UNIQUE FEATURES AND POTENTIAL OF PILGRIMAGE TOURISM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Pilgrimage / pilgrimage / sacred / pilgrimage tourism / sacred / religious / pilgrimage tourism / worship / steps. / Pilgrimage / pilgrimage / sacred / pilgrimage tourism / sacred / religious / pilgrimage tourism / worship / steps.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Safarov I.B., Loqayeva Z.P.

In this article, the specific characteristics of pilgrimage tourism and the types of pilgrimage are classified according to the purpose. Concepts of pilgrimage and tourism are analyzed. Proposals and recommendations for the development of pilgrimage tourism have been developed.

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In this article, the specific characteristics of pilgrimage tourism and the types of pilgrimage are classified according to the purpose. Concepts of pilgrimage and tourism are analyzed. Proposals and recommendations for the development of pilgrimage tourism have been developed.


Safarov I.B. teacher

Karshi State University Loqayeva Z.P. student

Karshi State University


Abstract. In this article, the specific characteristics of pilgrimage tourism and the types of pilgrimage are classified according to the purpose. Concepts of pilgrimage and tourism are analyzed. Proposals and recommendations for the development of pilgrimage tourism have been developed.

Key words: Pilgrimage, pilgrimage, sacred, pilgrimage tourism, sacred, religious, pilgrimage tourism, worship, steps.

Pilgrimage for Muslims is visiting prophets and religious holy places. According to B.N. Navroz-Zoda, pilgrimage is the basis of tourism in Islam, according to the "Journey to the Homeland" tradition of Khojai Jahan Abdukholiq Gijduvani, the founder of the "Khojagon" doctrine, a person should go on a journey to his country [1].

As mentioned above, the purpose of the pilgrimage is to worship the holy places, to pray, to repent of one's sins, sometimes to fulfill the vows made during a serious illness or danger of death, and to thank God for saving them from them. In some cases, the purpose of the pilgrimage is to heal from severe pain with the help of spring waters and mud.

The territory of Kashkadarya region is very rich in various objects belonging to the sacral (sacred) category of great value, belonging to the Islamic culture and its Sufi flow, which are respected and respected. It should be noted that the sacred heritage is an important resource for the development of cultural tourism, which is one of the priorities of the development of the current society. According to various estimates, cultural tourism makes up a large part of the world flow of tourists.

Large-scale work is being carried out to further develop the tourism potential of Kashkadarya region, to create the most favorable conditions for introducing tourists to the unique historical-cultural and architectural heritage objects of the oasis [2].

Historical buildings, architectural monuments, archaeological finds, ruins, religious shrines, shrines, cemeteries, national crafts, traditions, wedding spectacles, which have been preserved for centuries, are an important component of the tourism of Kashkadarya region. is considered Archaeological tourist objects (at the cross-section of districts and cities, as a unit).

Tourism is a set of relationships and events that arise due to the change of people from their permanent places of residence and work to places that are different [3]. One of the important types of tourism is religious tourism, which is based on the religious needs of people of different confessions, and includes trips by believers to worship holy places and visit religious objects. The types of activities related to providing services to tourists who go to holy places and religious centers outside the usual environment and meeting their needs are understood as religious tourism. Religious tourism is carried out for the purpose of getting acquainted with the history of holy places, the life of saints, architecture, art of religious monuments.

In the 90s of the 20th century, due to the awakening of religious consciousness, the forgotten word pilgrimage entered the social lexicon and began to be actively used, and the traditions of pilgrimage were reborn. Pilgrimage, which is a part of religion, is a trip to holy places with a specific purpose of worship. Pilgrimage exists in some form in almost all religions. Its content consists of worshiping holy places, performing or participating in religious ceremonies, religious improvement, spiritual or physical healing.

The World Tourism Organization (WTO) has announced five types of tourism as promising directions. One of them is cultural tourism, which is divided into religious-pilgrimage tourism and cultural-historical tourism. At first, from the point of view of the sense of faith that has arisen in a person, he worships the perfect people of his religion, saints and sheikhs, and later on their graves, he feels that these actions bring him peace and tranquility. Such activities are called pilgrimage tourism or religious tourism. Historical-cultural heritage includes all socio-cultural environment with all its traditions and customs, features of everyday life.

Religious tourism is divided into two main types:

- Pilgrimage tourism;

- excursion - religious tourism in the direction of knowledge;

However, according to the believers, the concepts of "pilgrimage" and

"tourism" are completely different from each other. Pilgrimage is a trip to holy places, the purpose of which is to fulfill the religious duty of believers, to receive the blessing of God, and also to participate in the acts of worship in a peaceful and holy place. A pilgrim visits the places consecrated by the founder of his religion and his close associates in order to receive the blessing of God and participate in ceremonies related to holiness. Sometimes it is visited for the purpose of making sure of the correctness of the decision made, getting physical and mental healing, eliminating mental suffering, or thanking for healing. Pilgrimage is much earlier than tourism and has a history of several thousand years [3; 4]. It should be noted that pilgrimage is considered as a type of tourism in scientific literature.

Pilgrimage tourism is a complex of trips made by representatives of different denominations for the purpose of pilgrimage. Reasons to visit include:

- the desire to heal from spiritual and physical diseases;

- praying for relatives and loved ones;

- To obtain God's favor;

- doing meritorious work;

- atonement of sins;

- expressing gratitude for blessings sent from above;

- showing loyalty to faith;

- striving for asceticism for faith;

- to have the purpose of life [3].

According to different signs, several types of pilgrimage are distinguished.

