Научная статья на тему 'Variety influence on yield capacity and quality of winter wheat in the Orel region conditions'

Variety influence on yield capacity and quality of winter wheat in the Orel region conditions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Melnik А. F., Amelin А. V., Mazalov V. I., Nikolaev А. N.

The article describes the test results of 50 varieties of winter wheat in the Shatilovskaya Agricultural Experimental Station in the Orel region. It is proved that in the leading scientific and research establishments of Russia a number of varieties which in the conditions of the Orel region create yield capacity that is higher than 6,0 t/h with the grain protein content of 13,0-14,0%, gluten of 24-28%. Among them the most perspective varieties are: Moskovskaya 40, Nemchinovskaya 17 (Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Povolzhskaya 86 (Povolzhsky Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Bezenchukskaya 380 (Samara Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Krastal (Voronezh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Dominanta, Missia (Donskoy Zone Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Ariadna, Korochanka, Synthetic (Belgorod Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Donchanka, Aksinya, Izyuminka, Don 107, Asket, Spartak (State Scientific Establishment of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Grain Crops), Orlovskaya 241 (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Grain Legumes). The above enumerated varieties are of great interest not only for production but also for selection, because they can be used as original perspective material in creation of new varieties generation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Variety influence on yield capacity and quality of winter wheat in the Orel region conditions»

UDC 633.11 «324»:631.526.32:631.524.84 + 633.11 «324»:631.526.32.004.12


Melnik А.F., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Amelin А.V., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Orel State Agraraian University, Orel City, Russia

Mazalov V.I., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Nikolaev А.N., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Shatilovskaya Agricultural Experimental Station, Orel Region, Russia

E-mail: melnik.anat202@yandex.ru, amelin 100@mail.ru


The article describes the test results of 50 varieties of winter wheat in the Shatilovskaya Agricultural Experimental Station in the Orel region. It is proved that in the leading scientific and research establishments of Russia a number of varieties which in the conditions of the Orel region create yield capacity that is higher than 6,0 t/h with the grain protein content of 13,0-14,0%, gluten of 24-28%. Among them the most perspective varieties are: Moskovs-kaya 40, Nemchinovskaya 17 (Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Po-volzhskaya 86 (Povolzhsky Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Bezenchukskaya 380 (Samara Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Krastal (Voronezh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Dominanta, Missia (Donskoy Zone Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Ariadna, Korochanka, Synthetic (Belgorod Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture), Donchanka, Aksinya, Izyuminka, Don 107, Asket, Spartak (State Scientific Establishment of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Grain Crops), Orlovskaya 241 (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Grain Legumes). The above enumerated varieties are of great interest not only for production but also for selection, because they can be used as original perspective material in creation of new varieties generation.


Winter wheat; Variety; Yield capacity; Quality; Protein; Gluten.

From grain crops winter wheat is the leading food crop in the Russian Federation, because it has specific social and economic importance in the country development [1].

The Orel region is included into the Central Blackzone region that is one of the main producers of grain in Russia. Main grain production ratio is accounted for winter wheat, which in the structure of cultivated area occupies more than 40%, and its average yield capacity for the last 5 years exceeds 3,0 t/ha [2]. But because of its year-wise variation the gross grain harvests in the region are provided only by 54,6 % [3]. More than that, the quality of formed grain often does not correspond to the GOST requirements for food wheat. Thus, in 20092011 only 18-34,2% was prepared from all harvested crop grain corresponding to the 3rd class of the GOST, and the rest of it was of the 4 - 5th class.

According to the academician A.A. Zhuchenko’s opinion (2008), at present it is necessary to switch from maximum yield capacity to steady obtaining of high quality yield, increase of resource saving and environmental function of varieties and hybrids for the sake of their greater adaptation to edaphic stressors and harmful species, increase of not only production but also environment improving function.

To solve the assigned problems the variety that has become nowadays a significant biological factor in productivity increase and grain quality improvement is of particular importance. According to M. A. Fedin (1985) and other national and foreign researchers’ assessment, the variety rate in the winter wheat yield capacity growth is 31-58% [4,5,6]. Now its importance increases particularly in connection with high demand in consumer market for high

quality grain used for bread making.

