UNDERSTANDING OF TEACHING METHODS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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teaching methods / knowledge / skills
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Текст научной работы на тему «UNDERSTANDING OF TEACHING METHODS»

учитель предоставляет ученикам полную свободу действий, не вмешивается в их деятельность. Педагогическая техника учителя

Педагогическая техника учителя - это совокупность приемов и методов, используемых в учебном процессе. К педагогической технике учителя, влияющим на успеваемость и мотивацию учеников, относятся:

• Умение объяснять материал - способность учителя ясно и доступно объяснять учебный материал.

• Умение заинтересовать учеников - способность учителя вызвать у учеников интерес к учебе, сделать процесс обучения увлекательным и интересным.

• Умение поддерживать дисциплину - способность учителя поддерживать дисциплину в классе, не прибегая к авторитарным методам.


Психологические особенности учителя оказывают значительное влияние на успеваемость и мотивацию учеников. Учитель с хорошими личностными качествами, демократичным стилем общения и эффективной педагогической техникой способен создать в классе благоприятную атмосферу, которая способствует успешному обучению.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Anderson, C. (2016). The Impact of Teacher Personality on Student Motivation and Achievement. Educational Psychology, 36(5), 588-603.

2. Brouwers, A., & Leijten, M. (2008). Teacher characteristics, classroom management and student motivation: A longitudinal study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(1), 146-159.

3. Chen, Y., & Chen, S. (2012). The effects of teacher personality, teaching style, and classroom management on student motivation and achievement: A meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 24(4), 479-497.

© Гельдыева Ш., Ходжалиев А., 2023

УДК 37

Гульбердыева Т. А.,

Преподаватель Камалиева А., Студентка Чарыева А.,


Туркменский государственный институт финансов UNDERSTANDING OF TEACHING METHODS


teaching methods, knowledge, skills.

An overview of teaching methods and their classification. The method of teaching is understood as the joint work of the teacher with the students for a certain period of time in order to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities of the schoolchildren, for the formation of their vision and the development of their abilities. During the learning process, students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities through a variety of methods under the guidance of a teacher. The learning material is received by the students with the help of various means and

methods. In order for the received material to be comprehensively effective, the teacher should be able to use different methods according to the characteristics of the studied material when explaining this or that topic to the students.

The successful implementation of the educational, educational and developmental functions of teaching often depends on the teacher's ability to choose teaching methods. There are several methods of teaching in practice. Some of them are common to all subjects, while others are specific to teaching only one subject. Therefore, the teacher should be able to use the most suitable types of teaching methods to increase the level of education of students, to deepen them, and to increase their enthusiasm for learning. When choosing teaching methods, the teacher should also consider the age and psychological characteristics of the students. Also, provision of technical resources to the school should be considered. The following requirements are set in all types of teaching methods:

1. Explanation of the learning material by the teacher to form scientifically correct thinking, broad vision, spirituality, moral purity, good behavior and discipline in students, based on which the method acquires an educational character.

2. The scientific foundation of the teaching method, i.e. its clarity, the scientificity of the method also means the clarity of the students' thinking.

3. The systematicity of the teaching method should determine its effectiveness.

4. Validity of methods.

5. During the lesson, using technical means, instructional tools, to focus on raising children's feelings.

6. To achieve solid mastery and efficiency of knowledge.

As a result of the requirements listed above, the teacher should increase the creative activity of students, use additional opportunities for their comprehensive development. In the textbooks, teaching methods according to the source of students' learning, the development of their skills and habits are presented by outstanding pedagogues-scientists I.Y. Lerner, M.I. Skatkin, B.P. According to Yesipov, it is divided into three groups as follows:

1. Verbal methods.

2. Presentation methods.

3. Practical methods.

Verbal methods of teaching. Verbal teaching is one of the most common teaching methods. Its importance in imparting sustainable education to school students is very important. In this regard, prominent Russian Pedagogue K. D. Ushinsky says: "No matter how improved, textbooks, manuals, even laws - they cannot capture the live words of the teacher." At the same time as this method, i.e. the verbal method of teaching, is highly appreciated, the importance of other teaching methods is emphasized, and it is noted that these methods are used in a related manner. The types of oral presentation of the learning material by the teacher must meet the following basic pedagogical requirements:

1. Scientific and high idealism.

2. Logical consistency and evidentiality.

3. Clarity and Clarity.

4. Accuracy, sensitivity and accuracy of the teacher's words.

5. Registration of students' age profile etc.

The verbal method of teaching includes the following groups: narration, explanation, question-and-answer exchange - conversation, school lecture, general study and book work. Teacher's communication is the teacher's ability to convey the learning material to the students in a simple, clear language. If the teacher is able to tell the students, then they fully master the material covered in a particular subject. The nature of the conversation may vary based on the nature of the lesson.

Widely used types of narration:

a) Narration - a method of telling a story - describing a situation, telling about the life and creativity of a writer, poet, etc.

b) About - the method of description - to describe the state of growth of plants, to describe the manufacture and use of all kinds of accessories, devices, equipment, etc.

To make the teacher's speech clear, he should first write the outline of the topic on the board. Based on the plan, the teacher should conduct the conversation in a language understandable to the students, using literary terms and conventions, and should focus the attention of the students. In elementary grades, the duration of the talk is 15-20 minutes, and after the topic is explained, the students' level of knowledge should be checked.

© ry^b6epflNeBa T.A., KaMa.™eBa A., HapbieBa A., 2023

УДК 37

Довранова Д.


Туркменского государственного института физкультуры и спорта

Туркменистан, Ашхабад



В статье представлены комплексные тренировочные схемы, выполняемые в соответствующей части базовой подготовки. Разнообразие материалов, используемых в этой программе физической подготовки, направлено на модернизацию и разнообразие тренировочного процесса, чтобы привлечь внимание и мотивировать спортсменов.

Ключевые слова:

мужской гандбол, круговая тренировка, скоростная выносливость, ловкость, владение телом.

Dovranova J.

Postgraduate student of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports.

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat



The article presents complex training schemes performed in the relevant part of basic training. The variety of materials used in this physical training program aims to modernize and diversify the training process to engage and motivate athletes.

Key words:

men's handball, circuit training, speed endurance, agility, body control.

Актуальность. Возрастающее значение физической подготовки в тренировочных планах тренеров по гандболу должно стать основой закрепления и совершенствования в ходе специфической подготовки

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