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UDC 629.33
Popov M.S., 2-year student of the Master's degree in 23.04.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Egorov R.N., Language advisor: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages
Данная статья посвящена утилизации автотранспорта. Рассмотрены зарубежные и отечественные подходы к проблеме утилизации автотранспорта, представлены особенности организации полноценной системы утилизации автомобилей в Российской Федерации.
Переработка, автомобильная промышленность, автотранспорт, автопарк.
The paper is devoted to the recycling of motor vehicles. It considers foreign and domestic approaches to the problem of vehicle recycling, presents the features of the organization of a full-fledged system of vehicle recycling in the Russian Federation.
Recycling, automotive industry, motor vehicle, car fleet.
Introduction. The car fleet in Russia is growing by 1.6-1.8 million vehicles per year. The experience of the world leaders shows the dynamics of annual growth of end-of-life vehicles from 6 to 10%. In European countries alone about 12 million cars are out of service, and if we analyze Russia, the number of such cars in Moscow alone will exceed 130 thousand per year.
End-of-life vehicles are a form of waste, and the sheer volume of this «waste», its mass and the toxic substances it contains pose a serious threat to the environment.
In the advanced countries of the world, specialized companies are being established to collect and recycle cars that have not been used for a long time, as well as to collect used car parts. At the same time, due to the occurrence of problematic situations in the process of car recycling, there is a certain legislative and regulatory framework regulating this process.
The purpose of the work is to analyze the use of motor transport in the Russian Federation.
Materials and methods of research. The Russian Federation's passenger car fleet currently stands at around 45.5 million units, with an average age of around 13.5 years. At the same time, one million new cars were sold in 2023, which is 65% less than in 2021 before the crisis, but 62% more than in 2022. The market will continue to grow.
However, the average age and mileage of cars vary from country to country. This depends on economic indicators such as average gross income per capita and the number of cars per capita, as well as government policies on car recycling. For example, the average age of an unregistered car in Western Europe is around 14 years, while in the US and Japan it is slightly lower at around 12 years. This is because the US, for example, has a very strict and well-established insurance system. After a serious accident, the insurance money is paid to the car owner, and the insurance company owns the car. if this is difficult to achieve, the insurance company sells the car at a discount to the recycling company.
Results and discussion. For many years, the situation with end-of-life cars in Russia has not been a serious concern for the public or the state. The number of cars in our country is significantly lower than in other developed countries (395 cars per 1000 people in Russia, 628 in Germany, 668 in France and 908 in the USA) [1] and this trend continues to this day. However, the situation has been changing dynamically in recent years. The total number of cars owned and sold is steadily increasing. In addition, half of all registered and sold passenger cars are more than 10 years old. As a result, abandoned cars, car bodies, worn and damaged parts can be found everywhere - in yards, on roadsides, in unorganized landfills. The process of maintenance and repair results in the accumulation of worn-out parts: tires, batteries, glass, metal and polymer products, used oil and other materials that are, at best, thrown away.
The reasons for the current situation are as follows: the lack of a regulatory framework in the subjects of the Federation that stimulates and regulates the functioning of the system of recovery and disposal of end-of-life vehicles and their parts. If vehicle owners are not interested in recycling end-of-life vehicles, then industrial organizations are not interested in collecting and recycling end-of-life vehicles.
At the same time, the owner of an inoperable car in the Russian Federation faces a number of inconveniences. While the immobilized car is registered with the traffic police, the owner has to pay transport tax for it [2], buy insurance for it, pay for a parking space and bear legal responsibility for it in case it causes damage to someone. Of course, parking in the courtyards is free. This is true, but not for defective or abandoned cars. The owner of a defective car can be fined for violating environmental legislation and the car can be evacuated.
Until recently, however, the Russian Federation had a relatively profitable state program for recycling end-of-life vehicles [3]. The project was implemented for the first time in Russia in 2010 and has been extended every year. The essence of the project is that a car owner who has a car older than 10 years received a special certificate in the amount of 50,000350,000 rubles after it was scrapped. However, the car recycling program was cancelled in 2022. The authorities decided that they had already provided enough support to dealers, car companies and drivers. Every year they try to return to the discussion of this support measure, but the initiative does not reach final adoption.
Until now, there have been several options for a car owner who wants to get rid of an old car. Firstly, they can use the services of organizations licensed by Rosprirodnadzor or authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to recycle cars. The car will be disposed of there and the owner will receive a special certificate for the traffic police. Secondly, the owner has the right to sell the car and remove it from the traffic police register, scrap it to an organization with a license for this type of activity, dismantle the car and sell individual spare parts from it. Thirdly, take the car to a car dealer and get a discount on the purchase of a new car if the dealer has an exchange program.
Conclusions. Several options can be proposed to solve this problem. One of them is a one-off payment for the disposal of the car by the owner when he buys a new car. The most promising and expedient mechanism seems to be the annual payment by the owner of a special disposal tax, controlled during a technical inspection by the traffic police, and the free admission of old cars. When the vehicle is handed over for recycling, the owner would receive a special certificate of delivery of the end-of-life vehicle, which is necessary to stop paying the tax. Another possible mechanism is to transfer the obligation to finance recycling to manufacturers, who would indirectly include the cost of recycling in the price of the products they sell.
The creation of a fully-fledged car recycling system in Russia is both realistic and profitable. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to solve a number of problems. The most important of these is to stimulate the economic interest of car owners in car disposal, to stimulate the interest of the industry in recycling, and to provide federal and municipal authorities with a regulatory framework for organizing the entire process of car recycling.
1. Список стран по количеству автомобилей // URL: https://knigastran.ru/statistika/kolichestvo-avto-po-stranam.html (дата обращения 06.04.2024).
2. Ставки и сроки уплаты транспортного налога в России // URL: https://its. 1c.ru/db/taxtrans/content/207/hdoc (дата обращения 07.04.2024).
3. Утилизация автомобилей в 2024 году // URL: https://www.kp.ru/expert/avto/utilizatsiya-avtomobilej/ (дата обращения 07.04.2024).
1. List of countries by number of cars // URL: https://knigastran.ru/statistika/kolichestvo-avto-po-stranam.html (date of access 06.04.2024)
2. Rates and terms of payment of transport tax in Russia // URL: https://its.1c.ru/db/taxtrans/content/207/hdoc (date of access 07.04.2024)
3. Recycling of cars in 2024 // URL: https://www.kp.ru/expert/avto/utilizatsiya-avtomobilej/ (date of access 07.04.2024).