UN'S APPROACHES TO RESOLVING THE SYRIAN CRISIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
"Arab Spring" / Civil War / Peace Negotiations / UN / Middle East. / «арабская весна» / гражданская война / мирные переговоры / ООН / Ближний Восток.

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — H.Ya. Azimov

The civil war that began in Syria in 2011 has once again affected the socio-political processes in the Middle East, making the region a battleground for the geopolitical interests of global power centers. A series of talks have been held to resolve the Syrian crisis. This article describes UN initiatives to resolve the crisis peacefully.

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Гражданская война, начавшаяся в Сирии в 2011 г., в очередной раз повлияла на общественно-политические процессы на Ближнем Востоке, превратив регион в поле битвы за геополитические интересы мировых центров силы. Состоялся ряд переговоров по урегулированию сирийского кризиса. В данной статье описываются инициативы ООН по урегулированию кризиса мирным путем.


Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law



journal homepage: https://www.supportscience.uz/index.php/oihpl


H. Ya. Azimov


Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

E-mail: Habibulloxon1988@,mail. ru


Key words: "Arab Spring", Civil War, Peace Negotiations, UN, Middle East.

Received: 14.05.22 Accepted: 16.05.22 Published: 18.05.22

Abstract: The civil war that began in Syria in 2011 has once again affected the socio-political processes in the Middle East, making the region a battleground for the geopolitical interests of global power centers. A series of talks have been held to resolve the Syrian crisis. This article describes UN initiatives to resolve the crisis peacefully.


Х.Я. Азимов


Тошкент давлат шарцшунослик университети

Тошкент, Узбекистон

E-mail: Habibulloxon1988@mail. ru


Калит сузлар: "Араб бах,ори", Аннотация: 2011-йилда Сурияда фукаролар уруши, тинчлик музокаралари, бошланган фукаролар уруши Яккин БМТ, Я;ин Шар;. Шаркдаги ижтимоий-сиёсий жараёнларга

яна бир бор таъсир килиб, минтакани глобал куч марказларининг геосиёсий манфаатлари учун кураш майдонига айлантирди. Сурия ин;ирозини х,ал килиш учун катор музокаралар утказилди. Ушбу маколада БМТнинг ин;ирозни тинч йул билан ^ал килиш ташаббуслари _тасвирланган._


Х.Я. Азимов

Преподавател ь

Ташкентский государственный университет востоковедения

Ташкент, Узбекистан

E-mail: Habibulloxon1988@,mail. ru


Ключевые слова: «арабская весна», Аннотация: Гражданская война,

гражданская война, мирные переговоры, начавшаяся в Сирии в 2011 г., в очередной ООН, Ближний Восток. раз повлияла на общественно-

политические процессы на Ближнем Востоке, превратив регион в поле битвы за геополитические интересы мировых центров силы. Состоялся ряд переговоров по урегулированию сирийского кризиса. В данной статье описываются инициативы ООН по урегулированию кризиса мирным _путем._


The struggle against authoritarian rule that began in the Arab world by 2010 spread to all countries in the North and the Middle East. In December of that year, a series of protests called the "Arab Spring" began in Tunisia when a fruit trader named Muhammad Buaziz set himself on fire in protest of the government. The protests were bloody and led to a change of political power in Arab countries in North Africa, such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.

The protests were so intense that as a result, Zayn Abidin bin Ali, who had been in power for 23 years in Tunisia, was forced to flee abroad. Egypt's 30-year-old president, Hosni Mubarak, also announced his resignation on February 11, 2011, following a protest. In a short time, public demonstrations have also spread to countries such as Yemen and Syria in the Middle East.

THE MAIN RESULTS AND FINDINGS The escalation of violence in the ongoing anti-regime protests across Syria has prompted Turkey, the Arab League and the United Nations to seek a solution. In this regard, on February 23, 2012, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Al-Arabi issued a joint statement. The statement said, Kofi Annan has been appointed Special Representative of the United Nations and the Arab League to find a solution to the ongoing and unresolved crisis in Syria. Annan arrived in Damascus on March 12, 2012 to meet with Bashar al-Assad. Following this meeting, he announced on March 16, 2012 that a peace plan had been prepared to resolve the crisis in Syria. Immediately after the above statement was issued, Annan also visited Russia, where he met with officials. Having received the approval of Russia as a result

of the meeting, Annan appealed to the public on March 27, 2012 about the achievement of an agreement with Assad consisting of 6 points.

The issues agreed with Assad were:

The formation of a "Transitional government" by the Syrians under the supervision and control of the United Nations, to carry out the work of this government together with Annan;

A ceasefire, the withdrawal of regime weapons from city centers, a cessation of attacks by the opposition wing, and the establishment of UN monitoring of these processes;

The release of captured Syrians;

To provide humanitarian assistance to those who have suffered damage in conflict areas, abolishing accreditations applied to the Western press;

Allowing for peace-oriented meetings and demonstrations.

The terms of the agreement were to come into force on April 10, 2012, throughout Syria, ensure that all armed groups cease fire, and a day later this agreement would be valid throughout the country. In addition, the UN has decided to send a delegation of 250 observers to Syria.

Indeed, on April 16, the sending of the first group of 30 people from a 250-member observer delegation was confirmed. At subsequent UN meetings, it was decided to increase the number of the 250-member observer delegation to 300.

In addition to the effective work of the 30-member Syrian observer delegation, Annan's six-point "Peace Plan" was expected to contribute to ending the crisis if both regime forces and opposition factions adhered to it. Because while many options were used in the processes that were before the implementation of the" peace plan", there was no progress. However, the "Peace Plan", which had high hopes, also failed. In the last week of May, 108 people were killed and 300 injured in the town of Hul, near Hama. After the conflict escalated again, Annan went to Syria on May 28 and met again with the Damascus administration. However, no positive result was obtained from this meeting. Following Assad's failure to seek peace, Annan put forward a proposal to form a "transitional government" that would be acceptable to Russia, and announced that the Russian government would gladly accept the proposal. With Russia's acceptance of the Transitional Government's offer, Annan wantto Damascus on July 10 to meet with Assad, where he met with officials. It is true that in addition to Russia's influence on Assad, Iran also has a great influence. For this reason, Annan held a meeting with Iranian officials and asked for help from Tehran. However, the UN, which did not receive the expected support from the leaders of both countries, drafted a resolution on July 19 that would impose major sanctions if the Assad regime does not give up heavy weapons. But Russia and China have vetoed the decision. It said in a statement that the Arab League supported sanctions against the countries 'veto Arab League Deputy Secretary General Ahmad bin Hil and Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zabari said in a joint statement: "We

can no longer remain neutral in the face of the current situation in Syria. We have tried to find a solution in the context of the Arab solution, but it has not been able to do so, we need to appeal to the Security Council and it is very important that Syria accepts Annan's plan", they said. A White House spokesman said there was no solution to the ongoing crisis in Syria. He noted that "Assad will be careful in accepting Annan's plan, and even if they do, the United States will not change its mind that Bashar al-Assad should step down." US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland made a similar statement. Nuland said "Assad has not lived up to his promises so far and that pressure must be put on Assad to ensure this."


It is worth noting that, In light of the above, the "Peace Plan" was not implemented, as Assad saw the plan's "removal of weapons from the city center" as a threat to himself and, conversely, could lead to the strengthening of opposition groups.


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DIPLOMACY STUDY. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 23(2), 1-10.

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