Peremennye Zvezdy (Variable ¡Stars) 40, No. 13, 2020 Received 17 December; accepted 20 December.
DOI: 10.24411/2221-0474-2020-10015
Variability of GSC 08977-08895 and GSC 07418-01521
A. V. Khruslov1'2
1 Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Universitetsky pr. 13, 119992, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
2 Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyatnitskaya Str. 48, 119017, Moscow, Russia
I present a study of two variable stars, GSC 08977-08895 and GSC 07418-01521. This study is a part of our search for double-mode and multi-mode periodicity of variables. GSC 08977-08895 shows variability of a Doubly Eclipsing System, type ELL+EA. GSC 07418-01521 is a high-amplitude double-mode S Scuti variable, pulsating in the fundamental and first overtone modes, with an eclipsing component, type HADS(B)+EA. Our photometric study of both stars is based mainly on ASAS-SN data. Additionally, for the first star, we used ASAS-3 data, for the second star, we used 1SWASP and SSS data. The light elements of all periodic variations of both variables and the parameters of their light curves were obtained.
1 Introduction
In this paper, I present a study of two variable stars, GSC 08977-08895 and GSC 0741801521. Our search for double-mode and multi-mode periodicity among RR Lyrae and 8 Scuti variables in the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars1 (Jayasinghe et al., 2019) resulted in detection of additional brightness variations of these two stars. GSC 0897708895 is a Doubly Eclipsing System (type ELL+EA in the GCVS catalog classification, Samus et al., 2017), similar to the systems detected by the author (Khruslov, 2018) and earlier, by the OGLE team in the Galactic disk fields (Pietrukowicz et al., 2013) and in the Galactic bulge (Soszynski et al., 2016). GSC 07418-01521 is a rare case of a highamplitude double-mode 8 Scuti variable, pulsating in the fundamental mode and the first overtone mode, with an eclipsing component (type HADS(B)+EA, or DSCT(B)+EA in the classification scheme of the GCVS). In both cases, the double periodicity cannot be explained with a blend of two variable sources. Both stars are single photometric objects, very well identified in the ASAS-SN data.
Our photometric study of both stars is based mainly on data of the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae, ASAS-SN2(Shappe et al., 2014; Kochanek et al., 2017). Additionally, I used all observations available for these stars in the All Sky Automated Survey, ASAS-33(Pojmanski, 2002), the Wide Angle Search for Planets, 1SWASP4 (Butters et al., 2010), and Siding Spring Survey from the Catalina Sky Surveys, SSS5 (Drake et al., 2009) online public archives. The 1SWASP observations are available as FITS tables,
which were converted into ASCII tables using the OMC2ASCII program as described by Sokolovsky (2007); we also used the SuperWASP FITS to ASCII lightcurve conversion service6.
I analyzed all the observations using Deeming's method (Deeming, 1975) and Lafler-Kinman method (Lafler & Kinman, 1965) implemented in the WinEfk code7 written by V.P. Goranskij.
The stars were identified in the USNO-BI.O (Monet et al., 2003) and GSC (Morrison et al., 2001) catalogs. The coordinates of the variables were drawn from the Gaia DR2 catalog (Gaia Collaboration, Brown et al., 2018).
The photometric data used in my study are available online in the html version of this paper as a zip-archive. Symbols after star numbers in the names of data files correspond to the photometry source: "a" stands for ASAS-SN V-band data; "a3", for ASAS-3 observations; "s", for Catalina SSS data; and"w" designates data from the 1SWASP survey. Figure 1 presents the finding charts.
Figure 1. The finding charts of the two variables.
2 GSC 08977-08895
The variability of GSC 08977-08895 = USN0-B1.0 0278-0392959, RA(J2000) = 11h47m11s56, Dec(J2000) = -62°08'47.'3, was announced in the GDS catalog (Hackstein et al., 2015). The variable was designated as GDS_J1147115-620847, its variability type and light elements were not given; the full amplitude was 0m26 and the median magnitude, 12m50 in the Sloan r' band. Later, in The ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars (Jayasinghe et al., 2019), the variable was classified as an RR Lyrae star (RRc type) with the light elements HJD(max) = 2457777.67876 + 0d3197033 x E, mean magnitude 12m56, and amplitude 0m19 in Johnson's V band.
I detected two components of the star's variability using the ASAS-SN data. GSC 08977-08895 is a doubly eclipsing system, the primary component shows an ellipsoidal
variability (or EW-type eclipsing variations), the secondary component exhibits Algol-type variability. The variation range in the ASAS-SN data is 12.45 — 12.75 (V). The light elements of the detected variations are:
Component 1 (ELL or EW type):
HJD(minl) = 2457900.623 + 0d6393830 x E;
Component 2 (EA type):
HJD(minII) = 2457900.311 + 1d223312 x E.
To improve the light elements, we used ASAS-3 data.
