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Updated checklist of orchid flora of Manipur Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Rao A. Nageswara, Kumar Vikas

Manipur is one of the eight states of North-East India placed inside square area 23°83’-25°68’N and 93°03’-94°78’E. The natural vegetation of the state falls under the Indo-Myanmar Biodiversity Hotspot area with rich flora and fauna. In the present paper, 389 taxa of orchids (including 7 new records to Manipur) belonging to 90 genera, are listed and analysed. Various threats for the depletion of orchid species in the natural habitats of Manipur have been discussed and necessary conservation measures for their conservation are suggested.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Updated checklist of orchid flora of Manipur»

Turczaninowia 21 (4): 109-134(2018) KÜISSN 1560~7259 (print edition)

DOI: 10.14258/tiirczaninow ia. 21.4.12 pga TURCZANINOWIA

http://turczanin0wia.asu.ru »¿Ld ISSN 1560-7267 (online edition)

УДК 582.594.2:581.95/.961(540.41) Updated checklist of orchid flora of Manipur

A. N. Rao1, V. Kumar2

1 Orchid Research and Development Centre, Hengbung, Senapati district, Manipur. E-mail: [email protected]

2 Central National Herbarium, AJC Bose Indian Botanic Garden, Shibpur, Howrah-711 103, West Bengal, India.

E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords. Conservation, Manipur, new record, Orchidaceae, orchid checklist, threats.

Summary. Manipur is one of the eight states of North-East India placed inside square area 23°83'-25°68'N and 93°03'-94°78'E. The natural vegetation of the state falls under the Indo-Myanmar Biodiversity Hotspot area with rich flora and fauna. In the present paper, 389 taxa of orchids (including 7 new records to Manipur) belonging to 90 genera, are listed and analysed. Various threats for the depletion of orchid species in the natural habitats of Manipur have been discussed and necessary conservation measures for their conservation are suggested.

Дополненный список флоры орхидных Манипура

А. Н. Pao1, В. Кумар2

1 Центр по изучению и развитию орхидных, Хенгбунг, район Сенапати, Манипур

2Центральный национальный гербарий, Индийский ботанический сад, Шибпур, Ховрах-711103, Западная Бенгалия, Индия

Ключевые слова: лимитирующие факторы, Манипур, новая находка, сохранение, список орхидных, Orchidaceae.

Аннотация. Манипур - один из восьми штатов Северо-Восточной Индии, расположенный на площади между 23°83'-25°68' с.ш. и 93°03'-94°78' в.д. Естественная растительность штата попадает в область "IndoMyanmar Biodiversity Hotspot" с богатой флорой и фауной. В настоящей статье перечислены и проанализированы 389 таксонов орхидных (включая 7 новых находок для Манипура) из 90 родов. Обсуждаются различные лимитирующие факторы, приводящие к сокращению видов орхидных в естественных местообитаниях Манипура, и предлагаются необходимые меры по сохранению орхидных.


Manipur is one of the eight states of North-East India placed at the eastern end of the region between the latitude of 23°83'-25°68'N and longitude of 93°03'-94°78'E and bordered by Nagaland on the north, Assam on the west and Myanmar on South and east (Fig. 1). The state is spreaded over an area of about 22347 sq. km of which about 14365

sq. km (nearly 64 % of the total geographical area of the state) is covered by natural vegetation which may be classified into four types: "Tropical Semi-evergreen", "Dry Temperate", "Sub-Tropical Pine" and "Tropical Moist Deciduous". There are forests of teak, pine, oak, bamboo and cane. The natural vegetation of Manipur falls under the IndoMyanmar Biodiversity Hotspot area (Singh et al., 2010) with rich flora and fauna.

Поступило в редакцию 27.06.2018 Принято к публикации 27.11.2018

Submitted 27.06.2018 Accepted 27.11.2018

Materials and methods

A critical review of literature (Hooker, 1888— 1890; Pradhan, 1976, 1979; Shukla, Baishya, 1979; Ramakandtha, 1995; Phukan, 1996; Mao, 1999; Chauhan, 2001; Meitei et al., 2014; Laiphrakpam et al., 2014, 2015; Rao, Kumar, 2015; Sharma et al., 2015; Khuraijam, Roy, 2016) reveals that the state Manipur has been explored by several plant collectors and botanists since British period. Some

of the important persons who made botanical collections from the state are George Watt in 1881-1882, C. B. Clarke in 1889, A. K. Meebold in 1906-1907, N. L. Bor in 1938-1945, K. Ward in 1952 (Kumar, Kumar, 2005) and subsequently during post independence period S. K. Mukerjee (1953), D. B. Deb (1956, 1957, 1961), Devi and Ghatak (1984), Ghatak and Devi (1986) and several botany scientists from Botanical Survey of India and other Research Institutions, Universities and

93°0'D"E 94°0'D"E

93°0,0"E 94°0,0"E

Fig. 1. Map of Manipur state showing the orchid survey areas in yellow triangle (Arc Map 10.5).

plant collectors from various orchid nurseries of N. E. Indian states.

During the last five years i. e. since 2012, a critical study has been conducted by the authors, based on the living collections which are made from different parts of Manipur and brought under cultivation at Orchid Research and Development Centre (ORDC), Hengbung, Manipur; herbarium collections deposited at Central National Herbarium (CAL), Howrah, West Bengal; BSI, Shillong (ASSAM), Meghalaya and COGCEHR Herbarium, Hengbung, Manipur; and consultation of many research papers

(Phukan, Mao, 2002a-b, 2004; Kumar, Kumar, 2005; Rao, 2007, 2015; Choltco, 2009; Chowdhery, 2009; Nanda et al, 2012a-b, 2013a-c, 2014a-d; Chowlu et al., 2012a-b, 2013a-e, 2014a-c, 2015a-c; Kishor et al., 2012, 2014; Yumkham et al., 2013; Chowlu, 2014, 2016; Chowlu, Rao, 2015a-b; Kumar, Rao, 2015; Kumar et al., 2015, 2016a-b, 2017; Rao et al., 2016; Kumar, 2017) on orchids of Manipur. The list of orchids reported so far from Manipur are listed in Table, nomenclature of each species is followed as per the World Checklist of Orchidaceae (Govaerts et al., 2018) and the analysis has been discussed below.


List of Orchid species reported from Manipur

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

1. Acampe carinata (Griff.) Panigrahi E Nanda et al. 00294, 00482, 00051(all at COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

2. Acampe ochracea (Lindl.) Hochr. E Nanda 00174 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

3. Acampepraemorsa (Roxb.) Blatter et McCann var. rigida (Smith) Barbhuiya et al. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Devi, Ghatak, 1984

4. Acanthophippium sylhetense Lindl. T Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

5. Aerides multiflora Roxb. E Nanda et al. 40 (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

6. Aerides odorata Lour. E Nanda et al. 00323 (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

7. Aerides rosea Lindl. et Paxt. E Nanda et al. 00004 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013c

8. Agrostophyllum callosum Rchb. f. E Kishor et al. 00258, 00460 (all at COGCEHR). D. B. Deb 1528; A. Meebold 6904 (all at CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

9. Agrostophyllum planicaulum J. J. Sm. E Herbarium not available. Clarke, 1889

10. Ania angustifolia Lindl. T Nanda 00011; V. Kumar 1658 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013c

11. Aniaviridifusca (Hook.) Tang et Summerh T George Watt 6293 (K) Kumar, Kumar, 2005

12. Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl. T Herbarium not available. Clarke, 1889

13. Anthogonium gracile Lindl. T V. Kumar 1656; Nanda 00054 (all at COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

