USING INTERACTIVE METHODS IN TEACHING GRAMMAR Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Latipova U.U., Elmurodova S.S.

After independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan all spheres of life has been developed swiftly. Teaching grammar methods has also enhanced interests of researches and common people in a great extant. The translation, being one of the most important means of interlingua communication, is indispensable in the process of integration to the world community at all levels. In global life people always have interests to other communities‘ worldview. The deep penetration to cultural heritage of any country cannot exist without clear understanding of works of literature.

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Latipova U. U. teacher

Karshi State University Uzbekitan, Karshi Elmurodova S.S.


Karshi State University Uzbekitan, Karshi


Annotation: After independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan all spheres of life has been developed swiftly. Teaching grammar methods has also enhanced interests of researches and common people in a great extant. The translation, being one of the most important means of interlingua communication, is indispensable in the process of integration to the world community at all levels. In global life people always have interests to other communities' worldview. The deep penetration to cultural heritage of any country cannot exist without clear understanding of works of literature.

Key words: grammar, level, official level, knowledge of English, classrooms, pedagogy study, students.

English level A1 is the first level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level would be called "beginner", and indeed, that is the official level descriptor in the CEFR, also used by EF SET. In practice it is possible to be at a pre-A1 level of English. A student who is just beginning to learn English, or who has no prior knowledge of English, is at a pre-A1 level.

An A1 level of English would be sufficient for very simple interactions, for example as a tourist in an English-speaking country. An A1 level would not be sufficient for other academic or professional purposes.

According to the official CEFR guidelines, someone at the A1 level in English:

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.

"The task of science is shaping our future directions of tomorrow, the laws of nature, the show the way it is. Science must be the means, by force, driving forward the development of societies."21

Formation of the young specialist takes place in university classrooms, and time-consuming process of training based on the methods of teaching effectiveness

21 Jie, X. (2008) Error theories and second language acquisition [Electronic version]. USChina foreign language, 6 (1).

that ultimately determines the skill level of the future specialist. The fruitfulness of the joint activity of the teacher and the student depends on the correct problem solving:

a) Setting teaching objectives, and the consequent motivation for the student

b) The accomplishment of certain materials' contents

c) The control of knowledge.

Teachers should support their students when they want to resolve everyday problems that refers to learning languages, especially on learning grammar. There are several models of pedagogy study:

1) Passive — student acts as the "object" of study (listening and watching)

2) Active — student acts "subject" of learning (independent work, creative


3) Interactive — inter (mutual), act (act). The learning process is carried out in a continuous, active cooperation of all students. Students and teachers are equal subjects of study.22

Teaching students' grammar rules without giving the students an opportunity to use these rules will not help them use English in real life. Language teachers and language learners in many non-native countries are often frustrated by the disconnect between knowing the rules of grammar and being able to apply those rules automatically in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This disconnect reflects a separation between declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge.

Native English speakers learn grammar rules from hearing and listening from the real situations.23 In many English classrooms, teachers often set aside a particular time slot that is dedicated to the study of grammar. Such periods often focus on different points of grammar, such as tense, active and passive voice, or reported speech.

Grammar is something that runs through just about every aspect of language. Even the simplest sentences have grammar. Our curriculum may require us to teach stand-alone grammar lessons, and it's important to introduce various grammar points and topics so that the students have a richer understanding of the mechanisms of language. In English classes we often include music of English feature. These highlight the structure of grammar and stress patterns of the key everyday expressions that are presented. As learners are keen to learn these high frequency expressions, it is well worth making sure that they know exactly how to use them with the correct of using grammar. For example, if we deal to Present Simple and Present Continuous the Beatles' songs are available:

Here comes the Sun

Here comes the Sun

And I say

22 [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https: //www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson33/ (дата обращения: 02.07.2018).

23 [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.inklyo.com/methods-of-teaching-grammar/ (дата обращения: 02.07.2018).

It's alright

Little darling.

I feel that ice is slowly melting

Little darling.

To check the learners how to understand these two tenses we can use interactive ask-answer methods such as: Here comes the Sun. Who comes here? Where does the Sun come from? In addition, I say it is all right. What do I say? I feel that ice is slowly melting. What is slowly melting? How is ice melting? What is ice doing? Testing your grammar for learners of Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels will be fruitful, in which a text is given to put the events into chronological order. What happened first? What happened last?

As I am interested teaching grammar to young learners I usually use the textbook "Developing Grammar in Context" by Mark Nettle and Diana Hopkins in which exercises have been added the activities of interaction as: brainstorming, cluster, games such kind of feeling jar, how to place the order of adjectives, ready-made picture, case-studies and others. These activities focused on how grammatical concepts can be practiced with fun in the classroom.

