ВАЖНОСТЬ СТРЕМЛЕНИЯ К ПРАВИЛЬНОЙ УСТНОЙ РЕЧИ ПРИ ОБУЧЕНИИ ИНОСТРАННОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
языковые нормы / коммуникативная эффективность / языковой регистр / аффрикация / региональный сленг / language norms / communicative efficiency / language register / affrication / regional slang.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Куклина А.И.

Правильная устная речь – необходимое условие успешности любого специалиста в современных условиях. В статье оспаривается распространенное мнение о допустимости в речи ошибок, не влияющих на понимание. Рассматривается положительное влияние правильного употребления языка на различные области жизни. Обозначается ряд проблем и сложностей при овладении правильной устной речью в процессе изучения иностранного языка и вопросы ее корректного оценивания.

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Correct oral speech is a necessary prerequisite for the success of any specialist in modern conditions. The article disputes the widespread opinion about the admissibility of mistakes in speech that do not affect understanding. The positive impact of the correct use of the language on various areas of life is considered. A number of problems and difficulties are identified in mastering the correct oral speech in the process of learning a foreign language and questions of its correct assessment.


• оперативное и систематическое взаимодействие с ведущим преподавателем курса, консультантами-координаторами;

• групповую работу по типу обучения в сотрудничестве (cooperative learning) с участниками данного курса, используя все многообразие проблемных, исследовательских, поисковых методов в ходе работы над соответствующими модулями курса;

• предусматривать совместные телекоммуникационные проекты участников курса, в том числе и международные проекты, организуя обсуждения;

• презентации групп и индивидуальные презентации промежуточных и итоговых результатов в ходе электронных телеконференций, обмениваясь мнениями, информацией с участниками курса, а также при необходимости с любыми другими партнерами, в том числе и зарубежными через систему Internet.

Возможно использование информационных технологий в проведении практических контрольных заданий по курсу. В данном случае изучение теории происходит в процессе общения с преподавателем, что снимает все недостатки «безличностных» технологий, а компьютерные средства используются для выполнения самостоятельных практических работ. И, наконец, наиболее распространенный вариант - использование информационных технологий в качестве средства итогового контроля по пройденному курсу (система тестирования). Контрольное тестирование предоставляет

студенту возможность самоконтроля, а преподавателю - возможность проведения зачетных мероприятий. Во всех перечисленных вариантах не исключается возможность общения обучающихся дистанционно студентов с преподавателем посредством Интернета. Это своего рода индивидуальное консультирование, реальность и целесообразность которого определяется условиями обучения, степенью сложности изучаемого курса и временными ресурсами преподавателя. Таким образом по мере накопления опыта использования информационных и Интернет - технологий в сфере бизнес - образования они прочно войдут в жизнь современных учебных заведений.

Список литературы

1. Бордовская Н.В., Реан А.А. Педагогика. -СПб.: Питер, 2000., с.77.

2. Кукушкин В.С. Теория и методика обучения. - Ростов Д/н: Феникс, 2005.- 474 с.

3. Кахаров З.В. Дистанционное форма организации самостоятельной работы студентов. Сб. ст. по итогам Международной научно-практической конференции г. Киров, РФ -Стерлитамак: АМИ, 2020г.

4. Кахаров З.В.,Кодиров Н.Б. Инновационные технологии в преподавании общетехнических дисциплин. Научный форум: Сб. ст. по материалам XLVI междунар. науч.-практ. конф. - Москва РФ.: Изд. «МЦНО», -2021г.

5. Матвеева Т.А. Инновационная образовательная технология формирования базовых компетенций студентов. Высшее образование в России. 2007. №7. - С.28-32.



Куклина А.И.

старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков для технических специальностей факультета социального инжиниринга СибГУ науки и технологий им. М.Ф. Решетнева



Kuklina A.

senior teacher of the Department offoreign languages

for technical specialties Faculty of social engineering

Siberian state university of science and technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev


Правильная устная речь - необходимое условие успешности любого специалиста в современных условиях. В статье оспаривается распространенное мнение о допустимости в речи ошибок, не влияющих на понимание. Рассматривается положительное влияние правильного употребления языка на различные области жизни. Обозначается ряд проблем и сложностей при овладении правильной устной речью в процессе изучения иностранного языка и вопросы ее корректного оценивания.