14. Aphyllorchis montana Rchb. f. M V. Kumar 1660, 1161 (COGCEHR) Rao, Kumar, 2015

15. Arachnis clarkei (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. E Kishor et al. 00045 (COGCEHR) Rao, 2007

16. Arachnis labrosa (Lindl. et Paxt.) Rchb. f. E C. Sathish Kumar 28747 (TBGT). Kumar, Kumar, 2005

17. Arachnis senapatianum (S. Phukan et A. A. Mao) Kocyan et Schuit. E A. A. Mao 60271 (CAL) Phukan, Mao, 2002b

18. Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Hochr. T Nanda et al. 00157 (COGCEHR). D. B. Deb 306, 806, 1234, 2668; S. K. Mukerjee 3121(all at CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

19. Brachycorythis galeandra (Rchb. f.) Summerh. T S. K. Mukherjee 3118 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

20. Brachycorythis obcordata (Lindl.) M. R. Almeida T Herbarium not available Laiphrakpam et al., 2015

21. Bryobiumpudicum (Ridl.) Y. P. Ng et Cribb E Nanda et al. 0006, 506, 000197 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013c

22. Bulbophyllum affine Lindl. E Chowlu 00021 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013e

23. Bulbophyllum appendiculatum (Rolfe) J. J. Sm. E Kipgen 00569 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2015c

24. Bulbophyllum bifurcatoflorens (Fukuy.) J. J. Verm. et al. E COGCEHR 00093; K. Chowlu s. n. (acc. no. 399) [all at COGCEHR] Chowlu et al., 2012a

25. Bulbophyllum candidum (Lindl.) Hook. f. E Kishor 00175 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013c

26. Bulbophyllum careyanum (Hook.) Spreng. E K. Chowlu 00050, 00138, 00332 (all at COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

27. Bulbophyllum cariniflorum Rchb. f. E K. Chowlu 00381 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013e

28. Bulbophyllum cornutum (Blume) Rchb. f. E Chowlu s. n. (acc. no. 394) (COGCEHR) First time report in present paper

29. Bulbophyllum cylindraceum Lindl. E Chowlu 00411 (COGCEHR) Chowlu, Rao, 2015a

30. Bulbophyllum dickasonii Seidenf. E Chowlu 00333(CAL). Chowlu 000325 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2014a

31. Bulbophyllum dissitiflorum Seidenf. E Chowlu 00568, 00571 (all at COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2015c

32. Bulbophyllum elatum (Hook. f.) J. J. Sm. E Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

33. Bulbophyllum forrestii Seidenf. E Chowlu 00478, 00536 (all at COGCEHR) Chowlu, Rao, 2015a

34. Bulbophyllum gamblei (Hook. f.) Hook. f. E Kipgen 00547, 00548, 00549 (all at COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2015c

35. Bulbophyllum guttulatum (Hook. f.) Balakr. E Shukla 63655 (ASSAM) Shukla, Baishya, 1979

36. Bulbophyllum gymnopus Hook. f. E Herbarium not available. Kumar, Kumar, 2005

37. Bulbophyllum helenae (Kuntze) J. J. Sm. E Nanda 00386; Chowlu 00387 (all at COGCEHR) Chowlu, Rao, 2015a

38. Bulbophyllum hirtum (Sm.) Lindl. E Chowlu 00020 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013e

39. Bulbophyllum khasyanum Griff. E Herbarium not available. Kumar, Kumar, 2005

40. Bulbophyllum kipgenii (Kishor et al.) J. J. Verm. et al. E C0GCEHR/Herb/00001; Kishor 00144 (all at COGCEHR) Kishor et al., 2012

41. Bulbophyllum leopardinum (Wall.) Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

42. Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

43. Bulbophyllum moniliforme Parish et Rchb. f. E Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

44. Bulbophyllum odoratissimum (Sm.) Lindl. E Chowlu 00221 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

45. Bulbophyllum penicillium C. S. P. Parish et Rchb. f. E Chowlu 00361 (COGCEHR) Chowlu, Rao, 2015a

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

46. Bulbophyllum polyrrhizum Lindl. E Chowlu 00019 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013e

47. Bulbophyllum proboscideum (Gagnep.) Seidenf. et Smitinand. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Rao et al., 2016

48. Bulbophyllum propinquum Krzl. E Sathish Kumar 28755 (TBGT). Kumar, Kumar, 2005

49. Bulbophyllum reichenbachianum Krzl. E Under cultivation at Lyoyd Botanic Garden, Darjeeling Mukerjee, 1953

50. Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindl.) Lindl. E K. Chowlu 00212, 00213 (all at COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

51. Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Rchb. f. E Chowlu et al. 00018 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013e

52. Bulbophyllum roseopictum J. J. Verm., Schuit. et de Vogel E S. K. Mukerjee 3572 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

53. Bulbophyllum rothschildianum (O'Brien) J. J. Sm. E Chowlu 1651, 00550 (all at COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

54. Bulbophyllum rufinum Rchb. f. E Chowlu 00014 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013e

55. Bulbophyllum scabratum Rchb. f. E Chowlu 00145; Nanda s. n. (acc. n. 360) [all at COGCEHR] Chowlu et al., 2013e

56. Bulbophyllum secundum Hook. f. E Chowlu 00107 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013e

57. Bulbophyllum sunipia J. J. Verm., Schuit. et de Vogel E B. Sharma 00349; K. Chowlu 591 (all at COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013c

58. Bulbophyllum triste Rchb. f. E Chowlu 00052 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

59. Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindl. E Chowlu 00124 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

60. Bulbophyllum xylophyllum C. S. P. Parish et Rchb. f. E Chowlu 00016 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013e

61. Calanthe biloba Lindl. T S. K. Mukerjee 3733 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

62. Calanthe brevicornu Lindl. T D. B. Deb 2230, 1446 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

63. Calanthe densiflora Lindl. T Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

64. Calanthe mannii Hook. f. T Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Chauhan, 2001

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65. Calanthe masuca (D. Don) Lindl. T Mao 106311(ASSAM) Chauhan, 2001

66. Calanthe odora Griff. T G. Watt 6803 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

67. Calanthe tricarinata Lindl. T Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

68. Callostylis bambusifolia (Lindl.) S. C. Chen et J. J. Wood E Nanda 00072, 00073 (all at COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

69. Callostylis rigida Blume E Herbarium not available. Kumar, Kumar, 2005

70. Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Fritch T Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

71. Cephalantheropsis longipes (Hook. f.) Ormerod T Herbarium not available. Deb, 1961

72. Cephalantheropsis obcordata (Lindl.) Ormerod T A. Mao 106408 (ASSAM) Mukerjee, 1953

73. Ceratostylis himalaica Hook. f. E Chowlu s. n. (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

74. Chiloschistaparishii Seidenf. E Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

75. Chrysoglossum ornatum Blume T Poornima, Bishwajit and Jennifer 00437 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014c

76. Cleisocentron pallens (Lindl.) Pears. et Cribb E Nanda et al. 00289 (COGCEHR) Laiphrakpam et al., 2015

77. Cleisomeria pilosulum (Gagnep.) Seidenf. et Garay E Thokchom 00572 (COGCEHR); N.N. Rabha and L.R. Meitei 131143 (ASSAM) Meitei et al., 2014

78. Cleisostoma appendiculatum (Lindl.) Jacks. E A. Mao 101944 (ASSAM) Chauhan, 2001

79. Cleisostoma discolor Lindl. E Nanda et al. 00417 (COGCEHR) Kumar, Kumar, 2005

80. Cleisostoma filiforme (Lindl.) Garay E Nanda et al. 596 (COGCEHR) Shukla, Baishya, 1979

81. Cleisostoma linearilobatum (Seidenf. et Smit.) Garay E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation at ORDC orchidarium

82. Cleisostoma racemiferum (Lindl.) Garay E Kishor et al. 00300 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

83. Cleisostoma rolfeanum (King et Pantl.) Garay E C. Sathish Kumar 28742 (TBGT). A. A. Mao 68282; A. K. Baisya 72200 (all at ASSAM) Phukan, Mao, 2004

