USING NEW TECHNOLOGY AS AN ASSISTANT FOR THE TEACHING PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
vocabulary / embodiment / visual aids / songs / test / methods.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gauhar Serikbaevna Xaldarchaeva

Technology enhanced lessons are more interesting, sociable and modern. Nevertheless, traditional ways of teaching are still popular and have effects on lessons that teachers cannot give up them. Instead, as English teachers we should organize lessons in traditional way which involves new technological tools. So in this article, we tried to reveal the teaching methods which consist of both traditional and modern ways.

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Gauhar Serikbaevna Xaldarchaeva

Senior teacher, Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages, Chirchik State

Pedagogical University


Technology enhanced lessons are more interesting, sociable and modern. Nevertheless, traditional ways of teaching are still popular and have effects on lessons that teachers cannot give up them. Instead, as English teachers we should organize lessons in traditional way which involves new technological tools. So in this article, we tried to reveal the teaching methods which consist of both traditional and modern ways.

Keywords: vocabulary, embodiment, visual aids, songs, test, methods.


Texnologiyalar takomillashtirilgan darslar yanada qiziqarli, ochiq va zamonaviy. Shunga qaramay, o'qitishning an'anaviy usullari hali ham mashhur bo'lib, o'qituvchilar ulardan voz kecholmaydigan darslarga ta'sir qiladi. Buning o'rniga, ingliz tili o'qituvchilari sifatida biz yangi texnologik vositalarni o'z ichiga olgan an'anaviy tarzda darslarni tashkil qilishimiz kerak. Shunday qilib, biz ushbu maqolada an'anaviy va zamonaviy usullardan iborat bo'lgan o'qitish uslublarini ochib berishga harakat qildik.

Kalit so'zlar: lugat, korgazmali qurollar, qoshiqlar, test, metodlar.

Introduction. It is known that the effective use of technology during the lesson not only increases the quality of the lesson, but also creates the basis for conducting the lesson in a richer and more interesting way. The growing demand for foreign language teaching and learning around the world has led to interest in how information technology can help meet the needs of students to acquire cultural knowledge, expand authentic educational resources, and communicate with native speakers. In recent decades, there has been a sharp increase in interest in the use of information and communication technologies in second language teaching, especially in strengthening reading and writing skills.

Discussion. Information technology has become widespread for teaching materials and L2 (second) learning and they are video

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discs, pre-study self-help resources, CD-ROMs, conferencing or distance learning. learning systems, including the Internet.

For example, acquiring students' vocabulary can be downloaded from many methods. It is known that vocabulary is the most important part of learning English. Memorizing new words is equally necessary for all language learners, so school teachers have to work every day to improve this skill of students, unlike other practices in the classroom.

Methodology. Accordingly, memorizing a new word requires all students to review the memorized words every day. Some students do this practice reluctantly. This country is defined by English language teachers in a wide variety of ways. For example, Alsalihi (2020; pp. 358-362) in order to memorize new words for his students:

1. Memorizing words based on pictures;

2. Memorizing words based on synonyms;

3. Organization of memorization through antonyms;

4. He used methods such as memorization through real equipment and achieved the results he expected.

Dana Shejbalova (2006; pp. 12-13) used methods of memorization based on "learning with definition", that is, memorization by giving a definition within the framework of one language.

In addition to these methods, the following effective methods were also used.

"Sing and remember" method The essence of this method is that students remember new words by repeating them over and over in the song. In this case, the chorus of the song is chosen in harmony with new words, and the chorus is repeated three times in the composition of the song.

"... The wheels on the bus go

Round and round, Round and round, Round and round, All through the town

1. Structure of the "Sing and Remember" method.

Result 1. Through this method, learners can pronounce new words without difficulty, do not get bored and remember them in an easy way, besides, children who memorize this song can fully understand its meaning and remember it as a permanent memory.

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Another advantage of this method is that students can do it independently, which in turn allows students to work on themselves. As M. Altun (2021; p. 228) noted:

"Using new generation technologies to provide students with a natural context for student independence, a context for student identity, new ways of using language, and students to create new opportunities for collaboration and interaction between teachers and students under these forms gives motivation. "Technology plays an important role in student development and has a significant impact on teaching methods."

As it was emphasized above, technological lessons develop self-study, that is, independent learning skills in students, and through this concept, our above thoughts find their confirmation.

One of the criteria for evaluating the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren is the test taking process. One of the main goals of the test is to check the knowledge that the students have mastered and the knowledge that they have not mastered. Dietel (2004) states:

Classroom tests help teachers clarify their educational goals. Developing pretests encourages teachers to develop a clear roadmap for learning that includes specific standards in place. Both classroom tests and state tests serve important purposes.

It seems that the test process is a traditional control method in the classroom and has a number of important aspects. In particular, according to Internet sources:

A foreign language teacher has many ways to monitor students' knowledge, skills, and abilities both in and out of the classroom. One of the forms of control in the modern education system is a test. The test has been widely used for many years at various levels of education: for tests, exams (including GIA), independent, tests, Olympiads, competitions, educational games. The main role of the test in teaching a foreign language is feedback (in a broad sense) and control (in a narrow sense), and the closer the test and the learning process are connected, the more effective and will be productive.

However, despite the fact that this method is considered to be effective, it causes fear, excitement and stress in some students.

Therefore, it is advisable to use ICT to make the test taking process interesting and effective.

"QT" - "Quick Test" method.

The QT method is based on the example of an open test with its name, and it was developed individually. This method is mainly


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carried out in the form of a presentation. Pupils give the test answer orally, and the correct answer is highlighted in "green" color on the next page of the presentation.

Result 2. Apparently, this process is "think, search, find!" or he remembered shows like "Bilimdon". The TT method is considered characteristic in this aspect as well, and every student approaches the lesson responsibly. In addition, TT is an interesting method for students compared to regular tests and helps students to concentrate.

Conclusion. All in all, teaching methods should be conducted in effective ways whether in modern way or traditional way. As becoming teachers, we need to utilize both ways of teaching, so it had better organize lessons in cooperative form of teaching that include both forms.


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