Correct oral speech is a necessary prerequisite for the success of any specialist in modern conditions. The article disputes the widespread opinion about the admissibility of mistakes in speech that do not affect understanding. The positive impact of the correct use of the language on various areas of life is considered. A number of

problems and difficulties are identified in mastering the correct oral speech in the process of learning a foreign language and questions of its correct assessment.

Ключевые слова: языковые нормы, коммуникативная эффективность, языковой регистр, аффрика-ция, региональный сленг.

Keywords: language norms, communicative efficiency, language register, affrication, regional slang.

One of the unresolved problems in the teaching of a foreign language is the question of whether we should teach to speak and write in strict accordance with the rules of the language, or should our goal be only to teach how to be understood by the interlocutor. This topic affects communication not only in foreign languages, but also in the native language, and has an impact on everyday life. This paper will substantiate the importance of the ability to formulate one's thoughts in accordance with generally accepted language norms and the way these norms can be defined.

It is well known that nowadays, when the whole world communicates in English, there is a widespread point of view that it is not necessary to focus on mistakes in the answers of students if the communication process does not suffer from it and does not break down because of misunderstanding. There is even such a term as "mistakes that do not affect understanding." However, some historical facts disprove such an opinion. Due to the prevalence of the English language, Britain has long felt the need for a simplified version of the language in the colonies and dominions. Toward the end of the 20th century, as the colonial system began to crumble, projects to simplify the language along the lines of Basic English (with its 850-word vocabulary) ceased to exist. It turned out that attempts to limit the diversity of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the language cause great damage to communicative effectiveness.

Despite these facts, it is becoming more and more common to believe that the role of spoken language is only to convey a message. Increasingly, in all areas of life, including the educational process, we are faced with those people who wonder why they should bother with correct grammar and pronunciation. First of all, whether one speaks one's native language or a foreign language, striving to use the language correctly is a sign of respect for the language itself, its speakers and the culture to which it belongs. People who adhere to this language principle command respect, and this is important in any leadership position, as well as in other areas of responsibility, such as raising children. Insignificant attention to correct speaking can indeed create serious obstacles in the application process for any position where oral communication is required [1].

Equally important is how our relationship with language is reflected in our daily lives: those who ignore the use of proper grammar tend to be lazy, while those who adhere to the rules of the language are respectful of their surroundings and attentive to detail. People who make grammatical errors while speaking or who do not pay attention to the level of correctness of their speech are considered much more prone to errors in other tasks, such as arranging shelves or labelling parts. While those who adhere to the rules of grammar show a significantly higher level of critical thinking and

thus are able to solve complex problems in the workplace or in other environment.

In the course of writing this paper, a survey was conducted among students of the Siberian State University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, according to the results of which it turned out that 77% of respondents consider the main goal of communication in their native language to be expressing their thoughts in accordance with the rules of the language. 54% gave the same answer regarding knowledge of foreign languages. Surprisingly, according to the survey, out of 46% of those who believe that the main goal of verbal communication in a foreign language should be simply understanding, 50% identified the same goal in relation to their native language. Moreover, in the written answers of these very respondents, grammatical and spelling errors were found in their native Russian language. Although the level of literacy is in part a reflection of the social class to which the speaker belongs and the education he has received, it cannot be denied that it can be increased through the correct attitude towards the use of the language.

The desired level of verbal communication in a foreign language, of course, may depend on the purpose of learning the language. If the intended goal is simply to master the basic phenomena of the language, for example for the purposes of short-term tourism, then, of course, perfect knowledge of grammar and pronunciation may not be required. However, in any professional environment, especially in a leading university that trains specialists for business and management, the key is the pursuit of excellence.