84. Cleisostoma simondii (Gagnep.) Seidenf. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Rao, 2015

85. Cleisostoma striatum (Rchb. f.) N. E. Br. E Herbarium not available. Laiphrakpam et al., 2015

86. Cleisostomawilliamsonii (Rchb. f.) Garay E Nanda et al. s. n. (acc. no. 588) [COGCEHR] Kumar, Kumar, 2005

87. Coelogyne barbata Griff. E George Watt 7452; Meebold 6926; S. K. Mukerjee 3482; CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

88. Coelogyne corymbosa Lindl. E Chowlu et al. 18; Nanda s. n. (acc. n. 11104) [all at COGCEHR]. S. K. Mukerjee2812 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

89. Coelogyne cristata Lindl. E J. Devi 2320 (Manipur University Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

90. Coelogyne fimbriata Lindl. E Chowlu et al. s. n. (acc. no. 115) [COGCEHR]. S. K. Mukerjee 3721 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

91. Coelogyne flaccida Lindl. E J. Devi 2446 (Manipur University Herbarium) Das, Jain, 1980

92. Coelogyne fuscescens Lindl. E Chowlu et al. s. n. (acc. no. 440) [COGCEHR] Rao, 2015

93. Coelogyne ghatakii T. K. Paul et al. E Ghatak 2213a (CAL). Ghatak 2213b, c, d (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Paul et al., 1988; Kumar, Kumar 2005

94. Coelogyne griffithii Hook. f. E Watt's collection 6780 (CAL) Hooker, 1890

95. Coelogyne holochila Hunt et Summerh. E Herbarium not available. Kumar, Kumar, 2005

96. Coelogyne longipes Lindl. E S. K. Mukerjee 3439; S. C. Sinha 1893 (all at CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

97. Coelogyne micrantha Lindl. E Chowlu et al. 00329, 00141 (all at COGCEHR) Das, Jain, 1980

98. Coelogyne nitida (D. Don) Lindl. E Nanda et al. 00028; Chowlu 00032 (all at COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

99. Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. E Chowlu et al. s. n. (acc. no. 97); K. Chowlu 00180 [all at COGCEHR] Mukerjee, 1953

100. Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. var. latifolia Hook. f. E Herbarium not available. Hooker, 1890

101. Coelogyne prolifera Lindl. E Nanda et al. 00025, 00033; Chowlu 00026; Kishor et al. 00027 (all at COGCEHR). A. Meebold 4766 (CAL) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

102. Coelogyne pulverula Teijm. et Binnend. E Herbarium not available Ghatak, Devi, 1986

103. Coelogynepunctulata Lindl. E Chowlu 00030, 00038 (all at COGCEHR) Das, Jain, 1980

104. Coelogyne schultesii Jain et Das E Meebold 4766 (CAL) Das, Jain, 1980

105. Coelogyne stricta (D. Don) Schltr. E Imbeng and Atan s. n. (acc. no. 226) [COGCEHR] Das, Jain, 1980

106. Coelogyne suaveolens (Lindl.) Hook. f. E Nanda et al. 00035; Chowlu et al. 1196 (all at COGCEHR) Shukla, Baishya, 1979

107. Coelogyne trinervis Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

108. Coelogyne viscosa Rchb. f. E Kishor et al. 00022; Chowlu 00173, 00023 (all at COGCEHR) Shukla, Baishya, 1979

109. Conchidium muscicola (Lindl.) Rauscht. E D. B. Deb 935 CAL) Deb, 1961

110. Corymborkis veratrifolia (Reinw.) Blume T Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

111. Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlach. T V. Kumar 1665, 1666 (all at COGCEHR); Mukerjee, 1953

112. Crepidium calophyllum (Rchb. f.) Szlach. T Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Rao, 2015

113. Crepidium josephianum (Rchb. f.) Marg. T Not seen by authors. Chauhan, 2001

114. Crepidium khasianum (Hook. f.) Szlach. T Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Rao, 2015

115. Crepidium purpureum (Lindl.) Szlach. T K. Chowlu s. n. (acc. no. 365) [COGCEHR] Rao, 2015

116. Cryptochilus lutea Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Chauhan, 2001

117. Cryptochilus sanguinea Lindl. E S. K. Mukerjee 3042 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

118. Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw. E Chowlu 00012 (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

119. Cymbidium cochleare Lindl. E Chowlu-00439 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013d

120. Cymbidium concinnum Liu et Chen E Chowlu 1562 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2015b

121. Cymbidium crassifolium Herb. E Nanda et al. 00036; Chowlu 00170 (all at COGCEHR) Kumar, Kumar, 2005

122. Cymbidium cyperifolium Lindl. T Herbarium not available. Devi, Ghatak, 1984

123. Cymbidium dayanum Rchb. f. E OBDD-IBSD-K-C-01 to OBDD-IBSD-K-C-06 Kumar et al., 2018

124. Cymbidium devonianum Paxt. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Chauhan, 2001

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

125. Cymbidium eburneum Lindl. E J. Devi 2389 (Manipur University Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

126. Cymbidium elegans Lindl. E A. Mao 106309 (ASSAM) Mukerjee, 1953; A. A. Mao, 1999

127. Cymbidium ensifolium Sw. T Chowlu 971 (COGCEHR) Ghatak, Devi, 1986

128. Cymbidium erythraeum Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Rao, 2007

129. Cymbidium hengbungense A. N. Rao et al. M A. N. Rao 00409 (COGCEHR) Rao et al., 2016

130. Cymbidium hookerianum Rchb. f. E S. K. Mukherjee 3068, 3640 (all at CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

131. Cymbidium insigne Rolfe E Herbarium not available. Kumar, Kumar, 2005

132. Cymbidium irdioides D. Don E Chowlu 00435 (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

133. Cymbidium lancifolium Hook. f. T Nanda et al. 00029 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

134. Cymbidium macrorhizon Lindl. M Herbarium not available Rao, 2007

135. Cymbidium mastersii Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Pradhan, 1979

136. Cymbidium munronianum Kingh et Pantl. T Herbarium not available. Ghatak, Devi, 1986

137. Cymbidium nanulum Wu et S. C. Chen T V. Kumar 74200 (CAL) Kumar, 2017

138. Cymbidium sinense (Jacks.) Willd. T Hengbung (under cultivation at ORDC Orchidarium). Chowlu et al., 2014; Rao, 2015

139. Cymbidium tigrinum Hook. f. L Kishor 00223 (COGCEHR) Kumar, Kumar, 2005

140. Cyrtosia nana (Downie) Garay M P. K. Singh 000816 (Man. Univ. Mus. Plants) Sanatombi et al., 2013

141. Dendrobium abhaycharanii (Phukan et A. A. Mao) Schuit. et P. B. Adams E V. Kumar 1681 (COGCEHR); Nanda et al. s. n. (acc. no. 578) [all at COGCEHR] Phukan, Mao, 2005

142. Dendrobium aduncum Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Laiphrakpam et al., 2015

143. Dendrobium albopurpureum (Seidenf.) Schuit. et P. B. Adams E Y. Nanda, Krishna, Bishwajit and Jennifer 00438; Kishor et al. 00066 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014c

144. Dendrobium amoenum Lindl. E Y. Nanda 00372 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013b

145. Dendrobium amplum Lindl. E Chowlu 00102 (COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

146. Dendrobium anceps Sw. E Herbarium not available Kumar, Kumar, 2005

147. Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxb.) Fischer E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Devi, Ghatak, 1984

148. Dendrobium bellatulum Rolfe E Kishor et al. 144 (COGCEHR) Pradhan, 1979

149. Dendrobium bensonae Rchb. f. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Pradhan, 1979

150. Dendrobium bicameratum Lindl. E Nanda 00024; Kishor 00263 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2012b

