Научная статья на тему 'Value paradigm of education: challenges of time'

Value paradigm of education: challenges of time Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yakovenko Lyudmila Nikolaevna

The article considers the problem of values and goals of education, which is current for the European and Russian educational space in the context of integration. The author attempts to trace the process of formation of a general value paradigm in the modern realia of the information-oriented society.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Value paradigm of education: challenges of time»

Value paradigm of education: challenges of time

Yakovenko Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Professor I.I. Ivanov Kursk State Academy of Agriculture, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and psychology of professional education E-mail: yakovenko66@yandex.ru

Value paradigm of education: challenges of time

Abstract: The article considers the problem of values and goals of education, which is current for the European and Russian educational space in the context of integration. The author attempts to trace the process of formation of a general value paradigm in the modern realia of the information-oriented society.

Keywords: philosophy of education, value paradigm, goals of education, integration, social values.

Introduction. Information-oriented society that is replacing the post-industrial one has brought about a need to form a value paradigm reflecting the peculiarities of a new social order, which is cardinally different from the previous one. Today, knowledge, creative out-of-the-box thinking, high level of general and professional education play a leading role in the society. The notions «value paradigm» and «knowledge paradigm» are often viewed as identical phenomena. The spheres of education of the Russian and European society gradually integrate despite the difficulties. The search for common components of the value paradigm while preserving national identity does not only intensify the process of rapprochement but also enriches bilateral educational theory and practice. We share the opinion about the need to research the scientific heritage of the leading Russian and foreign scientists in the sphere of philosophy of education and axiology in order to generalize the experience and apply it in practice. The goal of our research lies in the analysis of the approach to the ideals of education by the outstanding philosophers of our time V. V Rozanov and J. Ortega y Gasset.

Research results. In recent decades, the attitude to the philosophical heritage of Rozanov, which is an ambivalent, sharp and controversial view of the events of the time the scientist lived in, has been changing gradually. The philosopher pointed out many drawbacks of the Russian enlightenment sometimes showing excessive emotionality and maximalism in enunciating his views. Many things pointed out by V. V. Rozanov almost one hundred years ago are typical for the Russian system of education today: it is discussed, criticized and disputed without making a transition to practical application. The main idea of V. V Rozanov's philosophy of education is as follows: national education and upbringing, teaching oriented at a personality and developing the personality is not used sufficiently. V. V Rozanov emphasized that cultural achievements of the developed European countries will bring benefit to the national enlightenment and they should be used appropriately without losing the national identity thereat. It is remarkable that the International Congress held in 1990 under the authority of the Institute of languages and literature of Eastern Europe of Milan University was dedicated to the philosophical heritage of V. V Rozanov. It was noted in the research materials that the idea of goals and values of education expressed by the phi-

losopher was close to both the European and Russian societies. The reform of Russian education given the difficulty of the issue of formation of the value paradigm was aimed at realization of the most important long-term goal — social and economic growth and increase of the country's prosperity. Young generation — university graduates, bachelors and masters of the highest qualification — is called to solve this task. In our understanding, a new educational paradigm should be based, primarily, on the national value paradigm of the philosophy of education, progressive ideas of Russian philosophy, including the philosophical heritage ofV. V. Rozanov. The analysis of the ideas of the outstanding Russian thinkers as an integral system shows their significance, but, often, remaining only theoretical heritage; there is no sufficient demand for them in the practice of education reformation. Generalizing the main goals and values ofeducation expressed by V V Rozanov, we consider it justified to note that the creation of the value paradigm of education answers the challenges of time in respect of the higher education; although, V. V Rozanov did not classify the higher professional training into a separate area of research at that time.

The value problem interested V V. Rozanov since student time. At the third year of history-philological department of the Moscow University, the young scientist presented a tractate «Goal of human life» to the scientific community, where the contemplations about the human happiness were completed with the thoughts about the conscious life of the man governed by the goal. Initially rejected work was published only in 1892 in the journal «Issues of philosophy and psychology», books 14 and 15, and later it was included in the author's collection «Esthetic understanding of history» [2].

The basis of the philosophy of education should be comprised of the system of social values and the national consciousness can become one. V. V Rozanov wrote in the essay «Groundlessness of the Russian school» that «... national consciousness is thrown somewhere at the back yard of our state and social usage. The philosopher accentuates attention on the fact that education, pursuing «faraway goals», should not lag behind the level of moral and mental development that was reached by it before. In the article «Revolutionary shift-lessness» written in the summer of 1917 for the collection «Black fire», V V. Rozanov notes that he was distressed due to the absence of identity in the Russian people for long, «...