But modern varieties have not only positive but also negative sides that in different years manifest differently. That is why to reduce the risk degree of loss from unfavorable conditions the maximum yield of high quality grain in agricultural enterprises it reasonable to grow 2-3 recognized varieties of winter wheat, which correspond to the requirements of valuable and strong varieties being able to form high quality yield of grain in agricultural landscapes of the Orel region. As a result it is necessary to do tests of varieties regularly and discover the most perspective of them for the region.


The research object is 50 cultivars of winter wheat from 11 selection centers of Russia. They were investigated in the Shatilovskaya Agricultural Experimental Station in 2011-2012. The soil type is podzolic, heavy loamy chernozem, pH - 5,0. Humus content is 6,6%, available phosphorus (Р2О5) - 8,1, and exchange potassium (К2О) - 10 mg/100 g of soil. The experimental material was grown in crop rotation where autumn fallow was an ancestor. The cultivation technology was conventional. Seed rate was 5,0 mln. pieces / ha. Plot area was 50 m2, replication was 4-fold, and plot allocation was randomized. Recordings and observations, statistical data processing were done according to commonly used methods [9,10,11].


For variety testing there were presented 50 winter wheat varieties from 11 selection centers of Russia. According to phonological observations weather conditions of vegetation of winter wheat plants in 2012 were relatively favorable for their growth and development. As the result the yield capacity of crop grain on the experimental area was high and corresponded to 5,8 t/ha on an average. But its value varied greatly depending on the varietal characteristics of plants - genotypic interval of characteristics variability was in the limits from 4,4 to 6,7 g/ha.

It is proved that the maximum yield capacity was formed with the varieties of Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Lgovsk Agricultural Experimental Station, and the varieties of selection of Povolzhsky Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Samara Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture had the minimum grain weight per unit area. The representatives of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the South-East, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Donskoy Zone Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, All-Russian Scientific Research Establishment of Belgorod Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and others according to this indicator occupied intermediate position. This proves the conclusion that varieties of agricultural crops as a rule form the maximum yield ion the place of their origin.

At that it is necessary to stress that in every group of the tested genotypes there are some varieties as with high so as with low grain yield capacity.

From the representatives of selection of Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture the maximum grain yield capacity was formed with the varieties: in the memory of Fedin (6,7 t/ha), Nemchinovskaya 57 (6,6t/ha), Moscow 40 (6,6t/ha).

The same high grain weight per unit area (from 6,4 to 6,6 t/ha) was provided with the varieties: Lgovskaya 4, Krastal, the Don Governor, Biryuza and Spartak, cultivated correspondingly at the Lgov Agricultural Experimental Station, in Voronezh, Donskoy, Samara Scientific Research Institutes of Agriculture and All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Grain Crops.

Among the most successful varieties of the selection of Belgorod Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture it is necessary to mention first of all Korochanka and Synthetic, and from Research Institute of Agriculture of the South-East the varieties Sozvezdie, Povolzhye Pearl and Kalach, that formed the grain yield capacity 6,0 t/ha on an average.

State Scientific Establishment of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Grain Crops presented 11 genotypes for test, among which except the Spartak variety Izuyminka,

Don 107 and Asket (6,1-6,2 t/ha)were distinguished by yield capacity.

Among 10 varieties of Donskoy Zone Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture high results were shown with: Dominanta, Arfa, Kameya, Alyans and Magia, formed grain weight

6,0 - 6,2 t/ha.

At testing there were two varieties from All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Grain Legumes: Favoritka and Orlovskaya 241. From them the Favoritka variety provided grain yield capacity in the amount 5,8 t/ha, and Orlovskaya 241 - 6,2 t/ha.

But high efficiency today is not the main indicator of selection of winter wheat variety. For this crop the grain quality is very important, because this indicator is the most important economic constituent, closely connected with value in use, production costs, profitability, competitive ability and agroecological efficiency of the territory. Of course the amount of agricultural enterprises profit depends on the quality of grain supplied to the market, because nonstandard and poor quality production is realized by lower prices.

