USING NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Muhammadiyeva H.S.

In this article highlights the using new information technologies in foreign language of educational activity and effectiveness studying.

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2. Lack of qualified developers;

3. Lack of a developed methodology of multimedia technology;

4. Lack of financial resources for the creation and widespread adoption of multimedia technology;

5. The device is not designed evaluation [3].

Another area that technology supports very effectively is project work. Getting learners to do work about topics that are of interest to them, or topics that are taught in other parts of the curriculum (sometimes called Content and Language Integrated Learning or CLIL ) is a great way to improve their skills. Technology makes this possible wherever you are in the world. Teachers and learners can go online to read or listen to material about different areas of interest, and can then write or speak about what they have discovered, telling others in the class or other classes elsewhere in the world [4].


1. Раджабова Д. А. Modern educational technologies in teaching a foreign language // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — №13. — С. 592-595. — URL https://moluch.ru/archive/147/41269/ (дата обращения: 17.03.2018).


3. Jumanova L, Tulegenova M (2015). Innovative Technologies in Learning Foreign Languages. In Young Scientist USA, Vol. 2 (p. 66). Auburn, WA: Lulu Press.

4. https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/the-benefits-new-technology-language-learning

UDK 81-13.00

Muhammadiyeva H.S. Teacher of department "English languages and literature"

Namangan state university Uzbekistan, Namangan city USING NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE Annotation: In this article highlights the using new information technologies in foreign language of educational activity and effectiveness studying.

Key words: information technologies, education, foreign language.

At present, the state educational system is in anticipation of transition to a new stage of development and requires a radical restructuring of the existing teaching methodology. It is necessary to introduce new methods of teaching and verified information transmission technology using educational films for any complex information transmission unit becomes easily digestible and available to

the public. To this end, it is necessary to widely use in the field of education and culture new technologies that are successfully used in the advertising and television industry, in the creation of commercial films.

The modern education system is oriented towards the realization of the basic tasks of socio-economic and cultural development of Uzbek society. "The new generation, educated and free of all remnants of the past, the youth today becomes the decisive driving force for the democratization, liberalization, renewal and confident progress of the country,": said I.A.Karimov [1]. The training of an educated and intellectually advanced generation is an urgent task of the entire education system.

The need to introduce new information technologies in all spheres of human activity is becoming more and more obvious. It is difficult to imagine a modern school without a computer class. The computer became the same necessity as a calculator, a notebook, a typewriter, a music center, a device for accessing and storing information.

In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in high school has been increasingly raised. This is not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main goal of teaching foreign languages is the formation and development of a communicative culture of schoolchildren, teaching practical mastery of a foreign language.

To master communicative competence in English, not being in the country of the studied language, the matter is very difficult. Therefore, an important task of the teacher is to create real and imagined situations of communication in a foreign language lesson, using various methods and techniques of work (role plays, discussions, creative projects, etc.) for this. In this regard, communicative competence and ways to achieve it is one of the most pressing.

Avalanche-like and ubiquitous computerization of all spheres of human activity raises the question of organizing effective mass training of qualified users before the higher school, regardless of the final professional orientation of future specialists. Today, the ability to use the means of computing and telecommunications in their subject area should be considered as a criterion of general literacy, comparable to today with the traditional interpretation of this concept - as the ability to read, write and count.

So, What are the most frequently used elements of the use of information and computer technologies in educational process:

• Electronic encyclopedias and reference books,

• electronic textbooks and manuals, displayed via a computer,

• Educational resources of the Internet,

• DVD and CD discs with pictures and illustrations,

• Video and audio equipment,

• Materials for distance learning,

• Research projects and projects.

Using Information and computer technology gives children the opportunity to participate in the test, quizzes, competitions, contests, conducted over the Internet, chat with peers from other countries, participate in chat rooms, video conferencing, etc. Students can receive any information on the problem they are working on, namely: linguistic and regional material, news from the life of famous people, articles from newspapers and magazines, necessary literature, etc. Classical and integrated lessons, accompanied by multimedia presentations, on-line tests and software products, allow my students to deepen the knowledge they received earlier, as the English proverb says: "I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered."

