые слова
владение иностранным языком / иноязычная компетенция / возможности трудоустройства / карьерный рост / требования работодателей / лингвистический ландшафт / foreign language proficiency / foreign language competence / employment opportunities / career growth / employer requirements / linguistic landscape

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ежгурова А. А.

Владение иностранным языком в настоящее время рассматривается как неотъемлемая часть профессиональной подготовки выпускника любого неязыкового вуза. Целью нашего исследования является выявить наиболее востребованные среди работодателей языки, определить, как влияет свободное владение иностранным языком на возможности трудоустройства выпускников и то, как глобальные тенденции формируют лингвистический ландшафт. В статье мы анализируем, какие преимущества дает выпускникам свободное владение иностранным языком, какие возможности появляются у предприятий, персонал которых обладает иноязычной компетенцией и в каких профессиях наиболее востребовано знание иностранного языка. Проведенное нами исследование показывает, что владение иностранным языком приносит целый ряд ощутимых преимуществ в развитие персонального роста и карьеры и указывается работодателями в описании многих вакансий.

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Foreign language proficiency is currently considered an integral part of the professional training of graduates of any non-linguistic university. The purpose of our research is to identify the languages most in demand among employers, to determine how fluency in a foreign language affects graduate employment opportunities and how global trends shape the linguistic landscape. In the article, we analyze what advantages fluency in a foreign language gives graduates, what opportunities arise for enterprises whose personnel have foreign language competence and in which professions knowledge of a foreign language is most in demand. Our research shows that foreign language proficiency brings a number of tangible benefits to the development of personal growth and career and is stated by employers in the description of many vacancies.


Научная статья УДК 378

DOI: 10.24412/cl-37031 -2024-2-155-160


Ежгурова А. А. 1 2

1 Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий, г. Омск, Россия 2egaa80@rambler.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0002-0109-9703

Аннотация: Владение иностранным языком в настоящее время рассматривается как неотъемлемая часть профессиональной подготовки выпускника любого неязыкового вуза. Целью нашего исследования является выявить наиболее востребованные среди работодателей языки, определить, как влияет свободное владение иностранным языком на возможности трудоустройства выпускников и то, как глобальные тенденции формируют лингвистический ландшафт. В статье мы анализируем, какие преимущества дает выпускникам свободное владение иностранным языком, какие возможности появляются у предприятий, персонал которых обладает иноязычной компетенцией и в каких профессиях наиболее востребовано знание иностранного языка. Проведенное нами исследование показывает, что владение иностранным языком приносит целый ряд ощутимых преимуществ в развитие персонального роста и карьеры и указывается работодателями в описании многих вакансий.

Ключевые слова: владение иностранным языком, иноязычная компетенция, возможности трудоустройства, карьерный рост, требования работодателей, лингвистический ландшафт.


Ezhgurova A. A.1- 2

1 Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies, Omsk, Russia.

2 egaa80@rambler. ru, https://orcid. org/0009-0002-0109-9703

Abstract: Foreign language proficiency is currently considered an integral part of the professional training of graduates of any non-linguistic university. The purpose of our research is to identify the languages most in demand among employers, to determine how fluency in a foreign

language affects graduate employment opportunities and how global trends shape the linguistic landscape. In the article, we analyze what advantages fluency in a foreign language gives graduates, what opportunities arise for enterprises whose personnel have foreign language competence and in which professions knowledge of a foreign language is most in demand. Our research shows that foreign language proficiency brings a number of tangible benefits to the development of personal growth and career and is stated by employers in the description of many vacancies.

Keywords: foreign language proficiency, foreign language competence, employment opportunities, career growth, employer requirements, linguistic landscape.


Despite the ongoing processes of deglobalization, in any job market proficiency in foreign languages is still an indispensable asset for career growth of non-linguistic universities graduates. Employers are actively seeking employees with the ability to communicate effectively across linguistic barriers, recognizing the immense value they bring to business development.

Therefore professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language in non-linguistic universities is an important area of scientific and methodological research in educational activities. The interest in this topic is related to the need of improving the foreign language training of future specialists in various sectors of economic activity [2, p. 243].

Thus, foreign languages may enhance graduates professional profile in several aspects.

Firstly, foreign language skills give them a distinct advantage over candidates who only speak their native language. By mastering a foreign language, graduates demonstrate their adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and global mindset.

Secondly, effective communication is paramount in any profession. Fluency in some languages enables employees to engage with a wider audience, build stronger relationships, and facilitate collaboration with colleagues from different countries.

Thirdly, learning a foreign language immerses students in its culture, providing invaluable insights into different perspectives and customs. This cultural awareness fosters empathy, strengthens relationships, and empowers graduates to navigate cross-cultural business environments with confidence.

Foreign languages also play a huge role in the corporate world as businesses become increasingly interconnected and the demand for foreign language proficiency is

growing rapidly. So having staff members with foreign language skills brings a company some benefits:

- Global expansion. Multinational corporations often operate in multiple countries, requiring employees who can communicate with clients, partners, and stakeholders worldwide. Foreign language skills bridge these communication gaps, ensuring efficient operations and seamless collaboration.