- by time of year (according to seasonality)

- pilgrimages related to public holidays, religious holidays;

- according to the number and composition of participants

- individual, family and group visits;

- according to the objects to be visited - architecture - religious structures (mosque, monastery, temple), as well as sacred monuments of nature (water basins, caves, mountains, groves, etc.);

- according to the geographical sign - local, regional, inter-regional, national, international;

- according to duration - long and short term; - according to the objects to be visited - confessional places of worship (church, mosque, monastery, etc.), as well as natural places of worship (mountains, lakes, caves, springs, groves);

- according to the location of places of pilgrimage - domestic (within the state borders) and foreign types of pilgrimage;

- according to the conditionality (mandatory, required) - optional and mandatory types of pilgrimage (for example, in Islam, the Hajj pilgrimage is a requirement for every religious Muslim) [3; 4].

Pilgrimage requires a certain attitude of a person to existence. The idea of pilgrimage refers to actions that are carried out in accordance with voluntary obligations under extremely difficult conditions. This is a symbol of a person's readiness to sacrifice temporary material values for eternal spirituality. People go on pilgrimage when there are not enough ritual activities in the places where they live. According to UN data, 200 mln. More than 100,000 people will be on pilgrimage.

Pilgrims generally have little demand for service, food, and accommodation. Pilgrimage tourism, which is a complex of pilgrimage trips by representatives of different religions, is the oldest and at the same time the newest type of tourism. Pilgrimage is a trip to worship sacred places. The development of pilgrimage traditions is common to all major religions. Pilgrimage, which is a type of religious tourism, consists of trips of representatives of different religions. In simpler terms, it is the journey of religious people to worship holy places. There are many different reasons for people to visit: to perform religious rituals (prayer, penance for sins), for spiritual improvement, to obtain God's blessing, to receive

spiritual and physical advice, to attain religious enlightenment, to pray to a holy place, and other reasons. Will be Pilgrimage tourism is one of the oldest and at the same time the newest types of tourism. Pilgrimage is a trip to worship sacred places. The development of pilgrimage traditions is common to all major religions. Pilgrimage to God in all religions is a path to God in spirit, space and time. Places, things and events connected with religious worship in all areas and considered blessed are considered "holy". Almost all nations of the world have objects that have the status of sacred places since ancient times.

Unlike mass tourism, the main socio-economic advantage of pilgrimage tourism for the region is not direct profit, but the socio-psychological and pedagogical synergy of sacred programs for the population living in the region. Here, we are talking about increasing civic responsibility, formation of culture and spirituality, and educational work aimed at the young generation. The existence of many years of spiritual traditions is an important factor for the development of pilgrimage tourism. Places, objects and events associated with religious worship and considered blessed are considered "holy". Humanity gives the status of "sacred places" to such monuments of cultural, historical and natural heritage. Pilgrimage tourism consists of a complex of pilgrimages by representatives of different religions. Pilgrimages are made for many different reasons. For example, there may be a desire to get rid of physical or mental illnesses, to pray for relatives and friends, to obtain God's blessing, to gather strength, to do something. Also, it is visited for the happiness, prosperity, goodness, devotion to the religion given to the powerful forces, to test one's own reasoning, self-sacrificing intentions and capabilities, to say thanks and for other purposes.

Pilgrimage tourism has its roots in pilgrimage. Pilgrimage is a trip to worship important sacral places. The development of pilgrimage traditions is common to all major religions. The Holy Land (Jerusalem-Jerusalem), Afghanistan, Rome, Compostela are considered places of pilgrimage for Christians. Muslims visit Mecca and Medina - Hajj, Hindus visit Allahabad and Varanasi, Lamaists visit Lhasa, Buddhists and Shintos visit Nara.

However, it is very difficult to say anything about the healing of people (whether by faith or by the influence of external forces from the Earth). However, the fact that the lame can walk, the blind can see, and they are cured of serious diseases are undeniable facts.

An excursion is a part of a visit, but it can be an additional, auxiliary part. People try to enrich their spiritual world, broaden their worldview, and gain new knowledge about the history of religion in the types of excursions, the purpose of which is to see monuments, temples, and museums. People who travel with a spiritual (religious) intention and dream of worshiping holy places take part in the excursion.

Spiritual and educational goals are an important aspect of pilgrimage trips. When people go to holy places, they get information about the history and

spiritual traditions of religious institutions, the characteristics of worship, pious saints and ascetics whose lives and activities are connected with holy places in the direction of pilgrimage.

As part of the search for new potential for socio-economic development of our country and regions, regional tourism is moving from the theoretical and educational stage to the implementation stage, and special attention is being paid to sacred tourism. At the moment, attention has been paid to the development of regional tourism in our country. President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, in his address to the Oliy Majlis on December 22, 2017, emphasized the need to pay serious attention to pilgrimage tourism as well as other sectors of tourism in our country.

In practice, sacred tourism includes all types of tourist services related to religion, various types of mysticism and inexplicable events and traditions. The role of sacred tourism in regional development concepts depends on a number of circumstances, which can be classified depending on history and nature, as well as the human factor. In particular, it depends on the presence of religious sites, monuments of religious culture and sacred nature, and the religious and spiritual condition of the population. The existence of multiple spiritual traditions is an important factor for the development of sacred tourism.

Unlike mass tourism, the main socio-economic advantage of sacred tourism for the region is not direct profit, but the socio-psychological and pedagogical synergy of sacred programs for the population living in the region. Here, we are talking about increasing civic responsibility, formation of culture and spirituality, and educational work aimed at the young generation.

Sacred objects of special importance attract the attention of people with different cultural and historical traditions who live far from these places, in other cities and countries. This phenomenon has created a flow of pilgrims and curious people since ancient times, and later they were joined by the flow of worldly tourists and added a large share to the budget of the countries where such objects are located.

If this event is considered as a system-forming part of the tourist network, it cannot be ignored that it is an important component related to the patriotic education of young people and the integration of the peoples of the country.


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