151. Dendrobium brymerianum Rchb. f. E Kishor et al. 00434, 00463, 00464 (all at COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

152. Dendrobium capillipes Rchb. f. E Y. Nanda 00371, 00032 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013b

153. Dendrobium cariniferum Rchb. f. E G. Watt 6500 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

154. Dendrobium chapaense Aver. E COGCEHR/Herb/00003 (ASSAM, CAL) Kishor et al., 2013

155. Dendrobium chrysanthum Lindl. E Nanda 000483 (COGCEHR); Nanda et al. 00062 (COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

156. Dendrobium chryseum Rolfe E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Deori, 2007

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157. Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl. E Kishor et al. 324 (COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

158. Dendrobium crepidatum Lindl. et Paxt. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Devi, Ghatak, 1984

159. Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb. f. E Nanda 00370 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013b

160. Dendrobium cumulatum Lindl. E Nanda et al. 1151 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014c

161. Dendrobium dantaniense Guill. E Deori 101148 (ASSAM) Deori, 2007

162. Dendrobium delacourii Guill. E N. N. Rabha and L. R. Meitei 131115 (ASSAM) Meitei et al., 2014

163. Dendrobium densiflorum Lindl. E Kishor et al. s. n. (acc. no. 311); Nanda et al. 00068 (all at COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

164. Dendrobium denudansD. Don E Nanda et al. 00065; Kishor et al. 317, 321 (all at COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

165. Dendrobium devonianum Paxt. E Nanda et al. 00050 (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

166. Dendrobium dickasonii L. O. Williams. E Pradhan 6 (K-sprit collection) Pradhan, 1976

167. Dendrobium draconis Rchb. f. E J. Devi 2451 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Pradhan, 1976

168. Dendrobium eriiflorum Griff. E Nanda 00060 (COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

169. Dendrobium falconeri Hook. E Nanda et al. 00061; Kishor et al. 301 (all at COGCEHR) Hooker, 1890

170. Dendrobium farmerii Paxt. E J. Devi 2303 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

171. Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook. E Y. Nanda 00310, 00284 (at COGCEHR) Deori, 2007

172. Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook. var. oculatum Hook. E J. Devi 2461 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

173. Dendrobium formosum Lindl. E Supt. G. Gardner s. n. (CAL) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

174. Dendrobium fugax Rchb. f. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Chauhan, 2001

175. Dendrobium fuscescens Griff. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Rao, 2007

176. Dendrobium gibsonii Lindl. E Nanda et al. 904 (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

177. Dendrobium gratiotissimum Rchb. f. E J. Devi 2362 Minipur Univ. Herbarium) Pradhan, 1979

178. Dendrobium hesperis (Seidenf.) Schuit. et P. B. Adams E Nanda et al. 00480 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014b

179. Dendrobium heterocarpum Lindl. E Nanda et al. 39 (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

180. Dendrobium hookerianum Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Chauhan, 2001

181. Dendrobium infundibulum Lindl. E C. Sathish Kumar 28726 (TBGT). Pradhan, 1979

182. Dendrobium jenkinsii Lindl. E Nanda 00415 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

183. Dendrobium lindleyii Steud. E Nanda et al. s. n. (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

184. Dendrobium linguella Rchb. f. E Herbarium not available Ghatak, Devi, 1986

185. Dendrobium lituiflorum Lindl. E Kishor et al. s. n. (acc. no. 574) [COGCEHR] Mukerjee, 1953

186. Dendrobium longicornu Lindl. E Y. Nanda 00414; Kishor et al. 00273, 00315 (all at COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

187. Dendrobium mannii Ridl. E J. S. Khuraijam 101968 (LWG) Khuraijam, Roy, 2016

188. Dendrobium moniliforme (L.) Sw. E S. K. Mukerjee 2855 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

189. Dendrobium moschatum (Buch.-Ham.) Sw. E S. K. Mukerjee 2849 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

190. Dendrobium nobile Lindl. E Nanda et al. s. n. (COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

191. Dendrobium ochreatum Lindl. E Nanda et al. 00182 (COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

192. Dendrobiumparcum Rchb. f. E Nanda et al. 00275, 00064, 00481 (all at COGCEHR) Kumar, Kumar, 2005

193. Dendrobiumparishii Rchb. f. E J. Devi 2369 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

194. Dendrobium pendulum Roxb. E Herbarium not available Pradhan, 1979

195. Dendrobium polyanthum Lindl. E Nanda et al. s. n. (acc. no. 536) [COGCEHR] Devi, Ghatak,1984

196. Dendrobium porphyrochilum Lindl. E V. Kumar 1662 (COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

197. Dendrobium pulchellum Lindl. E Nanda et al. s. n. (COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

198. Dendrobium salaccense (Blume) Lindl. E Y. Nanda 197 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013b

199. Dendrobium sinominutiflorum S. C. Chen et al. E Nanda 00405, Akhimpau s. n. (acc. no. 584) [all at COGCEHR] Nanda et al., 2014; Rao et al. 2016

200. Dendrobium spatella Rchb. f. E Nanda et al. 00059, 1065 (all at COGCEHR). Chauhan, 2001

201. Dendrobium stuposum Lindl. E Kishor et al. 00259 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

202. Dendrobium sulcatum Lindl. E A. Mao 101934 (ASSAM) Chauhan, 2001

203. Dendrobium thyrsiflorum B. S. Williams E J. Devi 2370 Manipur University Herbarium) Mukerjee, 1953

204. Dendrobium transparens Lindl. E Nanda et al. 00453 (COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

205. Dendrobium wardianum Warner E Kishor 00048 (COGCEHR) Pradhan, 1979

206. Dendrobium wattii (Hook. f.) Rchb. f. E G. Watt 5944 (CAL) Hooker, 1890

207. Dendrobium williamsonii Day et Rchb. f. E Kishor et al. 508, 509 (all at COGCEHR) Shukla, Baishya, 1979

208. Dickasonia vernicosa L. O. Williams E Herbarium not available Pradhan, 1979

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

209. Dienia ophrydis (Koen.) Seidenf. T Chowlu s. n. (acc. no. 479) Mukerjee, 1953

210. Eria biflora Griff. E Nanda et al. 00005 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013c

211. Eria clavicaulis Lindl. E Nanda 00333, 00365, 00395 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013a

212. Eria coronaria (Lindl.) Rchb. f. E Nanda et al. 00068; Kishor et al. 00278 (all at COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

213. Eria javanica (Sw.) Blume E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Shukla, Baishya, 1979

214. Eria lasiopetala (Willd.) Ormerod E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Rao, 2007

215. Eria scabrilinguis Lindl. E Nanda 396, 833 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013a

216. Eria sutepensis Downie E Nanda 00316; Nanda et al. 0075 (all at COGCEHR) Phukan, Mao, 2002a

217. Eria tomentosa (J. Koenig) Hook. f. E Nanda et al. 00262 (COGCEHR) First time report in present paper

218. Eria vittata Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Hooker, 1890

219. Eriodes barbata (Lindl.) Rolfe E Kishor et al. 00008, Nanda et al. 00088 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013c

220. Erythrodes blumei (Lindl.) Schltr. T Inbeng s. n. (acc. no. 590) (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014c

221. Erythrodes hirsuta (Griff.) Ormerod T V. Kumar 1673 (COGCEHR) Kumar et al., 2016b

222. Eulophia bicallosa (D. Don) Summerh. T G. Watt 6243; S. K. Mukerjee 3023 (all at CAL) Hooker, 1890

223. Eulophia dabia (D. Don) Hochr. T S. K. Mukerjee 2717 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

224. Eulophia mannii (Rchb. f.) Hook. f. T Prazer 155 (CAL) A. S. Rao, P. K. Hajra 1974

225. Eulophia nuda Lindl. T N. L. Bor 17986 (ASSAM) Chauhan, 2001

226. Eulophia zollingeri (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. M Akimpou 00531; V. Kumar s. n. (all at COGCEHR); Nanda et al., 2014a

