Научная статья на тему 'Use of interactive educational technologies in developing discourse competence of students'

Use of interactive educational technologies in developing discourse competence of students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and Education
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Competence / discourse competence / interactive educational technologies / interaction

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dilnoza Ma’Rimboy Qizi Quronboyeva

This article provides detailed information about the use of interactive learning technologies in the development of discourse competence of foreign language learners.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Use of interactive educational technologies in developing discourse competence of students»

Use of interactive educational technologies in developing discourse competence of students

Dilnoza Ma'rimboy qizi Quronboyeva Urganch State University

Abstract: This article provides detailed information about the use of interactive learning technologies in the development of discourse competence of foreign language learners.

Keywords: Competence, discourse competence, interactive educational technologies, interaction

In today's rapidly developing age, science and technology are growing rapidly. Progress is being made in every field. In particular, great changes and significant progress are being made in science. Delivery of each subject to students using new innovative technologies is one of the main requirements of today's education. In the process of globalization, it is difficult to imagine our life without the Internet.

It is considered one of the most effective ways to use it effectively in the process of learning and teaching a foreign language. You will have the opportunity to communicate with people who speak a foreign language through the Internet. You can improve writing practice by writing letters via e-mail. It is the most important issue to bring modern communication technologies into the educational process, to use them purposefully and correctly, to increase the student's interest in a foreign language, and to increase the effectiveness of teaching. Through this, the opportunity to use innovative technologies of education will be created and the demand will increase. Today, there are several different methods of innovative educational technologies. If they use wide and different methods to cover the topic in classes, the effectiveness of the lesson will be high and the increase of students' interest in the lesson will be ensured. It is intended to increase the effectiveness of education by introducing innovations into the educational process and implementing them. The use of various role-playing and action games in the teaching of foreign language classes increases the interest in the lesson and language learning. It helps students to communicate with others by working in pairs or small groups.

Speaking as an effective process requires a lot of time and effort from the student, as it requires the inclusion of language, speech and communicative competences. As a type of communicative activity, it should be an integral part of every lesson. The main goal of teaching students a foreign language is to acquire the basic speech structures corresponding to the threshold level of knowledge according

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to the pan-European scale of language competence. Speech teaching is based on topics that meet the real needs and interests of students at the upper level of secondary school. It is important to create a positive environment to encourage student interaction. In such an environment, they can express their thoughts, feelings and opinions without fear of making mistakes.

It is determined by students' ability to speak a foreign language clearly, without haste, loud enough, to pronounce words one by one, to pronounce vowels and consonants correctly, and to use intonation tools correctly. Foreign language teaching tasks in higher education are carried out in each group, taking into account the course and psychological characteristics of students. Because the level of language acquisition among students can be different. Teaching students to speak. It will be necessary to develop a program for teaching students to speak. It is recommended to prepare questions in a foreign language in advance according to the types of interrogative sentences. Teaching them to answer questions one by one for the whole group, to speak as a group, to participate in the conversation, to listen carefully to the answers of their peers and to ask questions themselves will lead to an effective change in their foreign language speech. . In addition, positive feelings such as speaking sincerely and meaningfully when talking with foreign language teachers are also cultivated.

Today, the method of developing connected speech, that is, teaching storytelling, is widespread in higher education institutions. Introduction to foreign literature. In order to cultivate and develop students' interest and love for foreign language fiction, B1 level stories and poems are read to students, fairy tales are narrated, and poems are memorized. Tasks such as looking at the pictures in the book and correctly describing them in a foreign language, understanding the content of the work, being able to evaluate the actions of the characters, and cultivating the charm of artistic words are shown in higher education programs. In the process of education in higher education institutions, two features play an important role in the issue of familiarization with the environment and the development of speech: it is based on teaching a foreign language in higher education institutions and thereby developing oral speech of students. One of the main tasks of higher education institutions adapted to teaching a foreign language is to teach students to speak a foreign language correctly and clearly, that is, in various activities with foreign tourists, representatives, in the work process, in the daily routine, in minutes freely, until Great importance is attached to teaching the right attitude. One of the main means of developing student speech is education. The main form of education is practical training.

In the practical training of speech development in a foreign language, the student has a certain opportunity to compare his speech with the model speech of the

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teacher, to perform educational materials with other students, that is, to listen to the teacher's explanation, story, sing together. teaches to focus on the subject and to speak in turn. According to the didactic purpose of foreign language training, the following types can be specified: trainings that describe new materials, trainings that strengthen knowledge, skills and abilities, trainings that summarize knowledge, systematize, finalizer or checker-recorder-tester mixed training. In the course of the lessons, exercises that strengthen previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are widely used. For example, telling a story about their travels, talking about the gym, telling a story or a story that has been read or told before, repeating previously memorized poems. Activities that generalize and systematize knowledge. ("Who needs what?" In the "Shop" games, students classify objects according to their color, shape, and what they are intended for). However, this type of training is necessary to determine the level of knowledge and skills of the student in a foreign language. It is appropriate to hold test-check sessions on some knowledge at the beginning of the academic year in order to determine the knowledge of newly admitted students. It is appropriate to move to the end of the work done.

In the process of teaching speaking activity in a foreign language, the material is always absorbed in certain doses. Each such dose must be mastered. To reach this level, it is necessary to go through certain stages of mastering the material. As the cycles of absorption of the dose of the material are repeated from time to time, the stages are also repeated. Taking into account the appropriateness of each stage for its own purpose, the criterion for determining the types of lessons can be considered as the goal of this stage of formation of speech skills.

The content of the speech can usually be expressed by the teacher through an auxiliary question, a picture, and then an Uzbek sentence that the student must speak, a text, or any other method. In this case, students usually do not decide what to talk about. This makes a student with a good supply of language material completely incompetent, who cannot get a satisfactory answer if someone asks him an elementary question outside of class or simply asks him to explain something. It should also be mentioned that the lessons dedicated to the teaching of oral speech are not sufficiently focused on the goal.

Training on the formation of grammatically correct speech has the character of an educational game, which is conducted without demonstration materials or an exhibition. It is necessary to correct mistakes in the student's speech in a friendly and polite manner. It is never appropriate to repeat a mistake in a child's speech, it is better to repeat words with correct grammatical form, educational games, the teacher can monitor the child's speech during the lesson or during various games and grammatically must correct errors.

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As we have seen, each innovative technology has its own advantages. In all such methods, cooperation between the teacher and the student, the active action of the student in the educational process is envisaged. In short, as a result of using innovative methods in foreign language lessons, students' logical thinking skills develop, their speech becomes fluent, and the ability to give quick and correct answers is formed. Such methods make students eager for knowledge. The student tries to prepare thoroughly for the lessons. This makes students active subjects of the educational process. As the educational system sets itself the task of educating a free-thinking, well-rounded, mature person, in the future, we future teachers will contribute by developing ways to effectively use innovative technologies possible.

Forming communicative competence is an interesting but not easy task. The ability to speak and create develops gradually: knowledge is accumulated, common culture, literacy, the ability to express one's thoughts grows, the personality is educated and developed. Children themselves do not learn to think, reflect, think, create, they need to be taught gradually, skillfully, experimentally. Technologies presented in the work allow to achieve this result.


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