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Ключевые слова
virtual equipment / oscillatory motion / mathematical pendulum / coordinate versus time graph / velocity versus time graph / acceleration versus time graph

Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Kashkeeva Zhanna Borisovna, Kanayeva Karakat Zharmuchanbetovna

The article is intended to help physics teachers to effectively use digital resources in physics lessons. Our goal is to demonstrate how the integration of digital resources can improve students' functional literacy skills, such as extracting data from digital tools, processing and interpreting measurement results, and analyzing them. To achieve these results, we used a method that included analysis of the interface of virtual experiments and comparison of the results obtained from two groups of students with the same academic performance. One group followed a standard procedure while the other used a specially designed training method. Using the provided instructions, students were able to quickly understand the virtual experimental interface, accurately record readings, and use graphs effectively to identify similarities and differences in physical quantities associated with oscillatory motion. Consequently, this allowed them to qualitatively and quantitatively describe the oscillatory motion. The methods of observation, analysis and comparison used in this study identified strategies for improving the use of digital equipment both in the classroom and at home. In addition, this research contributes to improving functional literacy skills and reducing student workload.

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teacher-expert ,Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics of Astana, Kazakhstan


teacher-moderator, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics of


The article is intended to help physics teachers to effectively use digital resources in physics lessons. Our goal is to demonstrate how the integration of digital resources can improve students' functional literacy skills, such as extracting data from digital tools, processing and interpreting measurement results, and analyzing them. To achieve these results, we used a method that included analysis of the interface of virtual experiments and comparison of the results obtained from two groups of students with the same academic performance. One group followed a standard procedure while the other used a specially designed training method.

Using the provided instructions, students were able to quickly understand the virtual experimental interface, accurately record readings, and use graphs effectively to identify similarities and differences in physical quantities associated with oscillatory motion. Consequently, this allowed them to qualitatively and quantitatively describe the oscillatory motion. The methods of observation, analysis and comparison used in this study identified strategies for improving the use of digital equipment both in the classroom and at home. In addition, this research contributes to improving functional literacy skills and reducing student workload.

Keywords: virtual equipment, oscillatory motion, mathematical pendulum, coordinate versus time graph, velocity versus time graph, acceleration versus time graph

Throughout our teaching experience, we have consistently recognized experiment as a valuable tool for exploring the natural world because it helps students understand that the world around them is tangible and can be comprehended. Through experimentation, students not only learn how to use the equipment correctly, but also develop the skills to effectively process and analyze their results, drawing on their knowledge of physics, mathematics, spatial imagination, and problem solving abilities.

In the light of the current stage in the development of pedagogy, we have studied various forms and methods of conducting lessons, especially in conditions of distance learning, due to external circumstances [2]. Since in most cases the physical hardware may not be available, the use of virtual hardware becomes more and more important. We carefully studied Internet resources to learn about the experience of using virtual equipment in physics lessons [1]. This research has allowed us to identify new opportunities and opportunities for the use of digital resources available on the Internet. Using animations and simulations found on platforms such as Class fizika.ru [4], we have successfully introduced students to various physical phenomena and their properties. This approach is especially effective when teaching the section "Oscillations" in the 11th grade. Through these virtual observations, students gained a clear understanding of the phenomena, thereby improving their understanding of the subject.

In the "Vibrations and Waves" section of the NIS Grade 11 curriculum, students should conduct experiments on the topic "Harmonic Oscillations". This entails several key steps:


• Preparation of the necessary equipment for the experiment.

• Taking readings from instruments.

• Processing of the results of the experiment.


• Application of knowledge about derivatives.

• Representation of periodic functions on the coordinate plane.

• Analysis and comparison of the physical characteristics of the obtained graphs.

By introducing virtual technologies into the traditional learning format, we observed that certain groups of students faced various difficulties at each stage of the experiment. These issues included:

Navigation and use of various control buttons in the virtual laboratory interface without prior training.

Taking accurate readings from virtual devices.

Organization of their activities as experimenters, for example, the creation of a consistent algorithm for an experimental problem.

Processing and interpretation of the obtained data.

To solve these problems, we followed the recommendations of our colleagues [3] and divided students into two groups with a similar level of knowledge based on the formative assessment conducted on this topic. We provided one group of students with a standard instruction (Appendix_2), usually used in experiments with conventional laboratory equipment.