227. Galeola falconeri Hook. f. M Herbarium not available Ramakantha, 1995

228. Galeola lindleyana (Hook. f. et Thomson) Rchb. f. M S. K. Mukerjee 2917 (CAL) Chauhan, 2001

229. Gastrochilus acutifolius (Lindl.) Kuntze E V. Kumar s. n. (COGCEHR) Ghatak, Devi, 1986

230. Gastrochilus bellinus (Rchb. f.) Kuntze E Herbarium not available Devi, Ghatak, 1984

231. Gastrochilus calceolaris (Sm.) D. Don E Nanda et al. s. n. (acc. no. 586) [COGCEHR] Devi, Ghatak, 1984

232. Gastrochilus distichus (Lindl.) Kuntze E G. Watt 6236, 6338 (all at CAL) Chauhan, 2001

233. Gastrochilus inconspicuous (Hook. f.) Kuntze E C. Sathish Kumar 28740 (TBGT) Kumar, Kumar, 2005

234. Geodorum densiflorum (Lamk.) Schltr. T S. K. Mukerjee 2949 (CAL) Shukla, Baishya, 1979

235. Geodorum recurvum (Roxb.) Alston T Herbarium not available Mukerjee, 1953

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

236. Goodyera foliosa (Lindl.) Clarke T G. Watt 0923 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

237. Goodyera procera (Ket-Gawl.) Hook. T Herbarium not available Clarke, 1889

238. Goodyera schlechtendaliana Rchb. f. T Herbarium not available Hooker, 1890

239. Goodyera viridiflora (Blume) Dietrich T V. Kumar 1654, 1655 (COGCEHR) Kumar, Rao, 2015a

240. Habenaria acuifera Lindl. T S. K. Mukerjee 3461 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

241. Habenaria arietina Hook. f. T S. K. Mukerjee 3268 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

242. Habenaria dentata (Sw.) Schltr. T Akimpou s. n. (acc. no. 408); K. Chowlu, s. n. (acc. n. 401, 412) [all at COGCEHR]. S. K. Mukerjee 3555; A. Meebold 6404 (all at CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

243. Habenaria malintana (Blanco) Merl. T S. K. Mukerjee 3523(CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

244. Habenaria mandersii Collet. et Hemsl. T Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

245. Habenariapelorioides C. S. P. Parish et Rchb. f. T S. K. Mukerjee 3523 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

246. Habenaria reniformis (D. Don) Hook. f. T S. K. Mukerjee 3529 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

247. Habenaria trichosantha Lindl. T D. B. Deb 787 (CAL) Deb, 1961

248. Herminium lanceum (Sw.) Vujik T A. A. Mao 106330 (ASSAM). Mukerjee, 1953

249. Holcoglossum amesianum (Rchb. f.) Christ. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Devi, Ghatak, 1984

250. Holcoglossum himalaicum (Deb et al.) Aver. E Kishor et al. 00458, 00256 (all at COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

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251. Liparis bistriata C. S. P. Parish et Rchb. f. E S. K. Mukerjee 2881(CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

252. Liparis bootanensis Griff. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Chauhan, 2001

253. Liparis caespitosa (Lam.) Lindl. E Chowlu 528; Kishor et al. s. n. (acc.no. 497) [all at COGCEHR] Kumar, Kumar, 2005

254. Liparis distans Clarke E S. K. Mukerjee 3540 (CAL). Mukerjee, 1953

255. Liparis duthiei Hook. f. E Chowlu s. n. (accc.no. 236) [COGCEHR] First time report in present paper

256. Liparis elliptica Wight E Chowlu 00428 (COGEHR). Chowlu et al., 2014; Rao, 2015

257. Liparis odorata (Willd.) Lindl. T V. Kumar 1664 (COGCEHR). S. K. Mukerjee 2286, 3258 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

258. Liparis plantaginea Lindl. E Chowlu 722 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

259. Liparis resupinata Ridl. E Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

260. Liparis spathulata Lindl. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Clarke, 1889

261. Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindl. E Imbeng s. n. (acc. no. 421); Nanda s. n. (acc. no. 98) [all at COGCEHR)]. A. Meebold 6482 (CAL) Clarke, 1889

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

262. Luisia antennifera Blume E Herbarium not available Ghatak, Devi, 1986

263. Luisia filiformis Hook. f. E Nanda et al. 00010, 00087 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013c

264. Luisia jonesii J. J. Sm. E Herbarium not available Ghatak, Devi, 1986

265. Luisia trichorhiza (Hook.) Blume E Nanda (acc. No. 988), [COGCEHR] First time report in present paper

266. Mycaranthes floribunda (D. Don) Chen et Wood E Nanda et al. s. n. (acc. no. 593) [COGCEHR] Mao, 1999

267. Mycaranthes pannea (Lindl.) Chen et Wood E Kishor et al. s. n. (acc. no. 322) [COGCEHR] Ghatak, Devi, 1986

268. Myrmechispumila (Hook. f.) Tang et Wang T Capt. K. Ward 3267 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

269. Neogyna gardneriana (Lindl.) Rchb. f. T G. Watt 5871 (CAL) Chauhan, 2001

270. Nephelaphyllum pulchrum Blume T Herbarium not available Kumar, Kumar, 2005

271. Nervilia concolor (Blume) Schltr. T Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

272. Nervilia crociformis (Zoll. et Mor.) Seidenf. T D. B. Deb 2497, 2527 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

273. Nervilia falcata (King et Pantl.) Schltr. T Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

274. Nervilia plicata (Andr.) Schltr. T Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Chauhan, 2001

275. Oberonia acaulis Griff. E Meehold 6642 (MH), Mao 106405 (ASSAM); V Kumar 1684 (COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

276. Oberonia acaulis Griff. var. latipetala Chowlu et al. E Chowlu 00368 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2014b

277. Oberonia bicornis Lindl. E A. Mao 101966 (ASSAM) Mao, 1999

278. Oberonia clarkeii Hook. f. E Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

279. Oberonia ensiformis (Sm.) Lindl. E Chowlu s. n. (acc. n. 423) [COGCEHR] Chauhan, 2001

280. Oberonia integerrima Guill. E Kipgen 00334 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013b

281. Oberonia jenkinsiana Lindl. E V. Kumar 1659; Inbeng and Atan 00012; Chowlu 00486 (all at COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2012b

282. Oberonia longibracteata Lindl. E A. Mao 101940 (ASSAM) Mao, 1999

283. Oberonia manipurensis Chowlu et al. E K. Chowlu 00362 (CAL). K. Chowlu 00441 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2015a

284. Oberonia maxima Hook. f. E Chowlu 00123, 00388 (all at COGCEHR) Deb, 1961

285. Oberonia mucronata (D. Don) Ormerod et Seidenf. E Chowlu 00425 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

286. Oberonia myosurus Lindl. E A. Mao 101971 (ASSAM) Mao, 1999

287. Oberoniapachyrachis Rchb. f. E Chowlu s. n. (acc. no. 91) [COGCEHR] Devi et al., 2018

288. Oberonia pyrulifera King et Pantl. E G. Watt 6438; S. K. Mukerjee 2880 (all at CAL) Hooker, 1890

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

289. Oberonia teres Kerr E Chowlu 00358 (COGCEHR). Phukan, Mao, 2002a

290. Odontochilus grandiflorus (Lindl.) Hook. f. T Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

291. Odontochilus tetrapterus (Hook. f.) Bhatta. et Chowdh. T C. B. Clarke 42191 (K) Hooker, 1890

292. Otochilus albus Lindl. E D. B. Deb 1435, 1892; S. K. Mukerjee 3039 (all at CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