For conclusion, I want to argue that it will be worth to teach grammar by interesting interactive grammar activities, which are designed for pre-grammar, while-grammar and post-grammar stages. In pre-grammar stage, we can use declarative approach to explain all features of certain grammar function with helping interactive methods. In while-grammar stage, we can gain and fix of new grammatical combination and in post-grammar stage, students are led to follow grammar accuracy in speaking with using some interactive methods.

Explaining method and implementing interactive methods of teaching grammar in teaching process There is no doubt that English has become a universal language. Nowadays, English is used by at least one billion people around the world, either as a first or as a second language. Therefore, it is very much considerable to me to be a professional teacher who is aware of the modern methods of teaching English language as a foreign language. No one can ignore the need and the value of methods for teaching English as a foreign language or even as a second language. Students are different in their needs. Some students learn visually, others orally; others have shorter attention skills and all come from different backgrounds. To meet all their needs, it is necessary to use a wide range of methods. Some methods teacher may do with the help of different resources or create them by alone based at teaching experience. Teaching English as a Foreign Language is vital especially in the developing countries in which English is considered to be a foreign language. It is clear that people need better opportunities that they can only get with a good group of English. In other countries people who want to learn English have a great number of abilities to know this language. For teachers very important to listening good spoken English at your level of understanding will improve all aspects of your speaking, since we normally learn our first language by first listening and hearing it spoken by others. If you can understand English-language movies and programs, then listen to news and documentary programs, whose presenters tend to speak well.

For easier work, practice listening to English instructional CDs, mp3s or computer software, at home or at a school language auditory. You can also find English-language radio, TV and instructional materials on the Internet. In the modern world we have much more opportunities to rich a language. Modern Methods of Teaching Listening Skills Effective, modern methods of teaching listening skills get everything from interactive exercises to multimedia resources. Listening skills are best learned through simple, understandable activities that focus more on the learning process than on the final product. Whether you are working with a large group of students or a small one, 13 you can use any of the following examples to develop your own methods for teaching students how to listen, write, read and speak well. There are many methods of teaching languages. Contribute insights that may be absorbed into the generally accepted mix. Methods for teaching English and grammar Uses of modern technology in classroom teaching is very useful for learners. There are a lot of capacities to make a teaching process easy and productive. Nobody can deny that technology has improved education. Educators have also dramatically adjusted their teaching methods in response to new technology over the years. Many schools now carefully consider cost and application when debating how to best use new technology. Most of the lessons are classical. As the result pupils who finish school cannot understand oral speech or have another problems with foreign language. But it can help to the teacher to improve the level of pupils and develop their knowledge It's Teacher-Centered Technology. Gadgets that are used strictly by teachers are designed to enhance presentations, help with book keeping or assist with outside communications. Projection devices have become more affordable and now are nearly standard in many classrooms. Interactive whiteboards, although still expensive, provide an instant interface between the classroom and cyberspace, allowing teachers to transform lectures into real-time multimedia presentations. They say 3, sometimes it is difficult to teachers to learn how to use new technologies at lessons, but it should try and after some time it will be interesting for both teachers and children. Although providing laptops for every student in the classroom is still cost-prohibitive for most school districts, wireless mobile labs can be used in group projects. These devices connect directly to the school's Internet access, and the signal is relayed to laptops that can be distributed to students. Individual word processors are now also becoming more affordable as well as smaller, hand-held devices such as personal digital assistants that can be hot-synced to the teacher's technical tools for instance we can say it's their useful computer. Which platform educational decision-makers choose, the future remains unpredictable, and today's good buy may end up on tomorrow's junk heap of outdated technology. Method you use for teaching listening keeps a few key instructional tips in mind that will help both you and your students to improve the learning process. One, keep your expectations simple, as even the most experienced listener would be unable to completely and accurately recall the entirety of a message. Two, keep your directions accessible and build in opportunities for students not only to ask clarifying questions, but also to make mistakes. Three, help students navigate their communication skills by developing