After analyzing the results of the work carried out, we identified several areas where students encountered difficulties:

Using the tools provided by the virtual laboratory equipment: The students tried to accurately measure the angles of deflection and the maximum displacement of oscillating bodies from the equilibrium position.

Interpretation of the obtained measurements: Incorrect construction of the dependencies of physical quantities characterizing the oscillatory motion.

Analysis of graphs of coordinates, speed and acceleration.

In order to solve these problems and ensure a more successful experiment and the correct processing of the results, we recognized the need to compile a complete set of instructions (Appendix_3) for this task (Appendix_2). This set of instructions will facilitate a step-by-step approach to the experiment according to the learning objectives and assessment criteria. We believed that this approach would not only allow students to successfully complete the experiment, but also present the results in a scientifically literate form, facilitating accurate analysis and interpretation of the data obtained.

Using the developed task and the corresponding step-by-step instructions, we were able to achieve the expected results (Appendix_1). For a written report on the work done and providing feedback to students, we used the Microsoft Teams educational platform [6]. The experimental data were correctly processed, and the students received visual graphs illustrating the relationship between coordinates, speed and acceleration in simple harmonic oscillations. When comparing the results of both groups (Appendix_4), we observed a positive trend in the following aspects:

Improved the ability to determine the period (+23%) and amplitude (+12%).

Greater use of period and amplitude values by students in formulating equations for position, velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic oscillations (+14%).

The use of equations of simple harmonic oscillations for constructing the dependences of coordinates, velocity and acceleration on time has been expanded (+27%).

Using the digital resource presented at https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/pendulum-lab [5], students are able to independently use it for homework, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of the theoretical material. This resource also allows them to develop skills in a systematic approach to practical problems, even in an online environment, since traditional laboratory equipment may not always be readily available due to the fact that face-to-face laboratory work is carried out in parallel.

Formative assessment, conducted in the subsequent lessons of this section, showed that students approached the study of theoretical material more conscientiously and improved their practical skills in using virtual equipment. They not only analyzed the information, but also

ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"

critically processed it, presenting the results of their analysis in a concise and accessible form. Collaborative interaction within the group and the use of information and communication technology (ICT) resources contributed to this improvement in skills.

The inclusion of instructions similar to those used during virtual laboratory work has improved the methodology for using digital resources to solve experimental problems. She created a learning environment that not only motivates students to independently collect and process information, but also promotes the exchange of information and the ability to quickly navigate the information space. Thanks to this approach, we have improved our professional skills in setting success criteria in accordance with the cognitive capabilities of students, thereby enhancing their creative self-regulation and reducing student overload.


Number Knows how Knows how Uses the Using the

of to determine to obtained equations of

students the period determine values of the simple

according to the period and harmonic

the amplitude amplitude to vibrations, it

measurement of write the can build

results. pendulum equations of graphs of the

oscillations coordinate, dependence

velocity and of the

acceleration coordinate,

of simple speed and

harmonic acceleration

oscillations from time.

1st group 9 6 7 5 3

percentage of 67% 78% 56% 33%


2st group 10 9 9 7 6

percentage of 90% 90% 70% 60%


dinamic +23% +12% +14% +27%



Expepiment_Leaming SHM LO: - investigate the motion of an oscillator using experimental and graphical methods; Assessment criteria

Knows how to determine the period according to the measurement results. Knows how to determine the amplitude of pendulum oscillations

Uses the obtained values of the period and amplitude to write the equations of coordinate, velocity and acceleration of simple harmonic oscillations

Using the equations of simple harmonic vibrations, it can build graphs of the dependence of the coordinate, speed and acceleration from time. Digital resource

https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/pendulum-lab/latest/pendulum-lab en.html

Task: Write down the equations of simple harmonic vibrations of the oscillatory system and build their graphs.


1. Take 1 meter long pendulum and use Near Earth's surface's gravitational acceleration value.

2. Pull the body on the pendulum for 10 to 30 degrees angle

3. Determine the time for a full ten oscillations and, from the measurements, calculate the period of these oscillations. For greater reliability, repeat the experiment 5-6 times and take the average value of the period to write the equation.

4. Determine the required values and write down the equation for x(t), v(t), a(t)

5. Graph the resulting equation



on the experimental determination of quantities characterizing a mathematical pendulum

performing simple harmonic oscillations 1. Image of the experimental setup with taken readings

2. Finding the amplitude

Step 1: To find the amplitude, we use a triangle in which the hypotenuse is the length of the pendulum thread. Side of triangle( lying opposite the angle of deviation of the pendulum from the equilibrium position - amplitude.

