Научная статья на тему 'Уровень функциональной готовности военнослужащих военного колледжа'

Уровень функциональной готовности военнослужащих военного колледжа Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Федак Сергей Сергеевич, Афонин Вячеслав Николаевич, Небожук Олег Романович, Лашта Виктор Богданович, Романив Игорь Владимирович

Цель : разработать и определить влияние авторской программы физической подготовки на функциональную готовность военнослужащих военного колледжа. Материал : в исследовании приняли участие 83 курсанта военного колледжа 3-го курса обучение (экспериментальная группа, n = 41; контрольная группа, n = 42) в возрасте 19-21 год. Характеристика функционального состояния курсантов определялась по показателям: проба Штанге, проба Генча, проба Руффье Диксона, тест Купера. Объем занятий составил 4 часа в неделю. Результаты: установлено, что действующие программы подготовки военнослужащих позволяют в полном объеме подготовить организм бойца к выполнению задач по назначению. Установлена целесообразность использования в процессе занятий физической подготовкой специальных упражнений и средств, которые близки по своей структуре к профессиональным действиям военнослужащих. Выводы : рекомендуется проведение занятий с комплексным сочетанием различных разделов физической подготовки (ускоренное передвижение, преодоление препятствий, рукопашный бой и т.д.) и с использованием специальных средств (бронежилет, тактическая-разгрузочная система, шлем, оружие, противогаз, учебные гранаты и др.).

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам о здоровье , автор научной работы — Федак Сергей Сергеевич, Афонин Вячеслав Николаевич, Небожук Олег Романович, Лашта Виктор Богданович, Романив Игорь Владимирович

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Functional fitness level of military college cadets

Purpose: to work out and study influence of author’s physical training program on functional fitness of military college officers. Material: in the research 83 3rd year cadets of military college participated (experimental group, n=41; control group, n=42), of age 19-21 years. The cadets’ functional state was registered by indicators of Shtange’s test, Genchi test, test of Ruffiet Dixon, Cooper’s test. The volume of trainings was 4 hours a week. Results: it was found that the acting training programs do not permit to completely prepare combat soldier’s organism for fulfillment of his tasks. We also found the purposefulness of special exercises and means’ application in physical trainings, which would be approached by their structure to military officers’ professional actions. Conclusions: it is recommended to conduct training with complex combining of different physical training sections (accelerated motion, overcoming obstacle course, hand-to-hand fighting and etc.) with special means ( armor vest, tactic unloading system, helmet, weapon, gas mask, training grenades and so on).

Текст научной работы на тему «Уровень функциональной готовности военнослужащих военного колледжа»


Fedak S.S., Afonin V.M., Nebozhuk O.R., Lashta V.B., Romaniv I.V., Dzyama V.V., Pylypchak I.V.

Hetman Petro Sahaidachny Army National Academy

Abstract. Purpose: to work out and study influence of author's physical training program on functional fitness of military college officers. Material: in the research 83 3rd year cadets of military college participated (experimental group, n=41; control group, n=42), of age 19-21 years. The cadets' functional state was registered by indicators of Shtange's test, Genchi test, test of Ruffiet - Dixon, Cooper's test. The volume of trainings was 4 hours a week. Results: it was found that the acting training programs do not permit to completely prepare combat soldier's organism for fulfillment of his tasks. We also found the purposefulness of special exercises and means' application in physical trainings, which would be approached by their structure to military officers' professional actions. Conclusions: it is recommended to conduct training with complex combining of different physical training sections (accelerated motion, overcoming obstacle course, hand-to-hand fighting and etc.) with special means ( armor vest, tactic unloading system, helmet, weapon, gas mask, training grenades and so on). Key words: military, college, functional state, readiness, physical load.

Analysis of scientific works [1, 6] showed that in conditions of anti-terrorists operation professional functioning has certain specific features and put forward high requirements to physical and psychological fitness of ground troops' military officers.

In works [3, 6] it is noted that the main characteristics of professional functioning are watching at checkpoints, guarding of strategic objects (airports, railway stations, hospitals, storehouses and etc.) fulfillment of tasks in cities and towns (moving in ruined buildings, in premises with restricted space and so on.). Fulfillment of tasks in such condition requires from soldiers to manifest high coordination in complex conditions.