activities appropriate to their skill and confidence level, and then strengthen their confidence by celebrating the ways in which they do improve, no matter how small. Methods of teaching reading at English lessons in this diploma 15 work presented some of the well-known modern methods of teaching English language. Method of using Audio Segments You can also teach listening skills through audio segments of radio programs, online material, instructional lectures and other audio messages. You should model this interactive listening process in class with your students, and then instruct them to repeat the exercise on their own way. First, tell students to prepare for listening by considering anything that they will want to learn from the plot of the audio segment. Once they have written down or shared these ideas, then play the audio segment, allowing the students to take notes if helpful. Then repeat this activity but instruct students to not take notes until the end of the audio segment. You can use shorter or longer audio segments, and you can choose more easy or more harder material for this type of exercise. This method is based on the principles of behavior psychology. It adapted many of the principles and procedures of the Direct Method, in part as a reaction to the lack of speaking skills of the Reading Approach. New material is presented in the form of a dialogue. Based on the principle that language learning is habit formation, the method fosters dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases and overlearning. Structures are sequenced and taught one at a time. Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills. Little or no grammatical explanations are provided; grammar is taught inductively. Skills are sequenced: Listening, speaking, reading and writing are developed in order. Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context. Teaching points are determined by contrastive analysis between Level 1 and Level 2. There is abundant use of language laboratories, tapes and visual aids There is an extended pre-reading period at the beginning of the course. Great importance is given to precise nativelike pronunciation. Use of the mother tongue by the teacher is permitted, but discouraged among and by the students. Successful responses are reinforced; great care is taken to prevent learner errors. There is a tendency to focus on manipulation of the target language and to disregard content and meaning. Hints for Using Audiolingual Drills in Teaching 1. The teacher must be careful to ensure that all of the utterances which students will make are actually within the practiced pattern. For example, the use of the verb "have" should not 16 suddenly switch to "have" as a main verb. 2.Drills should be conducted 2. Introducing Modern Teaching Methods and Techniques into the Language Courses of a Technical University 4. Use hand motions, signal cards, notes, etc. to cue response. You are a choir director. 5. Use normal English stress, intonation, and juncture patterns conscientiously. 6. Material should always be meaningful. If the content words are not known, teach their meanings. 7. Intersperse short periods of audio-segment (about 10 minutes) with very brief alternative activities to avoid difficulties and boredom. 8. Introduce the audio-segment in this way: a. Focus (by writing on the board, for example) b. Exemplify (by speaking model sentences) c. Explain (if a simple grammatical explanation is needed) d. Drill 9. Don't stand in one place; move about the room standing next to as many different students as possible to spot check their

production. Thus you will know who to give more practice to during individual drilling. 10. Use the «backward buildup» technique for long and/or difficult patterns. - tomorrow - in the cafeteria tomorrow - will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow - Those boys will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow. 11. Arrange to present drills in the order of increasing complexity of student response. The question is: How much internal organization or decision making must the student do in order to make a response in this drill. Thus: imitation first, single-slot substitution next, then free response last. Using this method in some countries: 4 This method is often used by teachers of primary school teachers and universities. Unfortunately, in the secondary and high school, this method is rarely used. The method is very well developed perception and understanding of a foreign language at the listening. Students can through listening material apply the acquired skills in life. Audiolingual method The typical structure of a chapter employing the Audio-Lingual-Method usually standardized as follows: 1. First item was a dialog in the foreign language to be memorized by the student. The teacher would go over it the day before. 2. There were then some 4 Halliwell, Susan. Teaching English in primary classroom,1992 17 questions in the foreign language about the dialog to be answered by the students in the target language 3. Often a brief introduction to the grammar of the chapter was next, including the verb(-s) and conjugations. 4. The mainstay of the chapter was «pattern practice», which were drills expecting «automatic» responses from the student(s) as a noun, verb conjugation, or agreeing adjective was to be inserted in the blank in the text or during the teacher's pause. The teacher could have the student use the book or not use it, relative to how homework was assigned. Depending on time, the class could respond as a chorus, or the teacher could pick individuals to respond. It was really a sort of «memorization». 5. There was a vocabulary list, sometimes with translations to the mother tongue. 6. The chapter usually ended with a short reading exercise. However, elements of the method still survive in many textbooks. Method of using Video Materials Another helpful resource for teaching listening skills are video materials, including short sketches, news programs, documentary films, interview materials, and dramatic and comedic material. There are plenty of ideas to use when trying to teach English with the help of videos. For the young learners also appropriate use educational cartoons which can relax child and teach something new or repeat previous theme in a kid's way. As with audio materials, select the size and length of the video materials based on the skill level of your students. With your students, first watch the segment without any sound or without translation by yourself and discuss it together. Tell the students to identify what they think will be the content of the story that they watch. Then, watch the video material again, this time with sound, allowing students to take notes if helpful for their skill level. After the completion of the video materials, you can have students write a brief summary of the material, or you can take time to discuss as a group how the video material compares with the students' expectations.


The value of grammar teaching is important in English language teaching field. Grammar is the base of English language. It is not acquired naturally, but learning, it needs be instructed. Grammar operates at the sentence level and governs the syntax or word orders that are permissible in the language. It also works at the sub sentence level to govern such things as number and person agreement between subject and verb in a sentence. To grammar learning, some students may have a more analytical learning style than others, but if one hope to use English language accurately and fluently, it is necessary for him to receive grammar rules instruction. Grammar is not different from anything else, it is likely that students will learn at different rates.


1. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https: //www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson33/ (дата обращения: 02.07.2018).

2. Alexander, L.G. (1991). Longman English Grammar. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

3. Asher, J. (1997). Learning Another Language through Actions: The completete. Teacher's Guide Book. Los Gatos, Calif.: Skz Oaks Oroductions.

4. Carter, R. and McCarty, M. (2007). Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Fangjie zhang. (1993). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation. Beijing: The Commercial Press, Oxford University Press.

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