293. Otochilus fuscus Lindl. E K. Chowlu s. n. (acc. no. 344, 345); Kishor 11190, 00194, 00197 (all at COGCEHR); G. Watt 6482; A. Meebold 7105 (CAL) Hooker, 1890

294. Otochilus porrectus Lindl. E Herbarium not available Hooker, 1890

295. Pachystoma pubescens Blume T Biswajit et al. s. n. (acc. no. 343) [COGCEHR] Hooker, 1890

296. Panisea apiculata Lindl. E Biswajeet WL 194 (COGCEHR) First time report in present paper

297. Panisea demissa (D. Don) Pfitz. E Biswajit s. n. 235 (COGCEHR) Kumar, Kumar, 2005

298. Panisea tricallosa Rolfe E J. Devi 2351 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Chauhan, 2001

299. Panisea uniflora (Lindl.) Lindl. E COGCEHR 00105, Chowlu 00172 (all at COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2012a

300. Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum (Hook.) Stein T S. coll. 340 (COGCEHR); J. Devi 2322 (Manipur University Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

301. Paphiopedilum insigne (Lindl.) Pfitz. T J. Devi 2356 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

302. Paphiopedilum spicerianum (Rchb. f.) Pfitz. T J. Devi 2457 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

303. Paphiopedilum venustum (Wall.) Stein T J. Devi 2339 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

304. Paphiopedilum villosum (Lindl.) Stein T J. Devi 2358 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

305. Papilionanthe teres (Roxb.) Schltr. E C. Sathish Kumar s. n. (TBGT) Chauhan, 2001

306. Papilionanthe uniflora (Lindl.) Garay E Nanda et al. 00380 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014c

307. Papilionanthe vandarum (Rchb. f.) Garay E S. K. Mukerjee 6290 (CAL). Clarke, 1889

308. Pecteilis henryii Schltr. T N. L. Bor 18495 (DD). Mukerjee, 1953

309. Pecteilis susannae (L.) Rafin. T S. K. Mukerjee 3463 (CAL) Chauhan, 2001

310. Pelatantheria insectifera (Rchb. f.) Ridl. T Akimpou 00529 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014d

311. Peristylus affinis (D. Don) Seidenf. T Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

312. Peristylus densus(Lindl.) Sant. et Kapad. T S. K. Mukerjee 3202 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

313. Peristylus goodyeroides (D. Don) Lindl. T Deb. 1005 (CAL) Deb, 1961

314. Peristylus lacertiferus (Lindl.) J. J. Sm. T V. Kumar 1663 (COGCEHR) Deb, 1961

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

315. Peristylus mannii (Rchb. f.) Mukerj. T S. K. Mukerjee 3731 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

316. Peristylus parishii Rchb. f. T V. Kumar 1667; Chowlu 00957 (all at COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2014c

317. Peristylus richardianus Wight T Chowlu 00954 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2014c

318. Peristylus tipuliferus (C. S. P. Parish et Rchb. f.) Mukerj. T S. K. Mukerjee 3364, 3417 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

319. Phaius flavus (Blume) Lindl. T S. K. Mukerjee 2937 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

320. Phaius mishmensis (Lindl. et Paxt.) Rchb. f. T Herbarium not available Devi, Ghatak, 1984

321. Phaius tankervilliae (Banks) Blume T Nanda et al. 274 (COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

322. Phaius wallichii Lindl. T S. K. Mukerjee 2457 (CAL); Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Laiphrakpam et al., 2015

323. Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi (Breda) Blume et Rchb. f. E J. Devi 2378 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

324. Phalaenopsis difformis (Lindl.) Kocyan et Schuit. E Herbarium not available. Live plants under cultivation. Chauhan, 2001

325. Phalaenopsis fasciata Rchb. f. E C. Sathish Kumar 28259, 28764 (all at TBGT). Kumar, Kumar, 2005

326. Phalaenopsis hygrochila J. M. H. Shaw E Nanda et al. 540 (COGCEHR). S. K. Mukerjee 2946 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

327. Phalaenopsis pulcherrima (Lindl.) J. J. Sm. E Mao 101970 (ASSAM) Chauhan et al., 2001

328. Phalaenopsis taenialis (Lindl.) Christen. E Kishor et al. 00009 (COGCEHR) Kumar, Kumar, 2005

329. Phalaenopsisyingjiangensis (Z. H. Tsi) Kocyan et Schuit. E V. Kumar 1677 (COGCEHR) Kumar et al., 2016b

330. Pholidota articulata Lindl. E Kishor 00070B; Chowlu 00029, 00080 (all at COGCEHR); S. K. Mukerjee 3212; A. Meebold 5525, 7080 (all at CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

331. Pholidota convallariae (C. S. P. Parish et Rchb. f.) Hook. f. E Chowlu 502, 503 (COGCEHR) Chowlu, Rao, 2015b

332. Pholidota imbricataHook. E/L Chowlu 0028, 0074, 0079 (all at COGCEHR); S. C. Sinha 1890; S. K. Mukerjee 2942; A. Meebold 6856 (CAL) Clarke, 1889

333. Pholidota pallida Lindl. E Chowlu s. n. (acc. no. 404); Chowlu 00085 [all at COGCEHR] Chowlu, Rao, 2015b

334. Pholidotaprotracta Hook. f. E/L S. K. Mukerjee 3722 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

335. Pholidotapygmaea H. J. Chowd-hery et G. D. Pal E Chowlu 00392 (COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2013d

336. Pholidota rubraLindl. E Chowlu 00179, 00178 (COGCEHR). A. Meebold 7073 (CAL) First time report in present paper

337. Phreatia elegans Lindl. E Nanda et al. 00055 (COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

338. Pinalia acervata (Lindl.) Kuntze E Kishor et al. 00279; Nanda et al. 303 (all at COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

Continuation of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

339. Pinalia amica (Rchb. f.) Kuntze E Nanda et al. 00455 (COGCEHR) Mao, 1999

340. Pinalia excavata (Lindl.) Kuntze E S. K. Mukerjee 3237(CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

341. Pinaliaglobulifera (Seidenf.) A. N. Rao E C. Sathish Kumar 28748, 27362 (all at TBGT) Kumar, Kumar, 2005

342. Pinalia spicata (D. Don) Chen et Wood E V. Kumar 1685; Nanda et al. 00461, 00462 (all at COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

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343. Pinalia striata (Lindl.) Kuntze E Nanda et al. 00053 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013c

344. Pleione hookeriana (Lindl.) Rollisson E S. K. Mukerjee 3238 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

345. Pleione humilis (Sm.) D. Don E Chowlu 1569, 1570 (all at COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

346. Pleione maculata (Lindl.) Lindl. et Paxton E Chowlu 534 (COGCEHR); A. Meebold 6562 (CAL) Chauhan, 2001

347. Pleione praecox (Sm.) D. Don E Chowlu 00535, 00543 (all at COGCEHR); S. K. Mukerjee 3655 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

348. Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay et H. R. Sweet E Kishor s. n. (acc. no. 377), Chowlu s. n. (acc. no. 385) [all at COGCEHR] Kumar, Kumar, 2005

349. Ponerorchis secundiflora (Kraenzl.) X. H. Jin et al. T Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

350. Porpax gigantea Deori E Herbarium not available Deori, 1978

351. Pteroceras teres (Blume) Holtt. E D. B. Deb 1896 (CAL) First time report in present paper

352. Renanthera imschootiana Rolfe E Nanda et al. 00385, 00281 (all at COGCEHR) Shukla, Baishya, 1979

353. Rhynchostylis gigantea (Lindl.) Ridl. E J. Devi 2383 (Manipur Univ. Herbarium) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

354. Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume E C. Sathish Kumar 28737 (TBGT) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

