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Keywords: situational communicative motivation / self-development / educational process / training / psychological issues / general education / professional.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nasretdinova Kh.T.

Abstract. Managing motivation for learning a foreign language is one of the central problems of teaching methods at high school. A foreign language as a subject has a number of specific features, one of which is mastering a foreign language by learning the ability to communicate in a foreign language. The teacher is faced with the task of creating an environment for foreign language speech communication in the process of language learning that is as close as possible to natural conditions. The most important factor stimulating the process of foreign language speech communication should be considered the motivation for mastering a foreign language.

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Nasretdinova Kh. T.


department of foreign languages, faculty of agro engineering and hydro melioration Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies



Abstract. Managing motivation for learning a foreign language is one of the central problems of teaching methods at high school. A foreign language as a subject has a number of specific features, one of which is mastering a foreign language by learning the ability to communicate in a foreign language. The teacher is faced with the task of creating an environment for foreign language speech communication in the process of language learning that is as close as possible to natural conditions. The most important factor stimulating the process of foreign language speech communication should be considered the motivation for mastering a foreign language.

Keywords: situational communicative motivation, self-development, educational process, training, psychological issues, general education, professional.

In recent years, this problem has been studied within the framework of the activity approach to learning developed by S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyev and others. For the optimal organization of the educational process, it is important, first of all, to have a deep knowledge of the student's learning motives, and secondly, the ability to correctly identify them and intelligently manage them. In this regard, it is necessary to turn to theoretical research on the problems of motivation, as well as determine its connection with the content of teaching foreign languages; because "educational RD is aimed at achieving by the communicants a certain positive or negative result in a specific situation of communication in the target language." [9, a] Analysis of the available domestic and Western literature showed the following. At the moment, there is no consensus or unambiguous solution to this problem, namely, what is motivation in general and motivation for educational activities in particular. Finding ways to solve the issue of learning motivation is possible in terms of psychological research in this area, which examines the psychological foundations of motivation.

Numerous experiments have shown that over the course of one academic year, students' attitudes towards various types of speech activity (SA) in a foreign language can change dramatically in a negative or positive direction. This, in turn, depends on the teacher's style of work, on teaching materials, on learning outcomes, etc.

In addition, for the optimal organization of speech and thinking activity, it is necessary to know the types of motivation. Motivation for learning can be determined by external (narrow-personal) motives and internal motives.

External motives are not related to the content of educational material: the motive of duty, responsibilities (broad social motives), the motive of evaluation, personal well-being (narrow social motives), lack of desire to learn (negative motives). Internal motives, on the contrary, are associated with the content of educational material: motives of cognitive activity, interest in the content of learning (cognitive motives), motives of mastering general methods of action, identifying cause-and-effect relationships in the educational material being studied (educational-cognitive motives).

In this case, the key and decisive parameters are considered to be those that are inherent to a given individual: personal experience, context of activity, interests and inclinations, emotions and feelings, worldview, status in the team. This allows students to become truly motivated.

In this case, "it is not stimulation that works, but internal motivation; motivation turns out to be not brought into learning from the outside, not imposed on it, but is a direct product of the teaching method itself." The teacher faces a number of tasks, the main of which are to use interpersonal relationships and create emotional well-being, which in turn will increase the effectiveness of teaching foreign language communication. [1]

In the system of teaching a foreign language as a foreign language culture, what is primarily important is the means of maintaining motivation for cognitive, developmental and educational activities, which ultimately causes communicative motivation in the student of a foreign language. In the general structure of motivation, the dominant motive is the main one, which determines educational activity and the formation of attitudes towards it. This is a cognitive motive, since it is based on a constant desire for knowledge; and there is also a connection with the content and organizational side of the educational activity itself. In the process of educational activity, emerging private motives begin to operate, guiding the formulation, acceptance and solution of individual tasks to achieve specific goals of teaching foreign language speech communication. Cognitive motives in mastering a foreign language are differentiated as follows: interest in foreign languages as such contributes to the formation of motives for the analysis of linguistic phenomena, classes with a foreign language of all kinds in form and content, and the development of linguistic thinking; the possibility of using a foreign language as a means of exchanging information, obtaining knowledge with its help, studying the culture, history, development and reality of the country of the language being studied, broadening one's horizons forms the motive for treating a foreign language as a necessary means of cognitive activity.

The motivational aspect is also crucial for the activation of all psychological processes - thinking, perception, understanding and assimilation of foreign language material. To do this, it is necessary to increase motivation levels,

promoting the development of cognition and intellectual activity in students, ultimately striving to increase the effectiveness of the learning process.

Motives, interests, situations, attitudes are interdependent, constitute a harmonious unity of the personality, and are an internal energizer. Since learning to communicate in a foreign language occurs through communication, which is a purely personal process in which ideas, interests, and character traits are exchanged, then in communicative learning, taking into account the personal characteristics of students is of paramount importance. Without taking into account the above factors, students' speech actions are divorced from their real feelings, thoughts, interests, that is, the source that feeds speech activity is lost. It is taking into account personal properties that leads to the emergence of situational communicative motivation, that is, it ensures the student's proactive participation in educational or real communication. [2]

Of the variety of properties, personal individualization, which provides a challenge to communicative motivation, traditionally suggests taking into account the six methodologically most significant properties of the student as an individual: context of activity; personal experience; spheres of desires, interests, inclinations; emotional-sensual sphere; worldview; student status in the group. All this encourages students to learn.

The success of mastering a foreign language in its cognitive function contributes to the formation of a linguistic sense; satisfaction of the actual cognitive motives when studying a foreign language forms a stable motivation for constant work with it; the use of a foreign language to obtain certain informationmakes this language indispensable in the cognitive activity of the learner, at the same time, the foreign language itself enhances the general cognitive activity of the students, and consequently, the motivation for learning the language increases. A number of studies suggest various forms of teaching foreign languages, which are interconnected and interdependent with SB. Scientists who study the motivation for mastering a foreign language identify a number of types of motivation, taking into account the individual development of the needs of students. The following species are of interest to the author of this study:

• communicative and motivational, determined on the basis of communication needs;

• linguistic-cognitive motivation, based on the student's desire to understand linguistic phenomena;

• regional studies motivation, depending on the topic and emotional interest of the student;

The practice of teaching a foreign language shows that students are always interested in history, culture, art, morals, customs, traditions, the way of everyday life of the people, the hobbies of their peers, etc.

At the same time, it is necessary to carefully select the material, since the education system is faced with the task of preparing schoolchildren for cultural, professional and personal communication with representatives of countries with

different social traditions, social systems and linguistic cultures.

Thus, the consistency of SA and the methods of its presentation with the cognitive needs and interests of students counteracts the formation of a negative attitude. Optimally selected material strengthens all components of motivation: needs, interests, emotions, the motives themselves. The formation of a stable level of learning motivation obliges the teacher to select appropriate educational materials that would represent cognitive, communicative, professional values, which are creative in nature, and would stimulate the mental activity of students.


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2. Nuritdinova Y.A. The use of multimedia presentations when learning English. International scientific journal. Economy and Society. № 6(73) -s.: 2020.

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6. Rejapov A. A. Relationship between learning content and motivation for learning a foreign language. //Economy and Society. № 4(95) -S.: 2022.

7. Nasretdinova Kh.T. The study of methods of developing creative thinking of students in a foreign language lesson//International scientific journal of Interpretation and researches, Issue9, Volume1. 169 p.

8. M.U. Irgashev. Information and communication technology in language learning. International conference., 2016, p.439.

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