USING INTERACTIVE METHODS FOR TEACHING ENGLISH TO PEDAGOGICAL STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Key words: interactive methods / role-play and simulations / Interactive Whiteboard Activities / Language Games and Puzzles.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Akhmedova Kh.T.

Annotation. This article aims to ensure the formation of intercultural competences of students of higher education institutions through the use of interactive methods in the formation of professional communication of pedagogic students, and theoretical views were studied through literature analysis. The analysis of the methods, methodical systems, approaches, concepts reflected in language teaching in higher education institutions in the field of pedagogy was determined. Also, the article describes the types of interactive methods in detail.

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Akhmedova Kh. T.


Department of Interfaculty foreign languages

Termez State University



Annotation. This article aims to ensure the formation of intercultural competences of students of higher education institutions through the use of interactive methods in the formation of professional communication of pedagogic students, and theoretical views were studied through literature analysis. The analysis of the methods, methodical systems, approaches, concepts reflected in language teaching in higher education institutions in the field of pedagogy was determined. Also, the article describes the types of interactive methods in detail.

Key words: interactive methods, role-play and simulations, Interactive Whiteboard Activities, Language Games and Puzzles.

Introduction. The new benchmark for involving generations in the education of future generations is interactive learning. It is about giving kids a thorough education that seeks to reinforce the information they learn by giving them examples and real-world experience in addition to a theoretical level of instruction. This teaching strategy's primary goal is to guarantee that pupils really comprehend the material rather than merely memorization and repetition. Beyond a broad range of abilities and academic benchmarks, interactive learning offers other advantages.

If we speak about games we know there are a lot of interesting and active, easy games to use in lessons. Games can be used as an ice-breaker or warm-up at the beginning of class, as an introduction activity for new vocabulary or grammar, as a review exercise at the end of a lesson, chapter or before an exam. If we are still uncertain of what to teach English learners you may want to use or how to go about making them work for our classroom, perhaps the following examples may help us [1, 24]. Using interactive methods for teaching English to pedagogical students can enhance their learning experience and prepare them to incorporate similar strategies in their future classrooms such as role-play and simulations, Interactive Whiteboard Activities, Language Games and Puzzles. Here are several interactive teaching methods tailored for this purpose:

1. Role-Playing and Simulations: Engage pedagogical students in role-playing scenarios relevant to teaching English. For example, they can take on roles as teachers and students in simulated classroom settings, practicing language instruction, classroom management, and communication strategies.

2. Peer Teaching and Collaborative Learning: Encourage pedagogical students to work in pairs or small groups to teach each other English language

concepts. This fosters collaboration, peer support, and active participation, while also allowing students to develop their teaching skills and receive feedback from their peers.

3. Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Utilize interactive whiteboards or digital platforms to create engaging language learning activities. Students can interact with multimedia content, participate in interactive quizzes, and collaborate on virtual projects, enhancing their language skills in a dynamic and technology-enhanced environment.

4. Language Games and Puzzles: Integrate language games, puzzles, and interactive activities into English lessons to make learning enjoyable and stimulating. Games such as word scavenger hunts, crossword puzzles, and vocabulary bingo can reinforce language concepts while promoting active engagement and friendly competition.

5. Flipped Classroom Approach: Implement a flipped classroom model where pedagogical students review English language materials independently outside of class and engage in interactive activities, discussions, and application exercises during class time. This approach maximizes in-class interaction and facilitates deeper understanding through active learning experiences.

6. Multimodal Projects and Presentations: Assign multimodal projects that require pedagogical students to create presentations, videos, or digital stories in English. This allows them to practice language skills in authentic contexts, while also developing creativity, digital literacy, and presentation skills.

7. Socratic Seminars and Debates: Facilitate Socratic seminars or debates on relevant topics in English language education. Pedagogical students can engage in critical thinking, analysis, and discussion, while also improving their oral communication and argumentation skills in English.

8. Real-World Tasks and Experiences: Integrate real-world tasks and experiences into English lessons to make learning meaningful and practical. For example, students can conduct interviews, participate in community language events, or engage in service-learning projects that involve using English in authentic contexts.

9. Interactive Online Platforms: Utilize interactive online platforms and resources designed for language learning, such as language learning apps, virtual language exchange programs, and online discussion forums. These platforms offer opportunities for autonomous learning, peer interaction, and language practice outside of the classroom.

10. Reflective Discussions and Feedback Sessions: Facilitate reflective discussions and feedback sessions where pedagogical students can reflect on their learning experiences, share insights, and provide constructive feedback to their peers. This promotes metacognitive awareness, self-assessment, and continuous improvement in English language learning and teaching.

By incorporating these interactive methods into English language instruction for pedagogical students, educators can create dynamic and engaging learning

environments that promote active participation, collaboration, and meaningful language learning experiences.

Role-playing and simulations are interactive teaching methods that involve students taking on specific roles and engaging in simulated scenarios. In the context of teaching English to pedagogical students, role-playing and simulations can be used in various ways to enhance language learning and teaching skills.

Pedagogical students can participate in role-playing scenarios where they take on the role of a teacher managing various classroom situations. They can practice techniques for handling disruptions, giving instructions, and facilitating group activities, all while using English as the medium of communication. Students can role-play as language teachers delivering lessons to a class of English language learners. They can design lesson plans, prepare teaching materials, and practice delivering instructions, explanations, and activities in English. This allows them to refine their teaching skills and techniques in a supportive environment.

Conclusion. Overall, role-playing and simulations provide pedagogical students with valuable opportunities to apply English language skills in authentic contexts, develop teaching competencies, and enhance their readiness for future roles as educators. These interactive activities promote active learning, critical thinking, and effective communication, fostering a deeper understanding of language teaching principles and practices.


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