355. Sarcoglyphis manipurensis Rao et al. E H.B. Sharma 596; Nanda and Akimpou 530 (all at COGCEHR). H.B. Sharma 596 (CAL) Kumar et al., 2016a

356. Satyrium nepalense D. Don T S. K. Mukerjee 3392 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

357. Schoenorchis fragrans (C. S. P. Parish et Rchb. f.) Seidenf. E Chowlu s. n. (acc. no. 367) (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

358. Schoenorchis gemmata (Lindl.) J. J. Sm. E Nanda et al. 00118 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

359. Smitinandia micrantha (Lindl.) Holtt. E Nanda et al. 642 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014c

360. Spathoglottis pubescens Lindl. var. parvifolia Hook. f. T V. Kumar 1657; Nanda et al. s. n. (acc. no. 575) [all at COGCEHR] Mukerjee, 1953

361. Spiranthes himalayensis Survesw. et al. T S. Surveswaran 1 (HJCB 1001) (JCB) Surveswaran et al., 2017

362. Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames T S. K. Mukerjee 3732, 2742 (all at CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

363. Taeniophyllum glandulosum Blume E Kishor 00002 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2012a

364. Tainia latifolia (Lindl.) Rchb. f. T D. B. Deb 2583(CAL). Kumar, Kumar, 2005

End of table

S. No. Species/ variety Habit Voucher specimens record Reference of first report for the state

365. Thelasis longifolia Hook. f. E Kipgen 00540, Chowlu et al. 1108 (all at COGCEHR) Chowlu et al., 2014; Rao, 2015

366. Thelasispygmea Lindl. E Chowlu et al. s. n. (acc. no. 534) [COGCEHR] Mao, 1999

367. Thrixspermum centipeda Lour. E Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

368. Thrixspermum indicum Vik. Kumar et al. E Nanda et al. 00015 (COGCEHR) Kumar et al., 2017

369. Thunia alba (Lindl.) Rchb. f. E Chowlu 00359, 1201; Kishor 00177 (all at COGCEHR) Mukerjee, 1953

370. Tropidia curculigoides Lindl. T S. K. Mukerjee 3702 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

371. Tropidia namasiae Liao et al. T V. Kumar 1653 (COGCEHR) Kumar et al., 2015

372. Uncifera acuminata Lindl. E Herbarium not available Chauhan, 2001

373. Uncifera obtusifolia Lindl. E Nanda et al. 318 (COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2013c

374. Vanda alpina Lindl. E A. Mao 101953 (ASSAM) Mao, 1999

375. Vanda ampullacea (Roxb.) L. M. Gardiner E C. Sathish Kumar 28732 (TBGT) Clarke, 1889

376. Vanda bicolor Griff. E Nanda 242, 272 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014c

377. Vanda coerulea Lindl. E Nanda 00070, 00071 (all at COGCEHR). S. K. Mukerjee 3480 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

378. Vanda coerulescens Griff. E N. L. Bor 18456 (K). C. Sathish Kumar 28706 (TBGT). Devi, Ghatak, 1984

379. Vanda cristata Lindl. E V. Kumar 1678 (COGCEHR) Chauhan, 2001

380. Vanda miniata (Lindl.) L. M. Gardiner E A. Mao 101990 (ASSAM) Phukan, Mao, 2002a

381. Vanda motesiana Choltco (sensu V. stangeana) E Nanda et al. 00067 (COGCEHR); Limasenla 17006 (NEHU) Choltco, 2009; Phukan, 1996

382. Vanda pumila Hook. f. E Herbarium not available Kumar, Kumar, 2005

383. Vanda testacea (Lindl.) Rchb. f. E Kishor et al. 240 (COGCEHR) Devi, Ghatak, 1984

384. Vandopsis undulata (Lindl.) J. J. Sm. E S. K. Mukerjee 2726 (CAL) Mukerjee, 1953

385. Vanilla aphylla Blume E C. Sathish Kumar 28270 (TBGT) Chauhan, 2001, Kumar, Kumar, 2005

386. Yoania japonica Maxim. M Herbarium not available Hooker, 1890

387. Zeuxine affinis (Lindl.) Hook. f. T V. Kumar 1169, 1170; A. N. Rao 316; Y. Nanda 430 (all at COGCEHR) Nanda et al., 2014c

388. Zeuxine nervosa (Lindl.) Trimen T Herbarium not available Clarke, 1889

389. Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schltr. T Herbarium not available Rao, 2007

Fig. 2. A - Acampe ochracea (Lindl.) Hochr.; B - Aphyllorchis montana Rchb. f.; C - Acanthophippium sylhetense Lindl.; D - Chrysoglossum ornatum Blume; E - Cymbidium concinnum Liu et Chen; F - Dendrobium gratiotissimum Rchb. f.

Fig. 3. A - Crepidium calophyllum (Rchb. f.) Szlach.; B - Cymbidium cochleare Lindl.; C - Cymbidium nanulum Wu et S. C. Chen; D - Dendrobium abhaycharanii (Phukan et A. A. Mao) Schuit. et P. B. Adams.

Fig. 4. A - Eria lasiopetala (Willd.) Ormerod; B - Eria sutepensis Downie; C - Erythrodes blumei (Lindl.) Schltr.; D - Erythrodes hirsuta (Griff.) Ormerod; E - Oberoniajenkinsiana Lindl.; F - Goodyera viridiflora (Blume) Dietrich; G - Eriodes barbata (Lindl.) Rolfe; H - Habenaria dentata (Sw.) Schltr.; I - Holcoglossum amesianum (Rchb. f.) Christ.; J - Eulophia zollingeri (Rchb.f.) J. J. Sm.; K - Pelatantheria insectifera (Rchb. f.) Ridl.; L - Phalaenopsis hygrochila J. M. H. Shaw.

Fig. 5. A - Phalaenopsis yingjiangensis (Z. H. Tsi) Kocyan et Schuit; B - Pholidota pallida Lindl.; C - Pholidota pygmaea H. J. Chowdhery et G. D. Pal; D - Schoenorchis fragrans (C. S. P. Parish et Rchb. f.) Seidenf.; E - Renan-thera imschootiana Rolfe; F - Sarcoglyphis manipurensis A. N. Rao et al.; G - Taeniophyllum glandulosum Blume; H - Thrixspermum indicum Vik. Kumar et al.; I - Vanda bicolor Griff.; J - Vanda coerulea Lindl.

Results and discussion

Orchid Genera so far reported from Manipur are arranged in the phylogenetic classification (Chase et al., 2015). According to this classification, the 90 genera represent 4 Subfamilies, 13 Tribes and 14 Subtribes as shown below. The number of species known from Manipur and the total number of species in the genus are indicated in parentheses.

Systematic overview

Subfamily: Vanilloideae Szlach. Tribe: Vanilleae Blume

Genera: Cyrtosia Blume (1/5), Galeola Lour. (2/6), Vanilla Mill. (1/105).

Subfamily: Cypripedioideae Kostel. Genus: Paphiopedilum Pfitzer (5/86) Subfamily: Orchidoideae A. A. Eaton Tribe: Cranichideae Pfeiff. Subtribe: Goodyerinae Klotzsch Genera: Anoectochilus Blume (1/43), Erythrodes Blume (2/26), Goodyera R. Br. (4/98), Myrmechis Blume (1/17), Odontochilus Blume (2/25), Zeuxine Lindl. (3/74).

Subtribe: Spiranthinae Lindl. ex Meisn. Genus: Spiranthes Rich. (2/34) Tribe: Orchideae Verm. Subtribe: Orchidinae Verm. Genera: Habenaria Willd. (8/835), Herminium L. (1/19), Pecteilis Raf. (2/8), Peristylus Blume (8/103), Ponerorchis Rchb.f. (1/55), Satyrium Sw. (1/86),

Subfamily: Epidendroideae Kostel. Tribe: Neottieae Lindl.