Scientists [2, 4, 8] mention that significant physical and psychic loads result in military officers' nervous-emotional tension. All these cause tensed work of cardio-vascular and respiratory systems. A number of authors [10, 11, 19] say that nervous-emotional tension results in the following: weakening of workability; increase of heart beats rate (HBR), breathing and BP; weakening of attention concentration; narrowing of attention and memory; increase of mistaken actions; quick fatigue.

In works of many scientists [14, 16, 17] it is underlined that regular physical training increase plasticity of organism's regulatory systems. It happens at the account of functional reserve improvement. High physical fitness of military officers significantly expands their functional potentials [9]. With it adaptation to regular physical loads results in economizing of energy losses, when fulfilling military tasks [5, 8].

Analysis of works [10, 15] showed that in the process of physical training it is necessary to use special exercises and means, which by their structure would be maximally approached to soldiers' professional actions. It also significantly raises functional potentials of military officers' organism.

Scientists remark that in acting programs of military college cadets' training the content of exercises has no special orientation on professional functioning. It does not permit to prepare soldier's organism completely for fulfillment of his tasks. In this connection it is necessary to improve physical training program for military college cadets [1, 7, 18].

Hypothesis: it was assumed that military college cadets trainings by the author's physical training program is more effective, comparing with acting program from Interim instructions on physical training in Armed Forces of Ukraine. Such approach will facilitate improvement of cardio-vascular and respiratory systems' operation that, in heir turn, will improve combat effectiveness of military officers.

The purpose of the research - is to work out and study influence of author's physical training program on functional fitness of military college officers.

© Fedak S.S., Afonin V.M., Nebozhuk O.R., Lashta V.B., Romaniv I.V., Dzyama V.V., Pylypchak I.V., 2016 doi:10.15561/18189172.2016.0605



Material and methods

Participants: in the research 83 3rd year cadets of military college participated (experimental group, n=41; control group, n=42), of age 19-21 years. All cadets had statistically equal physical fitness and physical condition indicators. Experimental and control groups were formed by method of equal pairs. All participants gave written consent for participation in experiment.

Organization of the research: the research was conducted on the base of sergeants' Military college of National academy of land troops (Lvov) from September 2015 to July 2016.

Physical training according to Interim instructions on physical training in Armed Forces of Ukraine took 4 hours a week. The training consisted of three parts: warming up, main and finalizing. Dozing of loads at trainings considered individual physical condition of every cadet. The load value was determined by heart beats rate, according to cadet's age.

The author's physical training program envisages fulfillment of exercises, maximally approach to practical actions in military professional functioning. Its main distinction from traditional program is the fact that the author's trainings complexly combined different parts of physical training. Besides, experimental group cadets used special means (armor vests, helmet, gas mask, training grenades and stimulators of hand-to-hand combat. The trainings were conducted on the base of military detachment (see table 1).

Table 1. Main distinctions of physical training programs for military college cadets Description Acting physical training program Author's physical training program

Endurance - 50%.

Quickness and physical qualities - 10%. Strength - 25%. Hand-to-hand combat - 15%.

Complex combination of different physical training parts

Interim instructions on physical training in Armed Forces of Ukraine combined with exercises of combat training (actions on combat machinery, on march; fortification works; shooting and so on). Gas mask, general protection kit, weapon, armor vest, tactical unloading system, rucksacks, pioneer spade, knives, grenades.

The cadets' functional state was registered by indicators of Shtange's test, Genchi test, test of Ruffiet - Dixon, Cooper's test [12, 13].

Shtange's test envisages breath pause after inhale and is to be fulfilled in sitting position. The tested shall make deep (but not maximal) inhale and keep pause as long as possible (pressing nostrils with fingers). The time of pause is registered with stop-watch. For healthy untrained persons the range of pauses is: 40-60 sec for men and 3040 seconds for women. In sportsmen this time is bigger (up to 60-120 sec. - men and up to 40-95 sec. - women).

Genchi's test envisages breath pause after exhale and is used for detection of hidden coronary insufficiency and organism's resistance to hypoxia. It is fulfilled in lying position. The tested makes usual (not excessive) exhale and keep pause. The time of pause is measured with stop-watch. For healthy untrained persons the range of pauses is: 25- 40 sec for men and 15-30 seconds for women. In sportsmen this time is bigger (up to 50-60 sec. - men and up to 30-50 sec. - women).

Ruffiet's-Dixon's test serves for assessment of heart workability under physical load. The test envisages registration of heart beats' rate in different periods of recreation after relatively not high loads. The tested is in lying position during 5 minutes. Then HBR for 15 seconds is registered (P1). Then the tested makes 30 squats for 45 seconds

Content of physical training program

Parts of physical training

Endurance - 40%.

