Научная статья на тему 'Variable Stars in Cygnus Discovered with Kourovka Planet Search. Part III: Pulsating variables of Delta Scuti type'

Variable Stars in Cygnus Discovered with Kourovka Planet Search. Part III: Pulsating variables of Delta Scuti type Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Похожие темы научных работ по строительству и архитектуре , автор научной работы — A. A. Popov, A. M. Zubareva, A. Y. Burdanov, V. V. Krushinsky, E. A. Avvakumova

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Текст научной работы на тему «Variable Stars in Cygnus Discovered with Kourovka Planet Search. Part III: Pulsating variables of Delta Scuti type»

"Peremennye Zvezdy", Prilozhenle,

vol. 17, N 3 (2017)

Variable Stars in Cygnus Discovered with Kourovka Planet Search. Part III: Pulsating variables of Delta Scuti type

A. A. Popov#1. A. M. Zubareva#2,3, A. Y. Burdanov#4, V. V. Krushinskv#1. E. A. Avvakumova#1. K. Ivanov#5

#1. Kourovka Astronomical Observatory of Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia;

#2. Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia;

#3. Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;

#4. Space sciences, Technologies and Astrophysics Research (STAR) Institute, Université de L iège, Liège, Belgium;

#5. Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia.

Received: 11.12.2017; accepted: 25.12.2017

(E-mail for contact: apopov66@gmail.com)

# |Name| Other Coord (J2000) Iyp-£ Max Min System Period Epoch (JD) iyps Sp. Comment L.Curve Find.Chart Data

1 2MASS 20250468+5026580 20 25 04.68 +50 26 58.0 DSCT 14.008 14.037 R 0.06543 2456131.40 max TF1-01345 lc.png TF1-01345 fc.png TF1-01345.txt

2 2MASS 20262340+5005365 20 26 23.40 +50 05 36.5 DSCT 12.749 12.769 R 0.13274 2456140.32 max Comm. 2 TF1-03831 lc.png TF1-03831 fc.png TF1-03831.txt

3 2MASS 20274366+4944360 20 27 43.66 +49 44 36.0 DSCT 11.346 11.362 R 0.04184 2456154.24 max TF1-06321 lc.png TF1-06321 fc.png TF1-06321.txt

4 2MASS 20274367+5021300 20 27 43.67 +50 21 30.0 DSCT 12.390 12.403 R 0.04758 2456131.33 max TF1-06322 lc.png TF1-06322 fc.png TF1-06322.txt

5 2MASS 20274485+5025395 20 27 44.85 +50 25 39.5 DSCT 10.795 10.800 R 0.05167 2456063.30 max TF1-06358 lc.png TF1-06358 fc.png TF1-06358.txt

6 2MASS 20274663+5121461 20 27 46.63 +51 21 46.1 DSCT 12.822 12.836 R 0.07053 2456160.27 max TF1-06411 lc.png TF1-06411 fc.png TF1-06411.txt

7 2MASS 20274915+4935599 20 27 49.15 +49 35 59.9 DSCT 12.058 12.080 R 0.08019 2456135.34 max TF1-06492 lc.png TF1-06492 fc.png TF1-06492.txt

8 2MASS 20284384+5031252 20 28 43.84 +50 31 25.2 DSCT 12.761 12.779 R 0.21939 2456160.44 max TF1-08235 lc.png TF1-08235 fc.png TF1-08235.txt

9 2MASS 20291369+5043247 20 29 13.69 +50 43 24.7 DSCT 12.588 12.614 R 0.12895 2456161.43 max Comm. 9 TF1-09161 lc.png TF1-09161 fc.png TF1-09161.txt

10 2MASS 20291725+4943570 20 29 17.25 +49 43 57.0 DSCT 12.739 12.772 R 0.13093 2456160.46 max Comm. 10 TF1-09262 lc.png TF1-09262 fc.png TF1-09262.txt

11 2MASS 20292279+5018015 20 29 22.79 +50 18 01.5 DSCT 13.878 13.912 R 0.17006 2456155.33 max Comm. 11 TF1-09453 lc.png TF1-09453 fc.png TF1-09453.txt

12 2MASS 20294536+5032540 20 29 45.36 +50 32 54.0 DSCT 10.732 10.742 R 0.09654 2456141.39 max TF1-10158 lc.png TF1-10158 fc.png TF1-10158.txt

13 2MASS 20294695+4930547 20 29 46.95 +49 30 54.7 DSCT 11.347 11.352 R 0.06289 2456169.42 max TF1-10201 lc.png TF1-10201 fc.png TF1-10201.txt

14 2MASS 20295420+5032315 20 29 54.20 +50 32 31.5 DSCT 12.385 12.407 R 0.19545 2456168.23 max TF1-10484 lc.png TF1-10484 fc.png TF1-10484.txt

15 2MASS 20302031+4943117 20 30 20.31 +49 43 11.7 DSCT 11.970 11.976 R 0.05801 2456131.38 max Comm. 15 TF1-11402 lc.png TF1-11402 fc.png TF1-11402.txt