At the same time the problem connected with obtaining winter wheat grain of high quality in Russia and particularly at the Orel region is not solved completely. For this reason it is very important that the variety possesses not only high yield capacity but also forms grain of high quality.

This objective achievement is always problematic because of existing negative correlation dependence between yield volume and its quality. The correlation ratios between grain weight per unit area, gluten content and protein on an average in ecologo-geographic varieties groups were r=-0.25 and r=-0.4, correspondingly.

Such varieties as Krastal, Biryuza, Kalach, Povolzhye Pearl in spite of forming high yield (6,0- 6,1 t/ha), have poor quality grain that corresponds to 3 - 4 class only (gluten -21,6 - 23,3%, protein -12,4- 12,9%).

But at the same time the analysis of literature data and own results of biochemical analysis shows that this connection has no linear character. For example, there are some varieties that form not only high grain yield capacity, but also provide quality content. Among the varieties studied already the undisputable leader is the Moskovskaya 39 variety (protein -14,8%, gluten - 27,3%), which is a standard.

For bread making a great interest is paid to such varieties as: Moskovskaya 40 (protein

- 14,5%, gluten - 26,2%), Nemchinovskaya 17 (protein - 14,0%, gluten - 23,9%), Spartak (protein -14,6%, gluten - 26%), Asket (protein - 14,4%, gluten - 27,7%), Izyuminka (protein -14,4%, gluten - 27,2%), Lgovskaya 8 (protein - 14,5%, gluten - 25,0%), Orlovskaya 241 (protein - 13,7%, gluten - 24,4%,), Sozvezdie (protein - 13,7%, gluten -25,1%, Dominanta (protein -14,7%, gluten -27,6%), Korochanka (protein - 13,6%, gluten - 24,3%).

In whole from the presented winter wheat varieties of different ecologo-geographic groups genotypes with high and low grain qualities indicators can be differentiated. But there are some exceptions. Thus according to protein and gluten the representatives from State Scientific Establishment of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Grain Crops formed only high quality yield of grain (indicators corresponded to the 3rd and 2nd class of GOST R).

Among them first of all it is necessary to pay attention to Donchanka (the content of protein is 16,4%, gluten is 29,4%) and Aksinya (the content of protein is 15,9%, gluten -28%) varieties. They prevailed over the rest of varieties in gluten by 3,4%, and protein by

1,7% on an average.

In general it necessary to stress the following tendency: the grain yield of the maximum quality was formed with the varieties that were created in the regions with high coming of Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) and that were provided with warmth and moisture.

Thus, the results of the test of 50 genotypes of winter wheat at the Shatilovskaya Agricultural Experimental Station showed that in scientific and research establishments in Russia the variety range able in the conditions of the Orel region to form the yield capacity more than 6,0 t/ha with the grain content of protein 13,0-14,0%, gluten 24-28% was created. Among them the most perspective are: Mskovskaya 40 (yield capacity - 6,6 t/ha, protein -14,5%, gluten - 26,2%), Nemchinovskaya 17 (yield capacity - 6,5 t/ha, protein - 14,0%, gluten

- 23,9%), Spartak (yield capacity - 6,4 t/ha, protein -14,6%, gluten - 26%), Asket (yield capacity - 6,1 t/ha, protein - 14,4%, gluten - 27,7%), Izyuminka (yield capacity - 6,2 t/ha, pro-

tein - 14,4%, gluten - 27,2%), Lgovskaya 8 (yield capacity - 6,0 t/ha, protein - 14,5%, gluten

- 25,0%), Orlovskaya 241 (yield capacity - 6,2 t/ha, protein - 13,7%, gluten - 24,4%,), Sozvezdie (yield capacity - 6,0 t/ha, protein - 13,7%, gluten -25,1%), Dominanta (yield capacity -

6,0 t/ha, protein -14,7%, gluten -27,6%), Korochanka (yield capacity - 6,2 t/ha, protein -13,6%, gluten - 24,3%).

These varieties are of great interest not only for production but also for selection, because they can be used as original perspective material in creation of variety of new generation.


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