USE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM RIVERS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF SUPPLYING ELECTRICITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Ключевые слова
oil equivalent / hydraulic potential / capacity / hydraulic structure.

Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Bakhridin Abdusattarovich Kiryigitov

This work is devoted to the analysis of the gross and technical hydraulic potential of small and medium-sized rivers in solving the problem of supplying remote areas with electricity obtained using renewable energy sources.

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Bakhridin Abdusattarovich Kiryigitov

Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agricultural Technologies


This work is devoted to the analysis of the gross and technical hydraulic potential of small and medium-sized rivers in solving the problem of supplying remote areas with electricity obtained using renewable energy sources.

Keywords: oil equivalent, hydraulic potential, capacity, hydraulic structure.

Today, everything is turning towards non-traditional sources, which are moving from the category of exotic, previously the subject of scientific research interests, into statistically perceptible categories of energy.

Over the past 40 years, the volume of fossil fuel (oil) produced in the world has exceeded the volume of its production in the entire previous history of mankind, which has become the reason for the rapid decline in their natural reserves.

Today, the volume of fossil fuel burned annually in the world is 12 billion tons, or every person on our planet has 2 tons in the form of an oil equivalent.

The sharp rise in prices for hydrocarbon raw materials in different countries made people think about alternative types of energy sources. As a result, the total capacity of electricity sources installed in Europe using renewable energy sources (RES) has doubled, and the total area for solar collectors in the United States has reached 15 million m2, in Japan - 12 million m2.

In addition, it has become relevant that the ever-increasing tightening of regulatory requirements for the emission of harmful substances into the environment, as well as the need to promote the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol signed by the Republic of Uzbekistan and taking into account that the share of renewable energy sources at present and In the near future, the total consumption of energy resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be at a low level (3-4%) against the background of intensive production of natural gas (today it is the main energy resource) in the context of an emerging threat to the energy and environmental security of the country, it became obvious that it is necessary to take prompt and large-scale involvement of RES in fuel and energy balance of the power supply structure in Uzbekistan.

The development of small and mini hydropower has become efficient and environmentally beneficial. The concept of "small", "mini" and "micro" means we are dealing with hydraulic structures with a capacity of 1 to 10 MW, from 100 kW to 1 MW

and less than 100 kW, respectively. Their work depends on the hydrotechnical potential (HEP) of the water source, changes in the water level. The main part is 35-40% (in the basin of the Zapadnaya Dvina river) and 12-15% (in the Dnieper river basin) of the total amount with a GEP value in the range of 1000-2000 kW and more. It follows from this that most of the rivers in these territories are not profitable for use for generating electricity using hydropower [4].

The territory of Central Asia has varying degrees of water saturation. Thus, the Kyrgyz Republic possesses 2% of the total energy resource in this region. Only 1/10 of the 30% of the gross GAP has been mastered. The country's GEP is estimated at 18.5 million kW (this is taking into account 252 large and medium-sized rivers on the territory of Kyrgyzstan). More than 160 billion kW / h of electricity is generated, but the problems of providing remote areas with electricity at the required level have not yet been resolved. In addition, there is a constant shortage of electricity for the development of various sectors of the economy [5]. Calculations show that the GEP of small rivers of Kyrgyzstan during the construction of about 87 new small hydroelectric power plants will allow obtaining new capacities of about 187 MW and generation of up to 1.0 billion kW / h per year [6].

To obtain electricity, it is proposed to use a gravitational-vortex hydroelectric power station with the use of a whirlpool hydraulic turbine. The efficiency reaches 7680% with an average speed of 30 rpm. With a height difference of 1.3 m and a water flow rate of 0.9m3 / s, the maximum power is 9.5 kW with an annual output of about 35 MW / h [5].

On the territory of Uzbekistan, the gross potential of renewable energy sources is about 6.751 billion tons. oil equivalent. Of these, the share of hydropower accounts for 9.2 million tons. oil equivalent [1,2].

Table 1

Data on the gross hydraulic potential of the rivers of Uzbekistan [1].

Region Capacity, MW Energy, million kW per year Share of total electricity consumption Specific power, kWh / sq. Km

Chirchik-Angren basin 4079 35736,6 33,4 202,0

Fergana Valley 2933 25660,0 24,0 166,0

Southwest 4250 37104,0 34,8 20,7

Lower Amu Darya 969 8500,0 7,8 5,64

Total for Uzbekistan 12231 107001,5 100

The total gross theoretical hydrotechnical potential of the river flow of Uzbekistan is determined at 88.5 billion kW / h per year, and the technical hydrotechnical potential - 27.4 billion kW / h per year (about 30%), of which 6 are currently used , 28 billion kW / h (approximately 23%). The installed capacity of HPPs operating in the Uzbekenergo system is more than 1.4

The reason for such dynamics of development of alternative energy in Uzbekistan can be considered the following:

- absence of a database on long-term systematic data of measurements of water and energy indicators of water sources,

- a large number of reservoirs with different water capacities,

- the presence of a large number of types of collectors,

- small coverage of the study of the state of the gross and technical hydro-technical potential of water sources,

- a small number of water sources suitable for generating electricity using hydropower [1].

On the territory of Uzbekistan, the issue of using the GEP of water resources is especially important for solving the improvement of the supply of electricity to remote areas. Here, too, there is a problem of increasing electricity consumption at low power sources for generating electricity. Moreover, a small number of water sources and their seasonality, strong dependence on external basins, coverage and terrain do not make it possible to widely use such sources of RES [7-8].

Pilot projects in the field of hydropower have been implemented in Uzbekistan since 2017.

On natural and artificial watercourses on the territory of Jizzakh, Namangan, Syrdarya and Khorezm regions. Micro-hydroelectric power plants will be connected to the network of the unified electric power system and electricity consumers on the basis of block stations.

According to the state of the direction of the flow of water falling on the blades of the hydraulic turbine and the position of the bottom of the conical chute, the hydraulic unit can be low-impact, and when passing through the middle, it can be medium-impact. The efficiency in the first case is 35%, in the second - 55%. The power can be increased by increasing the diameter of the turbine impeller up to 4m. A larger value for the radius of the impeller causes greater losses compared to the previously given values. The water wheel has 30 curved blades, the impeller diameter is 1500 mm (depending on the power, it can be increased to 4000 mm). The generator has a speed of 300 rpm with a power of 5 kW / h on permanent magnets. [3].

In theory, the results show the following:

- you can install this kind of hydraulic structures on medium and large water sources,

- turbines and generators are located in open areas, i.e. their service is simple and convenient,

- these mini-hydroelectric power plants can be installed by preparation in parts in the workshops of the energy consumer without involving industrial facilities,

- the generator is protected from splashes by means of a mounting pylon.

In conclusion, we note that the development of alternative sources of electricity with the same conditions of this territory will make it possible to create an increase in economic potential, reduce dependence on electricity supplies from the central power supply system, improve the supply of electricity to the population and the industrial sector.


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