Abstract: the article discusses the specific linguistic aspects of the figurative expressions used in the language of Khorezmian dastans for various poetic purposes, as well as the discourse means in the form of a combination of certain patterns. Manuscripts and lithographs are used to cover this issue. The ideas are supported with examples taken from Khorezm national dastans and their explanations are provided. Furthermore, many linguopoetic approaches to the creation of similar images are fully described.
Keywords: Khorezm, dastan, similarity, simple similarity, complex similarity, comparative analysis, dialectics, ethnography.
Худайберганова Дилдора Кульмаматовна - преподаватель, кафедра узбекского языкознания, филологический факультет, Ургенчский государственный университет, г. Ургенч, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются специфические лингвистические аспекты образных выражений, используемых в языке хорезмских дастанов для различных поэтических целей, а также дискурсивных средств в виде сочетания определенных закономерностей. Для освещения этого вопроса используются рукописи и литографии. Идеи подкреплены примерами из хорезмских национальных дастанов и даны их пояснения. Кроме того, полностью описаны многие лингвопоэтические подходы к созданию подобных изображений. Среди языковых поэтических единиц, в которых создается художественное подобие языка дастанов, наиболее красочные формы используются для описания лица (красоты), роста, походки и пения любимой женщины.
Ключевые слова: Хорезм, дастан, подобие, простое подобие, сложное подобие, сравнительный анализ, диалектика, этнография.
Nowadays, by examining the language of folklore works, in particular, dastans, it is possible to find and explore the most unique units of the living Uzbek language, linguistic means of various forgotten functions, to once again demonstrate the charm of our language.
Literary texts are divided into two types according to their size: minimum texts of small size (microtext) and maximum texts of large size (macrotext). The texts of the dastans are quite perfect not only in terms of volume, but also in terms of internal content, image of characters, interpretation of psyche [1]. No matter how the texts of works of art are structured, they are intended to influence the reader, and linguistic means are chosen accordingly [2].
In general, there are many linguopoetic approaches to the creation of images with simile. Such images are often used to justify a character's form, skill, craft, bravery, or beauty. Linguistic tools adapted to describe these characteristics differ in their nature from a point of view of gender. Linguistic devices such as "like an apple", "like the moon", "like a peacock"
are used to describe a "face" when describing the beauty of a beloved woman. A man's face is never like an apple or a moon.
Also, linguistic representations such as lion, tiger, dragon, and minaret are, of course, used to portray male heroes. With this in mind, it is safe to say that the archaic-simile-imagery found in the texts of our dastans reflects specific gender characteristics.
The similarities in the language of our dastans are especially valuable. Many of them are formed by means of the archaic forms of the auxiliaries "kabi" (such as) for example, "kibi", "misli", "yanglig", as well as with the help of auxiliary "kimin", which are common to many Turkic languages, and sometimes by the affixes "-dek," "-day" and their archaic form "-dayin" In some places in the language of Khorezmian dastans the dialectal meaning (variant) of the affix "-dayin" is formed with the help of "-din" (which means analogy in Khorezm dialects).
Among the linguistic poetic units in which the artistic simile of the language of dastans are created, the most colorful forms are used to describe the face (beauty), stature, gait, and singing of the beloved woman. The first of the collected examples is a linguistic device in the form of a complex device that adapts to the image of the lover's behavior. The following lines are taken from the dastan "Hirmondali":
O'n to'rt gejali oy kabi, Ot-yarog 'i ham shay kabi,
Husni davlatli boy kabi, Gazam har yona-har yona...(p. 284).
(Meaning in English: Like a fourteen-day-moon, rich in a beauty, I travel around with my ready horse and arms).
There are a number of units formed in this passage with the help of an auxiliary "kabi", but the one that reflects the dialectal features associated with the beautiful depiction of a particular beloved woman is considered to be a compound expression "o 'n to 'rt gejali oy kabi" (like a fourteen-day-moon). Of particular value is the fact that the above compound phrase is composed entirely of Turkish words. However, this does not mean that they are not related to other languages. In the language of Khorezmian dastans there are many places where facial expressions related to other languages are used in combination.
Pay attention to the descriptive linguistic means in the passage from the dastan "Royi Chin" in the 1st book of "Oshiknoma": "...go'yoki xurshidi xovardek kokillar chin-chin, labi shakar huru g'ilmondek..." (160-bet). The compound expression "xurshidixovardek", which refers to the image of the face, is formed on the basis of units related to the Iranian languages. There is another special case here. The two elements that make up the analogy are combined in one tool. They are the elements of "go 'yoki" (as if) and "-dek" (such). One of them was overused, but the poets gave a lot of space to such events (pleonasm) to enhance the image.
Another category of linguistic poetic imagery is created with the help of an archaic auxilary "kimin". Our examples show not only the image of the lover's face, but also her figure. For example:
Maral kimin na do'lanib boqarsan, So'zla qurbon o'lam shirin tillara... ("Oshiknoma", Book 1, p. 56). (Meaning in English: whose gazelle are you, looking beautifully? Say a word and I will sacrify myself to the sweet tongues of you) Or: So'na kimin dol gardaning qoldirma, Har yetar-yetmasa siring bildirma... ("Oshiknoma", Book 1, p. 79) (Meaning in English: whose bird are you, don't leave unconscious? Do not say your secret to anyone).
The imagery associated with the lover's figure in these places was formed with the participation of linguistic units related to zoonyms. There are many such imagery in the lexicon of dastans. For example, zoonyms such as peacock, hummingbird, antelope, nightingale, parrot, gazelle, deer are linguistic means of depicting a woman lover, while lions, tigers, falcons, wounded tigers, dragons, camels, elephants, wolves, etc. are the linguistic units used for the images of the image of the man lover.
