USE OF COMPETITIVE METHODS IN LESSONS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ismoilov A.T.

This article discusses the use of competitive methods in physical education classes.

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УДК 976

Ismoilov A.T.

Teacher of the Department of Physical Culture Namangan Engineering-ConstructionInstitute



Abstract: This article discusses the use of competitive methods in physical education classes.

Keywords: method, sport, competition, victory, result

In physical education, the general goal of education is specified in relation to the characteristics of sports activities, acquiring a direct connection with the installation of sports achievements. But, no matter how important sports results are as a specific goal, from the general socio-pedagogical positions, they cannot, ultimately, become an end in themselves. On the way to them, a more substantial goal should always be pursued, namely, through the achievement of high sports results, to form a comprehensively developed personality that combines spiritual wealth, moral purity, physical perfection in order to use sports activity as a factor in the harmonious formation of personality and upbringing in the public interest Moral education. The main tasks of moral education when using the competitive method:

1) the formation of moral consciousness, ideological conviction and motives of activity, consistent with the ideals of high morality;

2) the upbringing of moral feelings characteristic of the world community -love for the motherland, humanism, a sense of collectivism, friendship;

3) the formation of moral experience, solid habits of ethical standards, skills of socially justified behavior - respect for the results of competitions, judges, honesty, honesty;

4) the development of strong-willed traits and personality traits - the will to win, direct adjustment to a specific competition, the operational regulation of volitional and emotional states in the process of competition, the education of the right attitude to possible sports failures and maintaining a positive emotional tone.

General moral principles are specified in the field of physical education and sports activities in the form of specific ethical standards that regulate behavior and relationships in this area. A number of such norms are, in particular, the so-called sports ethics. In competitions, sporting ethics is expressed in requirements that oblige everyone who is involved in sports to behave in a manner that is worthy of a person: to honestly abide by the established rules of the competition, to be noble in sports rivalry, not to resort to prohibited or doubtful ways to achieve victory, to respect the opponent etc. The assimilation and persistent observance of such ethical standards is, under certain conditions, one of the important concrete ways of moral education. In the formation of rational foundations of behavior in the process of physical education, an important role is played by conversations on

ethical topics, explanations and other ways of moral enlightenment, beliefs. Directly during physical exercises, the specificity of this process obliges us to look for particularly capacious and concise forms of educational influence in a word. Extensive discussions and disputes on ethical topics, a thorough analysis of past educational or sports training sessions and competitions with a clear assessment of the ethical situations that arose in them, other special forms of moral enlightenment and beliefs should be integral parts of the educational system of a physical education specialist.

The educational significance of a vivid moral example is very great, including an example of the high manifestation of moral and strong-willed qualities by our best athletes both in competitions and in creative work. Such examples especially strongly affect moral perceptions and feelings, cause the need for ethically directed imitation. When it comes to education through example, it implies a personal example of the educator himself. The educational power of the example is based on the natural desire of people to imitate, especially young ones. An example is easier perceived and assimilated when it is taken from a familiar sphere of activity. As educational examples, the teacher uses cases from the life of his team, examples of the manifestation of high moral qualities by outstanding athletes at important international competitions. In educational work should use more positive examples. If the trainer uses a negative example, then it is necessary to skillfully show the immoral side of the example in order to cause condemnation on the part of the students. The promotion method is a specific ordered combination of methods and means of moral and material stimulation. Moral and material encouragement actively helps a person to realize the degree of labor in achieving a common task, to comprehend their behavior, to consolidate positive character traits, good habits. In competitive activities, the number of rewards includes: approval, praise of the teacher, rewarding with a diploma, a medal for high sports and technical results, awarding the title of master of sports, and more. Under the method of punishment is understood a system of means and methods of influencing students who violate moral standards, in order to correct their behavior and encourage them to faithfully fulfill their duties.

Punishment for a perfect deed is imposed so that the offender understands his mistake. In physical culture, using the competitive method, it can be in the form of condemnation of misconduct, reprimanding, temporary exclusion from the sports team, disciplinary action and much more. The degree of punishment must correspond to the misconduct. Punishment has a positive effect only when it is applied correctly, taking into account the nature of the offense and its effect on others. In the system of educational methods, it is impossible to consider each specific method as universal, separate from the others. Only the use of a set of methods of education in their technological relationship allows us to achieve an educational goal. Not a single educational method, taken in isolation, can ensure the formation of high consciousness, conviction and high moral qualities in people. All of the above is an integral part in the education of an athlete.


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