Step 2: By definition of sine sin22° = Xm / 0.7m, hence Xm = 0.7m * sin22° = 0.7m * 0.375 = 0.2625~0.26m

3. Finding the period

Step 1: The time of ten complete oscillations was measured

Step 2: Using the formula of the period T = t / N, we calculate the period T = 17.08s / 10 = 1.708s~1.7s

4. Finding the angular velocity

Step 1: ю = 2n / T = 2n / 1.7 = 1.18л~1.2л

5. Write the equation of the coordinate of a simple harmonic moves

Step 1: We use the formula X = Xmcosюt

Step 2: The cos function is taken because at the initial moment of time the pendulum was deflected to the maximum from the equilibrium position. Step 3: Write down equation of coordinate X = 0.26cos1.2nt

6. Writing the equation of the speed of a simple harmonic move

Step 1: We use the formula V = -Vmsinюt

Step 2: The sin function is taken because velocity is the first time derivative of the coordinate. Since initially the coordinate equation is written through the cos function, its first derivative is (- sin)

Step 3: Find the amplitude of the velocity by the formula Vm = юХm Vm = -1.2n * 0.26 = 0.312л~0.31л Step 4:Write down the equation of speed V = -0.31ncos1.2nt

7. Writing the equation of acceleration of a simple harmonic moves

Step 1: We use the formula а = -аmcosюt

Step 2: The cos function is taken because acceleration is the first derivative of speed over time. Since the equation of speed is written through the function (-sin), its first derivative is (- cos)

Step 3:Find the amplitude of acceleration by the formula am = юVm

am = 1.2n * 0.31 = 0.372л~0.37л

Step 4:Write down the equation of acceleration

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a = -0.37ncos1.2nt

8. Plotting the coordinates, speed and acceleration of a simple harmonic moves

Step 1:When constructing graphs, use the condition which function is given, using also the value of the amplitude and period of the given oscillating quantity.


Student work

Работа учащегося Возвращено 21 января 2021 г. в 17:20 Просмотреть журнал

@ Experiment_Learning SHM ***

@ Task_Experiment of pendu **• |


The period and amplitudes are calculated correctly. The table for measurements has not been compiled, The equations are written correctly. The period is not displayed symmetrically on the charts.

Без баллов

3. Determine the required values and write down the equation for x(t). v(t"i. aft)

4. Graph the resulting equation

18 Degree SinlS m= 1.5 kg length= lm

sinl8= /lm, hence 1 m * sinlE = lm * 0.309 = 0.30tai=0.31m tl=17.37s Average t= 17.03s t2=17.3Ss t3=L6.90s t4=16.53s t5=L 7.29s t6=L6.71s T= t/N co = 2it / T X= Xmcosoot

T=17.03s/10=1.703s5l.7s ra = 2*Ji/1.7i=1.2 IT X=0.31sml.2iut

V = -Ymsinrat Vm = toXm V=0.37itcosl.2irt V=1.2cosl.27rt

i = -amcosrat a= raVm

a=-0.47iA2sinl.2irt a=-3.8sinl.2jit


Работа учащегося

Возвращено 21 января 2021 г. е 17:20 Просмотреть журнал

Q Experiment_Learning SHM

Q Task_Experiment of pendu

The period and amplitudes are

calculated correctly.

The table for measurements has

not been compiled,

The equations are written correctly.

The period is not displayed

symmetrically on the charts]


1. Chashchina V.A. (2016) Using the digital laboratory in physics lessons, paragraph 3,//Social network of educators.- 2016. - February 21 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://nsportal.rn/shkola/fizika/library/2016/02/21/ispolzovanie-tsifrovoy-laboratorii-na-urokah-fiziki.

2. Sharov V.S. Distance learning: form, technology, means. Academic research paper on "Educational Sciences", page 239, https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/distantsionnoe-obuchenie-forma-tehnologiya-sredstvo

3. Apeeva G.K., Kozhakhmetova G.B., Makanova A.T. (2015) Study of practice in action, p 11, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Astana.

4. http://class-fizika.narod.ru/09_class.htm

5. https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/pendulum-lab

6. https://teams.microsoft.com

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