- Increased market share. By expanding their linguistic capabilities, businesses can tap into new markets and connect with potential customers who may not speak their native language. This diversification of local market reach enhances organization's revenue potential.

- Improved customer service. Providing excellent customer service requires understanding and adapting to different linguistic needs. Foreign language skills empower employees to promptly address inquiries, resolve issues, and build positive relationships with customers from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Research and results

So, in order to describe the full picture of modern requirements for the language training of graduates, it is necessary to study the specific wishes of employers that are relevant at the moment, and for this an analysis of available vacancies and requirements for applicants is necessary [5, p. 55].

The conducted analysis of vacancies on the main recruitment sites where employers require knowledge of the foreign language reveals the most sought-after languages, their impact on employability of non-linguistic universities graduates and on earnings opportunities, and how global trends are shaping the linguistic landscape.

According to Power Language Index, English is the most influential and widely sought-after language in the global labor market. Its status as an international lingua franca makes it a must-have for anyone aspiring to work in a multinational environment. From business negotiations to tourism, English serves as the common language of communication [4].

In March 2023, a staggering 91% of job postings requiring foreign language proficiency specified English as a requirement. German ranks second, featuring in 3% of vacancies. Its historical prominence in science, engineering, and manufacturing indus-

tries makes it a valuable asset for professionals in these fields. French, with its 1.5% share, remains important in diplomacy, international relations, and tourism [6].

Recent geopolitical shifts and increased trade with eastern countries have fueled a surge in demand for Oriental languages. Chinese, Turkish, and Arabic are now mentioned in 4.5% of vacancies requiring foreign language proficiency. This represents a significant increase from their 1.8% share in 2021 [6].

The language of opportunity among Oriental languages is Chinese, it has emerged as the most popular in the job market. In March 2023, over 1,283 vacancies on Headhunter explicitly mentioned Chinese, a 1.6-fold increase compared to March 2022. This demand is driven by Russia's growing economic ties with China and other eastern nations [6].

Thus, language proficiency plays the vital role in the following spheres.

Sales professionals must have the ability to communicate effectively with foreign clients. Purchasing managers and logistics specialists often require language skills to ensure smooth communication with suppliers and partners across borders. Understanding cultural nuances and language-specific terminology is crucial for effective negotiations and efficient logistics management.

IT professionals need knowledge of foreign languages because most of the technical documentation, coding frameworks, and industry insights are often published in English, making language proficiency essential for staying up-to-date and collaborating with international teams.

Secretaries and assistants to the head of the company with the help of foreign languages facilitate written and oral translations, manage business correspondence with foreign clients, and provide support in cross-cultural settings.

English is also a highly sought-after skill for marketing professionals, particularly Internet marketers. Understanding global trends, analyzing market research, and collaborating with international colleagues requires a strong command of the English language.

However, fluency in foreign languages not only contributes to graduates' em-ployability but also has a positive impact on their earnings potential. According to a study by Rosetta Stone, bilingual employees earn an average of 10-15% more than monolingual counterparts [3].

The main trend is that candidates who know several languages are paid more. For example, by learning a foreign language, CEOs can double their salaries, accountants — 1.5 times, tender specialists — by a third.

The biggest difference in salary is for those who work in senior positions: finance, general and technical director. Financial directors who do not know English are offered an average of 129,100 rubles per month, and those who speak this language are offered more than twice as much, 275,000 rubles. Also, knowledge of a foreign language significantly affects the salaries of technical support specialists, store administrators, lawyers, and electrical engineers.

In addition, research also shows that people who learn and adopt different languages have excellent problem-solving skills and they are creative. Learning languages also develops a person's multitasking skills [1].


So, we can summarize some benefits of foreign language proficiency for a career:

- Career advancement. Fluency in foreign languages opens doors to promotions and leadership roles in global organizations.

- Increased salary potential. Foreign language skills are often recognized and rewarded with higher salaries and compensation packages.

- Enhanced job security. In a competitive job market, foreign language proficiency can provide a buffer against layoffs and downsizing.

- Personal growth. Learning a foreign language not only expands your career opportunities but also improves your cognitive abilities and fosters a lifelong attachment to language and culture.

The dynamic nature of the global economy suggests that the demand for foreign languages will continue to evolve. Developing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine translation may reduce the need for human translators in some sectors. However, the need for intercultural communication and understanding will remain vital.

In conclusion, we can say that in today's workplace, foreign language proficiency is an essential skill that can unlock a world of opportunities. By understanding the languages in high demand and adapting to changing trends, graduates of non-

linguistic universities can position themselves as a highly employable and competitive candidates in the local and international job markets.

Bibliographic list

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2. Glushkova N.M., Lyubimova T.N. Professionally oriented foreign language teaching: challenges and opportunities // MNKO. 2023. №2 (99). P. 242-247. (Accessed: 08.03.2024). (in Russian).

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4. Kai L. Chan Power language index. 2016. URL: http: //www. kailchan. ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Kai-Chan Power-Language-Index-full-report 2016 v2.pdf (Accessed: 08.03.2024).

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