16 2MASS 20304189+4957269 20 30 41.89 +49 57 26.9 DSCT 11.649 11.656 R 0.07787 2456168.30 max TF1-12151 lc.png TF1-12151 fc.png TF1-12151.txt

17 2MASS 20304930+5104595 20 30 49.30 +51 04 59.5 DSCT 11.128 11.138 R 0.05266 2456124.29 max TF1-12383 lc.png TF1-12383 fc.png TF1-12383.txt

18 2MASS 20310164+5014147 20 31 01.64 +50 14 14.7 DSCT 11.736 11.744 R 0.07832 2456161.36 max TF1-12817 lc.png TF1-12817 fc.png TF1-12817.txt

19 2MASS 20311156+5111105 20 31 11.56 +51 11 10.5 DSCT 11.251 11.292 R 0.06023 2456160.44 max TF1-13160 lc.png TF1-13160 fc.png TF1-13160.txt

20 2MASS 20311900+4946378 20 31 19.00 +49 46 37.8 DSCT 11.493 11.522 R 0.06808 2456148.34 max TF1-13402 lc.png TF1-13402 fc.png TF1-13402.txt

21 2MASS 20320758+5044470 20 32 07.58 +50 44 47.0 DSCT 11.711 11.721 R 0.08317 2456141.39 max TF1-14972 lc.png TF1-14972 fc.png TF1-14972.txt


|22| |2MASS 20324010+5036368 |20 32 40.10 +50 36 36.8 |DSCT |11.529 |11.537|| R |0.16785||2456163.45||max|| || ||TF1-16032 lc.png||TF1-16032 fc.png||TF1-16032.txt|

23 2MASS 20325225+5054269 20 32 52.25 +50 54 26.9 DSCT 12.625 12.635 R 0.06599 2456148.30 max TF1-16430 lc.png TF1-16430 fc.png TF1-16430.txt

24 2MASS 20341630+5043362 20 34 16.30 +50 43 36.2 DSCT 11.357 11.362 R 0.04867 2456131.35 max TF1-19254 lc.png TF1-19254 fc.png TF1-19254.txt

25 2MASS 20341779+5041368 20 34 17.79 +50 41 36.8 DSCT 10.965 10.976 R 0.10445 2456124.33 max TF1-19306 lc.png TF1-19306 fc.png TF1-19306.txt

26 2MASS 20343224+4945589 20 34 32.24 +49 45 58.9 DSCT 9.917 9.934 R 0.13487 2456152.25 max Comm. 26 TF1-19788 lc.png TF1-19788 fc.png TF1-19788.txt

27 2MASS 20344974+4953155 20 34 49.74 +49 53 15.5 DSCT 12.138 12.159 R 0.08397 2456167.38 max TF1-20383 lc.png TF1-20383 fc.png TF1-20383.txt


2. There is a second periodicity P = 0d.11972.

9. There is a second periodicity P = 0d.12126.

10. There is a second periodicity P = 0d.13658.

11. There are long-period changes of brightness. 15. There is a second periodicity P = 0d.05356. 26. There is a second periodicity P = 0d.15328. Remarks:

In the current paper, we continue to announce new variable stars discovered in the frame of the KPS (Kourovka Planet Search). Detailed information about the project and about Algol-type eclipsing binaries we detected is provided in the first paper (Popov et al. 2015). and eclipsing binaries of p Lyrae and W Ursae Majoris- types are presented in the second paper (Popov et al. 2016).

This paper is dedicated to pulsating variables of the 8 Scuti type. We discovered 27 such stars.

Each figure consist of three panels. In the upper part, we provide the power spectrum obtained using the on-line light curve analysis tool by Kirill Sokolovsky. The lower part of each figure has two panels. The star's instrumental magnitude as a function of Julian Date is given in the left panel, and the phase-folded light curve is given in the right panel. We used red colour for R band, green colour for V band, and blue colour for B band data.

Acknowledgements :

This work has been supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research grants 14-02-31338 and, partially, 14-02-31056. The authors wish to thank Dr. Kirill Sokolovsky for providing the on-line lightcurve analysis tool.

This research made use of Aladin (Bonnarel et al., 2000), SIMBAD database (operated at the Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg), the International Variable Star Index (VSX) database (operated at AAVSO, Massachusetts, USA), PyRAF (product of the Space Telescope Science Institute, operated by AURA for NASA), and the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) (operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration).


Bonnarel, F., Fernique, P., Bienaymé, O., et al. 2000, Astron. and Astrophys. Suppl., 143, 33

Popov, A. A., Burdanov, A. Y., Zubareva, A. M., Krushinsky, V. V, Avvakumova, E. A., Ivanov, K. I., 2015, Perem. Zvezdy Prilozh., 15, No. 7 Popov, A. A., Burdanov, A. Y., Zubareva, A. M., Krushinsky, V. V, Avvakumova, E. A., Ivanov, K. I., 2016, Perem. Zvezdy Prilozh., 16, No. 5

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