There are a number of factors that can hinder a person's ability to achieve a level of correct spoken language. As it has already been mentioned, in the first place it can be the origin and social environment. Exposure to and imitation of incorrect pronunciation and intonation of the native language at an early stage can have irreparable consequences later in life. The second reason that can often be seen in conjunction with foreign languages is excessive fluency in an attempt to mask a potential lack of knowledge of grammar and pronunciation. It is a common misconception that speaking incorrectly but at an increased speed can make an impression, when in fact it can only lead to misunderstanding. It is clear that fluency and other speaking skills must be developed simultaneously. Thirdly, the alleged corrupting influence of American English is generally considered to be one of the negative influences on the spoken norm of the language. While American English's efforts to simplify spelling and pronunciation may seem dubious, the key problem is the mixing of different varieties of English, which can lead to what is known as a "Mid-Atlantic accent." This situation often arises among students who either do not know about the existence of different varieties of Eng-

lish, or do not know how they differ. Particular attention should be paid to this issue from the very beginning of the educational process.

Factors that can hinder a learner's ability to achieve a level of correct spoken language also include the issue of error correction. Experimental investigations indicate that errorful learning followed by corrective feedback is beneficial to learning [5]. The question is whether it is worth interrupting the speech to correct the mistake, or is it better to listen to the statement to the end, return to the mistakes and analyze them - disputes on these topics are constantly being conducted by methodologists. There is even an opinion that it is better not to correct mistakes in speech at all, so that the so-called "language barrier" does not arise. But in the pursuit of overcoming this barrier, we more and more often hear such foreign language speech, perceiving which we cannot even understand what thought the speaker wants to convey to us. Correction of mistakes is indeed a very difficult stage of the teaching process, which nevertheless cannot be dispensed with. Here it is important to take into account everything: the individual characteristics of the student, his character, temperament, social status, attitude to the subject being studied. It is advisable before a student starts speaking on the topic, to find out which method of correcting mistakes he prefers - in the course of the statement, after the statement, or in general, fixing errors in writing and then passing them to the student, so that no one except the person who made the mistake would be in the know . Since a student can have different attitudes to the process of correcting mistakes - neutral, positive, negative ones - an individual method of correcting mistakes will be considered psychologically correct and methodologically justified. To avoid negativity in relation to the correction of mistakes by the teacher, it is worth once again explaining to students that making mistakes when learning a foreign language is natural, mistakes arise due to the difference in the structures of foreign and native languages, and that only those who do nothing and learn nothing are not mistaken. They should know and understand that no one is perfect, perfection is impossible and they should not have to always think of mistakes as bad or negative things because people learn from the mistakes they make [7].

Another area of discussion concerns the definition of what exactly constitutes correct use of language. It can be seen as something of a moving target, taking into account the natural evolution of the language, as well as the need to adapt to the required linguistic register -high, colloquial or literary. The most frequently suggested answer, and perhaps the most reliable source, includes a comprehensive dictionary such as the Oxford English Dictionary, which contains all recognized spellings and pronunciations. However, this raises the question of words that do not appear in dictionaries, despite the fact that they are used among sometimes a relatively large number of speakers to convey a given meaning. One such example concerns the term "group mate", which is used, for example, to refer to a fellow student in a group and is used by native English speakers, although this word is not officially recognized. In fact, Oxford University Press has a repository of over a

million such words that have not been accepted into the language and are waiting in the wings, examples of which include "earworm", which refers to a catchy tune that sticks in your head, and "dringle", which means a wet trace left on the surface by a mug or glass [2]. If no one invented and used such words, the language would not be able to develop and modernize, which, of course, is impossible.

A similar problem arises with determining the correct pronunciation of individual words. It is known that pronunciation norms change faster than spelling or grammar. One example of this change occurring over our lifetime is the phenomenon of affrication, whereby in words such as tune and dune in British English there is a tendency to pronounce the consonant at the beginning as [t|] and [d3] instead of [tj] and [dj], which can lead to conflict between generations [3].

Dialectical variation in pronunciation, especially in that of vowels, is a current problem as native speakers try to shed their regional accent in favour of so-called learned pronunciation through public speaking lessons in an attempt to improve their career prospects. There are more than thirty recognized dialects in Great Britain alone, and although the dialects, defined by the Oxford English Language as "special forms of language peculiar to a particular region or social group" [4], are not generally perceived as incorrect, attempts to get rid of them have become more frequent. Surveys show that 80% of employers discriminate because of the dialects spoken by job applicants. While regional dialects may pose problems for native English speakers, it is unlikely that they will not pose problems for English language learners, given the general preference for received pronunciation.