Quickness and physical qualities - 25%. Strength - 20%. Hand-to-hand combat - 15%.

Gymnastic and athletic training Accelerated motion and light athletic Obstacle course Hand-to-hand combat Military-applied swimming and rowing

Means of physical Exercises from Interim instructions on physical training training in Armed Forces of Ukraine

Special means No

and again takes lying position. His HBR is again registered after first 15 seconds (P2). Then HBR for the last 15 seconds from the first minute of recreation is registered (P3). Heart workability is assessed by formula:

Ruffiet's index = [4*(P1+P2+P3) - 200]/10.

The results are assessed by the value of index: from 0 to 15. Less than 3 units mean good workability; 3-6 -average; 7-9 - satisfactory and 10-14 means bad (strong cardiac de-compensation).

Organism's reaction to physical loads in the process of experiment was assessed on the base of pedagogic observations.

Statistical analysis: the processing of experimental results was fulfilled with the help of Microsoft Office Excel programs. The confidence of differences between indicators was checked with Student's criterion and considered to be significant at p<0.05-0.001.

Results of the research

Dynamic of Shtange and Genchi's tests results points at insufficient level of physical fitness (experimental group 37.31+0.72 sec. and control group - 37.25+0.71 sec.; t=0.059, p>0.05). At the end of first stage of the research Shtange's test results in control group were 37.81+0.76 sec. (t=0.538, p>0.05). At second stage control group indicators improved up to 38.16+0.82 seconds. But they did not differ confidently from initial indicators (t=0.839; p>0.05). Shtange's test results at the end of acting physical training program illustrated that the acting physical training program does not permit to confidently improve the work of military officers' respiratory system (38.37+0.83 seconds at t=1.025, p>0.05) (see fig.1).


Fig.1. Dynamic of Shtange and Genchi's tests results in experimental and control groups during formation experiment, seconds

_ — - results of control group cadets;

- results of experimental group cadets; 0 - initial indicators; 1 - first stage of the research; 2 - second stage of the research; 3 - third stage of the research.

Experimental group indicators in Shtange's test reach level of fitness by assessment table. It corresponds to satisfactory level and confidently exceeds initial data (40.97+1.17 seconds, t=2.664; p<0.05).

Testing of respiratory system, by Genchi's test also proved positive influence of author's physical training program, comparing with the acting one. At the beginning of experiment these indicators (31.14+0.85 sec.) confidently did not differ from control group indicators at second stage of experiment (31.32+0.58 sec.; t=0.583; p>0.05). In the course of experiment experimental group results constantly grew. At the end of the first stage (32.97+0.64 sec.) Genchi's test results exceeded initial data by 1.83 sec. (t=1.719; p>0.05). At the end of second stage of the experiment



the difference of results in respect to the beginning of the experiment was 2.72 sec. (t=2.441; p<0.05). At the end of experiment Genchi's test results in experimental group were 35.41+0.69 sec. This 4.27 sec. (t=3.900; p<0.001). It corresponds to standard indicators for this age people (satisfactory work of respiratory system).

In control group Genchi's test initial results (31.08+0.58 sec.) corresponded to unsatisfactory work of respiratory system. At the end of first stage (31.32+0.64 sec.) they improved by 0.24 sec. (t=0.277; p>0.05). At the end of second stage (21.89+0.68 sec.) the results improved by 0.81 sec. (t=0.906; p>0.05). At the end of experiment they improved by 1.31 sec. (t=1.425; p>0.05).

Testing of cardio-vascular system's functioning was fulfilled with test of Ruffiet-Dixon. Assessment of heart workability in control group cadets showed that the received data correspond to mark "satisfactory". The obtained indices of Ruffiet-Dixon in experimental group, at the end of experiment, (8.76+0.22 bpm) correspond to average level of heart workability (see table 2).

It was noted that Ruffiet-Dixon's indices in control and experimental groups improved and have confident changes in respect to initial data (tcG=11.182; tEG=9.286; p<0.001). But comparative analysis of testing results of the tested groups showed that experimental group results confidently exceed indicators of control group (t=2.198; p<0.05). Further, difference between control and experimental group results increases up to 0.98 bpm at the end of second stage (t=3.201; p<0.01) and up to 1.48 bpm at the end of experiment (t=5.558; p<0.001).