Section 13. Philosophy

compiled, imitative people taught by the foreigners to the core that can't produce anything original for itself» [3,389-395]. In the section «About gymnasium reform of the seventies», the philosopher addresses the system of classic education defended by M. N. Katkov and which, in the understanding of V. V. Rozanov, was quite fruitful and stimulated to think «... classicism is the only means in Russia to become a mentally independent country equal among equals in the family of the most enlightened European nations» [1, 169-179].

The understanding of V. V. Rozanov of the philosophy of education as an integral essence and system didn't find sufficient reflection in the pedagogical theory and practice. Although, the reform of the higher school is performed quite actively, there are still arguments about the borders of national identity and there is no unified opinion with regard to the level of inter-influence of European and Russian systems of values and an opportunity to somehow regulate this process. The decrease of value-educational component and narrowing of the educational process to innovative technologies provokes concern in both pedagogues and philosophers. In the realia of Russian educational system, a growth of attention to the patriotic education as an attempt to preserve this axiological phenomenon in the structure of the personality of a school child or a student is observed [6]. Philosopher E. A. Ruzankina reckons that in the future, the traditional forms of university or academic institution will only form a part of a wider area of knowledge production; herewith, the notion and logic of the technology transfer will shift to the center of the value system of the research university [5].

Spanish philosopher and publicist J. Ortega y Gasset was always a supporter of the European path of development for the Spanish society, which lagged behind in its cultural development compared to the leading European countries at the beginning of XX century. Special significance is given to the reform of the university education by the philosopher, the main provisions of which were set forth in a speech before the students of the Madrid University in 1930 and then in 1931 before the students of Grenade University. The main provisions of the speech were published under the name of «Mission of a university». The Spanish philosopher understood the values ofthe higher education in the context of those problems that took place in Spain at that point of time. Although, unlike Spain, the Russian education does not have a task to liquidate illiteracy today; however,

the importance of the set tasks of social and economic development of the country requires a high professional and personal preparation. Speaking about what a university should be like, J. Ortega y Gasset puts the task of cultivating important cultural areas of knowledge to the first place to primarily make a cultural personality answering the level of time out ofan average person. The second task is to make the average person a good professional — a doctor, judge, and mathematics or history teacher. The philosopher divides the notions «science» and «profession» thinking that science requires a special, rare talent that cannot be possessed by everyone. Any average person can become a good professional and should not be distracted by scientific researches that he cannot comprehend. «... a historical importance of the need to return the university its main goal — to «enlighten» a man, cultivate the culture of time, open a big modern world with all clarity and certainty, where the man should organize their life and obtain authenticity» [4, 55].

The problem of search of value bases of education is not only a Russian phenomenon. European educational system influenced by the philosophical pragmatism and democratic ideas of pedagogy by J. Dewey is also in the search of value paradigms that are primarily viewed today within the frames of globalism [7]. On the one hand, the society dictates the man a set of certain values transferring them through education, Russian or European, and, on the other hand, the society leaves so much to the man within the frames of free choice. An attempt to avoid «europization» against the background of critical reflection should not prevent the understanding of the highest values of educational work on the formation of a personality with freedom of choice.

Conclusion. The study of the views of V. V. Rozanov and J. Ortega y Gasset on the values of education gives us a picture about an approach to understanding of the content of reformation in different countries, commonality of separate problems and a need to analyze the experience of the best universities and fruitful ideas. In the modern information-oriented society, the integration looks as an inevitable phenomenon accompanied by the value paradigm similar in the content. At the same time, one should emphasize the insufficient details of the problem of value bases of education in the national axiology. Summarizing the above, one can note the practical significance of the research for the development of additional special courses on axiology and philosophy of education.


1. Rozanov V. V The twilight ofenlightenment. A collection ofarticles ofthe issues ofeducation. SPb: Type. M. Merkusheva, 1899. 240 p.

2. Rozanov V. V The goal of human life. M.: Graal, 2001. 68 p.

3. Rozanov V V Collection ofworks. Vol. 2. Mimiletnoe/V. V Rozanov; edited by A. N. Nikolyukin. M.: Respublika,1994. 542 p.

4. Ortega y Gasset J. Mission of education. Mn.: BGU, 2005. 104 p.

5. Ruzankina E. A. Science of the second kind: new forms of knowledge production and technology transfer/E. A. Ruzanki-na//Herald of Novosibirsk state university. Series: Philosophy. 2013. Vol. 11. № 2. P. 49-53.

6. Yakovenko L. N. Axiological bases of patriotism in the context of philosophy of education and agrarian labor//Herald of Bryansk state agricultural academy. 2015. № 3 (2015). P. 47-51.

7. Howlett Charles F. John Dewey and Peace Education. Encyclopedia of Peace Education, Teachers College, Columbia University. 2008. P. 1-5.

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