Misunderstandings can also arise from not maintaining a proper language register, such as using colloquial speech, regional slang, or so-called "text language" in an inappropriate context. When learning a language, it is important to pay attention to the register of vocabulary to avoid misinterpretation. The use of abbreviations associated with text messaging, such as, unfortunately, often used "ASAP" or "LOL", creates a sharply negative impression in any form of speech and a sense that the speaker lacks education [1].

In conclusion, both native speakers and language learners should strive for correct verbal communication in accordance with the grammar and rules of pronunciation of languages, and not just strive to speak at a level that must be understood. In addition, it is likely that non-compliance with these rules will lead to misunderstandings and can create problems of miscommunica-tion such as misinterpretation of messages, distorted messages, misinformation, confusion, mistrust, uncertainty, frustration, weak and wrong feedback, aviation and marine accidents and disasters, deaths, tension, conflict, violence among people. The best strategy to promote effective communication is avoiding grammatical and spelling mistakes, giving and receiving feedback, hiring bilingual workers and qualified and licensed translators, minimizing the use of jargons, avoiding ambiguous words, regional dialects. The future of individuals, groups, societies, and nations de-

pends mostly on their ability to communicate effectively with others in a globalization and communication era [6].


1. Buarqoub I.A.S. (2019) Language barriers to effective communication // Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana, vol. 24, núm. Esp.6, pp. 64-77 https://www.redalyc.org/jour-nal/279/27962177008/html/

2. Definition of dialect in English // Oxford Dictionaries. URL:

http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/ dialect

3. Haidara Y. (2016) Psychological Factor Affecting English Speaking Performance for the English Learners in Indonesia // Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(7): pp. 1501-1505, http://www.hrpub.org DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.040701

4. Metcalfe J. Learning from errors// Annual Review of Psychology: Vol.68, 2017. Pp.465-489 https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-010416-044022

5. Shariatmadari D. 8 pronunciation errors that made the English language what it is today // The Guardian. URL: http://www.theguardian. com/commentisfree/2014/mar /11/pronunciation-errors-english-language

6. Secret vault of words rejected by the Oxford English dictionary uncovered// The Telegraph. URL: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howabo utthat/7926646/Secret-vault-of-words-rejected-by-the-Oxford-English-Dictionary-uncovered.html

7. Whitefield A.M. (2016) Analysing the importance of striving towards correct spoken language // X International scientific-practical conference «Modern trends in teaching English in a non-linguistic university» (Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Space University of Science and Technology) Pp.118-122.


Тон Я.В.

кандидат в мастера спорта, студент факультета Спорта Овчинников Ю.Д.

кандидат технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры «Биохимии, биомеханики и естественнонаучных дисциплин» Кубанский государственный университет физической культуры, спорта и туризма Россия, г. Краснодар


Ton Y.

candidate for Master of Sports, student of the Faculty of Sports

Ovchinnikov Y.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, Biomechanics and Natural Sciences, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism

Russia, Krasnodar


В условиях развивающейся конкуренции многие виды спорта являются культивируемыми, другие менее культивируемые на региональном уровне. Учебно-тренировочный процесс с помощью различных методик показан в разных видах спорта. В данном исследовании авторы показывают эргономические факторы и их влияние на биомеханику движений в методике учебно-тренировочного процесса сборной Краснодарского края по велоспорту (представлен видеоряд). Особенностью педагогического эксперимента является тот факт, что в учебно-тренировочном процессе на всех этапах принимали участие воспитанники клуба «Rider school». Научно-педагогическое исследование имеет прикладной и практико-ориентирован-ный характер с выполнением социальных функций, проведено с использованием природной среды региона, современных высокотехнологичных спортивных объектов, сооруженных для занятий спорта любому желающему человеку.


In the conditions of developing competition, many sports are cultivated, others are less cultivated at the regional level. The educational and training process with the help of various techniques is shown in various sports. In this study, the authors show ergonomic factors and their influence on the biomechanics of movements in the

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