For component 1, the depth of primary minimum is 0m 14; the difference of minimum depths, AMin = 0m01. The classification as an ellipsoidal or eclipsing variable (opposed to RR Lyrae) is based on the fact that no asymmetry of the light curve is detected (for the twice shorter period, the asymmetry parameter is M — m = 0?50). For component 2, the depth of primary minimum is 0m 14; the difference of minimum depths, AMin = 0m02; the eclipse duration is D = 0? 16.
The color indices are: J — Ks = 0.13 (2MASS; Skrutskie et al., 2006); B — V = 0.40 (APASS8). The light curves of GSC 08977-08895 according to ASAS-SN data are displayed in Fig. 2.
Figure 2. The light curves of GSC 08977-08895 according to ASAS-SN data.
3 GSC 07418-01521
The variability of GSC 07418-01521 = USN0-B1.0 0544-0769983, RA(J2000) = 19h11m59S02, Dec(J2000) = -35°35'26'.'7, was announced in the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars (Jayasinghe et al., 2019). The variable was designated as ASASSN-V J191159.03-353526.5, type HADS with the following light elements: HJD(max) =
Table 1. Amplitudes of variability of GSC 07418-01521
Pulsating, fo 0.062 0.037 0.055
Pulsating, fi 0.041 0.025 0.026
Eclipsing, MinI 0.18 0.15 > 0.14
MinII 0.08 0.05 0.08
2457645.50884+ 0d0900682 x E, mean magnitude 13m89, and amplitude 0m21 in Johnson's V band.
Using ASAS-SN data, I detected three variability components of the star. Later this conclusion was confirmed on the base of 1SWASP and SSS data. GSC 07418-01521 is an eclipsing binary system; one of its components is a double-mode high-amplitude 8 Scuti star, HADS(B). The range of variability in the ASAS-SN data is 13.67 - 14.15 (V). Additionally, I found the following variability ranges in other surveys: 13m52 — 13m89 (WASPmag, 1SWASP); 13m53 — 13m84: (CV, SSS). In the 1SWASP data, the amplitude is underestimated due to blending of several stars. During our analysis of the SSS data, I removed probable erroneous observations, CV > 13.85. The light elements of the detected variations are:
Component 1 (pulsating, fundamental mode, fo):
HJD(max) = 2457700.0852 + 0d09006792 x E;
Component 2 (pulsating, first overtone mode, fi):
HJD(max) = 2457700.0751 + 0d06958900 x E;
Component 3 (eclipsing, EA):
HJD(min) = 2457702.34 + 6d5553 x E.
The period ratio of pulsation modes, P1/P0 = 0.77263, is typical of the high-amplitude double-mode 8 Scuti variables with the fundamental mode and the first-overtone mode. Asymmetry parameters of the phased light curve for the fundamental mode are (M — m)F = 0.41 according to all data; for the first-overtone mode, (M — m)1o = 0.46 according to ASAS-SN data and (M — m)1O = 0.43 according to 1SWASP and SSS data. For the eclipsing component, the eclipse duration is D = 0?07.
The power spectrum of GSC 07418-01521 according to ASAS-SN data is displayed in Fig. 3.
Information on variability amplitudes of all the components is presented in Table 1. For pulsating modes, I give semi-amplitudes of oscillation; for the eclipsing mode, I give the depths of munuma I and II (full amplitudes), according to ASAS-SN, 1SWASP and SSS data, respectively. In the 1SWASP data, the amplitude is underestimated.
The full amplitude of the sum of both pulsating oscillations is 0m. 21 (V, ASAS-SN data). Because of the second component of the binary system, the amplitude is possibly underestimated. This confirms our classification of the system's pulsating component as a high-amplitude double-mode 8 Scuti star.
The color indices are: J — Ks = 0.53 (2MASS); B — V = 0.48 (APASS). GSC 0741801521 is included in the GALEX catalogs of UV sources (Bianchi et al., 2011) with the magnitudes FUV = 21.60, NUV = 17.75.
Figure 3. The power spectrum of GSC 07418-01521 according to ASAS-SN data. The marked frequencies are those of the fundamental (fo) and first-overtone (f1) modes and the frequency 2fe corresponding to a period twice shorter than that of the eclipses.
The light curves of GSC 07418-01521 according to ASAS-SN, 1SWASP, and SSS data are displayed in Figs. 4, 5 and 6, respectively. When deriving the light elements and plotting the light curves (bottom panel), we also pre-whitened the two detected interaction frequencies, f1 + f0 and f1 — f0 (periods 0d0392575 and 0d3060463, respectively).
Figure 4. The light curves of GSC 07418-01521 according to ASAS-SN data. Top panel: from raw data, folded with the periods P1, P2 and Pe, respectively. Bottom panel: same periods, two other oscillations pre-whitened.
Figure 5. The light curves of GSC 07418-01521 according to 1SWASP data.
Acknowledgments: The author is grateful to Dr. V.P. Goranskij for providing light-curve analysis software.
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HJD(max) = 24S7700.0852 + 0.09006792 xE HJD(max) = 2457700.0751 + 0.06958900 xE HJD(min) = 2457702.34 + 6.5553 xE
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0 0 0.5 10 1 0 00 0.5 10 15 00 0.5 10
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