Научная статья на тему 'Using the capabilities of scanning electron microscopy to study the structure and chemical composition of the eggshell'

Using the capabilities of scanning electron microscopy to study the structure and chemical composition of the eggshell Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Source of biocalcia / malnutrition / minerals / eggshell / human body

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Eshpanov V. S., Anuarbekova A. S., Bitakova A. K., Sarsembay M. V.

This article analyzes the deficiency of calcium in the human body. Conducted research methods. The results of the obtained data of the X-ray microanalysis system are shown. Proven beneficial property of calcium on the human body.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Using the capabilities of scanning electron microscopy to study the structure and chemical composition of the eggshell»

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Список литературы

1. Гюльахмедов С.Г. Антибактериальная активность молочнокислых бактерий, выделенных из традиционных молочных продуктов Апшерон-ского полуострова Азербайджана. - Баку. 2005. -С.59-65.

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7. Schirru S., Todorov S., Favaro L., et al. Sardinian goat's milk as source of bacteriocinogenic potential protective cultures // Food Control. 2012. -V.25. -P. 309-320.

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UDC: 582.575.95

Eshpanov V.S., Anuarbekova A.S., Bitakova A.K.,

Kazakh University of Technology and Business

Sarsembay M. V. gymnasium № 22 Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan



This article analyzes the deficiency of calcium in the human body. Conducted research methods. The results of the obtained data of the X-ray microanalysis system are shown. Proven beneficial property of calcium on the human body.

Key words: Source of biocalcia, malnutrition, minerals, eggshell, human body

According to who, every third person in the world suffers from malnutrition. More and more people lean on fast food in all its manifestations. And increasingly, the formula "we are what we eat" plays against us: statistics on obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis are growing.

At the end of the XX century, the human need for food as an energy source has decreased dramatically -from three to four to two thousand kilocalories per day. But the" demand " of the body for vitamins, minerals and other useful elements remained the same. On the day a person needs to get about 170 different chemical compounds, most of which are not synthesized in our body[1,c.194].

It turns out that, on the one hand, we have to eat less food in calories, and on the other hand - more in

the content of micro-and macronutrients. How to restore balance?

The human body can not carry out a full life without calcium. Its deficiency can cause serious problems in the musculoskeletal system, heart, nervous system, vascular damage, destruction of dental and muscle tissues. Restoration of the reserve is so important for the body element contributes to a great source of calcium, which has a natural origin-eggshell[2,c.81].

Object of study: eggshell.

Research methods: after pre-boiling the eggshell, to disinfect its surface from microbial contamination, after cooking and washing the shell:

1. lay out on a paper or clean kitchen towel to dry together with the film, which remains on it;


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2. after drying, the film is removed and ground into small pieces for easy grinding;

3. is ground to a fine powder.

Although calcium is not the only mineral we need for strong bones, it is an important nutrient that is necessary to ensure their proper condition.

93 % of the composition of the shell of the chicken egg is calcium of natural origin, which is fully absorbed in the body.

A number of other components are equally useful. It includes:

micro-and macronutrients (basic - magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, and a total of 27) in the amount of 1.5%.

Using the capabilities of a scanning electron microscope (JEOL 6390 LV) allows to obtain an enlarged image of the object under study, as well as using x-ray microanalysis INCA ENERGY 250 spectrum of the elemental composition of the egg-shell[3,c.162].

Rice. 1 is an Electronic image of the egg shell increase 500 times at 15 kV

The process of image formation in a scanning electron microscope is determined by the scanning system, signal detectors, amplifier and video control device[4,c.22].

SEM is based on scanning of the sample surface by an electronic probe and detection (recognition) of a wide spectrum of radiation. Signals to obtain images in the SEM are a secondary, reflected and pogloshenie electrons. The principle of operation of SEM is based on the use of some effects arising from the irradiation of the surface of objects with a finely focused electron-zone beam. As a result of the interaction of

electrons with the sample (substance) generate different signals.

As a result of the study of the eggshell on a scanning electron microscope, a 500-fold enlarged image of the shell was obtained, where the plexus of calcium carbonate and its uneven distribution over the entire surface of the shell are visible.

Calcium carbonate CaCO3 (in this form calcium is in the eggshell) is not soluble in water and alcohol. To be absorbed by the body, calcium must pass into the solution.

The human stomach produces hydrochloric acid, which converts calcium into a soluble state.

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Rice. 2-Spectrum obtained by INCA ENERGY -250 x-ray microanalysis system[5].

The system of x-ray spectral microanalysis allows to determine the content of chemical elements in the sample to obtain a spectrum, diagrams and tables of results.

The peaks of the spectrum correspond to the Ka and La main lines of the chemical element. So, for example the chemical element Calcium has two lines: the Ka is equal to 3.49 and the line La is equal to 0,34; Magnesium has a line Ka equal 1,2536; Phosphorus has a line Ka equal 2,0134; Sulfur is line Ka equal 2,3075; Silicon has a line Ka equal 1,7398 [6,c.217]

As a result of the obtained data of the x-ray microanalysis system on the spectrum it is seen that the main element of the eggshell is calcium.

Thus eichna shell is the main source of biocalcium fully digested by the human body.

Eggshell has its beneficial effect on all stages of the life cycle of the human body, from the formation of the embryo to the achievement of advanced years.


1. Gouldstein J., Yakovitsa H. Practical scanning electron microscopy. Per. from English by ed. Petrova V.I. - M .: Mir, 1978. S - 658.

2. Kozlov V.V. Oxford Instruments electron probe microanalysis systems: new detectors. Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis Ltd. Oxford Instruments, 2008. S- 324.

3. Raster electronic myrkoskop. JSM-6390, JSM-6390 LV, JSM-6390 A, JSM-6390 LA scanning electron microscope. Instructions. - Tokyo: Jeol Ltd, 2008.S - 286.

4. B.K.Kudelin. Chromatogram on a dated egg. Chemistry and Life №11, 1981. S. 18-25.

5. http://www.nnre.ru/zdorove/kalcii_iony_ zdorovja/p4.php The chemical composition of the eggshell.

6. Alekseev F.F. Industrial poultry farming. - M .: Agropromizdat 1991. S - 544.

УДК: 579.61:577.15

Никитина З.К., Гордонова И.К.

ФГБНУ Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт лекарственных и ароматических растений (ВИЛАР),



Nikitina Z.K., Gordonova I.K.

All-Russian research Institute of medicinal and aromatic plants,




Целью работы являлось сравнительное исследование протеолитических свойств некоторых дей-теромицетов при росте на различных субстратах для отбора продуцентов протеиназ. Найдено, что все изученные штаммы дейтеромицетов являются деструкторами белков кожи. Только два штамма A. repens росли на модифицированных субстратах, что может указывать на их высокий протеолитиче-ский потенциал. Культивирование в глубинных условиях подтвердило, что эти микромицеты секрети-руют как кератинолитические, так и коллагенолитические ферменты.

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