Table 2. Dynamic of Ruffiet-Dixon's test results in experimental and control group cadets in the course of experiment, bpm


Control group (n=42)

Mean arithmetic

Experimental group (n=41)

Mean error of



Mean arithmetic

Mean error of



Confidence difference t P


Initial data

1 stage

2 stage

3 stage

12.32 11.89 11.01 10.24

0.11 0.15 0.24 0.15

12.29 11.23 10.03 8.76

0.31 0.26 0.19 0.22



3.20 5.55

>0.05 <0.05 <0.01 <0.001

For complex assessment of cardio-vascular and respiratory systems' physical fitness of experimental and control groups' cadets we fulfilled Cooper's test (see table 3).

Table 3. Dynamic of Cooper's test results in experimental and control groups during experiment, meters


Mean arithmetic

Control group (n=42)

Mean error of

Experimental group (n=41)

mean arithmetic

Mean arithmetic

Mean error of mean arithmetic

Confidence of difference t р

Initial data

1 stage

2 stage

3 stage

2114 2159 2207 2278


30.8 27.6


2127 2296 2349 2425

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29.7 32.2

30.8 33.1

0.32 3.07 3.43 3.39

>0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01


Modern conditions of Armed Forces of Ukraine combat (professional) functioning require high level of physical fitness and military applied skills from military officers. That is why there appears demand in training of military officers (cadets) of land troops to professional activity with better quality and in the shortest time. As on today for optimization of military college cadets' physical training study of loads' characteristics, which they endure in fulfillment professional tasks, remains relevant.


The results of our research proved the data of scientists [9], that military officers' high physical fitness significantly expands their functional potentials. With it adaptation to regular physical loads results in economizing their energy losses [5, 8], when fulfilling combat tasks. It significantly raises military officers' combat effectiveness.

We also supplemented the data of scientists [10, 15] about purposefulness of special exercises and means' application in physical trainings (which, by their structure are approached to military officers' professional actions). By our researches' and other scientists' results [1, 7, 18], we substantiated the program of physical training for military college cadets. Implementation of the author's physical training program permitted to improve military college cadets' functional readiness for fulfillment their tasks.


The research showed that trainings with complex combining of different physical training parts (accelerated motion, overcoming obstacle course, hand-to-hand combat and so on) and with application special means (armor vests, tactic-unloading system, helmet, weapon, gas mask, training grenades and etc.) facilitate improvement military officers' functional state. For example in experimental group cadets results of cardio-vascular and respiratory systems' functioning are confidently better than in control group.


The research has been fulfilled in compliance with plan of scientific and scientific-technical work of physical training and sports department of Command of Land troops of Armed Forces of Ukraine by topic "Formation of future military officer's professional qualities by physical training means at MHEE", code "Interconnection" (state registration number 0106U010783).

Conflict of interests

The author declares that there is no conflict of interests.


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Information about the authors: Fedak S.S.; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7374-1836; fedak86@ukr.net; Hetman Petro Sahaidachny Army National Academy; Heroes Square street, 32. Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.

Afonin V.M.; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6577-3739; v.afonin@ua.fm; Hetman Petro Sahaidachny Army National Academy; Heroes Square street, 32. Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.

Nebozhuk O.R.; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7747-2098; ben_asv@ukr.net; Hetman Petro Sahaidachny Army National Academy; Heroes Square street, 32. Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.

Lashta V.B.; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7747-2098; asv-fpis@ukr.net; Hetman Petro Sahaidachny Army National Academy; Heroes Square street, 32. Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.

Romaniv I.V.; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0135-2801; pxrivs@gmail.com; Hetman Petro Sahaidachny Army National Academy; Heroes Square street, 32. Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.

Dzyama V.V.; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0217-5667; sasaus2002@gmail.com; Hetman Petro Sahaidachny Army National Academy; Heroes Square street, 32. Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.

Pylypchak I.V.; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1191-3652; devone@meta.ua; Hetman Petro Sahaidachny Army National Academy; Heroes Square street, 32. Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.

Cite this article as: Fedak S.S., Afonin V.M., Nebozhuk

0.R., Lashta V.B., Romaniv I.V., Dzyama V.V., Pylypchak

1.V. Functional fitness level of military college cadets. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2016;6:34-40. doi: 10.15561/18189172.2016.0605

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Received: 20.09.2016

Accepted: 01.10.2016; Published: 30.11.2016

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