TYPOLOGY OF TEXTS RELEVANT FOR TRANSLATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Translation studies / word / typology / speech skill / translator. / Переводоведение / слово / типология / речевое мастерство / переводчик.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Aripova, Kamola Yusupova

The given article highlights the typology of texts relevant for translation is a crucial aspect of the translation process. Understanding the different types of texts helps translators tailor their approach to effectively convey the original meaning and intent in a new language. The attempts to create a classification of text types acceptable for solving translation problems leads to the inevitable conclusion that when analyzing a text type, both the translator and the critic must proceed from the same criterion.

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В данной статье освещается типология текстов, актуальных для перевода, что является важнейшим аспектом переводческого процесса. Понимание различных типов текстов помогает переводчикам адаптировать свой подход для эффективной передачи исходного значения и замысла на новом языке. Попытки создать классификацию типов текста, приемлемую для решения задач перевода, приводят к неизбежному выводу, что при анализе типа текста и переводчик, и критик должны исходить из одного и того же критерия.



ARIPOVA Kamola Yusupova

International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan Senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages

Phone number: 90 981-46-15 e-mail: kamolakind@mail.ru

d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-2993-2023-3-127-131

The given article highlights the typology of texts relevant for translation is a crucial aspect of the translation process. Understanding the different types of texts helps translators tailor their approach to effectively convey the original meaning and intent in a new language. The ABSTRACT attempts to create a classification of text types acceptable for solving translation problems leads to the inevitable conclusion that when analyzing a text type, both the translator and the critic must proceed from the same criterion.

Key words: Translation studies, word, typology, speech skill, translator.

В данной статье освещается типология текстов, актуальных для перевода, что является важнейшим аспектом переводческого процесса. Понимание различных типов текстов помогает переводчикам адаптировать свой подход для эффективной

„ передачи исходного значения и замысла на новом языке. Попытки


создать классификацию типов текста, приемлемую для решения

задач перевода, приводят к неизбежному выводу, что при анализе

типа текста и переводчик, и критик должны исходить из одного и

того же критерия.

Ключевые слова: Переводоведение, слово, типология, речевое мастерство, переводчик.


Translation, like any other activity or profession, arose from a social need. This need is the need for communication and exchange of spiritual values between peoples speaking different languages. The role of language as a means of communication and the differences in languages have created the need for translation and motivated people to undertake this difficult but much-needed work.


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Consideration of attempts to create a classification of text types acceptable for solving translation problems leads to the inevitable conclusion that when analyzing a text type, both the translator and the critic must proceed from the same criterion. The material from which the text is composed is most likely capable of acting as such: language. Since a text can be created only by means of language (translation is not needed for mathematical formulas), during analysis it is necessary to examine what functions the language performs in a given text. Karl Buhler pointed out that language is simultaneously a "description" (representing information. - Ed.), "expression" (symbolizing emotional or aesthetic experiences. - Ed.) and "appeal" (calling for action or reaction. - Editor's note). These three functions may be qualitatively unequal in different linguistic utterances. In one text (or a segment of it) the description may be in the foreground, in another the function of expression may be the most important, and the third may be essentially an appeal to the listener or reader. Naturally, the entire text does not always reflect only one of the functions of the language. In practice, there are numerous interweavings and mixtures of forms. However, depending on the predominance of a particular function in a particular text, three main types can be distinguished: according to the descriptive function of the language - content-oriented texts; according to the expressive function of language -form-oriented texts; according to the function of appeal - texts focused on appeal. At the same time, content-oriented texts should be understood as those whose main task is to convey content and information. Form-oriented texts also convey content, but in them the dominant component is linguistic form.


Until then, the classification is generally similar to the usual basic differentiation between pragmatic (content-oriented) and artistic (form-oriented) texts. However, as will be shown below, the distribution of texts within this classification needs to be supplemented and clarified. So, for example, propaganda texts cannot be classified as a content type only because their translation requires equivalence of information. Propaganda and advertising rely primarily on the appeal function, and it must be conveyed in translation, along with the descriptive function, and moreover, its transmission is the main task. Detective and pulp novels, despite their lower quality, nevertheless, by genre, should be classified as "literary" texts. But it would b e wrong in terms of the choice of translation method and the criteria for its evaluation to classify them as form-oriented texts, since readers are only interested in the exciting content in them, which is reflected in the number of their translations. Since the reader has only a slight interest in the aesthetic qualities (usually extremely low) of


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such literature, it would be unreasonable to require the translator to increase the time required to take into account and convey the elements of form.

Benedetto Croce strongly points out that in the theoretical consideration of translation problems, the logical parameters of language were not distinguished from the aesthetic, prosaic from poetic, and that this led to "empty theorizing." Since in a discussion about translation the distinction between the logical and aesthetic parameters of language can be well argued, it was rather the third parameter of language that was missed - the dialogical one. Obviously, this was the main reason that texts in which the function of address dominates were not identified as a separate type.

As is clear from this diagram, along with the types of texts that have been identified so far, a third type should be distinguished - texts oriented towards circulation.

Like any text, an address-oriented text conveys information in a certain linguistic form. However, its design pursues a special, more or less obvious, purpose. In such texts, what is relevant is, first of all, the achievement of an extralinguistic effect; a clear appeal to the listener or reader of the text must be preserved.

These three types of texts, distinguished by the criterion of language function, can be supplemented by a fourth group of texts, which could be called audiomedial. We are talking about texts recorded in written form, but reaching the recipient through a non-linguistic environment in oral form (speech or song), perceived by him by ear, and extralinguistic auxiliary means to varying degrees contribute to the implementation of the mixed literary form.

Attempts to classify the variety of texts encountered in practice within four types of texts must proceed from the fact that each type of text, depending on the role of the above main features, can itself be divided into a significant number of types of texts. While the type of text largely determines the choice of method and the degree of importance of what is to be preserved in translation, the type of text determines which intralingual patterns should be primarily taken into account by the translator. Based on this, the type of content-oriented texts can include: press reports and comments, reports, commercial correspondence, product specifications, operating instructions for technical devices, patent descriptions, charters, official documents, educational and special literature of all types, studies, reports, treatises, special texts in the humanities, natural and technical sciences.

However, one more point should be clarified. If we distinguish between content-oriented and form-oriented texts, this does not mean that content-oriented texts do not have form. Just as there cannot be a linguistic form without content, so there cannot


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be content without form. Consequently, in content-oriented texts, it should be taken into account that since form and content are inseparably linked with each other, the way a thought is expressed in language is no less important than its substantive content. Only correctly formulated texts truly reflect the subject they describe.

In this sense, we do not agree with the one-sided functional-stylistic approach to language only as a means of communication, adapted to the presentation of one or another content of an utterance. This approach turns out to be completely untenable when considering types of texts focused on address: what is important here is not only that a person expresses his thoughts, but also that he uses the means of language in communication in order to address his interlocutors, that is, he uses language as a tool to set in motion non-linguistic processes.


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