Genera: Aphyllorchis Blume (1/22), Cephalanthera Rich. (1/19) Tribe: Tropidieae Dressler Genera: Corymborkis Thouars (1/6), Tropidia Lindl. (2/31)

Tribe: Nervilieae Dressler Subtribe: Nerviliinae Schltr. Genus: Nervilia Gaudich. (4/67). Tribe: Arethusea Lindl. Subtribe: Arethusinae Benth. Genera: Anthogonium Lindl. (1/1), Arundina Blume (1/2)

Subtribe: Coelogyninae Benth. Genera: Coelogyne Lindl. (21+1var./200), Dickasonia L. O. Williams (1/1), Neogyna Rchb. f. (1/1), Otochilus Lindl. (3/5), Panisea (Lindl.) Lindl. (4/11), Pholidota Hook. (7/39), Pleione D. Don (4/21), Thunia Rchb. f. (1/5).

Tribe: Malaxideae Lindl. Subtribe: Dendrobiinae Endl. Genera: Bulbophyllum Thouars (39/1867), Dendrobium Sw. (66+1var./1509).

Subtribe: Malaxidinae Benth. et Hook. f. Genera: Crepidium Tausch (5/260), Dienia Lindl. (1/6), Liparis Rich. (11/426), Oberonia Lindl. (14+1var./323)

Tribe: Cymbidieae Pfitzer Subtribe: Cymbidiinae Benth. Genera; Cymbidium Sw. (22/71) Subtribe: Eulophiinae Benth. Genera: Eulophia R. Br. (5/200), Geodorum Andrews (2/12)

Tribe: Epidendreae Lindl. Subtribe: Calypsoinae Chase et al. Genus: Yoania Maxim. (1/4). Subtribe: Agrostophyllinae Szlach. Genus: Agrostophyllum Blume (2/100) Tribe: Collabieae Pfitzer. Genera: Acanthephippium Endl. (1/13), Ania Lindl. (2/11), Calanthe R. Br. (7/216), Cephalantheropsis Guillaumin (2/4), Chrysoglossum Blume (1/4), Eriodes Rolfe (1/1), Nephelaphyllum Blume (1/11), Pachystoma Blume (1/3), Phaius Lour. (4/45), Spathoglottis Blume (1/48), Tainia Blume (1/23).

Tribe: Podochileae Pfitzer. Genera: Bryobium Lindl. (1/8), Callostylis Blume (2/5), Ceratostylis Blume (1/147), Conchidium Griff. (1/10), Cryptochilus Wall. (2/5), Eria Lindl. (9/237),Mycaranthes Blume (2/36), Phreatia Lindl. (1/211), Pinalia Lindl. (6/105), Porpax Lindl. (1/13), Thelasis Blume (2/26). Tribe: Vandeae Lindl. Subtribe: Polystachyinae Schltr. Genus: Polystachya Hook. (1/234). Subtribe: Aeridinae Pfitzer. Genera: Acampe Lindl. (2+1var./8), Aerides Lour. (3/25), Arachnis Blume (3/14), Chiloschista Lindl. (1/20), Cleisocentron Brühl (1/6), Cleisomeria G. Don (1/2), Cleisostoma Blume (9/88), Gastrochilus D. Don (5/56), Holcoglossum Schltr. (2/14), Luisia Gaudich. (4/39), Papilionanthe Schltr. (3/11), Pelatantheria Ridl. (1/8), Phalaenopsis Blume (7/70), Pteroceras Hassk. (1/27), Renanthera Lour. (1/20), Rhynchostylis Blume (2/3), Sarcoglyphis Garay. (1/12), Schoenorchis Reinw. (2/25), Smitinandia Holttum (1/3), Taeniophyllum Blume (1/185), Thrixspermum Lour. (2/161), Uncifera Lindl. (2/6), Vanda R. Br. (10/73), Vandopsis Pfitzer


It may be noticed that the orchid flora of Manipur comprises of 389 taxa (including 5 varieties) belonging to 90 genera. Out of 389 taxa, there are 28б (including 3 var.) epiphytes of 49 genera, 95 (including 2 varieties) terrestrials of 38 genera, 8 mycoheterotrophs of б genera. It may be mentioned that some of the epiphytes like Cymbidium tigrinum, Pholidota imbricate, P. rubra etc. are found as lithophytic on moss covered rocks. There are 3 genera with species of mixed habits i. e. Cymbidium with 14 epiphytes, б terrestrials and 2 mycoheterotrophs; Liparis with 11 epiphytes and 1 terrestrial and Eulophia with 4 terrestrials and i mycotrophic species (Table).

Among larger epiphytic genera, Dendrobium tops the list with б7 species and i variety followed by Bulbophyllum (39), Coelogyne (21+1var.), Oberonia (14+1var.), Eria (9) etc. Among the terrestrials, Peristylus (8 species) is the largest followedby Calanthe (S), Habenaria (S), Paphiopedilum (5) etc. Among the б mycotrophic genera, Galeola and Cymbidium arewith 2 species each followed by Aphyllorchis, Cyrtosia, Eulophia and Yoania with one species each. There are 4 monotypic genera viz. Anthogonium, Dickasonia, Eriodes and Neogyna reported so far from the state.

New records for the state

Out of 3S9 orchids reported so far from Manipur, seven species viz. Bulbophyllum cornutum (Blume) Rchb. f.; Eria tomentosa (J. Koenig) Hook. f.; Liparis duthiei Hook. f.; Luisia trichorhiza (Hook.) Blume, Panisea apiculata Lindl., Pholidota rubra Lindl. and Pteroceras teres (Blume) Holtt. have been reported from Manipur for the first time as new records to the state.

Threats and conservation measures

Majority of the orchid species of Manipur are facing a serious threat of extinction in the state mainly due to their natural habitat loss caused by forest clearance for 'Jhum' cultivation or 'shifting cultivation' which is still prevalent among indigenous tribes of N. E. India. It involves slash and burning of certain area of forest to grow required agriculture crop and after harvesting the

crop, that area will be abandoned for certain period of cycle. Thus, they keep on moving to different forest places for this type of cultivation and return to the first place after 5-10 years of cycle depending upon their population. Clearence of forest area for developing new townships, construction of roads and dams for generation of hydro-electricity are also playing considerable role in depletion of wild orchid populations in the state. Further, it has been noticed that ornamental orchids like Dendrobium densiflorum, D. chrysathum, Renanthera imschootiana, Vanda coerulea etc. and the species of medicinal importance like Dendrobium aphyllum, D. denudans, D. devonianum, D. nobile, D. fugax etc. are collected indiscriminately by the local people from the wild on large scale for commercial purpose in the domestic as well as international market. The stems of medicinal orchids are cut into pieces and made into small bundles and smuggled illegally to China via Myanmar at the cost of Rs. 500-1000 (USD 6.99 to 13.99) per kilogram.

It is suggested to bring more amount of orchid rich-forest area of the state under protected area by the state forest department with stringent rules and regulations to preserve the flora in situ on one hand, and on the other to check illegal collections from the wild. Wherever, the forest area is owned by the local tribes, those people are to be made aware of the importance of the plants occur in their forest area and their sustainable utilization. Establishment of tissue-culture laboratories in the state should be encouraged by the government to propagate many rare ornamental and medicinal plants on large scale and make available to local farmers and business people which would surely reduce the pressure on wild populations.


Sincere thanks are due to Mr. H. Kipgen, President, FEEDS, Hengbung for support and facilities; and to the SEED & KIRAN Division, Deapartment of Science and Technology, Government of India, N. Delhi for financial assistance. Second author extends sincere thanks also to the Director, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata for encouragemnt and to Santanu Dey for providing relevent literature.


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