I would like to focus on the most commonly used I use information and computer technology in the classroom of English language:

• Internet resources.

• The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous. The global Internet network creates the conditions for obtaining information that is necessary for students and teachers anywhere in the world: news, regional material, foreign literature etc. In the English language classes, the Internet helps me solve a number of didactic tasks: to develop reading skills and skills using the materials of the global network; Improve the skills of written speech of schoolchildren; Replenish the vocabulary of students; Form a stable motivation for students to learn English. In addition, the work is aimed at studying the possibilities of Internet technologies to expand the outlook of schoolchildren, to establish and maintain business contacts and contacts with their peers in English-speaking countries.

Students take great pleasure in the lessons, repeat words, sing songs, perform exercises. The ability to listen to the recording several times, repeatedly perform assignments, and practice at home give the children confidence that everything will work out for them. The use of information and communication technologies help make the lessons more vivid, interesting, and memorable.

In practice, in the textbooks of non-lingual universities of Uzbekistan, students are encouraged to study all PCs, regardless of their frequency in the English language in general and in scientific texts in particular. Exercises for learning the studied PCs are not aimed at a certain type of speech activity. Most of them are either a translation from Uzbek into English, or formal transformations from an active form into passive vocabulary. These exercises do not provide the formation of receptive reading skills, which are the main goal of teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic institution.


1. Karimov I. Barkamol avlod orzusi.-T.: 1998.

2. Kosenkova N.G. Training of teachers of a foreign language using the latest information technologies // IX International Conference-Exhibition "Information Technologies in Education": Proceedings of conference participants. Part II. -Moscow: MEPhI, 1999. P. 270-271.

3. С.А.Шаншиева. Английский язык для студентов-математиков М.1991.

4. Cohen, A.D. 1998. Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language. London: Longman.

УДК 614

Nazirova S.M.

Teacher of department pediatrics Kokand medicine college Uzbekistan, Kokand city CHILDHOOD AND CHILDREN'S HEALTH

Annotation: The main institution providing treatment and prophylactic help to children is children's polyclinics. The children's polyclinic provides children under their age 15 for free and provides free of charge medical care. The pediatrician and nurse of the neighborhood are the main help at the children's polyclinic. At the same time, there are other doctors in children's polyclinics.

Key words: pediatrician, antenatal, rachitis, hypotrophy, dispensary, epidemiologist, samotoscopic, anthropometric, somometric, rachitis.

Prophylactic aid for children is provided in separate children's polyclinics, children's department of polyclinics, children's hospitals, kindergartens, maternity hospitals, polyclinics under the scientific-research insitut. In rural areas - in rural health centers, district children's polyclinics and children's department of the central hospital.

Neighborhood pediatrician performs the following duties:

1. Antenatal care of the fetus;

2. Permanent admission to the polyclinic since childbirth;

3. Organizing rational nutrition;

4. Racit, hypotrophy, exudative-catarrhal diathesis, anemia prevention;

5. Organization of child dispensary surveillance;

6. Correctly organizing prophylactic and immunizations;

7. Prepare children for preschool and preschool education;

8. Carrying out cultural and leisure activities among the population.

One of the most important measures to protect and strengthen the health of children and adolescents is to control physicians. In children's institutions, doctors or nurses keep track of the health of children and adolescents. In addition, the paramedical physician together with the pediatrician will check the implementation of the activities carried out in the area. Additionally, the epidemiologist collects and analyzes information about what measures are being taken to prevent and prevent infectious diseases and inform the appropriate site.

The main indicator of physical development and neuropathic development. At the Institute of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents, researchers share the health status of children and adolescents in five groups:

The first group includes students who are at risk of chronic or non-chronic

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