It is known that lyrical and epic places are used equally in the texts of folk dastans. That is why they are considered lyroepic works. Lyric texts are often sung in the language of the characters. Their singing takes place not only in the events of the dastan, but also in the performance of the bakhshis. Singing and chanting are often compared to nightingale singing, so the nightingale
lexeme is used to describe these situations. In the following passage from the dastan "Oshik Alband" it is used with the archaic affix "-dayin ": Dilbar hayron etding mani husninga,
Bulbuldayin sayrab qo 'nsam gulinga... ("Oshiknoma", Book 2, p. 177). (Meaning in English: Beauty, you made me surprised from your beauty, I want to be a nightingale landed on the flower). We also see that in the dastan "Hiromon pari" it is used with an archaic word "kibi": Mutribo makong 'a bulbul kibi jon sarf etako 'r,
Bog'i ishqimg'a mani bir guli ra'no kelajak... ("Oshiknoma", Book 2, p. 317). (Meaning in English: Mutrib, spend your life to this place like a nightingale, a beautiful flower is coming to my love garden).
Poetic imagery, related to inactive layer is also actively used in describing male's image. As we consider the use of linguistic devices related to zoonyms in these passages, we will also mention some passages from the images of lovers. In the verses of Gorogly's language in the dastan "Arab Rayhon", the heroism of the young man is described by a metaphor "nardek": Ko 'nglim shoddur bugun, Gi'rot ostimda, Nardek davusharman maydon ichinda... (Gorogly, p. 79).
(Meaning in English: My heart is happy today, I am on the back of Girot (horse), I will fight like a camel in the warplace)
In the dastan "Bozirgon" of the same category, the combination "wounded lion" is used:
Qayg 'u galmas g 'och yigitni ko 'nglina,
Yarali qoplondek ova duch bo 'lar... (Gorogly, p. 391) and others.
(Meaning in English: no grief comes to the brave man's heart, he will go the hunting like a wounded lion).
Among the linguistic units that serve as analogies in the text of dastans, the images of characters are often likened to the heroes of famous works, real people who have lived in history, or to created, mythical symbols. In this case, too, there is a difference in gender. Linguistic means such as Layli, Shirin, Zulayho, pari are used in the images of the woman lover, while in the analogies with men, linguistic poetic means are used to compare Yusuf, Ibrahim and other prophets, heroes of Majnun, Farhod, and legendary giants. There are different forms of imaging mentioned above, but we will only focus on scenes in which inactive units are involved, depending on the object of our work. In particular, "-dayin" is an archaic grammatical tool of such character. In the dastan "Sayod and Hamro", the character is likened to the image of Majnun, which is actively used in our classical literature: O'tgan kunlarima daftar yozaram,
Majnundayin cho 'ldin-cho 'lga kezaram... ("Oshiknoma", Book 1, p. 14) (Meaning in English: I will write my past days to my notebook, I will tracel from a desert to a desert like Majnun).
Or Jamolin barmanam yoxti jahona, Yusufdayin solmayana zindona... ("Oshiknoma", Book 1, p. 35). (Meaning in English: I will not give your beauty to this world, please, do not throw me in the captivity like Yusuf)
The metaphors in these places are not about the appearance of the characters, but about the lives and experiences of the characters. There are cases when the texts of our dastans use "kibi" an archaic helper as a means of creating such analogies. In the text of the above-mentioned dastan there is a similar linguistic device in the form of Layli kibi: Layli kibi Majnunini yitirib,
Qodir mavlon har maqsadayetirib... ("Oshiknoma", Book 1, p. 78).
(Meaning in English: Like Layli, I lost my Majnun, qodir Allah will give what your aim is). In the language of our dastans, the archaic auxilary is also used to create a similar image. This phenomenon has much in common with the laws of the old Uzbek language. In the following passage from the dastan "Oshiq Alband" the following situation occurs:
Ko 'rsatib o 'zni pariyanglig' bo 'lib ko 'zdin pinhon... ("Oshiknoma", Book 2, p.155). (Meaning in English: showing herself as a fairy, then hidden from our view.) Sometimes we see the use of
synonyms of the same analogy side by side. The following passage from the dastan "Hiromon Pari" from the same book reads as follows: Hur yanglig' birpari monand Ka 'nondin nishon...(p.320). (Meaning in English: A fairy like an angel is a sign of Canaan)
Similar units here serve to enhance the image. Summarizing the above, we can say that in the language of Khorezm dastans there are some units that are inactive. Whether they are inactive in terms of time or region, they play an important role in creating the melodies of the language of dastans. Collecting them and examining their various aspects provides as much valuable information for linguistic research as it does for literature and poetics.
In summary, the study of the linguistic means of analogy found in the language of dastans from different angles allows for a broader understanding of the functional aspects of inactive layer units, in particular dialectal linguistic units.
References / Список литературы
1. Yuldoshev M. Fundamentals of literary text and its lingvopoetic analysis. Tashkent: Fan, 2007. Р. 12.
2. Hamidov A. Linguopoetics of Murad Muhammad Dost's novel Lolazor. T.: Navruz, 2019. Р. 11.
3. Oshiknoma. Book 1. Prepared by: Ruzimbaev S.R., Eshchonova G.O., Ruzimbaev S.S., Ahmedov A. Urgench: Khorezm Publishing House, 2006.
4. Oshiknoma. Book 2. Prepared by: Ruzimbaev S.R., Eshchonova G.O., Ruzimbaev S.S. Urgench: Khorezm Publishing House, 2006.
5. Gorogly. Prepared by: Ruzimboev S.R., Ruzimboev H.S., Eshjonova G.O. Urgench: Khorezm Publishing House, 2004. 480 p.