Rakhmatullaeva D.R. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]
Abstract: this article provides the formation of a business method of interaction learners of specific situations case method used in the practice of of training. This method gives you chance to explore difficult or emotionally significant issues in a safe environment. Thus, all active methods often embedded in as are different form in the receptions of classes. And so, at the moment there are many learning methods. Their choice of a teacher to each class depends on many factors: the goals and objectives learning, from the age learners, from the professional skill of the teacher, and etc. Keywords: learning, active methods, case study.
Рахматуллаева Дурдона Равшановна - старший научный сотрудник, соискатель, Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров системы среднего профессионального образования,
г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в этой статье говорится, что при формировании делового взаимодействия учащихся в практике обучения используется метод конкретных ситуаций - кейс-метод. Этот метод дает возможность изучить сложные или эмоционально значимые вопросы в безопасной обстановке. А также для достижения высокого профессионального уровня и качества выпускника среднего специального учебного заведения активно внедряются инновации на разных этапах подготовки специалистов, в содержании образования, технологии, организации, системе управления. Ключевые слово: обучения, активные методы, кейс-метод.
At the present time is in the process considerable activation of the innovative work of secondary specialized schools, depending on the potential secondary vocational education. First and foremost is scientific and pedagogical staff. As a teacher, the teacher not only realizes an educational program in the educational process, but also directly to involved in shaping the content of education, in its update. The important role of the teacher is to build the future as a competitive specialist worker, and as a personality capable of being self-development.
In recent years an important part of the activities of secondary specialized schools began to the research and innovative work. Scientific-research work carried out in secondary specialized educational institutions, improves the intellectual potential of teachers, and contributes to the renewal content of education, the development of new technologies for the organization of educational process, establishment of educational and research activity of students, the development of their personal interests and creative abilities.
Modern society is developing towards the introduction of new technologies. There are many of application programs used in the production. Thus, the has changed requirements to the level of knowledge and skills of secondary specialized graduates of educational institutions. During training the student should master the knowledge by general humanitarian, of social-economic, mathematical, common natural sciences, general professional and social studies, as well as practical skills.
Improved of training of pupils is directly related to the skilful rebounds and enjoy a variety of, most adequate category and the situation learning methods, as well as the revitalization of the entire educational process.
The choice of teaching methods is due to, first of all the content of the educational material and learning objectives that as applied to different disciplines. At the core of practical methods are various practical activities of learners [1].
When forming a business interaction of pupils in learning practice used method of specific situations-case method. "Under the situation (case) refers to a written description of any particular real situation in the firm, for example, the history of education, organizational development of the company, its development, business results.
The method of analysis specific situation (from the English «case study» situational analysis, case studies) a pedagogical technology, based on the modeling of the situation or the use of the real situation in order to analyze the case, identifying problems, find alternative solutions and optimal decision-making problems. Case-study gives an
opportunity to explore complex or emotionally significant issues in a safe environment, but not in real life, with its threats, risk, anxiety about unpleasant consequences in the event of of a wrong decision.
Consideration of practical situations (case-study) assumes analysis and group discussion of hypothetical or real situations that can be presented in as description, video, etc. The basis of the consideration of practical situations is a discussion, a discussion in which learners have an active role, and the instructor directs and controls the their work.
Case method is rather complicated a lot Aspect learning technology, which represents a specific variety of research analytical technology, i.e. involves surgery of the research process, analytical procedures. He advocated as a way of collective learning, the most important components of which are the work of groups and subgroups, the mutual exchange of information. Case method is to prepare immersion procedures groups in the situation, the formation of knowledge of multiplication effects, insights, and exchanging discoveries and so on, he integrates the form of developing training, including procedures for individual, group and collective development, formation of diverse personality qualities learners. The case method represents a specific variety of project technology. In a conventional training design process of resolving the existing problems of technology achieved by the joint activities of students, whereas in the case-method, the formation of the problems and ways of its solution takes place on the basis of the case, which is at the same time and technical task and a source of information for understanding the options of effective action. Also, group solution of tasks is a creative process, it helps to develop the participants thinking outside box and expand their outlook [2].
Thus, all active methods often embedded in as are different form in the receptions of classes. And so, at the moment there are many learning methods. Their choice of a teacher to each class depends on many factors: the goals and objectives learning, from the age learners, from the professional skill of the teacher, and etc.
1. Rahmatullaeva D.P. Aktivnye metody obuchenija v processe podgotovki budushhih predprinimatelej // International Scientific Review. Boston, 2017.
2. Rahmatullaeva D.P. Ispol'zovat' aktivnye metody v srednem professional'nom obrazovanii // European Research, 2016. № 8 (19). R. 88 - 89.